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HomeMust ReadWhy Do Cats Lay On Your Chest And Purr

Why Do Cats Lay On Your Chest And Purr

They May Like The Spot Because They Can Hear Your Heartbeat

Ive seen this explanation circulating around the net quite a lot, and while I think its possible its one of the reasons cats like to rest on chests, I also think its one of the most unlikely.

I think our cats would be just as happy to sit and sleep on our chests even if they couldnt hear our heartbeat; I feel theyre much more swayed by the warmth and other factors and maybe not much, if at all, by this one.

Could Your Cat Sleeping On You Ever Be A Sign That Something Is Wrong

If your cat sleeps on you almost every night, there is typically no cause for concern. If you notice that theyre sleeping much more than usual and have low energy, you should take them to the vet to get checked.

If your cat has never slept on you before and suddenly has started to, watch carefully for any other signs of illness. A change in behavior can sometimes be the first clue that something is wrong, says Delgado.

Youre The Safest Place In Town

Security is another consideration for your cat, and youre one of the safest pet beds he knows. He wants to feel like hes protected while hes sleeping, and around you, he knows there wont be any predators or other problems to worry about. By positioning himself on one of the safest parts of your body, your cat knows he can rest easy. 

You might also notice that he frequently lays on you with his back turned to you. That shows just how much he trusts you, and have no doubt, hes looking out for you too. 

On the other hand, he might turn his head toward you and gift you with a winky-eyed cat stare. It can feel like hes looking deeply into your soul as he purrs in contentment. It serves to make you both feel good, safe, and warm. 

What If My Cat Doesnt Purr

Cat purring is usually a pretty great thing for felines and their companions. So, what does it mean if your cat virtually never purrs? First of all, dont panic. Each cat is different, and many purr at different volumes and frequencies. Some cats are incredibly quiet when they purr. The only way you would notice that these felines are purring is to touch their throat. 

Other cats seem as though they dont purr at all. Scientists are trying to understand why this happens, but were still not sure. Feral cats are more likely to purr less than domestic cats. Some scientists think that feral kitties are taught by their parents to reduce purring in order to avoid predators. 

Scientists have also found that feral cats are usually less vocal in general than domesticated kitties. They dont develop the habits of purring and meowing as much in their early lives, so they dont continue it in adulthood. This could be because domestic cats have developed their vocal abilities over the years to communicate better with humans. 

The only real reason to panic about a cat not purring is if youve noticed they havent been doing it for quite a while, and theyre showing other signs that something isnt right. If your cat isnt eating or drinking properly, theyre vomiting, or theyre struggling with going to the bathroom, seek advice from a vet. 

Why Does My Cat Lay On My Chest While I Sleep

Why Does My Cat Lay On My Chest?

Your cat laying on your chest while you sleep because it gives them security. Of course, if youre asleep, you probably wont get as much benefit from your cay laying on your chest as they do.

Usually, if your cat is sleeping on your chest, its because they feel comfortable and safe with you. Sleeping on your chest is one way for your cat to be happier overnight when you arent awake to interact with them. Its also a great way to stay warm overnight, especially if you keep your room cooler at night than during the day. 

Your cat might also sleep on your chest overnight if they want more time with you. This is a more likely reason if you have a busy schedule and dont have a lot of time to dedicate to your cat through the day. 

You Remind Your Cat Of His Mom

Your cat spent his earliest days huddled close to his mom. During that period, it is either your pet was nursed by his mother or simply cuddled with her along with his tiny brothers and sisters.

A mother cat provides most of her kittens needs, from nourishment to warmth to comfort. Nestled by his moms body, your cat felt the safest and most relaxed.

To a large extent, your cats desire to seek comfort is an attempt to recreate that time he spent with his mother and littermates. For example, if you own two or more cats that have bonded closely, you will notice that they seem to almost always huddle with one another while they sleep.

When your cat lays on your chest, your pet may be attempting to recreate the time he spent as a with his mom. And your chest is the perfect substitute not only because of its warmth. Perhaps, more importantly, the rhythm of your heartbeat lulls him to sleep and dream of happy times.

They Are Hungry Or Wants Something

Some cats purr when it’s mealtime. British researchers studied the sounds that house cats make when they’re hungry and when food isn’t on their minds. The purrs don’t sound the same.

When cats purr for food, they combine their normal purr with an unpleasant cry or mew, a bit like a human baby’s cry. Experts believe that we’re more likely to respond to this sound. They’ve found that people can tell the difference between the purrs, even if they aren’t cat owners.

Our Tips Regarding The Sweet Problem

  • If you are not-so-busy, then let your cat have its time as it lay on your chest.
  • Try to build a bond with your cat, so that even if you put it away from your chest, it can find its way towards other sleeping places without becoming sad.
  • Try to keep your cat sideways while sleep; they may eventually learn this pattern and avoid sleeping on the chest.
  • Do not, at all cost, misbehave with your cat even if it comes on your chest at an odd time. Your bonding may suffer if you do this.
  • You should not totally ignore your cats sleeping on your chest rather you should balance and also give it some time to rest on your chest. This will create a healthy bonding between you two.

Cat is a social animal and it likes to stay in contact with another human. Your cat may have its own way of expressing its love for you. As a cat owner, you should acknowledge its affection and can follow our tips so that you can be the best guardian to your cat.Read more Cat Advice on


Why Do Cats Purr And Then Bite You

The million dollar question. It does seem a little odd to us that one minute our beloved four legged friend is kneading us, licking us, being loving and the next they are biting us.

Admittedly, it is generally only a playful bit but why do they do it? Well, we have looked into this and written an article all about why do cats purr and knead and lick and then bite you! Check it out!

A Slumber Party With Friends

The bond you share with your cat goes deeper than a mere sense of security. Cats may trust that certain people wont hurt them, but that doesnt mean they automatically like them. A cat needs to see you as more than a protector in order to sleep on your chest; it needs to see you as a true friend.

Each individual cat has its own criteria for friendships, but there are certain qualities it probably sees in you if it chooses you to curl up on. You smell good cats have sensitive noses and like themselves to smell a certain way, so if its lying on you that means its fine with picking up your scent. And youve probably proven that you know how to provide a comforting touch, not petting it too roughly or in the wrong spots.

Some Cats Love The Sounds Your Body Makes

The natural sounds of your body may be soothing to your cat when he sleeps on top of you. The steady rhythm of your heartbeat and breath, as well as the rise and fall of your inhaling and exhaling, help lull your cat to . Your smell is also pleasant as your cat associates it with you and the care, companionship, and safety you provide him. In short, many of your natural bodily sounds and smells may be relaxing to your kittythough perhaps not ALL of your sounds and smells. I could go into detail here, but Ill refrain!

Theyre Looking For Security

Cats are always ready to attack or defend themselves, so even when your cat appears to be out cold, theyre actually still on high alert for any noises or smells that mean they need to spring into action and attack. However, sleeping is their most vulnerable state.

Since cats are always poised for action, it makes sense that theyd seek extra protection by curling up next to their owner, says Mikel Delgado, cat behavior expert with . You may give your cat an extra level of security during sleep, a time when theyre most vulnerable.

If your cat sleeps near you it means that they trust you and they feel secure with you by their side. Here are some other .

Why Does My Cat Lay On My Chest At Night

Why Does My Cat Lay on My Chest?

Do you understand that your cat doesnt like to stay alone at home?

So when you come home from work you may see that your four-legged companion is constantly near you and even at night your feline lay on your chest. Its pretty normal! Such clingy behavior is typical for cats who want to feel secure and protective staying as close to their owners as possible even at night.

Getting More Owners Attention

Why do adult cats sit or lay on the human chest so often? The answer may be so clear Your small companion may sit or lay on your chest simply because he or she wants your attention! It is an effective way of getting between you and your phone, laptop, or whatever other things you might be focused on.

Try to be careful with such provocative behavior of your feline and dont encourage it as you dont want your fur ball to jump on you when you work on your computer or have serious telephone conversations.

Its Simple: Your Cat Loves You

Youre not just a comfy cat bed; your cat loves you too, and laying on your chest is one way they show their love. Thats what all those head butts and all that purring mean. They often do other things to get your attention too! Your cat feels genuine affection for you, and this is one way of showing it. 

Our feline friends may not be as demonstrative as our canine buddies, but when your cat jumps up on your chest and starts kneading you, hes looking to cuddle in a comfortable place where he can get some premium human loving. Youre more than just a warm spot for him, and he may even explicitly ask for your love with a heartwarming silent meow! 

Now, you might be wondering: do cats sleep together like this with other cats? The answer is yes. As cat behavior specialist Mike Delgado points out in an interview with Catster, cats will often engage in what he calls pillowing when theyre resting. 

Simply put, they use other cats and you as a pillow where they can snuggle up and rest easy. The desire to touch you is one way they also bond with you. They are letting you know they want to be around you.

We Respond To A Cats Purr As A Calming Stimulus Weitzman

“I think the purr has a big benefit for humans,” says Weitzman. “The physiological benefits aside, weve always responded to purrings psychological effects. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves against a beach. We respond to a cats purr as a calming stimulus and may have even genetically selected cats with more propensity to purr.

Haddon agrees. If it is winding round your feet, looking up at you, glancing towards the food cupboard or the fridge, you cannot miss the signs together with the loud purring that say it wants its food now!

In the morning loud purring can be used, together with human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and thus get breakfast. Most of us feed the cat before ourselves, which shows how effective their communication is.

Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit from getting to know cats body language better from the periscope tail of a friendly cat in sociable mood to the wide eyes and bent-back whiskers of a cat in fight mode. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

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Your Cats Nocturnal Patterns

While innocuous, or even flattering, these habits may prove disruptive to your own sleep. A cats after-hours restiveness can be thanked to its ingrained inclination to be constantly on the prowl for potential meals. According to the Indoor Pet Initiative of the Ohio State Universitys College of Veterinary Medicine, cats do not have the daily sleep-wake cycle that we and many other animals have and instead sleep and wake frequently throughout the day and night. Cats in the wild need to hunt as many as 20 small prey each day and must be able to rest between each hunt. Though domesticated cats dont eat this way, they maintain the same internal clock as their wild relatives. 

Final Thoughts On Why Your Cat Lays On You

Its no secret that cats have a whole host of quirky behaviors , but we love them all the more for it. So the short answer when it comes to your fur-babies settling themselves on top of you, is that youre comfortable, warm, and familiar.

Theyre also strengthening your bond by doing so and expressing that youre their treasured human.

It seems cats are more affectionate than some have claimed them to be after all. And lets not forget, these felines are highly intelligent creatures. Its, therefore, no wonder theyd jump at the opportunity for a soft, comforting, heat-generating human form over a regular old .

So lets give credit where credit is due. And perhaps embrace these chest moments as good old-fashioned quality time with our little fur-babies. 

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What To Do If Your Cat Is Ruining Your Own Sleep

There are, of course, negative bedtime habits your cat may be doing that keep you from getting some quality shuteye: toe-biting, howling for attention, kneading your chest, etc.

Unfortunately, a cats internal clock doesnt quite match up with our own sleep patterns. They can be restless in the early evening and morning hours.  But not to worrycats are generally adaptable to our schedules.

One way to encourage a restful sleep is to engage in active playtime right before bed, according to . Mimic a hunt session with a cat toy to burn off extra energy. Then give him some food. Youll both be yawning in no time.

Dr. Satchu recommends nighttime feeding for cats who are food motivated. Set up an automatic feeder to go off every 1-2 hours while you sleep. This will cause your cat to hang out around this magical contraption and leave you to rest blissfully.

An early morning distraction may also help. If you have the ability to put up a bird feeder outside of a window your cat can sit next to, this will help between 4-6 a.m. That is typically prime bird-eating hours and your cat will likely watch their new cat-TV for the entire early morning, says Dr. Satchu.

Another tip is to sleep with your bedroom door slightly ajar so your cat can slip out without waking you. Leave out a few toys in case he gets restless during the night.

A heated pet bed could be a lifesaver if your cat is keeping you from getting some ZZZs.

via unsplash

Were Just Beginning To Understand It And There Are More Unanswered Questions Than Answered Gary Weitzman

“Were just beginning to understand it and there are more unanswered questions than answered,” says Gary Weitzman, a veterinarian and CEO of the San Diego Humane Society. “While the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often its an indicator of the former.

“Its been speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. In the early 2000s we hypothesised that purring has other purposes besides this. Work by Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, Karen Overall, and others has led to a better understanding of the purpose of the purr. Its likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and healing properties,” Weitzman says.

Cats begin purring when they are a few days old, which helps their mothers locate them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human its dinner time. Some will purr loudly when they are cautiously investigating new environments . Cats may also purr after theyve been startled, or after stressful episodes like being chased by a dog.

The more science has delved into the purr, the more it seems to have uncovered. “Researchers have recorded ‘ordinary purrs’ and purrs that were soliciting food from their owners,” says Celia Haddon, an author and cat behavioural expert.

Its Thought That The Vibrations From The Activity Are Physically Rejuvenating A Way For The Cat To Heal Itself After Stress

Why does my cat sleep on my chest?

 One hypothesis is that the purr is a powerful healing action. Its thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating a way for the cat to heal itself after stress. The frequency of those vibrations which range from 20Hz up to 150Hz is thought to promote bone growth, as bones harden in response to the pressure. Other frequencies may do something similar to tissue.

Purrs at a frequency of 25-100Hz correspond with established healing frequencies in therapeutic medicine for humans,” Weitzman says. “Bone responds to 25-50Hz and skin and soft tissues to around 100Hz according to researchers.”

This is why we see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it’s a form of self-repair. Cats may have adapted their normal behaviour which now involves spending a lot of the day resting as a way of avoiding injury through over-exertion. The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.

And the purr may not just be of benefit to the cats themselves. Petting a cat has long been seen as a form of stress relief cat ownership could cut the risk of stroke or heart disease by as much one-third. Those same frequencies cats purr at might also be doing good to us as well.

Communicating With Your Cat

Talking and communicating with your cat is potentially easy as relationships between owners and cats are strong. There is a special bond in any relationship between an owner and their cat. It is a relationship of equality and mutual respect and not being bound to each other out of duty and need.

  • Sit quietly with your cat and rest your hand gently upon her.
  • Calm your breathing.
  • Tune into your cat by clearing your mind and concentrating on your cat.
  • Thank your cat for everything it does for you, for its protection and love of yourself, and your home .
  • Allow space for your cat to respond . It may simply be an awareness of an acknowledgement or a thought that enters your head that you know is not your own. Practice up to this point on several occasions it may take a few times to establish the firm fact you wish to communicate. You may be ignored a few times first as they accept your request.
  • When communication is established ask your cat to do things for you like lift its head or place its paw as validation of the communication.
  • Talk to your cat and enjoy its communication regularly . Respect the wisdom you receive and explain why you choose to ignore any guidance received so you dont upset your cat. Always remember to ask your cat if it needs anything from you or if you can assist in any small way.
  • Thank your cat for communicating with you and give it a treat.

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    Your Cat Likes The Sound Of Your Heartbeat

    Curling up on your chest to hear your heartbeat might seem too adorable to be accurate, but it is. The sounds of your heart beating are familiar to your cat, thanks to their cuddling with other cats when they were a kitten. Hearing your heartbeat is comforting and can help reinforce your bond while you cuddle. 

    Why Does My Cat Stand On My Chest

    Cats that stand or walk over their owners are looking for attention. This is most likely to happen when youre lying down to watch TV or are preoccupied with other things. Its hard to ignore a cat that walks over you, and if your cats learned that this behavior diverts your attention onto them, itll continue to stand on you until you give in.

    Another reason is that your cats busy exploring and youre in the way. It may also be using you as a climbing frame to get to an insect its chasing or new, higher position it wants to check out. These are only a few reasons for exploring, but cats are curious creatures and love getting to know their surroundings.

    Scent marking is another likely scenario. Weve mentioned how sleeping on your chest is a way for cats to transfer their unique scent and claim ownership. Standing on you also achieves this, as theyre able to rub their scent glands over their owners by standing and walking over them.

    You Help Them Feel Secure

    Your cat may lay on you at night or sleep on your chest for security. A recent study found that cats are emotionally attached to their owners in ways that mirror how babies are attached to their parents.3 In the study, kittens felt distress when their owners were gone, and more security when their owners came back. With that kind of relationship, it’s very likely that your cat sleeps on you because he sees you as a source of security and you make him feel safe. It’s a huge compliment: your cat sees you as a parent he wants to snuggle up with.

    Is It Bad To Let Your Cat Sleep With You

    There are definitely pros to letting your cat sleep in bed with you. It can help with stress relief, allows the two of you to bond, and keeps you both cozy and warm. But, there are also some cons.

    Although not strictly nocturnal, many cats are active in the evening so it could be hard to get in some Zs if hes being rambunctious, says Delgado. Plus, if your cat prefers to sleep on your chest or head, this could become bothersome, particularly if hes overweight.

    Also, indoor cats could track litter into your bed and outdoor cats might be carriers of disease.

    Delgado also warns that cats should never sleep with children under the age of five. There could be a risk of suffocation and if the cat gets startled in the middle of the night they could panic and scratch a child. Avoid these other mistakes that cat owners should never make.


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