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Cat Puking And Not Eating

Cat Throwing Up White Foam And Not Eating When To Be Concerned

Chronic Vomiting of undigested food in a cat

Although rare, masses of hairballs can grow too large as to cause your cat frequent nausea and vomiting, not to mention intestinal blockage. This is usually a serious condition for cats. The affected cat also develops declined desire to eat. If your cat goes for 24 hours or more without eating, it is a great idea to seek the attention of your vet right away. This will help prevent a condition known as fatty liver disease, which develops when a cat goes for prolonged period of time without eating.

What Can I Do At Home For My Vomiting Cat

Specific home treatments are dependent on the cause of the vomiting. Here is the general approach to treat a vomiting cat:

Feed a bland diet for two days.

Then gradually return to regular cat food over the next one to two days. At first, mix a little of your cats regular food into the bland diet. Feed that for one meal. Then feed a 50/50 mix for one meal. Then feed ¾ cat food and ¼ bland diet for a meal. Then, return to feeding your cats regular food.

If your cat goes out â keep your cat in until you know his problems have resolved.

This is important! If vomiting continues at any time or the onset of other symptoms is noted, call your veterinarian promptly. If your cat is not eating, acts lethargic, has continued vomiting or has any other physical abnormalities mentioned above, it is important to see your veterinarian. Your pet needs your help and the professional care your veterinarian can provide. If your pet is having the clinical signs mentioned above, expect your veterinarian to perform some diagnostic tests and make treatment recommendations. Those recommendations will be dependent upon the severity and nature of the clinical signs.

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Almost all cats will catch a respiratory virus at some time in their life. The Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery surveyed 740 cats, finding respiratory viruses in 82% of them.

The symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections are more commonly linked to the common cold. Cats with a respiratory infection will cough and sneeze a lot, usually releasing discharge. The cat will also likely endure streaming eyes.

Some cats struggle with vomiting and diarrhea while battling a respiratory infection. This can be problematic as the cat will also lose appetite. In addition to feeling lethargic and unwell, the cats scent receptors will be blocked. The smell is a huge part of a foods appeal to cats.

Most of the common respiratory infections in cats can be treated with rest. Eventually, the virus will run its course. Antibiotics will aid with this and are advisable in the case of senior cats. Older cats have weaker immunity and are hit harder by respiratory infections.

Cats need to eat when feeling under the weather. The nutrients found in their food will boost recovery. Open your cats sinuses with steam. Closing the door in the bathroom and running a hot tap will do the trick. Once the cat breathes easier, it will regain its appetite.

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Chronic And Acute Vomiting In Cats

Throwing up can be separated into two broad categories: chronic and acute vomiting. Chronic vomiting means throwing up with some regularity for a long period of time. The cat usually only vomits once or twice with each occurrence. When a cat who usually doesnt vomit starts vomiting, thats the acute type. This is generally a concern for you and your veterinarian only if the cat vomits multiple times. The diagnostic workup and treatments for acute and chronic vomiting can differ, as does the urgency of when to bring the cat to the veterinarian.

More urgent care is usually required for a cat with acute vomiting. The exception to this is a cat who has only vomited one to three times and is otherwise normal. If the cat still wants to eat and does so without continuing to vomit, is acting normal and seems comfortable, she does not need to be brought to a veterinary hospital unless you know that she ate something toxic.

A chronically vomiting cat should still be seen by a veterinarian, but its not urgent if the cat is still eating and keeping food down, is not showing signs of weakness and seems comfortable. If these things are not true, a chronically vomiting cat is either an acutely vomiting cat or is having an acute crisis of whatever is causing his chronic vomiting.

How To Stimulate Your Cats Appetite

Cat Vomiting: 10 Quick Tips

If your cat isnt eating, we need to get them back on track as soon as possible. But because there are so many reasons why your cat may have lost their appetite, its important to find and treat the underlying cause first. These tips and tricks for stimulating your cats appetite do not replace professional veterinary advice but may be useful when caring for your cat at home after a trip to the vet.

First up, you can try gently warming wet or tinned food to increase the aroma. Some cats prefer warm food, others prefer it cold straight from the fridge! Just make sure the food is lukewarm and the heat evenly distributed to avoid burns. Cats with suspected mouth pain or those recovering from a dental procedure will also prefer wet or tinned food as its much softer and easier to chew. Adding a little tuna in spring water to their regular diet may also tempt cats to eat, as may offering small portions of a variety of foods to see which they prefer.

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When To Make A Vet Appointment

If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, there are a few things you should consider.

How old is your cat? How is your cats overall health? Is there any chance they may have ingested something poisonous? How long has your cat been vomiting ?

We firmly believe that it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your beloved four-legged companion. Again, no vomiting should be considered normal.

If you have any reason to believe that your cats vomiting is a sign of something more severe, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Cat Vomit Diagnostic Hacks

A hairball every now and then may not be a reason to call your vet, but if your cat starts vomiting frequently or the hairballs are large and seem to be causing your pet discomfort, you may want to have your feline friend in for a checkup.

According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, most vets start by determining if the vomiting is related to hairballs. Then they maymove to discussing possible ingestion of harmful objects or substances in your home. If the cause is not obvious, your vet may recommend additional testing such as bloodwork, a fecal examination or X-rays or an ultrasound to find the problem.

It’s helpful to know that most vets will approach cat vomiting this way so that you can gather useful information prior to your appointment. When visit your vet, be prepared to describe your cat’s recent surroundings, activities and vomiting frequency and appearance.

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What Is Vomiting With Bile

Bile is a yellow or green substance produced in a cats liver, which aids in digestion of food. Vomiting with bile in cats can be an alarming condition for both the feline and the worried owner. Vomiting with bile may be especially difficult for an owner to recognize, given that animals are likely to clean up after themselves, unless you manage to catch your cat in the act of vomiting. This can make it difficult to determine exactly how long the condition has been occurring. Its important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that can occur with bile vomiting in order to determine when veterinary intervention is necessary.

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Offer Their Favorite Foods

Cat Vomiting

Zazie Todd, the author of the upcoming book PURR: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy, told Newsweek: “When cats aren’t eating much, there are a few things you can do to try to make their food more palatable to them,” such as some of their favorite foods.

You can add the water from a can of tuna or some low-salt unseasoned chicken broth to their food.

Todd said even simply adding just a little plain water to the food can make it more mushy and potentially more appetizing since cats tend to prefer wet foods like canned tuna.

But every cat is a unique individual, so it’s worth trying different types of food. For example, kibble instead of canned food or canned food instead of kibble, chunks in gravy instead of pate, Todd said.

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A List Of Some Of The Causes Of Vomiting In Cats

Kitties of all ages and breeds may exhibit vomiting as a symptom, but whether or not it is a cause for concern will depend on how often the vomiting occurs and if there is an underlying medical condition thats to blame.

  • Throwing up hairballs is common, and usually nothing to be too worried about. Some cats will get rid of hairballs more often than others, and this is typically considered normal. If you arent sure if your cat is vomiting hairballs more often than what would be considered normal, consult with a vet.
  • Another reason why a cat might vomit is because she ate something that she wasnt supposed to. For example, spoiled food, plants, poisonous materials, and household objects, such as string, might cause a kitty to vomit. Also, if a foreign object is causing an obstruction, vomiting might take place.
  • Various medical conditions might also cause vomiting. For example, if your kitty has a gastrointestinal problem, such as inflammatory bowel disease , vomiting might occur. Also, if there are internal parasites, or if theres an underlying disease like hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or kidney disease, vomiting might be a symptom of the problem. And gastrointestinal growths, whether benign or malignant, might lead to vomiting as well.

Related: Fun Facts About Cat Hairballs

What Is The Symptomatic Treatment For Acute Vomiting

Non-specific symptomatic treatment is often prescribed initially in mild cases of acute vomiting. Your veterinarian will usually advise you to feed your cat an easily digested, bland diet in small quantities given frequently. A veterinary prescription diet specifically formulated to be easy to digest is often recommended. Alternatively, a specific home-cooked diet may be recommended. It is important that the cat does not receive any other foods other than what your veterinarian advises during this period.

“Water should be freely available and is important to prevent dehydration.”

Water should be freely available and is important to prevent dehydration. If the cat is improving, the quantity of food offered at any one time can gradually be increased back to a normal quantity and then the cat’s normal diet can be reintroduced gradually over several days.

In some cases, your veterinarian may prescribe medication to control vomiting or relieve inflammation, for example maropitant citrate famotidine or metronidazole . This approach allows the body’s healing mechanisms to correct the problem.

If your cat does not improve with symptomatic treatment, your veterinarian may make a change in medication or perform further tests to evaluate the problem more thoroughly.

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Why Is My Cat Throwing Up White Foam


There is no easy, straightforward question to the question, Why is my cat throwing up white foam? since many possible factors may be to blame. The key to effectively honing on the cause of the problem is to pay attention to the symptoms. That way you can be able to determine if home treatment is enough or a visit to the veterinarian will be required. Here are the most common causes of cat throwing up white foam-like substance. As you will see, these are not mutually exclusive:

Treatment Of Vomiting With Bile In Cats

Why Does My Cat Vomit After Eating?

On some occasions, vomiting with bile in your cat will subside on its own. In cases where the condition is ongoing, there will be various courses of treatment depending on the underlying cause. In the event of food causes, your vet may prescribe an approved cat food formula for animals with inflamed stomachs or food sensitivities. They may also alter the amount or frequency of your cats meals.

If food or diet alterations dont alleviate your pets symptoms, the veterinarian may prescribe certain drugs such as antibiotics for infections or digestion affecting drugs to increase the ability of your pet to digest food or to reduce the amount of bile in the digestive system. Probiotics may also be recommended to help restore the levels of good bacteria in your cats digestive system.

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Irritation To The Throat

If your cat has an irritated throat, it has likely swallowed grass. Many cats enjoy grazing on grass and plants. Sometimes, the grass can become trapped in a cats throat.

This happens in the pharynx. The pharynx is found in the back of the throat and links a cats mouth to her windpipe. Getting something stuck in the pharynx can cause foamy, phlegmatic vomit.

Do not attempt to remove the grass yourself. Only a vet should do so with the aid of tweezers and an anesthetic.

Encourage your cat to eat and drink. The more your cat consumes, the likelier the grass is to be dislodged. Trapped grass can leave a cat with a sore throat, leaving it reluctant to eat and drink.

Give your cat some flavored ice cubes. Freezing gravy or tuna juice is recommended as the taste will entice your cat. The ice will soothe its sore throat. Eventually, your cat will swallow the ice, which should ease the digestion of the grass so that it ceases vomiting.

In Order To Have More Information About What Is Happening Measure The Temperature Of Your Cat

The best way to know if your cat has a fever is to use a rectal thermometer. If you do not have one, you should get used to knowing your friend’s body temperature, which is usually between 38.5º and 39º. To have a clue about if he has it without using a thermometer you will have to touch the ears and the nose. If they are warm and dry, it can be fever, confirm it by touching his ears, are they hotter than usual? Then it is possible that what makes him vomit and bleed is a hidden infection.

In summary, if your cat vomits some bile, keep him under observation throughout the day, give him quality food and split it in four takes. If you detect some blood, check his temperature, keep a sample of the vomit and go to your veterinarian to rule out a serious disease.

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Work With Your Veterinarian

If you witness your cat throwing up white foam, its important to note whether this is an isolated or recurrent issue. A single episode of vomiting can occur for any number of reasons and may not always require veterinary care.

However, repeated episodes of vomiting or vomiting that is accompanied by other signs of illness calls for a veterinary visit. Work with your veterinarian to determine the cause of your cats vomiting, and how you can treat your cats vomiting effectively and safely.

Some Helpful Hints For Determining Cat Emergencies That Need Your Vets Attention Asap

Why Do Cats Vomit How to Stop Vomiting At Home

The following list is designed to help you recognize cat emergencies that always warrant an immediate trip to the vet. However, it is not exhaustive, and you may find yourself in an ambiguous situation not covered on the list. If you are wondering whether you need to get out of your pajamas and head to the emergency cat vet in such a situation, there are some guidelines you can follow.

One useful indicator of cat health is the color of the gums. Lift your cats lip and look at his gums now. They should be pink and moist. Check them regularly, and youll get a sense of what they look like normally. If you suspect your cat is sick and the gums are pale, grey, blue or bright red, then your cat most likely is in trouble .

Remember as well that you are always free to call your cat vet or your local emergency clinic to talk about any ambiguous situation. The staff should be able to offer guidance.

Finally, remember that when in doubt it is always safest to have a vet evaluate your cat. A physical exam that reveals nothing wrong causes no harm doing nothing about a critical situation can lead to a fatal outcome.

Now lets list some of the most common and serious cat emergencies:

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Cat Vomiting: 7 Causes And How To Help

  • Cats may vomit occasionally from hairballs or mild stomach upset. This is usually benign.
  • However, in other instances, vomiting may signal a serious medical problem.
  • Cat vomiting may happen due to systemic illness, an obstruction, food allergies, parasites, and more.
  • Treatment for vomiting will depend on the cause.

Most cat owners are all too familiar with the characteristic hacking sound of cat vomiting. But just because weve all heard it, doesnt mean it should be a regular occurrence.

Vomiting in cats can often be an early sign of illness, so be careful not to overlook this important change in your cats health.


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