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How To Treat Eye Infection In Kittens

How To Prevent Infections

How I Treat a Kitten or Cat Eye Infection at Home
  • Vaccinate your cat from an early age
  • Keep your home environment low-stress
  • Offer your cat a complete nutritional diet
  • Consider incorporating vet-approved supplements for eye support
  • Gently assist your cat with basic grooming .
  • Offer your cat a window to look out of with natural sunlight

As always, you should seek the advice of a veterinary professional for a proper diagnosis of your cat’s eye problems. Providing your cat with the basic necessities is a sure way to keep them healthy and happy.

How Long Does It Take For A Kitten Eye Infection To Heal

In most cases, a kitten eye infection will heal relatively quickly. Whether your cat was prescribed antibiotics or eye drops, it should not take longer than two weeks for their eye infection to heal. However, if their eye infection does not get better within two weeks, bring them to the vet ASAP. Eye infections that are left untreated can lead to blindness.

What Are The Clinical Signs Of Conjunctivitis

If you see excessive tearing or watering from one or both eyes, abnormal discharge , or reddened conjunctival membranes, your cat may have conjunctivitis. Your cat may also squint or keep her eyes closed because of either discomfort or photophobia . In severe cases, the conjunctival tissue or the third eyelid may be so swollen that it may partially or fully cover the eye. If your cat exhibits any of these signs, she should be examined by your veterinarian immediately.

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How Will I Know If My Cat Is Having Eye Problems

A healthy cats eyes are clear, bright, the pupils are both the same size, and theres no excessive discharge, redness, or puffiness. When you look at your feline friends eyes, there should be no cloudiness and you should not see the third eyelid. If your kittys eyes dont look as healthy as they should, they could be suffering from an eye infection.

Lets look at some common types of eye infections in cats, and their causes.

What Are Some Causes Of Conjunctivitis

Does your cat have an eye infection? You can help treat it at home ...

The most common causes of conjunctivitis can be roughly divided into two categories: infectious diseases and non-infectious conditions including allergies, hereditary conditions, and tumors. Conjunctivitis may also be a secondary symptom of another eye disease.

Infectious Causes of Conjunctivitis. Infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi are the most common causes of conjunctivitis in cats. In many cases, viruses such as feline viral rhinotracheitis , also known as feline herpesvirus, or feline calicivirus are the initial cause of inflammation. Primary viral infections are often complicated by secondary bacterial infections with a variety of bacteria including Streptococci and Staphylococci. Two other organisms, Chlamydophila felis and Mycoplasma are also capable of initiating primary conjunctivitis.

Non-infectious Causes of Conjunctivitis. Breeds such as Persians, Himalayans, and other longhaired breeds may be born with a turning in of the eyelids called entropion. Entropion causes corneal irritation when the eyelashes constantly rub against the eyeball. Foreign bodies, such as dust or sand, may become trapped inside the eyelids, or exposure to irritant chemicals may also initiate conjunctivitis that leads to secondary infection. Allergies are believed to be a common cause of conjunctivitis, but the specific allergens can sometimes be difficult to identify or avoid. Conjunctivitis is a also common symptom of eye tumors.

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Proper Diet To Combat Eye Infection

Along with these home remedies for eye infection in cats, diet also plays a vital role in the treatment of this condition.

Give your feline pet essential nutrition to boost the effects of these home treatments while promoting eye health.

Here are some of the nutritious foods that you can add to your kittys regular meal:

  • Foods that are rich in Vitamin A such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, chicken, and turkey.
  • Vitamin C supplements from foods such as fresh papaya, broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes.

Treatment And Prevention Of Eye Issues

Once your vet knows what’s causing your cat’s eye discharge, red eyes, irritation, or pain, they’ll be able to consider the right treatmentand whether any home remedy is appropriate. Never give your cat eye drops, ointments, antibiotics, or other medicine unless directed to do so by a veterinarian.

Here are some treatments that might be called for depending on the diagnosis:

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Causes Of Eye Infection In Newborn In Cats

Eye infections in newborn kittens are commonly seen in cats rescued from, or kept in, dirty or crowded environments, though it is not unheard of in cats that are properly housed and cared for. Two common causes of eye infections in newborn kittens include:

  • An unclean resting area
  • A vaginal infection in the mother cat

How To Prevent Future Occurrences Of Eye Infections

Treating an Eye Infection in a Kitten

Frequent visits to the vet can help diagnose signs of imminent or existing health conditions in your feline pet.

Cats with allergies or those that have a history of hayfever are more prone to an eye infection. Since eye infection is contagious, outdoor kitties are at higher risk of acquiring bacteria from other affected animals.

Early detection of the symptoms is crucial to stop the infection before it can spread further and get worse.

Keep in mind all the home remedies for eye infection in cats and use them immediately at the early signs of eye infection.

If you act quickly and successfully eliminate the bacteria right before they can reproduce, you may not need to go to the vet anymore.

Of course, nutritious diet that contains lots of vitamins A and C can maintain your pets optimal ocular health.

Our cat’s health and overall well-being is our responsibility to take good care of. Moreover, this also includes their ocular health.

One of the most notable features of felines is their pair of fierce-looking eyes that even glows in the dark.

Unfortunately, their stunning eyes are prone to infection caused by bacteria, virus, and fungi that can be acquired anywhere.

Proper diagnosis is the first step to make sure that we stop the infection before it can get worse. Home remedies for eye infection in cats can significantly alleviate the symptoms and eliminate the harmful microbes.

Plus, it can help you save much money on veterinary bills.

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How To Treat Cat Eye Infection

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 87% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 275,979 times.

Eye health is important to the overall health of cats and should be assessed by cat owners on a regular basis. Knowing what to look for and how to act if you suspect an infection is important to preventing long-term problems with your cat’s eyes. Early detection allows you to decide if you can manage the problem at home or if a trip to the vet is essential. If in doubt, always seek professional advice because some problems can be dangerous and could potentially cause a loss of vision or an eye.

Diagnosing Kitten Eye Infections

Your vet will begin with a thorough examination of your kitten to access their overall health and to look for other signs of viral or bacterial infections. At that time the vet will ask for any information you may have regarding the mother’s health and the kitten’s living conditions.

If your kitten’s eye infection may have been caused during birth, your vet may want to do a culture of the kitten’s eye discharge and the mother’s vaginal discharge in order to more accurately identify the type of infection.

To check your kitten’s eye for signs of trauma your vet may use eye drops containing a yellow dye to help make any scratches, or foreign objects easier to spot.

If your vet suspects that your kitten may have a systemic disease blood tests and urinalysis may be recommended to pinpoint any serious health conditions that your kitty may be suffering from.

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How Is Conjunctivitis Diagnosed In Cats

A veterinarian can determine that a cat has conjunctivitis just by looking at them, since conjunctivitis describes a set of symptoms. However, diagnostic testing is needed to determine what caused the conjunctivitis.

Common diagnostic tests include:

  • A thorough exam of a cats eyes and eye tests such as measuring tear production and eye pressure, or testing for eye ulcers/scratches.
  • Tests for infectious diseases, including eye infections, FIV, FeLV, etc.
  • Whole-body health tests, such as bloodwork, if underlying health conditions are suspected.

The diagnostic testing plan will vary based on an individual cats health status, medical history, lifestyle, and other factors.

Treatment For Cat Conjunctivitis

Home Remedies for Cat Eye Infection

The prognosis varies depending on what caused the condition, how severe it is, and a cats overall health status. Fortunately, most kitties respond well to prompt treatment, with symptoms resolving in 1-2 weeks. However, some cats develop complications , and some struggle with chronic or recurrent conjunctivitis.

Maybe youre wondering if cat conjunctivitis will go away by itself. Sometimes that can happen with mild symptoms, but its best to consult a vet to be safe.

A veterinary visit is recommended to prevent eye discomfort and rule out serious conditions like an eye ulcer. Also, if you have other cats in the home, prompt treatment is crucial to preventing spread of the disease.

Heres what to expect and some of the most common cat conjunctivitis treatments:

Note: Never give human medications to a cat without first checking with your vet. Some human medications are toxic to cats, and giving the wrong eye drops can make the condition worse.

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Informational Handouts On Feline Eye Conditions And Animal Eye Care

Corneal Sequestrum

If your pet has been diagnosed with a corneal sequestrum, there are some important things to know about this condition. Corneal sequestrum occurs most commonly in cats, with Himalayans and Persians being the two most commonly-affected breeds. It appears on the cornea as a black spot, and is actually an area of dead corneal tissue.

The symptoms of a sequestrum are a black spot on the eye, excessive tearing, and squinting. The cause of sequestrum is unknown, but it may be associated with feline herpesvirus, an acute upper respiratory infection.

The treatment for corneal sequestrum is surgical removal. The procedure is called a lamellar keratectomy, in which the sequestrum is surgically peeled off the cornea. This is performed using an operating microscope, and your pet must be under general anesthesia. Occasionally when the sequestrum is removed, it leaves a very deep ulcer. When this happens, a conjunctival graft is placed over the deep ulcer to help with healing this involves an additional specialized procedure. Early removal of the sequestrum gives the best postoperative results. Although uncommon, these sequestrums may recur after surgery.

Eosiniphilic Keratoconjunctivitis

Feline Anterior Uveitis

Anterior uveitis refers to inflammation inside the front of the eye, and can result in squinting, cloudiness, tearing, and redness. If severe or untreated, it can cause cataracts, glaucoma and blindness.

Diagnostic Testing

Cat Eye Infection Signs And Symptoms

  • Inflammation of the eye or third eyelid
  • Clear, green, yellow, or brown nasal discharge
  • Sneezing
  • Clear, green, yellow, or brown eye discharge
  • Crusting or pus collected near the tear ducts
  • Excessive tear drop production or dry eyes
  • Eye eruption and herpes-like lesions
  • Lethargy, inappetence, and weight loss
  • Fever

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Are Your Cats Eyes Healthy

As you can see, there are many reasons a cat can develop an eye infection. Some are not as serious as others, but all can be treated to keep your kitty comfortable. Bacteria, viruses, fungus, allergies, and anatomical defects can all threaten your cats amazing vision talents. So if you look at your beloved kitty and if their eyes are not as clear and beautiful as they usually are, maybe its time to see your vet. With the right treatment and insurance to help cover it, your cat can be back to their old self in no time.

Are Cat Eye Infections Contagious To Humans

How to treat cat eye infection | Kitten eye infection

In most cases, cat eye infections cannot be passed on to humans, but one infectious agent that affects cats, Chlamydia, has rarely been identified as a cause of conjunctivitis in humans. For this reason, hygienic measures should be taken, including washing your hands carefully after handling your cat, and in particular, after treating your cats eyes.

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Causes And Signs Of Eye Infections In Kittens

The two most common causes of eye infections in new kittens are vaginal infections in the mother cat that were transferred to the kitten’s eyes during birth and dirty environmental conditions present after birth.

Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria species cause eye infections in newborn kittens the most often, but Herpesvirus is also fairly common. The signs that occur include:

  • Redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, or the soft tissues inside the eyelids.
  • Discharge from the eyes that can be clear, white, yellow, or green.
  • Crustiness building up on the skin around the eyes.
  • Eyes that are “glued” shut with discharge.

In severe cases, eye infections can cause corneal ulcers in kittens, which are sores on the outer surface of the eyeball. Kittens can go blind if eye infections are left untreated. In other cases, permanent damage may be done to the conjunctiva or other eye structures.

Signs Your Cat Might Have An Eye Infection

Not all cats with an eye infection may exhibit the same symptoms. In fact, your cat may only have one or two clinical signs of an infection. Generally, though, a cat with an eye infection may have any of the following:

  • Redness in the white of the eye
  • Discharge that can be either watery or thick or clear, yellow, or green in color
  • Excessive blinking, winking, or keeping an eye closed
  • The third eyelid may be covering part of the eye
  • Pawing at the eye or rubbing it on surfaces
  • The eye may take on a cloudy appearance
  • Sneezing or nasal discharge
  • Light sensitivity

Infections of the eye can be quite irritating for your cat. A cat that is suffering from one might also be exhibiting behavioral changes, such as hiding more and being more temperamental.

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Feline Upper Respiratory Infections

Certain upper respiratory infections can cause eye problems in kittens. In this case, your cat will exhibit cold-like symptoms, such as nasal discharge and sneezing, in addition to an eye infection. Feline upper respiratory infections can usually be treated with oral antibiotics or antiviral medications.

How To Administer Eye Medications To Cats

Keep Your Cat

Giving eye medications as scheduled is crucial for helping a cat recover. This involves placing liquid drops or ointment into the affected eye. This may seem daunting at first, but many pet parents can master this skill with a few helpful tips.

Ask the veterinary team for a demonstration while youre at the office. That way, you can see exactly how it works, which may make it easier to repeat the process at home.

Here are a few tips to make the process easier :

  • If prescribed timings allow, give medicines while your cat is sleepy.
  • Have another person help you, and/or wrap your kitty in a towel.
  • Be calm yourself, since pets can pick up on our stress.
  • Gently pull on the upper or lower eyelid to open the eye. Many cats do best with minimal restraint, although you should always keep safety in mind if theres any chance of your kitty biting or scratching.
  • If your cat resists opening their eyes, make a noise that will pique their curiosity.
  • Administer the medication from behind or from the side, which is less alarming to a cat then bringing medication straight at them from the front.
  • Offer a treat, playtime, or praise and attention afterward to make it a positive experience.

Always give eye medications for the entire course prescribed. Dont stop early, even if your cats symptoms get better. Otherwise, the infection could come right back or get worse.

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How Do I Know If My Cat Has Conjunctivitis

The signs of conjunctivitis and the appearance of the conjunctiva are usually not enough to diagnose conjunctivitis. Your veterinarian will need to review your cats medical history and examine your cat. In some cases, your vet will need to perform specific tests. The tests can measure eye pressure, tear production, or visualization of the cornea to rule out other conditions like a foreign body, dry eye, corneal abrasions, ulcers, or other eye injuries. Once these other conditions are ruled out, a tentative diagnosis of a bacterial infection is likely made since there is an immediate need for treatment to relieve pain and inflammation.

Cat Eye Infection: Symptoms And Treatment Options

Cats have excellent vision and are masters of seeing well at night. They use their eyes to survey the world around them and, perhaps, stare you down if mealtime is late.

Cat eye infections are often uncomfortable and painful. A veterinarian must promptly diagnose and treat eye infections to restore good eye health and prevent more serious eye problems.

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