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Cat Urinary Blockage Can T Afford

Signs And Diagnosis Of Male Cat Urinary Blockage

Get Out Alive. Blocked Cat. What to do when you cannot afford the ER

The most common sign of what veterinarians call a “blocked cat” is going to the litter box to urinate, getting into position and having nothing come out. Your cat may also seem uncomfortable or yowl when trying to urinate. If the blockage continues, your cat will develop an electrolyte imbalance, which can result in a depressed or altered mental state, vomiting and a slow heart rate. They may also hide or avoid human contact.

The veterinarian will diagnose your cat based on their medical history, a physical examination, blood and urine tests and, possibly, an abdominal X-ray or ultrasound. If they suspect that your cat has a bladder infection, the vet may submit a urine sample for culture.

How Much Time Do I Have To Act If My Cat Has A Urethral Obstruction

The short answer to this one is not very much time at all. Cats can die from being obstructed for as short a period of time as 24 hours, and potentially less. Further compounding the problem and adding to the need for immediate veterinary attention is the fact that many cats have already been obstructed for several hours, and maybe even days, before their owners recognize a problem. Point being that any delay increases your cats risk of death, and your risk of increased costs. The best thing you can do, for your pet and for your pocketbook, is to bring your cat for veterinary evaluation immediately upon even the slightest suspicion that they may have a urethral obstruction.*This is just one of the reasons why it’s important to monitor your cats activity level, appetite, and eliminations on a daily basis. And dont forget to have someone checking in on your cat at least once daily any time youre traveling too this is a very common time for urethral obstructions to occur.

Symptoms Of Rupture Of The Bladder In Cats

Symptoms of a bladder rupture in your cat may not begin immediately. If the urine in your cat is sterile, there may be no immediate infection or discomfort. Eventually, your cat will begin to display symptoms which rapidly worsen until your cat is facing a life threatening battle. Symptoms of bladder rupture may include:

  • Frequent visits to litter box
  • Signs of pain such as vocalization
  • Lethargy or lack of movement
  • Distension of the abdomen
  • Dehydration in the form of pale gums or skin that will not fall back into place when gently pinched
  • Hypothermia or inability to regulate body temperature

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Cat Urinary Tract Diseases: Cystitis Urethral Obstruction Urinary Tract Infection

Lisa A. Pierson, DVM

Important points:

  • Any cat that is having trouble urinating may have an obstructed urethra which is a medical emergency.
  • Water is the most important word when considering urinary tract health.
  • Feeding a water-rich, low mineral, diet of canned or homemade food is critical for urinary tract health.
  • Feeding dry food contributes significantly to urinary tract dieases.
  • Cats consume double the amount of water when fed a water-rich diet versus dry food. This fact considers both sources of water: food and water bowl.
  • Urinary tract infections are significantly over-diagnosed leading to antibiotic abuse.
  • Blood in the urine is not necessarily indicative of an infection.
  • Cases of sterile cystitis are far more common than infections.
  • It is important to define the I in UTI. Infection? Inflammation?
  • Crystals are very commonly erroneously diagnosed and over-treated with so-called prescription diets.
  • I do not use any prescription diets other than the occasional use of canned s/d, temporarily.

Many cats suffer each day because of the water-depleted diets that humans insist on feeding to them. Out of all of the subjects discussed on my website, urinary tract health especially urethral obstructions is the subject that I am most passionate about.

If the reader had to witness the tremendous suffering that a cat must endure when his urethra becomes obstructed they would understand why this subject is so important.

See Opies pictures below.

Preventing Male Cat Urinary Blockage

Cat Urinary Blockage Cant Afford

Unfortunately, once a male cat has a urinary blockage, there’s a higher risk of it happening again. At the first sign of urinary issues, you should have a conversation with your vet about selecting proper nutrition to better support your cat’s urinary health to reduce the risk of recurring issues. In highly recurrent cases it’s also possible for your vet to suggest a cat urethrostomy a surgery that creates an opening in the urethra above the blockage to allow for normal urine drainage.

Water consumption is an important part of flushing debris from your cat’s system and preventing blockage try offering them water from a drinking fountain instead of a bowl, flavoring a second water bowl with some tuna juice and switching them to canned food if they currently eat dry food.

Nutrition can also play an important role in preventing blockage. If your cat already experiences urinary health issues, then a therapeutic cat food may help dissolve your cat’s crystals or make it less likely they form new ones and maintain a healthy urine pH that contributes to overall urinary health. This food is available through your veterinarian and should be fed under the supervision of a vet ask your vet if a Prescription Diet cat food might be right for your cat..

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When To See A Vet

These at-home treatments and remedies may be effective for clearing up minor infections, but more serious infections need to be treated by a professional animal doctor.

If your cat is experiencing mild or moderate symptoms, you can try these remedies to relieve their symptoms. If their symptoms show no sign of improvement in a few days, talk to a veterinarian. If your cat seems to be in pain or is unable to pass urine, see a vet immediately. This could be a sign of urethral obstruction, which can be fatal if not treated within 24 to 48 hours.

A vet may be able to prescribe antibiotics to target the harmful bacteria. Be sure to give your cat the full dose of prescribed antibiotics to prevent the UTI from returning or becoming resistant to treatment.

Even if youre pursuing professional treatment, these remedies can be effectively used alongside antibiotics to strengthen the bladder and balance your cats pH levels. Some can also be used as a daily supplement to prevent the UTI from coming back.

Causes Of Male Cat Urinary Blockage

Neutered male cats are especially prone to urinary blockage because they have may narrow urethras so narrow that involuntary urethral muscle spasms can block the flow of urine. A male cat’s urethra can also become blocked by small urinary stones or by urethral plugs: a mixture of cells that are used to line the bladder, mucus and crystals formed from minerals in the urine. Additional causes of urinary blockage are from feeding foods high in magnesium or the presence of an underlying condition called feline idiopathic cystitis .

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What Are Urinary Blockages

Mucus plugs are most often the culprit of urinary blockages. Theyre composed of crystals and mucus . They are more common in males because they have a longer urethra than females. The plug blocks the urine from passing. Since the cat cant pee, toxins build up in their system, and if the cat doesnt have the blockage removed, it can be fatal. Outside of plugs, other causes for urinary blockages include bladder stones or tumors. Urinary blockages can also occur from inflammation or spasming of the urethra.

What Causes Urinary Blockage In Cats

Blocked Cat. Get Out Alive series. Cost and treatment for blocked cats.

Feline urinary blockages can be caused by several underlying conditions, including:

  • A small stone or an accumulation of tiny stones that become lodged within the urethra
  • A plug in the urethra, usually an accumulation of crystals, cells, proteins, or debris in the urethra
  • Swelling and spasm of the urethra, which typically occurs during inflammation of the urethra or bladder
  • Urinary obstruction can also result from feeding magnesium-rich foods
  • Less frequently, it can be caused by trauma, infections, or tumors.

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My Cat Cant Pee Feline Urethral Obstruction: Be Prepared

Our mission is to help save dogs’ and cats lives through our educational content. To support our efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. We earn a commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

In the article Feline Urethral Obstruction: Be Aware I covered the what of urethral obstruction. In this article, Ill be detailing the things you should know to be prepared for in the event of a urethral obstruction. Hopefully, youll never need this information, but as with most things in life, it’s best to have it and know it’s here if you do. After all, when it comes to feline urethral obstruction, your cats life is truly at stake.If youve ever had a cat that has suffered a urethral obstruction you can help me help others by taking a minute or two to fill out an online survey about pet owner experiences with this condition. It’s completely anonymous and only takes a minute or two to complete. Thank you in advance.

How Can I Prevent My Cat From Developing A Urinary Obstruction

Proper preventive care is the key to reducing your cat’s risk of developing urinary blockages. To help your cat maintain their urinary tract health, here are a few things you can do at home:

  • Increase your cat’s water intake by providing clean, fresh water, or adding some flavor.
  • Change their diet to a urinary health diet that has limited minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.
  • Reduce your cat’s stress by keeping their litter clean, and reducing changes to their schedule.
  • Offer an enriched environment with perches, moving toys, or food puzzles.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

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How Much Does It Cost To Treat A Cat With Urinary Blockage

The average cost of treating a cat with urinary blockage is $1,200. The total cost will depend on how severe the blockage is and whether there are any complications. One study found that the average cost of treating a cat with urinary blockage was over $2,000, but the average cost reported by pet owners is much lower. Its important to remember that this number is just an average, so its possible to pay much more or less than this amount.

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Pet Problems: Dealing with Urinary Blockage in Male Cats

The first treatment option a vet will usually try to resolve a urinary blockage is using a catheter to clear it. If they are unable to, or if your cat experiences frequent urinary blockages, they may recommend a procedure called perineal urethrostomy .

This procedure is designed to make the urethra wider, thus allowing potential blockages to pass through rather than getting stuck. This surgery reduced the risk of future blockages but does not guarantee that they will never get an obstruction again.

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How Is A Urinary Blockage Diagnosed And Treated

Once you arrive at the vet, the doctor will do an exam on your cat. In addition to an exam, your vet may also need to take X-rays, get a urine sample, and do a blood test to make a diagnosis.

If there is an obstruction to the urinary tract, the vet will sedate your cat and insert a catheter in the urethra to flush out the blockage and the bladder. In some cases, stones have to be pushed back into the bladder. Your vet will then perform surgery to remove the bladder stones.

Lower Urinary Tract Clinical Signs

Patients may exhibit one more more of these signs:

  • Straining to urinate with and without production of urine
  • Frequent trips to the litter box with and without production of urine
  • Crying while urinating
  • Excessive licking of the genital area
  • Blood in the urine
  • Urinating in places other than in the litter box
  • Posturing in the litter box for a long period of time


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Homelessness And Domestic Violence Support

  • RedRover Relief program provides financial and emotional support to Good Samaritans, animal rescuers, and pet owners who care for animals in life-threatening situations while also providing resources to help victims of domestic violence escape abusive environments with their pets.
  • Pets of the Homeless can feed and provide basic emergency veterinary care to relieve the anguish and anxiety of the unhoused, who cannot provide for their pets.

Putting A Cat Down For Urine Blockage

10 Signs Your Cat Might Have Urethral Blockage and How to Help

Its extremely important to see a vet immediately if you notice your cat is having trouble urinating or possessing painful urination. If left untreated, the obstruction can lead to a life-threatening condition.

If the cat is quite sick and the owner cannot afford treatment, discussing euthanasia with your veterinarian might be an option. If its not possible to have your cat treated at a hospital or clinic, its probably best to put him down so he doesnt suffer further discomfort.

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What Is A Urinary Blockage In Cats

A blockage in the urethra causes urinary obstruction in cats. When the urethra is obstructed, urine can back up into the bladder causing uremic toxins to build up in the bloodstream. If the obstruction persists for an extended period, the kidneys may expand and get damaged, causing the bladder to rupture or rip.

Veterinary Care Charitable Fund

The VCCF provides charitable grants to care for pets whose guardians have a financial need. To qualify, you must be able to demonstrate that you are unable to afford the treatment needed by your pet and have exhausted all other possible means of funding. Grants are given on a case-by-case basis and the amount awarded depends on several factors, such as the availability of funds, level of need, and urgency of treatment. You can apply for a grant at and read more about the criteria.

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Look For A Veterinary Teaching College

Similar to free or low-cost clinics, an accredited teaching college typically offers reduced rates for veterinary care. Students at the college will be supervised by experienced veterinarians so you can trust your pet is in good hands. These universities usually have access to the necessary equipment and facilities to conduct MRIs and CT scans, surgeries, and other specialized care that your vet may not be able to do.

S For Maintaining Your Cats Urinary Health

Cat Urinary Blockage Cant Afford

Cats are notoriously plagued by urinary problems. Kidney disease, chronic bladder inflammation, and urethral obstruction are common feline medical conditions, and many owners want to know how they can maintain their cats urinary health and keep these problems at bay. Whether your cat has a history of urinary trouble, or you hope to prevent disease development, use these five tips:

#1: Increase Your Cats Water Intake

A higher urine water content dilutes the toxins, minerals, and urinary irritants that can lead to problems. Concentrated urine is more likely to form crystals and urinary stones, and irritants can contribute to chronic bladder inflammation. Increasing your cats water intake is one of the most important steps toward keeping her urinary tract healthy. More water also means your cat will stay hydrated and urinate more frequently, which will flush out toxins and maintain kidney function.

Try incorporating these ideas into your cats daily routine to increase her water intake:

#2: Reevaluate Your Cats Diet

Before changing your cats diet, consult your family veterinarian. Many urinary diets are available, and she can help you choose one that is appropriate for your cats needs. She can also counsel you about gradually changing your cat to a new food so she will accept it. Cats are creatures of habit and may not do well with a sudden switch.

#3: Reduce Your Cats Environmental Stress
#4: Provide Environmental Enrichment for Your Cat

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What To Do If You Suspect Your Cat Has Urinary Blockage

If you think your cat may be experiencing a urinary blockage, take him to the vet immediately. Do not wait this is a life-threatening situation.

The doctor will need to relieve the obstruction quickly. She will likely want to perform some tests to see if there are any significant complications, such as kidney failure and elevated potassium, which require additional treatment. Sometimes, X-rays or an ultrasound are helpful too.

A softer, longer urinary catheter, called a Slippery Sam, is then placed to keep the pathway open and help prevent an immediate re-blockage. This second catheter will usually need to remain in place for a few days to allow the kittys bladder to return to its normal, un-stretched size, and to assist the kitty in passing more crystals and excess toxins in his urine.

IV fluids are usually needed to help the kitty flush toxins from his system and make more dilute urine. Antibiotics and medications to help relax the urethra and control pain and inflammation are usually prescribed.

Where I Stand Too Many Pets Hurting Owners Cant Afford Care

Back in the 1970s, I brought a cat from our shelter, Pet Assistance Inc., to a veterinarian who had a great reputation for treating eye problems. I dont think board certifications in veterinary ophthalmology even existed at the time.

We were quoted $300 for the treatment, which was a lot of money in those days. Naively, I said: Pet Assistance is a non-profit organization. Will you give us a discount?

And thats when the words came out: Animals are not my charity!

Forty years later, I still quote this vet. And people always have the same shocked reaction when hearing the words.

I got his message, loud and clear! Veterinary medicine is a business. But it should be a business with a heart. As more and more privately owned animal hospitals are being bought out by companies like Mars Corporation, humane and affordable veterinary care is quickly becoming obsolete. Mars, owner of perhaps 2,000 hospitals, employs about 50,000 veterinarians. These veterinarians are now employees rather than owner/practitioners and they are more accountable to stockholders than to their clients and their pets.

I predict that middle class families will not have pets in 10 years. After all, it may be wiser to never get a pet than have to choose between a pets surgery and a year of college for your child.

Animals are my charity and I hope they are yours also!

The pets helped by Pet Assistance, Inc are not homeless, they are not abandoned and not abused they are loved.

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