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Do Cats Lose Weight As They Get Older

When An Older Cat Losing Weight Is Normal

Why Your Older Cat May Be Losing Weight

If your kitty is very elderly and considered geriatric, losing some body fat over time isnt unusual. This is because your cats digestive system wont be as efficient as it was, and her ability to digest fat will be affected. In addition, her body wont be able to absorb nutrients as well as it once did, and this can have a marked effect on appearance.

This is why you often see very old cats looking skinny with fur in poor condition. Its often not down to neglect, but a natural aging process. Sudden weight loss is different though, and must always be reported to your vet.

Could Arthritic Joints Be Making Your Cat Lose Weight

Arthritis is a very painful condition, and more common in cats than was once believed. As cats are living longer, so the chances of developing arthritis are increased. If youre in any pain you know how it can put you off your food. Well, the same goes for your feline friend. Stiff, arthritic joints can be treated, giving your kitty a better quality of life.

Signs your cat could could be suffering from arthritis include problems jumping up on the sofa or bed, and peeing outside the litter box. You can find out more about arthritis in cats here.

Older Cat Eats But Losing Weight

If you have a senior cat that is eating but losing weight, you should consider changing its diet. The food that you provide could be missing vital nutrients that are essential for a healthy weight.

According to Companion Animal Medicine, older cats tend to derive more calories from protein-rich foods than younger cats. This means your cats food needs to be rich in fats and proteins at all times.

Your cat may also grow malnourished because its feeding on empty calories. Your average cat food may not have enough protein, or your feline may need extra supplements. If your elderly cat is skin and bones, this is the best course of action. While those are all easy fixes, there are other possible causes. These will need the intervention of a vet:

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Sewell Nj Cat Owners: Why Is My Cat Losing Weight But Still Eating

For many cat owners, a main concern is preventing obesity and keeping their cats at a healthy weight. However, unintentional weight loss in cats can be a warning sign of an underlying medical problem. So, you might be asking yourself, why is my cat losing weight but still eating?

If you notice that your cat is still eating well, but losing weight, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, as these symptoms may have an underlying medical cause. In cats, a main concern is not eating at all, or anorexia coupled with a reduced appetite which can lead to something called hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver.

Hepatic lipidosis occurs when large quantities of fat are stored in the liver in order to provide energy to the body. This storage of fat in the liver is a response to not eating, and is very dangerous for cats as the increase of fat stored in the liver can lead to liver failure, and eventually death. There are many reasons that cats may lose weight while still eating well, and its always best to consult your veterinarian if youre concerned.

Elderly Cat Friendly Home

Do Cats Lose Their Teeth When They Get Old

All the recommendations for a cat friendly home will work as well for the elderly with a little modification. There is rarely the need to make drastic changes to the home to accommodate your cat as it gets older but small adaptations to the existing cat resources can make a significant difference to the quality of life. If your cat is finding stairs difficult to negotiate, for example, then it may be spending prolonged periods on one level, either up or downstairs. Ensuring that all your cats needs are met on that one level will avoid any risk of being unable to access important resources.

In order to make activity and movement in general easier for your older cat, it is important that it feels comfortable walking. Laminate, tiled or wooden flooring can be slippery and old cats can become unstable on slippery surfaces making them less inclined to be active. Equally, carpet can catch on your cats claws that overgrow easily without regular stropping and remain protracted as the muscles weaken. Cut pile carpets are more comfortable for your cat than loop pile so if your flooring is the latter you can compromise by providing cut pile runners throughout the home to enable your cat to walk in comfort. This is also the ideal surface on which to play, particularly if your cat likes to lie down in the process.

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Why Is My 18 Year Old Cat Ruining My Life

You are being held hostage to the emotional demandsprobably driven by feline dementia at this pointof a cat that is about 90 in human years. Ol Fluff has lived a long, long good life. You will live a much shorter, less good life if you dont get some sleep and a vacation.

What Happens To A Cat In Her Senior Years

Typically, as a cat heads into the senior years she begins to show signs of slowing down. She may be less active and sleepier, points out Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. She might also be less inclined to jump or climb, and might even have difficulty getting to hard-to-reach places.

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What Are Signs Of Aging

An older cat may exhibit the following signs:

  • Meows more frequently
  • Avoids favorite resting place
  • Misses or doesn’t use litter box
  • Doesn’t come when called
  • Changes sleeping or eating patterns
  • Any change in behavior or health – acute or gradual – warrants a visit to your veterinarian without delay

What If Kittens Dont Lose Their Baby Teeth

How to help your fat cat lose weight. Tips and tricks from the vet.

The most commonly encountered tooth problem in kittens is the retention of baby teeth.

If the baby teeth are not lost when the corresponding permanent teeth are coming in, it can result in abnormal tooth position and bite, tartar and plaque buildup, and even abscesses.

But there are typically no complications if retained baby teeth are removed promptly by a veterinarian.

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Arthritis In Older Cats

My pet is a bit stiff in the mornings. Surely that is to be expected at his age?

Joint function certainly deteriorates with age and arthritis is very common, but a visit to the vet is worthwhile. The vet will assess your pet and advise on weight control if necessary. Long-term treatment for arthritis in cats is more challenging than in dogs, as there are fewer drugs available, although more are now coming onto the market. Some drug treatments suit some individuals better than others, so your vet may need to experiment a little to see what is best for your cat. Regular veterinary monitoring is advisable. Tell your vet immediately if the medication causes excessive thirst, puts your cat off food, or causes diarrhoea or vomiting. Some of the nutraceutical diet supplements may be helpful, or acupuncture may be an option. Discuss the choices with your vet. Once the arthritis has settled down, medication may only be needed on bad days. Consult your vet for advice. Never give your cat any of your own arthritis medicines or painkillers.

My old cat is drinking loads. That means his kidneys have gone, doesn’t it? There’s no point in taking him to the vet!

For further information, see our advice on health issues with older cats.

My 13-year-old cat seems to have perpetual diarrhoea. He is still eating but has lost a lot of weight. Sometimes he makes a mess on the carpet. My friends say he should be put down?

Go to the vet if your cat:

Signs Your Cat Is Getting Older

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Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine and pet care, our feline friends are living longer than ever before, with an average lifespan of 12 years .

Many things can significantly impact a cats longevity, ranging from feeding high-quality diets to spay and neuter procedures. In fact, Banfields State of Pet Health reported that spayed female cats live 39 percent longer than unspayed females and neutered males live a whopping 62 percent longer than unneutered males.

As cats live longer, pet parents need to adjust care routines to support a senior lifestyle. But how do you know that your cat is aging and approaching her golden years? Lets look at defining senior age in cats and some subtle signs that your cat is getting older.

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Why Dental Problems Could Be Causing Your Cat To Lose Weight

An older cat losing weight may not always be down to disease or reaching geriatric age. Tooth decay or inflamed gums could be making it painful for your cat to eat. Imagine trying to chew your favourite foods with toothache! Just as with people though, dental disease in cats can be prevented in many cases.

Is Your Old Cat Losing Weight Know Causes Of Weight Loss In Older Cats

Do Cats Lose Their Appetite As They Get Older

Old Cat Losing Weight: On this occasion, we are going to talk about some diseases that occur with weight loss and a good appetite. They are the most difficult to detect since everyone cares when the cat does not want to eat. But not everyone believes that a cat can be sick if it is weight and eats well.

Detect in time the weight loss, is one of the most important preventive health actions we can perform with our cat.

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The loss of weight in cats, as well as an increase in water, should always be cause for concern. When a cat grows thin for no apparent reason, we should investigate if there is a hidden disease that will eventually manifest itself sooner or later, often when it is too late.

Cats tend to disguise the symptoms of the disease, they do it by the instinct of conservation, in nature to show signs of weakness is always dangerous. Species that have predators can not afford to look sick, so cats show signs of disease much later than dogs.

Cats begin to lose weight before more serious symptoms begin to appear. That is why it is important to detect these changes in time.


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Caring For Your Senior Cat

While your older cat might not show any obvious visible signs of aging, providing her with proper care at this advanced stage of life can go a long way toward prolonging her life and making her senior years comfortable.

Nutrition and Exercise. Feed your cat a high-quality cat food that’s specially formulated for senior cats. Talk to your vet about your cat’s nutrition needs at this age and how much you should be feeding her. If she has an underlying health condition, your vet might decide to place her on a therapeutic pet cat food such as Hill’s®Prescription Diet® to help control her condition.

It’s also important for aging cats to drink plenty of clean, fresh water to help improve kidney function and prevent dehydration. Be sure water is plentiful and easily accessible. Older cats may sometimes forget to drink, so consider either adding wet food to your cat’s meals or switching to it altogether to help ensure she gets plenty of fluids.

Despite their tendency to be less active, older cats still benefit from regular exercise. Encourage your cat to move and play as much as she’s willing to. But don’t push, especially if she shows signs of joint pain or discomfort.

Physical Changes In Your Aging Cat

As your cat ages, you can expect a number of behavioral and physical changes to occur. Some are normal and inevitable, but some signal serious disease. If you’re not sure talk to your vet. Early diagnosis and treatment might control problems while they’re small and prolong your cat’s quality of life.

Let’s look at some of the common changes that occur in aging cats, and then see what we can do to keep our geriatric kitties healthy and happy.

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Reasons Your Cat May Be Losing Weight

No matter where on your cat’s body you notice weight loss, your cat’s loss of fat or muscle could be caused by “just about anything,” Rucinsky says.

Here are a few medical issues that can contribute to rapid weight loss in cats:

  • Intestinal disease or parasites can cause nausea or make it difficult for your cat to absorb nutrients from food. Gas or inflammation in the digestive tract can cause problems and may be connected to other medical conditions.
  • Dental disease can cause your cat to avoid food, because it hurts to eat.
  • Pancreatitis
  • Is It Normal For An Old Cat To Get Skinny

    How to Increase Weight on a Cat

    Cats that range in age from 1 – 7 years in age to have a normal body weight with less than 1% of these cats being obese. As a cat becomes more mature and passes his 7th birthday 28% can actually become obese.

    Cats over the age of 12 may start to lose weight and 23% of older cats will actually be underweight. Cats follow the same timeline for their bodies as humans do. We tend to gain weight as we approach age 50 or more and as we pass later birthdays we lose muscle mass and weight as well.

    It is a natural part of life for cats to lose a little bit of weight later in life. A significant amount of weight can indicate bigger problems.

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    Cat Obesity: How To Help Your Cat Lose Weight

    What is obesity?How do I know if my cat is overweight?What is a body condition score ?Why is my cat overweight?Can my cat be predisposed to obesity?What are the health risks of an overweight pet?What are the benefits of weight reduction?How can I help my cat lose weight?

    • Increasing the amount of exercise your cat receives
    • Modifying the way you feed your cat
    • Restricting the calories your cat consumes

    How much exercise does my cat need?How should I change my feeding strategy?How can I get my cat to consume fewer calories?How much food should I feed my cat?Are all diet pet foods the same?Why does my cat always seem hungry on a restricted diet?How long will it take my cat to reach his/her ideal body weight?How do I maintain my cat’s ideal body weight once it is reached?

    Causes Of Weight Loss In Older Cats

    Weight loss commonly afflicts middle aged and older cats. It may be a sign of a developing heath problem, or the progression of a pre-existing condition if your cat begins to lose weight. It is important to monitor your senior cat’s weight, as even the slightest change in weight can be significant.

    Having a general understanding of your cat’s relative age is of great importance so that you maybe able to provide the proper care and nutrition for each stage of life.

    A cat between the ages of 7 and 10 years is considered middle aged. Cats 11 to 14 years of age are considered old or older cats, while cats 15 years of age and older are referred to as elderly or geriatric cats. These terms can be applied loosely, and thus may vary slightly in definition.

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    Different Textures Of Food

    As cats get older, they begin losing their preference for certain foods. You may notice that your cat now prefers wet food instead of dry food, or vice versa. This may be due to dental problems or weak gums.

    Whatever the case, experimenting with different textures can make a difference. The change should be gradual to help your cat adjust to the new diet.

    Dying Cat: Signs A Cat Is Dying

    10 Signs Your Cat is Getting Older

    As cats move into their senior years, age-related diseases become commonplace. While some cats may die very suddenly, many age-related diseases are slow and progressive and can be managed with veterinary care over a long period of time. Eventually, the cat will move into the late stages of the disease and pass into the dying phase.

    Helping a cat in his or her final days, weeks or months is a joint effort between you and the cats primary veterinarian and, in some cases, a specialised veterinarian .

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    What Suggestions Do You Have To Encourage My Cat Get More Exercise

    In an ideal world, we would take a jog with our cats, but we certainly do not live in that world. Getting our cats to engage in aerobic activity is not just difficult – it goes against their very nature. Cats were not designed to function as scavengers and cooperative hunters the way humans and dogs evolved. Instead, cats evolved as stalkers who expended very little energy in seeking their prey and seldom strayed far from their territory. When cats come across prey, they burst into an intensely anaerobic and short-duration pursuit. Most wild cats pursue their prey at top speed for less than a minute. Once this activity is complete, they require hours to recover for the next hunt.

    Our domestic cats are simply smaller versions of these wild felines. While we may take our dogs out for a brisk walk or jog, few cats are interested in this sort of activity. Cats prefer the hundred-yard dash to the marathon. To complicate matters further, cats have evolved to eat a diet based on meat as opposed to humans and dogs that can get their nutritional needs from a combination of vegetables and meats.

    “Since cats are obligate carnivores, the dietary rules for people do not apply.”

    Since cats are obligate carnivores , the dietary rules for people do not apply. Many cats will lose weight more effectively on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet for this reason.

    You will need to use your ingenuity and creativity to convince your chunky cat to get more exercise. Some simple ideas include:


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