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HomeMust ReadHow Do You Treat A Cat Urinary Tract Infection

How Do You Treat A Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Treatment For Utis In Cats

How to Treat Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

If you see any signs of UTI in your cat, take them to the vet. For male cats, it can be fatal to wait even a few hours. For female cats, feed them canned food only and see the vet within 24 hours. You should not try to treat the UTI at home with things like cranberry products, which have not been proven to be effective for UTIs in cats.

Urinary tract infections in cats are usually treated with antibiotics. Often, vets also recommend feeding an all-canned diet for a period of time since dry foods often result in a more-concentrated urine, which can lead to urinary tract problems.

If your cat is particularly uncomfortable, your vet may prescribe anti-inflammatory pain medicationespecially if treatment is delayed a few days while you wait for test results. Acute infections usually receive a relatively short course of antibiotics, while chronic UTIs may require longer antibiotic use.

The Experts Guide To Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease Diet

Feline lower urinary tract disease is a common disease in cats, affecting upwards of 60% of the feline population.

Thats why most vets recommend urinary tract food for cats who have a urinary tract infection.

There are so many diets to choose from and most pet parents dont even realize they have a choice.

They just grab a bag of food at the pet store, hand it over to their cat, and not give it another thought until it is time to buy more cat food.

However, the situation is not that simple. Just like we have different human nutritional needs, so too do our pets.

This can be especially true if your cat has a feline lower urinary tract disease .

In this article, Ill discuss some of the best foods to feed your cat if they are suffering from a feline urinary tract infection.

There are an awful lot of cat food brands and types available nowadays, but theres a pound of research backing up the ones were going to mention.

Ill walk you through the most common feline urinary diets.

Any medical condition that affects any of the above organs are usually classified as FLUTD.

Common conditions include:

1. Cystitis

2. Urinary stones

It involves symptoms such as painful irritation of the urinary bladder to chronic dangerous conditions that require urgent attention.

Because cats with FLUTD experience painful irritation while using the litter box, they associate the pain with using the litter box and abandon the box eventually.

What Are Urinary Tract Infections In Cats

Urinary tract infections are not common in cats. Only 1-3% of cats with signs of urinary tract disease will have a urinary tract infection.

Because they can resemble so many other conditions, UTIs need to be distinguished from other conditions, such as crystals in the urine. Fortunately, by running some simple tests, your veterinarian will be able to tell the difference.

In most cases, UTIs in cats are usually caused by bacteria. Bacterial urinary tract infections in cats are generally relatively easy to treat and respond well to medications. Chronic infections, or those that do not respond to regular medication, can require more testing to figure out why your cat is at higher risk for urinary tract infections.

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How Can You Help Prevent Your Cat From Getting Utis

The best thing you can do to prevent your cat from getting UTIs is to keep up with their routine vet visits to ensure their urinary tract health is in tip top shape. However in recurring cases, your vet might prescribe special diets to prevent bacterial growth.

How can pet insurance help?

If your cats diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, pet insurance can help you say yes to the best care, even when its costly. Check out how one of Pumpkins cat insurance plans can help you cover the cost of a UTI and more.

*Pumpkin Pet Insurance policies do not cover pre-existing conditions. Waiting periods, annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit limits and exclusions may apply. For full terms, visit, discounts, and rates may vary and are subject to change. Pumpkin Insurance Services Inc. is a licensed insurance agency, not an insurer. Insurance is underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company , a Crum & Forster Company and produced by Pumpkin. Pumpkin receives compensation based on the premiums for the insurance policies it sells. For more details visit and

Signs Of Utis In Cats

Vet Talk
  • Straining to urinate
  • Crying or other vocalization when urinating
  • Urinating blood
  • Urinating outside of the litter box
  • Licking at the urethra
  • Increased frequency of urination

Cats that have urinary tract infections are likely to be uncomfortable when they urinate. This discomfort or pain may sometimes cause them to cry or vocalize when they urinate. Straining to urinate and urinating small amounts frequently is also commonly seen.

A cat with a urinary tract infection may also lick at its genitals in an attempt to ease the discomfort and will also often urinate outside of the box. This may occur on the floor right beside the litter box or in other places such as the bathtub or carpet.

Some cats with urinary tract infections will also have blood in their urine and this may be seen in the litter box or on the floor, but can be hard to see in clumping litter.

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How To Recognize Your Cat May Have A Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection in cats can be completely miserable for your cat as well as lead to more unfortunate circumstances. Unfortunately, cats are frequently abandoned or left at an animal shelter due to urination issues. A cat that has urinary problems, such as feline lower urinary tract disease or a urinary tract infection typically struggles with urinating and frequently urinates outside of their litter box. When cats have a urinary tract infection it is stressful for both the cat and the cat parents. It can be disheartening for cat parents to watch their cat suffer with the symptoms. But the good news is with vigilant care, a visit to the veterinarian and an appropriate diet, your cat can get over a urinary tract infection.

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections

Unfortunately, some cats may not show any signs of a urinary tract infection until it becomes a more serious problem. This is especially common in outdoor cats and cats that roam freely inside and out, because their cat parents may spend less time with the cat that do owners of strictly indoor cats. Some of the most noticeable signs of a urinary tract infection may include:Straining to urinateThere may be inflammation and/or the formation of stones in the bladder, which leads to blockage, making it extremely difficult for the cat to urinate.

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Symptoms Of A Uti In Cats

So, how do you know when your cat has a UTI? There are quite a few urinary problems that cats can develop, so its important to be sure that your cat has a UTI before you start treating it.

Other problems like lower urinary tract disease and bladder stones can sometimes have serious consequences and can even become life-threatening. These conditions may require professional help, but a simple UTI can often be effectively managed with home remedies.

If you see your cat straining to urinate or attempting to urinate but failing, then its likely caused by a UTI. Likewise, if your cat is crying or whining when they urinate and grooming excessively afterward, then its probably a UTI. Bloody urine is also a sign of a UTI.

While cats will always make use of the litter box under normal circumstances, theyll often urinate outside the litter box if they have a UTI. They might also become very lethargic or develop a fever or even a sore back.

If you observe one or more of these symptoms in your cat, then they likely have a UTI and you can start administering a natural home remedy to help relieve the issue.

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Causes Of Feline Urinary Tract Disease

FLUTD is a complex condition to diagnose and treat since there are multiple causes and contributing factors to this disease. Crystals, stones or debris can gradually build up in your cat’s urethra or bladder. Some other common causes of lower urinary tract issues in cats include:

  • Incontinence due to excessive water consumption or weak bladder
  • Spinal cord issues
  • Urethral plug caused by the accumulation of debris from urine
  • Bladder infection, inflammation, urinary tract infection
  • Injury or tumor in the urinary tract
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Emotional or environmental stressors

Urinary tract disease in cats is most often diagnosed in overweight, middle-aged cats who have little to no access to outdoors, eat a dry food diet or do not get enough physical activity, although cats of any age can get the condition. Male cats are also more prone to urinary diseases since their narrower urethras are more likely to become blocked.

Using an indoor litter box, emotional or environmental stress, multi-cat households or sudden changes to their everyday routine can also leave cats more vulnerable to urinary tract disease.

If your kitty is diagnosed with FLUTD it is essential to determine the underlying cause. FLUTD symptoms can be caused by serious underlying health issues such as bladder stones or infection due to cancer or a blockage.

How To Treat A Cat’s Uti

Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

This article was co-authored by Lauren Baker, DVM, PhD. Dr. Baker is a Veterinarian and PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Baker received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Wisconsin in 2016, and went on to pursue a PhD through her work in the Comparative Orthopaedic Research Laboratory.There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 72,717 times.

UTI stands for urinary tract infection, an infection which can occur in felines as well as humans. Treating a UTI without the use of antibiotics is difficult, if not impossible. If you try to clear an infection and only partially succeed, you run the risk of suppressing the symptoms, whilst bacteria are still present. This could lead to a long-term infection that could potentially damage your cat’s health. A low grade urinary infection is a ticking time bomb, because the bacteria could travel up to the kidney and cause a more serious infection. When possible, always seek veterinary attention and an appropriate course of antibiotics.

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Warning Signs Of Feline Urinary Tract Infections

  • Straining to urinate: Feline idiopathic cystitis can lead to straining while urinating, and can eventually lead to more severe situations such as the formation of bladder stones or a urethral plug. Male cats are more at risk to develop a urethral plug this is a life-threatening condition that causes a cat to lose the ability to urinate.
  • Frequent attempts to urinate: Cats with FLUTD have a frequent urge to urinate, but can only pass a small amount each time.
  • Painful urination: If your cat cries out while urinating, this is a tell-tale sign that she may be in pain.
  • Blood in urine
  • Licking the genital or abdominal areas: This is a way for cats to soothe the pain of a urinary tract disease.
  • Irritability
  • Urinating Outside the Litter Box: Take note if your cat is urinating in places other than litter box, especially on cool surfaces like tile or a bathtub.

My Cat Suddenly Began Going To The Litterbox Very Frequently A Sample Of Urine Revealed A Bladder Infection How Did This Happen

While urinary tract disorders are fairly common in cats, urinary tract infections are fairly uncommon. Cats with UTIs try to urinate very frequently, they may pass only small amounts of urine, they may strain to urinate, they may cry out or whine when urinating, and there may be blood visible in their urine. Urinating outside of the litterbox is also a red flag that something is wrong in the bladder. Finally, frequent licking around the rear end may signal that a UTI is present.

Generally, a UTI occurs when bacteria travel up the urethra and into the bladder. Urine in the bladder is supposed to be sterile, but once bacteria find their way to the bladder, the bacteria can grow and reproduce, causing the UTI. Some cats will develop bladder stones, with or without a UTI, and this opens the door for additional health issues.

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Why Is My Cat Going To The Litter Box Every Few Minutes

Cats with urinary tract infections or other forms of urinary tract disease spend a lot of time going in and out of the litter box. It might look like your cat is constipated, but if you watch closely, youll notice that theres not a lot of moisture in the box.

Frequent trips to the litter box indicate that your cat needs relief. If your cat keeps trying to pee but only a little comes out, its a sure sign that something is wrong. Bring him or her to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

If your cat keeps going to the litter box but nothing happens at all, he or she may be dealing with a complete urethral blockage. In this case, seek emergency veterinary care immediately. Just a few hours of hesitation could be fatal.

What Kind Of Antibiotics Can I Give My Cat For Uti

Cat: Urinary Tract Irritations

If a cat has never had a urinary infection before, then it is acceptable to put him on a course of broad spectrum antibiotics that kill a wide range of bacteria commonly found in urine. Typically, these antibiotics are penicillins, such as amoxicillin, clavulanic acid, cephalosporins, or sulphonamides.

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What Medications Are Used To Treat Feline Utis

For true infections where bacteria is confirmed to be present, your veterinarian will likely prescribe oral antibiotics or a long-lasting antibiotic injection to treat the infection. They may also prescribe anti-inflammatories to reduce inflammation in the bladder and discomfort for your cat.

PRO TIP: Did you know that there is one simple step you can take that can increase the effectiveness of your pet’s UTI antibiotic? There is, and it’s as simple as timing. Read more about the best time to give your cat their UTI medication.

For instances of sterile cystitis, also known as Feline Inflammatory Cystitis or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease , where inflammation is present in the absences of infection or crystals, these cats are often treated with a multimodal plan.

In addition to anti-inflammatories to reduce inflammation in the bladder, your veterinarian may recommend a combination of several things to manage this complicated disease, which may include:

  • Special diet formulated to change pH and decrease inflammation
  • Supplements to strengthen the cell layer of the bladder wall
  • Reduction of stress
  • Increased water/moisture intake with circulating water fountains and all-canned diets.

Prescription Cat Food for UTIs

Symptoms Of A Urinary Tract Infection In A Cat:

  • Excessive grooming or licking of the genital or abdominal areas
  • Frequent attempts to urinate, including multiple trips to the litter box
  • Urinating in unusual places outside of the litter box, especially on a cool surface like tile or the bathtub
  • Vomiting
  • Absence of large clumps in the litter box
  • Straining to urinate or crying out while urinating
  • Discolored urine or blood in urine

The most common symptom is when the cat is no longer going to the bathroom in their litter box. Do not assume this is a behavior issue. Take your feline companion to the vet to rule out a urinary tract infection or other serious problem.

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What To Do If You Suspect A Flutd

If your cat is having trouble urinating and displaying other signs of FLUTD, take her to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet will give her a physical exam and collect urine samples. Blood work, x-rays, and abdominal ultrasound may also be recommended for diagnosis.

Most cases of FLUTD improve without medical treatment, but the symptoms can recur. Though they may not be life-threatening to your cat, they can be uncomfortable, so treatment can improve her overall quality of life. While treatment of FLUTD depends on the underlying cause, it is always beneficial to increase your cats water intake. Maintaining a healthy weight, feeding her canned food and encouraging her to use her litter box can also help. However, certain conditions simply cannot be treated at home. Bacterial cystitis should be treated with antibiotics, while stones must be surgically removed.

Its always best to be safe. A simple phone call to your vet when you first notice any of the above symptoms can help diagnose a problem much sooner and save your cat a longer period of discomfort. Its also important to monitor your cat after being diagnosed with FLUTD during treatment to ensure that the problem doesnt reoccur as cats are good at hiding their pain.

How To Prevent Utis In Cats

Stop Urinary Tract Infections in your Cat!

It is important to note that UTIs are less common in cats. It is often more likely that another urinary issue is affecting your cat. UTIs most often occur when something else is affecting the cats natural defenses such as an autoimmune issue, bladder stones, or diabetes mellitus. These conditions will need to be addressed along with the UTI.

To encourage urinary tract health, all cats should be offered fresh water at all times and encouraged to drink. Canned or moist food is ideal for cats because it has more water content, and for cats with recurrent urinary issues, it may be recommended to add additional water to their canned food as well.

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