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HomeMust ReadDo Mothballs Keep Cats From Peeing

Do Mothballs Keep Cats From Peeing

How Can I Prevent Mothball Poisoning

How to Keep Cats Away and How to Keep Cats out of the Garden

Always store mothballs out of reach of children and pets. Only store mothballs in closed, airtight containers to prevent accidental ingestion by pets. Make sure you follow label instructions, and never use mothballs loose in your home, yard, or garden to repel pests. Do not mix different types of mothballs or mix mothballs with other chemicals or insecticides. Many nonchemical methods for preventing insect damage to fabrics are available and are safer alternatives to mothballs if you have pets.

If your pet consumes mothballs, contact your veterinarian or an emergency clinic immediately, and get your pet prompt treatment. As with any poisoning, your pet has the best chance of recovery when treated as quickly as possible.

Pet Poison Helpline, an animal poison control center based out of Minneapolis, MN is available 24/7 for pet owners and veterinary professionals that require assistance treating a potentially poisoned pet. The staff provides treatment advice for poisoning cases of all species, including dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, large animals and exotic species. As the most cost-effective option for animal poison control care, Pet Poison Helplines fee of $65 per incident includes follow-up consultations for the duration of the poison case. Pet Poison Helpline is available in North America by calling 800-213-6680. Additional information can be found online at

Do Cats Hate The Smell Of Mothballs

If youre concerned about neighborhood kitties or your own feline friend trampling your plants and digging in your garden, take steps to keep cats away from your foliage. While the noxious odor of mothballs may repel cats from your garden, they are highly toxic to felines, young children and wildlife if ingested.

Can Vinegar Keep Cats Away

You can spray diluted or full-strength vinegar outdoor on places like garden edges, fences, garden decor, posts, and even plants as a deterrent for cats. You can apply the spray every couple of days to repel your cats. Apply the spray again to areas that have been washed up by rain or areas just watered.

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Floral Wire To Keep Cats Out Of The Garden

Placing things like bamboo sticks in betweenyour flowers will help keep cats from settling down in your favorite flowersfor a nap but using green floral wire is just as effective and much lessvisible- making your garden look more esthetically pleasing. Place the floralwire vertically into the garden beds, window boxes and any where else you dontwant cats to hang out.

What Smells And Essential Oils Deter Cats From Peeing

Use this one trick to keep your cat from spraying all over ...

Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass, vinegar, coffee, and citrus are the most popular and useful smells that deter cats from peeing where you dont want them to. Most cats hate these smells. You can apply them in different ways to stop cat from peeing in an exact spot. The same essential oils used for treating specific medical conditions, as mood elevators, and as deodorizers, can deter cats from peeing where you dont want them to. please read here how to find cat pee

Essential oils that deter cats from peeing have flooded the market because of their effectiveness. They have become crucial for pet owners who want to prevent their cats from peeing in certain places.

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Solutions That Worked For Me

  • Using sprinklers: In my garden, I noticed that the cats usually showed up right around daybreak, so I set my sprinklers to come on then, and it really helped to keep the cats away. I have since purchased the Orbit sprinklers they will even chase deer out of your garden or yard.
  • A super-soaker water gun: I have also had great success with a heavy-duty super-soaker water gun I purchased. I just sit quietly at the edge of my yard and soak down any cat that comes by. Water works better than anything to keep cats away. Once you soak down a cat once or twice, it won’t be back. I set up one of the Orbit sprinklers right beside where I park my vehicles, and I rarely, if ever, have any cat tracks on my vehicles.
  • Use a motion-activated sound device and keep food away: It helps to think like a cat to determine why it is coming on your property. If they’re attracted to your pond, install either a motion-activated sound device or some sprinklers there. Food is one of the biggest reasons cats and other animals will come into your yard, so practice keeping your environment free of any food source and keep your garbage tightly covered. Your cat problems should go away quickly.
  • Be consistent: Don’t leave food out sometimes and then freak out when they come to eat. Don’t give them mixed messages. After all, cats are not dumb animals, and they will learn where they are welcome and where they are not.

Repelling Indoor Cats With Vinegar

Cats are cute pets to have around. These lazy creatures can ruin your furniture by constant scratching or have their loose hairs scattered over couch fabrics and so on.

Whatever deterrence you seek to establish, vinegar will perfectly serve such needs.

White vinegar will be a perfect fit for your cat repellent needs. All you have to do is spray onto target surfaces. The vinegar concentration matters. You may want to lower the concentration for indoor application.

Before spraying your vinegar cat repellent, youll need to test it to confirm its safety. Safety in this sense simply refers to the prevention of stains or discoloration of sprayed items.

A patch test involves spraying onto a small patch of the targeted surface to see if it discolors or bleaches it.

If it does stain or discolor the small patch, then youll need to seek vinegar alternatives. Going ahead to spray will result in a bigger stain or discoloration. This may end up creating a bigger problem than what its meant to solve.

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Plant Lavender In Your Yard

Lavender plants look and smell great, but cats dont seem to like them. Lavender and lovely smelling yard plants will also help to repel gnats and mosquitoes. Plant these beautiful bushes along the perimeter of your yard to keep cats away.

Planting the tall varieties of the plant can keep cats from jumping over them and into your garden.

Do Mothballs Keep Rats Away Facts Vs Fiction

How To Deter Stray Cats

Do mothballs repel rats? Here are some facts concerning the use of mothballs for rat control.

Mothballs have a wide variety of uses mostly within the house. They can be effective when placed around areas of the house to tackle various conditions such as damages caused by clothes moths and other fabric pests, and also that of bugs in potted plants, etc.

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How To Keep Cats Away

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 669,694 times.

Cats can make great pets and be welcome company in or around the home. However, in some cases, having a stray cat or too many cats around your house can be a nuisance. If you have too many cats around your house or one bothersome one, using some simple techniques can help keep them away and let you reclaim your territory.

The Problem With Using Urine As A Repellent

There is an obvious problem to the urine solution and that is the smell! There is quite a big trade-off between repelling cats but having urine scattered over your garden.

No one wants a garden that smells like a public toilet and with the amount and regularity in which you would need to keep up this practice then this is a real danger!

Some people choose this option as a last resort when they are at the end of their tether and cant think of what else to do!

There are plenty of other options out there to choose from including plants and scents that are much more pleasant to humans so it is definitely worth trying these or using other methods, such as cat-proof fencing, to deter cats before resorting to covering your garden in pee!

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Sprinkle Essential Oils Around Your Garden

Another way to stop cats pooping your garden is to use the right essential oil. This again ties back to cats picky sense of smell. We like this option because essential oils are easy to find, smell great to humans, and only require a few drops at a time to keep cats away.

  • Lime

The most effective way to use essential oils to keep cats from pooping in your yard is to make a simple spray. In a spray bottle, mix one part of your favorite essential oil to three parts water.

Walk around your yard spraying the areas where the cats poop most often, or any areas where you think they may be sneaking onto your property. Because essential oils smell so fresh, this is also a great solution to deter indoor cats from wandering in areas where you dont want them in the house.

End The Peeing Problem For Good

Why Does My Cat Keep Peeing on My Couch?

While these six scents can prevent the peeing problem, its critical to get to the root of the bad behavior. Schedule a wellness appointment with your vet to determine if the peeing is caused by an underlying medical condition. If your cat is stressed, use calming pheromones to soothe his anxiety. Ensure the litter box is clean and easily accessible to your cat.

Featured Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

Contents Overview

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What Do Mothballs Do To Cats

Naphthalene mothballs are considered to be the most toxic, with feline symptoms including:

  • Vomiting
  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage

Para mothballs can have similar effects on cats:

  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Possible liver or kidney damage

If a cat eats a mothball it can take days for the effects to become apparent. This is because mothballs are slowly digested by cats. If you think your cat has ingested a mothball, check for the signs mentioned above. You can also smell that cats breath for the telltale mothball odor. Although theres no antidote for those animals poisoned by mothballs, it is possible to avoid the worst effects if you act fast and bring the animal to a vet. You can also call the Pet Poison Helpline at .

Do Cats Like The Smell Of Moth Balls

If youre concerned about neighborhood kitties or your own feline friend trampling your plants and digging in your garden, take steps to keep cats away from your foliage. While the noxious odor of mothballs may repel cats from your garden, they are highly toxic to felines, young children and wildlife if ingested.

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Do Coffee Grounds Repel Dogs

Did you know dogs detest anything bitter? It has many medicinal uses but when used with coffee grounds, it becomes an all-natural deterrent for keeping your dog out of your garden. And since cats detest citrus, it may also work to keep Fluffy from using that freshly turned soil as an outdoor litter box.

Is It Safe To Put Mothballs In The Yard

How To Stop Cats From Urinating In The House

The fumes from mothballs kill clothes moths, their eggs and larvae that eat natural fibers in indoor storage areas, such as closets, attics and basements. Mothballs are not intended to be used outdoors. The active ingredients can contaminate water and soil, harm wildlife, and contribute to air pollution.

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Safer Ways To Repel Cats Besides Mothballs

With mothballs out of the question as a safe cat repellent, what other alternatives are there?

Several! Cats can be repelled in many safe and natural ways. You can begin by exploiting their strong sense of smell and also making your garden beds less inviting.

Consider creating a barrier, and also the use of motion-activated sprinklers. Also, consider washing up cat urine or scent.

What Does Moth Balls Do To Dogs

What makes mothballs poisonous for dogs? Perhaps the most toxic commonly found mothball ingredient is camphor. Camphor ingestion results in central nervous system poisoning where a dog can become agitated and develop seizures. The signs will occur quickly after ingestion and can be life-threatening.

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Is It Illegal To Put Mothballs Outside

Using mothballs in your yard is considered illegal and should not be done. The usage of mothballs is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency . That means using mothballs for anything other than their intended purposes is illegal due to the harm it causes to humans, wildlife, and the environment.

For How Long Should I Spray Vinegar

Did you know it matters where you put your cat

Remember, the reason for using vinegar as a cat deterrent is to help mark an area as being off-limits. With continuous application, cats get to understand the message and keep their distance.

So, for how long do you need to keep spraying vinegar to pass this message across?

You wont have to do this for too long. Plus, the application frequency is significantly spread apart. In other words, it isnt a daily exercise. You may have to spray for 4 weeks before stopping.

Weve seen that vinegar does repel cats. All you need to do is mark the areas you wish to deter cats from by spraying this product.

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Areas To Apply Vinegar Cat Deterrents On

Having tested and found the surface to be suitable for vinegar application, you can apply it to different types of surfaces. These include fabric, walls, furniture, and floors, etc.

Common areas in homes will include carpets, windowsills, curtains, and more. You get to choose where to apply this cat repellent.

Why Is My Cat Peeing On My Things

Cats will urinate outside of their litter boxes for a number of reasons. These can include behavioral problems, medical issues, and a problem with the litter itself.

If you think your cat is suffering from a medical issue, such as a urinary tract infection , bladder stones, or feline interstitial cystitis, make a vet appointment right away.

Cats may spray or pee outside of their litter box if youve recently moved, gotten a new cat, or when they are stressed. Getting to the root of the behavioral problem will help you to effectively address the issue.

Additionally, inspect the litter box to ensure its usable. If the litter box is too dirty or tough to access, your pet might stop using it.

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What Can Mothballs Do To A Dog

Ingestion of naphthalene mothballs can cause anemia, lethargy, vomiting, and sometimes kidney or liver damage. Old-fashioned naphthalene mothballs are considered the most toxic type of mothball. Ingestion of naphthalene mothballs can cause anemia, lethargy, vomiting, and sometimes damage to the kidneys or liver.

Help My Cat Won’t Use The Litter Box

Your neighborâs cats will be gone just like that with this trick!

Not using the litter box for urination is one of the most common behavior problems in cats. If you want to stop your cat from peeing in the house, the first step is to make sure that it is, indeed, a behavior problem and not a medical problem. Make an appointment with your cat’s veterinarian to rule out a urinary tract infection or other medical problem first. A simple urine test can often be done right in the office while you wait. A course of antibiotics to treat a urinary tract infection may get your cat back in the litter box much quicker and more reliably than any behavior modification! If she does have a behavior problem, you are going to want to make the litter box more desirable and make the area in your house she is peeing in less desirable.

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Get Rid Of Things That Entice Cats

If your yard contains bird feeders or bird baths, you could be attracting the attention of unwanted cats. To keep the cats from entering your yard to hunt the birds, remove the bird baths and bird feeders.

If you dont want to get rid of the bird feeders, youll need to make sure that they are free hanging in areas where cats arent able to climb or jump to get to the birds.

What Home Remedy Keeps Stray Cats Away

To keep cats away from gardens, flower beds, or specific areas of property, scatter fragrant items that dont appeal to a cats sense of smell, like fresh orange or lemon peels, organic citrus-scented sprays, coffee grounds, vinegar, pipe tobacco, or oil of lavender, lemongrass, citronella, or eucalyptus.

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Place Lemongrass Around Your Potted Plants Or Polybag

As we all know, lemongrass has a smell that can be unpleasant to cats. Take a few lemongrass leaves and place them near your potted plants or polybag. This method is said to be effective in preventing cats from returning.

Whatever method you try, make sure that its not harmful to these adorable little fellas. If you have some tips that are more effective in preventing cats from pooping in your yard, dont forget to share them with us. Good luck!

What Are Mothballs And How Are They Used

Cat Peeing On Couch At Night

Mothballs are solid pesticides that slowly release a vapor to kill and repel moths, their larvae, and other insects from stored clothing and fabric. Mothballs are sometimes used to repel snakes, mice, and other animals. Using mothballs in this way is not recommended and can be harmful to pets, children, and the environment.

Moth repellant products come in a variety of forms, including balls, cubes, spheres, cakes, scales, powder, and flakes. They may contain the insecticides naphthalene, paradichlorobenzene , or, rarely, camphor. Older mothballs usually contain naphthalene and the packaging often states old fashioned mothballs. Most modern mothballs now contain PDB instead because of concern for naphthalenes flammability and toxicity. Camphor mothballs are more commonly found in Asia but are available for purchase in North America.Mothballs are designed to be used in a sealed container, to limit the spread of the vapors. When used and stored properly, they are relatively safe to have in a home with pets. Mothball ingestions make up a small percentage of calls to Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 animal poison control center. Approximately half of mothball related calls are due to ingestion of naphthalene type mothballs. The remaining calls regarding mothball exposures are divided between PDB and unknown types of mothballs.

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