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HomeLifestyleAre There Cat Dna Tests

Are There Cat Dna Tests

For A Paternity Test Between A Child And The Sponsor

Cat DNA Test! | Basepaws Cat DNA and Genetic Test kit

Who to test:

  • the child
  • both the mother and father

As it is more labour-intensive for the laboratory to do a paternity test on the father alone, it is preferable to also have DNA test results from the mother.

If the alleged father is the sponsor and a paternity report is requested, the DNA laboratory automatically requests a sample from the mother. A separate maternity report is not required unless it is strongly suspected that the mother is not the biological mother and she is also being sponsored. While conducting the paternity test, the DNA laboratory determines if the alleged mother is excluded or not, and will issue a covering letter advising of any negative relationship results between the alleged mother and any of the children.

How Cat Dna Test Kits Work

DNA kits allow you to collect a sample of your cats saliva or cheek cells to be mailed to the company for analysis. Depending on your cats personality, this can be a breezeor a bit of an adventure. We took samples from each cat with tests from two companies, Basepaws and Wisdom Panel.

Both kits arrived in the mail with the directions and equipment you need to collect the samples. Note: Be sure to save those boxes, because youll be using them to ship the samples back.

Once you open the box, go to the companys website to register your cat and the numbered test kit. Now youre ready to take the actual sample from your cat.

Hallmarks Of Genetic Diseases

A cats phenotype is a combination of the presence of diseases, visible traits, or morphological types. Attributes of the phenotype can be desirable or undesirable, especially in the case of diseases. Because phenotypes can be a result of a single gene, the interaction of several genes, the accumulation of environmental exposures, or of a combination of interactions, a veterinarian may choose different types of therapy, clinical management, or make different prognoses if a phenotype is known to be genetic. If the same condition is found in other species, a veterinarian may have opportunities to try novel approaches for health care by considering comparative medicine. Several characteristics are common to genetic diseases that will help decipher sporadic, idiopathic, occurrences from inherited conditions.

The six common hallmarks for inherited diseases include 1) early age of onset, 2) bilateral and/or multiple presentation, 3) presence in a closed or small population, 4) indications of inbreeding, 5) uniformity in presentation, and 6) advanced parental age at birth. Only advanced age of parents at birth has not been shown to have an effect in cat inherited diseases. In humans, older mothers have a higher frequency of having children with Trisomy 21 and dwarfism is associated with advanced paternal age.

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Tracing The Lineage Of Your Feline

Cat breeds were developed from random bred cats and most breeds are less than 100 years old. Random bred cats from around the world can be traced back to 8 geographic regions of origin: Western Europe, Egypt, East Mediterranean, Iran/Iraq, Arabian Sea, India, South Asia and East Asia. The Cat Ancestry test will determine if a cat descends from one or more of the 8 ancestral groups. Once the ancestral origin is determined, comparisons are done with 29 breeds of cats to determine if the cat has similarities to any of the reference breeds.

Cats are not like dogs. Dog breeds have a long history of development and selection for specific tasks such as herding, retrieving, and hunting. Today, most mixed dogs descend from crosses between different breeds. Wild cats were originally tamed to provide vermin control for human settlements. Cat breeds were more recently developed from these tamed, random-breeding cat populations. Cat breeds were selected more for their appearance than performance. Today, most mixed cats descend from crosses between random bred cats and not from crosses between breed cats.

The Cat Ancestry test traces the lineage of your cat and provides results for common physical traits of coat color, fur length, and coat type.


Cat Dna Tests And Your Cats Breed

How Much Do Cat DNA Tests Cost?

Unlike dog DNA tests, most of the cat DNA tests on the market do not provide information about your cats breed and ancestry.

As weve discussed, Basepaws is perhaps one of the only established companies that offers this capability. In addition to receiving information about your cats genetic health markers, your Basepaws results will contain:

  • Breed analysis: Shows your cats chromosome pairs with regions of genomic similarity to different breed groups
  • Wild cat index: Shows your cats genomic similarity to different wild cats
  • Feline breeds: Gives more information about the different breeds that makeup your cats heritage and their personalities

So, why is it so difficult to tell if a cat is a Siamese compared to a Burmese or a Bengal?

In short, unlike dogs who have been bred for specific tasks for thousands of years cats have a much more muddled ancestry.

Most cat breeds are less than 100 years old and those that were bred were chosen randomly based on their appearance. Therefore, its difficult to pull breed information from a cats DNA when there isnt a clear and established ancestry in cats to begin with.

All of this isnt to say that you cant learn anything from Basepaws or a test that provides breed information its just not a perfect science.

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What Is Dna Testing For Dogs And Cats

DNA or genetic testing is a process by which a pets genetic profile is identified via a sample of the pets cells oral swabs, skin swabs, or blood samples are popular and quick forms of obtaining this material. The genetic sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Genetic samples can be collected by a veterinarian or at home by an owner who purchases a DNA kit.

With the rise in popularity of pet DNA tests, more companies are offering genetic testing collection kits. Owners need only perform the DNA swab at home and return the sample to the laboratory in the provided mailer. Within a few weeks, the owner will receive the test results with a full explanation of the report.

How Much Does It Cost For A Cat

Because there has generally been less interest in DNA testing for cats, there isnt as much selection when it comes to choosing a kit. Available options can run anywhere from around $45 to $130. Like dog DNA testing, youll pay more if you want advanced features.

Pet insurance doesnt cover pet DNA tests, but it can cover treatment needed for hereditary conditions. Learn more about whats covered.

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How Many Tests Are Offered

Are all features in one test, or are there separate tests for each one?

This depends on what the client is looking for when ordering a DNA feline test. On the one hand, if you are a breeder, there are specific traits you will be interested in, such as blood type and heritage.

On the other hand, pet owners would be most interested in a cat breeds test and might not see the need to pay extra for extensive tests.

Since it ultimately depends on what youre looking to get out of the test, deciding between a specific or more comprehensive one is up to you. To help you out, we listed all the tests the company provides, but the varieties of tests on offer did not affect our judgment.

What You Need To Understand About Dna Test: Its Not Just A Cat Breed Identifier

Cat DNA Test: Wisdom Panel Review

Pedigree cat breeds are at most risk of inheriting genetic disorders common to their breed.

For instance, the Siamese cat is notorious for inheriting conditions like progressive retinal atrophy while the elegant Persian cat may be most at risk of inheriting polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Genetic testing can also tell you more about your cats traits. For example, Basepaws is a feline genetic testing company that can determine if your cat is related to a cougar, a lynx, or even an African several.

You see, their genetic makeup often predetermines much of our cats personality. While a genetic test cant explain everything, it may be able to give you insight as to why your cat may love climbing trees or chasing a particular prey.

Another important concept to keep in mind is that a genetic test will only tell you how at risk your pet is of developing a genetic disease.

Let us look at an example:

If you own a Siamese cat who tested as a high-risk candidate for mast cell tumors then it does not mean that your cat has the disease. Nor, does it mean that your cat will get the disease in the near future. It simply means that they may be at high risk of developing it.

It is crucial to remember that a pets lifestyle, diet, and activity level will play a big role when it comes to determining your cats lifespan. For instance, your cat may develop diabetes due to an unhealthy lifestyle before any genetic disease occurs.

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What You Should Know About Dna Testing

A recent study of ancient cat DNA showed that these felines have lived alongside humans for more than 3,000 years. But while the idea of cats cohabiting with people has been around for millennia, testing a cat’s DNA to find out more about their breed is relatively new.

Unlike dogs, there are also fairly few cat breeds in existence fewer than 30 major breeds, compared with more than 200 dog breeds. And most feline purebreeds are less than 100 years old, meaning there are fewer ‘perfect’ DNA markers that identification kits can work with.

Pros Of Choosing Optimal Selection For Your Kitty

  • It can be used for both pedigreed and mixed-breed cats
  • It can test for over 40 known genetic disorders
  • It can determine your cats blood type
  • Optimal Selection can tell you more about your cats individual traits, such as coat color, coat type, and overall physical appearance.
  • Optimal Selection is able to determine your cats genetic diversity and genetic relationship

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Benefits Of Knowing Your Cat’s Breed

Cat breeds are not as common as dog breeds. They are much harder to determine. Unless your cats are from a cat breeder with identification papers, you have just as well a cat.

But, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Cat breeds are widespread globally. It’s important for cat owners, who care about their cats, to be aware of the regions where cat breeds and their genetic mutations are common.

There are over 70 hereditary mutations in cats. Many of these mutations influence diseases, coat color, and other physical anomalies.

Knowing the breed of your cat can help you identify these anomalies and manage them properly. You can determine the breed of your cat through DNA testing.

DNA cat testing is growing massively. With DNA testing, you can discover the genetic makeup of your cat. Your cat’s genetic makeup helps you determine its breed through specific phenotypic features like hairs, nails, and body structure.

Knowing the breed of your cat can also help in the following ways:

  • It can help determine hereditary diseases associated with your cat breed.
  • It can help you take care of your cat better.
  • It can help you know how much these conditions can affect future kittens.

There are a lot of DNA cat testing companies you can trust.

How Much Will Cat Dna Kit Cost

IHeartCats Writes About Basepaws Cat DNA Test

Now that you know about the benefits of doing a DNA test on your cat, you might be probably wondering How much does a cat DNA test kit cost?. The answer is, it depends. Test kits can range from $45 up to $599. The reason behind this is the number of tests like the cats health risk, genetic traits, etc that are included in each test kits. Other additional tests that can help you know more about your cats identity are also offered.

Are you ready to choose the test kit for your cat? We got you covered! Below are the cat DNA test kits that are available on the market this 2021.

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Why Should Owners Dna Test Cats

The first reason pet owners test their cats DNA is to determine which breeds have contributed to their feline companions genetic background.

A cats breed determines its physical appearance and temperament, as well as potential health risks certain breeds are associated with.

DNA tests for cats help breeders root out inherited diseases and conditions that may arise from in-breeding to develop proactive, sustainable breeding programs.

Vets can also benefit from DNA tests, especially when recommending the best diet, making an early diagnosis of a health condition, and providing the best treatment.

Finally, the more owners invest in discovering their cats ancestry and genetic profile, the more extensive the DNA companies database. This, in turn, leads to more comprehensive and detailed results and future advances in the study of cat genealogy.

Why Get A Dog Dna Test

A dog DNA test might give you some insight into your pups quirky behaviors. For instance, you might find out your dog is part Spaniel. These dogs were bred to flush out birds for hunters. Now you have a better understanding of why your dog chases after anything with feathers.

Or you might discover your dog has some Terrier in them. This breed was developed to dig out small prey, which can help explain the fact that your dog is always digging at the carpet.

Some DNA tests also include health screenings. These can tell you if your dog is predisposed to a hereditary condition based on their genetic make-up.

Knowing your dogs breed can help you enrich their environment with activities theyll love, such as toys that let them dig safely indoors.

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Tests Outside Canada: What The Laboratory Does

The laboratory chosen by the applicant will send a tamper-proof DNA sample kit to the migration office or the consular mission . The DNA sample kit contains everything necessary to take, package and ship a DNA sample, including instructions regarding witnessing the sample taking.

Requirements for witnessing the collection of samples

The migration office must ensure the integrity of the DNA testing procedures. DNA testing is used when there is uncertainty about a claimed relationship, so any possibility of fraud must be eliminated.

A migration officer or migration office staff member must be present when the DNA sample is collected for immigration or citizenship purposes, and must do the following:

  • ensure the persons providing the DNA samples are the persons identified in the DNA sample kit and in the identification provided at the time of the sample collection
  • verify that the DNA sample kit has not been tampered with and complete the chain of custody documents for the DNA sample
  • package the DNA sample and documentation according to the instructions included in the DNA sample kit
  • send the package to the laboratory by the fastest, most reliable means possible. Ideally, no more than 7 days should elapse between the collection of the DNA sample and receipt of the package by the laboratory. Private courier services, paid for by the applicant, can normally deliver samples within this timeframe

Cats Ancestry And Pedigree

DNA Testing My Cats ! Basepaws Cat Genetics Test

Your cats pedigree is essentially the breed group it represents. Cats may be bred by ethical breeders for a variety of reasons. Obtaining exotic characteristics, habits, and other aesthetics are some of these factors.

A purebred cat is referred to as a pedigree cat. These cats are designed to maintain unique breed traits and behaviors.

Pedigree cats are hand-picked and only able to mate with other pedigree cats. Some pedigree cats reproduce only in a particular area to maintain their genetic pool.

These cats can be chosen and bred by ethical breeders using legitimate genetic guidelines. The purebred Siamese cat, which is noted for its blue eyes, is a pedigree cat. Pedigree cats are in high demand and can be very costly.

Your cats ancestry refers to the geographic area where your cats once resided. It is the lineage of the cats ancestors.

Within certain cat breeds, some traits are well-known and familiar. Limbs, coat color, fur length and type, and other characteristics are among them. These attributes will help you figure out who your cats ancestors are and will let you learn further about them.

DNA testing allows you to do all of these things.

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Cat Dna Test Kit Companies Racing To Be The Best

Existing companies are currently in a race to provide the most relevant information possible and none are currently able to report on every breed of feline, which means you may be left without some of the answers youre looking for.

Cat science has long been underfunded and it seems that scientists are having a difficult time tying cat genome sequences to breeds, which is why if you submit one of these tests on a mixed breed cat, youll likely get results largely reporting Polybreed which accounts for ~95% of felines.

The cat DNA testing market is an unregulated one, and companies are able to get away with providing the consumer results that could be considered insignificant, difficult to understand, and potentially incorrect.

In an article for Nature by Lisa Moses, were forewarned

Companies are beginning to offer tests for cats, but the science is lagging. Most of these tests are based on small, underpowered studies. Neither their accuracy nor their ability to predict health outcomes has been validated. Most vets dont know enough about the limitations of the studies, or about genetics in general, to be able to advise worried owners.

Although competitors are striving to update customers on their pets information as science advances, it may be in your best interest to wait it out to see which providers even endure in such a new market. After all, a company cant provide you updates if theyre out of business.


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