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HomePopularHow To Treat Kidney Disease In Cats

How To Treat Kidney Disease In Cats

How To Prevent Kidney Disease In Cats

  • Make it easy for your cat to pass urine. Your cats litter tray should be located somewhere they feel comfortable and safe. Clean the litter tray regularly so they are not put off using it. 
  • Take your cat for regular health checks. Routine check-ups at the vets will make it more likely that any signs of disease will be picked up early before they develop into serious conditions. 
  • Encourage your cat to drink plenty of water. Ideally use a water fountain as cats enjoy running water, or a large bowl of freshwater to encourage your cat to drink more. 
  • Use wet food. Tins or pouches of wet food will increase your cats water intake compared with a dry diet alone. 
  • Dont let your cat become overweight. Obesity can lead to multiple health problems, including diabetes, which can lead to kidney failure. 
  • If you are concerned that your cat is experiencing signs of kidney disease, dont hesitate in booking a free consultation with one of our vets. If you arent already with us, its quick and easy to do online.

    About Joanna Pendergrass Dvm

    JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM, is a veterinarian and freelance medical writer in Atlanta, GA. After graduating from the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine with her veterinary degree, JoAnna completed a 2-year research fellowship in neuroscience at Emory University. During this fellowship, she learned that she could make a career out of combining her loves of science and writing. As a medical writer, JoAnna is passionate about providing pet parents with clear, concise, and engaging information about pet care. Through her writing, she strives not only to educate pet parents, but also empower them to make good health decisions for their pets. JoAnna is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and Dog Writers Association of America.

    Can Kidney Disease Be Reversed

    Kidney disease can be managed and deterioration can be slowed down, but it cant necessarily be reversed.

    Through proper management, you can certainly improve their kidney values and prolong their life, but you wont ever completely eradicate the disease.

    The only situations in which you could reverse kidney failure is when the acute damage is due to infectious disease, urethral obstruction, toxin ingestion, or any other treatable situation.

    If kidney damage is the result of an acute and treatable illness, then it is possible to reverse the damage with aggressive care.

    How To Determine A Diagnosis

    Many of the clinical signs indicative of chronic kidney disease are vague, and can be indicators of other disease processes occurring. In order to make a diagnosis of kidney disease, it is important that further tests are carried out. These tests can be done before the cat is unwell, when early detection is still possible.

    • Clinical Examination The veterinarian can physically examine your cat and feel your cats kidneys, evaluating size and shape, as well as any pain displayed by your cat. Other clinical signs will also be investigated.
    • Blood Test –  A blood test is important to evaluate levels of urea and creatinine in the blood , red and white blood cells, potassium, phosphorous and other electrolytes.
    • Urine Sample A urine sample will be evaluated based on its concentration, giving an indication of how well the kidneys are able to concentrate or dilute the urine. The urine will also be assessed for protein, red and white blood cells, and any bacteria for further information. Additionally, a further test may be performed to check where damage has been done in the kidney. This is called a urine protein creatinine ratio and can guide medications to help improve your cats kidney function.
    • Abdominal Ultrasound –  An ultrasound is a non-invasive way to assess the kidneys. This may be recommended and can allow for sampling of the tissue if a tumour or amyloidosis is suspected.

    Treatment For Kidney Disease In Cats

    Kidney Disease in Older Cats

    Acute renal failure in cats is potentially reversible if diagnosed early and treated aggressively. A cat with ARF will require admission into the veterinary hospital for intravenous fluid support to correct rehydration, flush out toxins and balance electrolytes. 

    We can provide your cat with anti-sickness medications, gut protectants and, where appropriate, intravenous antibiotics to aid their recovery.


    How Long Can A Cat Live With Chronic Kidney Disease

    The life expectancy of a cat with chronic kidney disease will vary with each cat. With proper management of the disease, life expectancy can range anywhere from a few months to several years.

    Early diagnosis of the disease truly makes a difference when it comes to prognosis. As long as you follow your veterinarians recommendations for management, you have all the tools needed to prolong their life.

    When Is A Cat Too Old For Surgery

    With modern anaesthetics the risks are minimal. Many thyroid patients are at least middle aged so thyroid operations on elderly animals are common. Surgery can be advantageous if the administration of tablets is difficult, or if they do not seem to be working well. Some caution is needed. Excess thyroid hormone can mask other problems, especially kidney damage. In this case, high blood pressure can force toxins out of the system even whilst the kidneys filtering mechanism is failing . Blood tests to check kidney function are often recommended prior to surgery.

    What Is Stage 3 Kidney Disease In Cats

    The reason I asked that question is because most people dont know what stage 3 kidney disease in cats means.

    I dont blame them, because when I started looking into this information, I thought it was a real mystery. I mean, a cat is a cat.

    So my new look at the problem was very enlightening indeed, but it left me a little confused as to what stage three meant, and what stage one might mean.

    Just when I thought the problem was too difficult to understand, the good news is that I now know!

    Ill explain a bit more about what this problem is for cats. A type of cat kidney disease called ecliptic nephrosis, or EPN, is most common in older cats.

    It involves swelling of the kidneys and a blockage in the urinary tract.

    When the neurons are narrowed or blocked by the buildup of waste products, the kidneys cannot produce enough urine, causing the cat to pee heavily.

    You might also be able to notice changes in your cats urine, asin a foul smell. This can be described as urine smelling like rotten eggs. Ifthis is the case, please take your cat to the vet immediately.

    If you have noticed any symptoms of kidney disease, such as loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, or loss of sexual activity, contact your vet right away.

    Kidney failure, often accompanied by dehydration, can be fatal. Do not rely on the cat to self-diagnose or treat itself; it needs your help.

    To figure out what stage of kidney disease in cats is currently in your cat, the vet will need to do a blood test.

    Is Kidney Transplantation Possible For My Cat

    This procedure is being done at a few selected locations in the United States. Generally, the cat must still be in good condition and not ill from the kidney failure in order to be accepted for a transplant. Also, many transplant centers require that the owner adopt the cat which has donated a kidney for the procedure.

    This procedure is not for everyone. The cost is often prohibitive and multiple medications must be given daily for the duration of the cats life. Repeated blood tests are required to monitor function of the transplanted kidney and to monitor blood levels of the anti-rejection drug. Also, the anti-rejection drug is expensive. But, it is truly a cure for kidney failure.

    Treatment Of Acute Kidney Failure

    Acute kidney failure is a serious condition. Aggressive and quick treatment to support the kidneys and manage the underlying cause can be life-saving. Treatment typically consists of hospitalizing your cat and keeping them on IV fluids, administering anti-nausea medications, administering antibiotics if needed, and ensuring they receive proper nutrition. The treatment may take days to weeks. Rechecking blood work and urine tests will help your vet monitor your cats response to treatment.

    Medications For Cat Kidney Disease

    Depending on your cats lab test results or symptoms, she may need the following medications or supplements to help manage chronic kidney disease: 

    • Blood pressure medication: amlodipine, telmisartan 
    • Ace inhibitors: benazepril 
    • Appetite stimulant: mirtazapine 
    • Anti-nausea medication: maropitant

    Cats in stages III and IV may also benefit from receiving subcutaneous fluidsfluids administered under the skinto treat dehydration. Pet parents can be taught to perform this at home to reduce costs and stress on the kitty. 

    Stage 2: Late Stage Kidney Insufficiency

    Stage 2 kidney disease in cats will show creatinine levels above 2.2.

    Your vet will note that your cats urine is not being concentrated, which is a clear sign that the kidneys are failing.

    Stage 2 renal failure treatment includes everything in stage 1 plus a potassium supplement.

    Your cat will likely be started on the kidney diet mentioned above.

    Your vet may prescribe the medication Benazepril to help decrease blood pressure within the kidneys.

    Blood pressure and all blood and urine testing should be increased to twice a year.

    Diagnosing Feline Kidney Disease

    How To Treat Kidney Failure In Cats

    Your veterinarian will diagnose chronic kidney disease primarily based on blood and urine testing. Consistently elevated blood creatinine and/or SDMA levels together with a low urine concentration support a chronic kidney disease diagnosis. SDMA stands for symmetric dimethylarginine, which is an amino acid that is produced when protein is broken down and excreted through the kidneys. 

    The veterinarian will also use symptoms provided by the pet parent and exam findings to support the diagnosis. 

    An abdominal ultrasound is also very helpful in diagnosing kidney disease in cats, as it provides a detailed image of the kidneys and helps to check for underlying conditions, such as kidney stones and polycystic kidney disease. 

    Once chronic kidney disease is diagnosed, blood pressure and urine protein to creatinine ratio testing is important and will determine the need for certain medications. Cats with chronic kidney disease are also more prone to developing urinary tract infections so urine cultures may be indicated from time to time. 

    Creating Brighter Futures For Cats With Chronic Kidney Disease

    Katie Burns

    Cats with chronic kidney disease can now live longer, better lives than ever before.

    Its been a very exciting time over the last decade or so in that weve really enhanced our abilities to diagnose and detect chronic kidney disease, said Dr. Shelly L. Vaden, a professor of internal medicine at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Weve also made many improvements in medical management.

    Dr. Vaden was speaking during the New Therapeutic Approaches to Chronic Care Symposium at the AVMA Virtual Convention 2020 this past August. Another convention presentation focused on RenalTech, a new tool from Antech Diagnostics that uses artificial intelligence to predict which cats will develop chronic kidney disease in the next two years.

    During an October 2020 webinar from Morris Animal Foundation, Dr. Jessica Quimby, an associate professor of small animal internal medicine at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, spoke about trying to develop a deeper understanding of CKD in cats while still improving on practical aspects of treatment.

    In Summary With Hyperthyroidism:

    • your pet can be treated with tablets, but surgery may be a better option
    • the condition may recur if both glands are not removed
    • your cat may also have kidney problems and therefore need more careful management. A skinny ravenous cat that is messing in the house may have hyperthyroidism and be treatable.


    Kidney Disease In Cats When To Euthanize

    Chronic Kidney Disease is a prevalent kidney disorder that affects senior cats. It causes irreversible damage to a cats kidney function over time.

    CKD affects one out of every three senior cats. 

    Unfortunately, about 94% of cats are above ten years old, who develop this disease. Most people do their best to treat kidney disease to extend their cats life.

    Then, there comes a time when you have to let your loving furry friend go. 

    As a pet owner, its your personal decision whether or not to euthanize them.

    You are stuck in the decision that kidney disease in cats when to euthanize? This decision is tough. 

    Understanding what signs define the end stage of your cat can help you learn when to euthanize.

    It is also essential to learn more about kidney disease.

    Lets discuss them below. 

    What Are The Clinical Signs Of Kidney Failure

    Excessive thirst and urination are among the most recognizable symptoms of kidney failure in cats.

    Even when the kidneys are failing enough to cause clinical signs, kidney failure may not be the obvious diagnosis. Kidney failures clinical signs are non-specific, meaning that they dont indicate a particular disease.

    The clinical signs gradually worsen as kidney failure progresses.

    Can People Over 60 Use This

    Dont worry because this is harmless for people over 60.

    The program was created for people that have chronic kidney diseases or people at risk of developing one. The founders know that the chances of diseases increase as you get older, especially if you reach 60. So from the beginning, they know people in that group will most likely use it.

    Everything in the program was carefully researched and chosen to ensure the best results for people over 60.

    What Is Chronic Renal Failure Is It The Same As Chronic Kidney Disease

    The kidneys have a large amount of spare capacity to perform their various functions so at least two-thirds of the kidneys must be dysfunctional before any clinical signs are seen. In many cases, this means that the damage to the kidneys has been occurring over a number of months or years before failure is evident. Chronic renal failure , or chronic kidney disease is mainly a problem in older cats. Only about 10% of the cases occur in cats less than three years old.

    “Damage to the kidneys has been occurring over a number of months or years before failure is evident.”

    What Are The Symptoms

    Everyone knows that in an animal, drinking lots of water can be a sign of kidney disease, but this can also be a symptom of other illnesses. Cats are discreet and may be secret drinkers, so early signs of excess thirst may be missed and they may become quite ill before treatment is sought. As kidney disease advances, other symptoms include weight loss, signs of dehydration, poor appetite, smelly breath, a sore mouth, vomiting and weakness. Eventually there may be twitchiness or even fits. However, these symptoms are common to many illnesses, not just kidney disease.

    What Is The Kidney Disease Solution

    Kidney Disease In Older Cats Treatment

    Cats With Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment

    The Kidney Disease Solution is an all-in-one three-phase program designed to help people reverse kidney damage and enhance their kidney function while soothing the pain from the symptoms. This program is aimed for you to avoid transplant and dialysis by protecting you from adding further damage to your kidneys.

    To tackle chronic kidney disease, it focuses on using natural and safe solutions without having you go through extreme measures.

    The program includes a collection of cookbooks and other ebooks that have specific instructions concerning condition evaluation, test result interpretation, in addition to a guide on how to structure a treatment and diet program that fits with your condition.

    Apart from the dietary programs, they also encourage users to tackle it through a more holistic approach. Theyve included meditation audiobooks as well as a few of yoga videos to follow. This can be helpful with your healing, and in addition, it helps you to practice mindfulness.

    The methods for remedies are based on the latest findings in naturopathic science. Additionally, some components were derived from traditional eastern medicine.

    They make sure that youll receive information throughout and after the program to achieve the best health for your kidneys.

    As stated earlier, it follows a three-phase action program. Heres a quick summary of the 3 phases.

    > > Click Here to see The Kidney Disease Solution Program <<

    Why Do Cats Get Kidney Disease

    Cats are particularly prone to kidney damage and it has a variety of causes. Infections, cancers, exposure to toxins, and malfunction of the immune system may all be responsible for starting a slow process of damage, leading eventually to loss of function and kidney failure. The original cause is often no longer present at the time of diagnosis and sometimes will never be discovered. The body has more kidney tissue than it needs, so much may be lost before symptoms develop and before blood tests show changes. This slow progressive process is referred to as chronic kidney disease. Occasionally, previously healthy kidneys suffer sudden and massive damage but this is less common.


    Cbd Oil For Cats With Kidney Disease

    The latest performed research shows that cannabis doesn’t cause any damage to the kidneys, placing cannabis in the lead as an up-and-coming alternative to harmful opioids and anti-inflammatories. Besides, a growing number of cat owners’ reports claim that cannabidiol or CBD is a legitimate potential treatment for easing symptoms of chronic kidney disease.


    CBD oil for cats with kidney disease is a natural anti-nausea agent while providing relief for pain, inflammation, and anxiety, all of which are significant symptoms of chronic kidney disease in cats. Our highly renowned CBD Oil for Pets is a safe, gentle, and nutritive CBD supplement for cats with CKD that’s compounded by a licensed pharmacist for pet use only and has no traces of THC. This CBD oil is not known to interact negatively with any other medications or supplements and is both safe and beneficial for aging and elderly cats. 


    However, make sure to consult with your veterinarian before applying CBD oil to your cat’s daily regimen.


    Final Thoughts

    CKD is a widespread type of disorder that mostly affects older cats, and in most cases, cats experience progressive symptoms and gradual worsening of their condition. Many of the most prevalent CKD symptoms are idiopathic, which means that they happen spontaneously and without an exact cause.


    What Are The Clinical Signs Of Chronic Kidney Failure

    Early signs of disease such as weight loss and poor coat quality are often dismissed as normal aging changes. In the initial stages of kidney failure, the kidneys cope with their inability to efficiently remove waste products by excreting them at a lower concentration over a larger volume . Cats will often drink more to compensate for this increased rate of body water loss. This is known as compensated renal failure. After approximately two-thirds of the kidney tissues have failed, there is a rapid rise in waste products in the bloodstream and an apparent sudden onset of severe disease.

    Management/ Treatments Of Cats Kidney Disease

    Following the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in cats, a difficult journey to provide treatment and well manage the disease begins. The treatment should include addressing the underlying disease that contributes to current renal damage, strategies designed to reduce the development of the infection and symptomatic support of the kidney complications, such as:

    The right diet for cats with kidney problems: It is common to recommend a particular dietary therapy because this has been shown to advance the quality of life and survival of pet with cats kidney disease and can reduce the rate of the illness progression. These diets generally have limited levels of high-quality protein, which limits the amount of protein breakdown waste products for the sick kidneys to excrete. Phosphate levels are also restricted because cats with kidney failure have a propensity to retain excessive amounts of this in the body, which may lead to their feeling sick. These diets also increase the amount of B vitamins and potassium that cats with kidney disease are prone to losing in their urine and increase the number of calories that help cats with little appetite to retain standard body weight. These diets usually have lower levels of sodium which may help reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.

    How Much Does The Kidney Disease Solution Cost

    The Kidney Solution costs $87 for the entire collection. That includes the manual, guides, cookbooks, and audio and video tools.

    You can also decide to add $27 for the Gold pack. So you can have the full scope of the digital item.

    If youre not sure if this will work for you, dont worry. They offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. Their team promises to give you a full refund if you arent pleased with their program. Just make certain that you reach out to their squad prior to 60 days. Cats With Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment

    The entire collection is available in their official site. If you want a money-back guarantee, make sure to purchase directly from their online store and not from third-party sellers.

    How To Prevent Kidney Failure In Cats

    To avoid bouts of acute kidney disease, keep poisonous substances out of your cats reach. For chronic kidney disease, take these four steps to maintain the overall health of your cats kidneys: 

    • Provide plenty of water to help the kidneys flush out toxins. 
    • Clean the litter box regularly to encourage your cat to urinate. 
    • Help your cat maintain a healthy weight to avoid diabetes, which can lead to kidney failure. 
    • Visit your vet at least once a year for wellness checks, when the first signs of kidney disease are often found. 

    If you notice your cat drinking a ton of water, you should contact your vet. It could be a sign of kidney disease or another serious condition such as diabetes or . Catching a disease earlier is always better. With help from your vet, your kitty could live comfortably with kidney disease for years to come.

    What Are The Stages Of Kidney Failure

    An official staging system, developed by the International Renal Interest Society , assigns a stage to chronic kidney failure according to fasting blood creatinine levels. There are also sub-stages, which consider blood pressure and protein in the urine.

    The main stages are 1 to 4 . Your cats stage of kidney failure will guide treatment.

    You can find the most recent IRIS staging guidelines .

    What Causes Chronic Kidney Disease

    Kidney Disease In Older Cats Treatment

    CKD occurs where there is long-standing, irreversible damage to the kidneys that impairs their ability to function and remove waste products from the blood. In most cases, the exact cause of CKD is unknown. Samples from affected kidneys often show a mixture of fibrosis and inflammation termed chronic interstitial nephritis. These are non-specific end stage changes though, and do not tell us anything about the underlying cause. Although most cases of CKD are idiopathic , some causes are well recognised. These include:

    • Polycystic kidney disease   this is an inherited disease seen mainly in Persian and related cats where normal kidney tissue is gradually replaced by multiple fluid filled cysts
    • Kidney tumours  for example   can affect the kidneys
    • Infections  bacterial infection of the kidneys may lead to sufficient damage to cause CKD
    • Toxins  certain toxins and drugs can damage the kidneys
    • Glomerulonephritis  this refers to inflammation of the glomeruli they may become inflamed for various reasons and if prolonged this can lead to CKD

    Other conditions such as birth defects affecting the kidneys, trauma,  , and hypercalcaemia may also cause CKD, but work is still going on to discover the underlying cause of most cases of this disease.

    If an underlying cause can be identified, in some cases this may be treatable and so progression of the condition may be halted. In most cases though, treatment is aimed at management of the disease and complications that arise from it.

    Other Signs Of Kidney Disease In Cats

    Among the symptoms already listed, keep an eye out for the following signs of kidney disease.

    • Pale gums. Healthy cat gums should be pink. If you notice your cats gums are a lighter shade of pink or extremely pale, that can be a sign of anemia, which goes along with kidney disease.
    • Bad breath. Though many cat owners have commented that their cats breath smells faintly of fish, unusual bad breath is a worrisome sign. If your cats breath suddenly smells like ammonia, check his mouth. Oral ulcers often accompany kidney disease and can cause terrible breath.
    • Bloody urine. Finding a puddle of bloody urine in the litter box or on the floor is startling for pet parents. Its also a major sign of trouble. Waste no time getting to the vet.
    • Enlarged abdomen. With long-haired breeds, an enlarged abdomen may be difficult to detect until its too late. Its important to feel your cats body and come to recognize unusual growths or enlargement of the abdomen.


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