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HomeMust ReadMy Cat Has Blood In His Stool

My Cat Has Blood In His Stool

What Can I Do If My Cat Is Kicking Litter Out


Boy, was this a big issue in my house! My cat Zoe was kicking so much litter out of the box that the floor in the area felt like a sandy beach, and I had to keep a broom nearby just to keep up with this messy behavior.

To tackle this grainy issue, I first tried putting a top on the box with a flap in the front. Unfortunately, Zoe did not approve of the flap and let me know right away by pooping at the entrance to the box. However, she was okay with the top, which helped keep some of that litter inside.

I also put a mat under the litter box, which has helped a great deal. You can buy a mat like this online or at a store that sells pet supplies. The mat catches a lot of the litter that gets kicked out, so at least it doesnt spread out all over the floor. While the problem isnt completely solved, its much better now, and I dont always have to sweep up before I start a load of wash.

I hope that answered all of your unasked questions about cat poop. I know I feel like a cat poop expert nowalthough I think Ill avoid adding that to my resume )

The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.


How Will The Vet Treat The Problem

Cats who are diagnosed with hematochezia are usually treated on an outpatient basis. If the underlying condition is severe enough, such as dehydration or internal bleeding, the vet will need to get those under control before releasing your cat back into your care.

Depending on the underlying cause that is diagnosed, your vet may prescribe antibiotics or other medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and/or laxatives.

In many cases, where the problem was caused by changes or problems related to the cats food the vet may prescribe a change in diet .

Conditions like condyloma, fistulas, hemorrhoids and fissures are classified as anorectal diseases. Some anorectal diseases may require surgery to cure.

Other Indicators To Observe

Unless your cat looks weak and in pain, you can observe it before you schedule an appointment to its veterinarian. Its pooping behavior is among the things you should monitor. You should check out other possible signs such as:

Keep a record of all the signs youve observed and relay them to your vet later on. By doing so, your vet can make a diagnosis more quickly.

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What To Do If You Notice Blood In Your Cat’s Stool

If you see blood in your cats stools then you should get your pet checked out by your vet. It could be something mild, such as eating something that has disagreed with them, but it could be something more sinister.

If your cat is vomiting, off his food, or showing signs of pain , its especially important to get your pet seen quickly. The more promptly you seek help, the quicker and more effectively the problem can be dealt with.

Rectal Tumors And Rectal Polyps:

Blood/Mucus in stool

Rectal tumors are not very common in cats, they constitute only 10 % and 15 % of cases in cats. Most rectal tumors in cats are benign rectal polyps.

Rectal polyps are noncancerous growths that occur in the cats rectal area. This later is not very common in cats, a veterinarian can discover them via a rectal examination, and he or she may use an endoscopic examination to see them. These polyps can also bleed frequently and efficiently, especially when defecating, which causes bold in your cats stool.

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My Cat’s Pooing Blood But Has No Other Symptoms What Does This Mean

Remember that cats are very good at hiding signs of illness so just because you cant see any other obvious signs it doesnt mean you should ignore the blood in their poo. Dont wait for other signs to appear, the blood itself is enough to warrant a call to the vet. While the cause might be mild and not a massive cause for concern, its always better to be safe than sorry.

How To Treat Bloody Stools In Cats

If your cat is only experiencing a mild self-limiting bout of tummy upset and is otherwise well, then you could try some bland food for a few days . Probiotic supplements can also be helpful to get things back on track too.

However, bloody stools usually require a trip to the vet. Its important to make sure there is nothing serious going on and your vet is best placed to advise you on treatment options, as well as whether further investigation is warranted.

Depending on the underlying cause, treatment could involve a change in diet, anti-parasite products, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatories. Conditions such as pancreatitis may mean your cat needs to be hospitalized for supportive care and regular pain relief.

Sometimes tests may need to be performed to help work out what the best cause of action might be. Blood and fecal samples can be helpful, but sometimes diagnostic imaging like X-rays or endoscopy is required.

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Top 6 Causes Of Blood In Your Dog Or Cats Stool

  • 23 Dec, 2016

Blood in the stool of your dog or cat can be a very scary thing to see. In humans, this is often a serious issue. However, bloody stool of dogs or cats can be from a variety of causes, not all of them serious. It is helpful to determine if the stool has blood mixed within it or is only streaked on the surface, and if it is normal or soft. These clues will help your veterinarian determine what may be happening. The following is a list of the six most common causes of bloody stool in dogs and cats.

  • Parasites are the most common cause of bloody stool in puppies and kittens. Different parts of the world will have different parasites and risk of exposure to your pet. All puppies and kittens should receive deworming medication every two weeks until they are fourteen weeks old to help with roundworm infection.
  • Cancer in dogs and cats is most commonly seen when they are older and can also cause blood in their stool. These pets might also have a difficult time passing stool or pass flattened stools.
  • Dietary indiscretion is more common in dogs than cats, but the irritation or damage to the colon caused by what they have eaten will sometimes cause blood in the stool of your dog or cat.
  • Stress can cause bloody stool in dogs more often than cats. This may be a pet that has an underlying disease that worsened by the stressful event and should be examined by a veterinarian.
  • Causes Of Blood In Your Cats Poop

    Why is there Blood in Your Cat’s Poop? – and how to treat it

    There are eight main reasons that your cat could be pooping blood, either mixed in or on the surface of their stool.

  • Constipation

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • It should also be said that these different diseases do not always result in blood being found in the poop. They may simply cause a more watery diarrhea, softer stool, or the feces may even appear relatively normal with other symptoms being present instead .

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    Dietary Fibre Responsive Colitis

    Dietary fibre responsive colitis is a type of colitis that is caused by the lack of dietary fibre. This type of colitis leads to inflammation and bleeding in the large intestine. If your cat is diagnosed with dietary fibre responsive colitis, the veterinarian may recommend a high-fibre diet. These cats will often show no other symptoms other than blood in the stool.

    First Things First Stay Calm

    Blood in cat stool can definitely be concerning but dont panic! First, take a deep breath, and then call your veterinarian.

    There are a variety of reasons you might find blood in your cats poop, and many of them have easily treatable solutions. As with any health issue, though, early detection and a treatment plan from your vet are key to getting your cat back to feeling his best again.

    We spoke to Jamie Fischer, a veterinary nurse and education specialist at TeleTails, for more insight on why you might be seeing blood in your cats poop.

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    Can Tapeworms Cause Blood In Stool In Cats

    No, not usually. Tapeworms are one of the few parasites that do not cause blood in stool in cats.

    In summary, blood in stool in cats is a common symptom with many causes, some of which are serious and others that may not be as concerning. Blood in the stool can also have other symptoms associated with it such as vomiting or diarrhea. If you’re concerned about your cat’s blood in their stool, contact your veterinarian to find out what treatment should occur based on the cause. Treatment can vary from simple dietary changes to medications and even surgery in some cases. Fibre supplementation may be recommended for cats that have blood in the stool as a result of inflammatory colitis. Canned pumpkin or Metamucil are both good sources of fibre for cats.

    Diagnostic Testing For Cats With Bloody Stools

    Why Does My Cat Have Blood In His Stool

    When you get to the clinic, your vet will do a physical examination to assess your cats overall condition. Sometimes abdominal palpation can raise suspicions of one disease process over the others. After that, your vet may recommend diagnostic testing to get a better idea of whats going on. These might include:

  • Fecal testing to look for parasites especially in cats that go outside or are newly adopted.
  • Blood tests can reveal changes in red and white blood cells, liver and kidney values, pancreatic activity, and vitamin B levels amongst other things.
  • Abdominal radiographs and/or ultrasound imaging can check for tumors, pancreas inflammation, foreign objects.
  • Abdominal exploratory surgery or endoscopy allows visual inspection of organs and collection of biopsy samples. These are usually done after the other tests. Many cats wont need this level of diagnostic testing.
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    Blood In Kitten Stool: Causes And Treatments

    Raising a pet, especially cats, is not as easy as most people think. Under mistreatment, your lovely friend may suffer from health hazards, ranging from minor indigestion to even cancer. One of the most common phenomena is bleeding upon defecation.

    It could come as a shock to spot specks of blood in kitten stool, but there are some things you can do to improve the situation. Getting a good grasp of possible causes and effective medical attention including first-aid care is likely to come in handy.

    Can Your Cat Have A Serious Issue

    Simply as your kitty has bloody stool, then it is not necessarily Time to fear! Examine the large picture to have a better view on the true danger level. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Has his own desire or ingesting transformed?
    • Has he lost weight?
    • Has his own action level decreased?
    • Can he have any other symptoms?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to Create an appointment to see your vet.

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    Main Cause Of Weight Loss With Bloody Stool In Cats

    If your cat starts to lose weight fast and you observe blood in cats it is likely that she has the inflammatory bowel disease . IBD is a condition that results when your felines immune system turns versus the lining of her gastrointestinal tract, leading to impaired absorption of nutrients and the ability to absorb food appropriately. This damaged your felines entire GI tract leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and weight-loss. IBD is among the most common causes of persistent vomiting and diarrhea in cats. Sadly, the cause of this incapacitating disease is unidentified. It is seen usually is an issue in middle-aged or older felines though more youthful cats might be affected also.

    My Cat Has Blood In Its Stool What Should I Do

    Litter Box Problems: Cats Covering Their Poop

    Home » Pets » Cats » Cat Health » My Cat has Blood in its Stool What Should I Do?

    It can be terrifying to discover that your cat has blood in its stool. The presence of blood in the stool, or hematochezia can be a result of a minor intestinal upset, or a symptom of many more serious medical conditions.

    Bleeding in the lower intestines, such as the colon and the rectum, generally causes hematochezia. It is characterized by the presence of bright, frank blood in the feces. Hematochezia should not be confused with melena, the passage of dark, tar-colored feces, caused by bleeding that occurs higher up in the intestinal tract.

    If your cat has blood in its stool on only one occasion, and otherwise appears to be eating, drinking and acting normally, the cause may simply be a minor gastrointestinal upset, such as eating too much, eating a unfamiliar food, or eating something that does not agree with him. Some cats are especially sensitive to stress, and any sudden change in environment, such as adding a new pet to the household, having a baby or even a schedule change can induce colitis. Changing food brands suddenly can also cause this condition, as cats often require a gradual change of food in order to adjust without complications.

    However, if your cat has any repeated episodes of blood in the stool, if he appears lethargic or depressed, or the blood is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, it can be a sign of a severe medical problem requiring veterinary assistance.

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    Other Causes Of Kitten Diarrhea

    • Internal Parasites

    Parasites such as roundworms and tapeworms can upset your kittens digestion and even stunt their growth. Your kitten should be dewormed at two weeks of age and again at two-week intervals until they reach 12 weeks. After that, kittens should be placed on a monthly anti-parasite product that is prescribed by a family veterinarian. This preventative treatment helps control intestinal parasites and fleas, which cause tapeworms.

    • Infections

    Common bacterial infections include salmonella and campylobacter. Kittens can also contract viruses such as feline immunodeficiency virus, panleukopenia, feline leukemia virus and rotavirus.

    • Environmental Stress

    Moving to a new home, getting new housemates and other environmental factors can cause diarrhea in kittens.

    The 8 Reasons A Cat Might Have Blood In His Stool

    The causes of bloody stool are practically endless. Here are a few of the major causes to consider:

  • Food intolerance/medicine intolerance/dietary indiscretion very common in all ages of cats
  • Toxin somewhat common, especially if your cat spends time outdoors or is known to get into things he shouldnt
  • Parasite/virus/bacteria common in kittens, cats who go outdoors or come into contact with unknown cats
  • Liver or kidney disease common, especially in senior cats
  • Inflammatory bowel disease common
  • Foreign object somewhat common in young cats and those known to chew and swallow objects
  • Tumor somewhat common in older cats
  • Blood clotting abnormality uncommon
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    Why Is My Cat Bleeding From Rectum

    Numerous health conditions can cause your cat to bleed from its rectum, such as constipation, inflammation, and even diarrhea. Blood, in these cases, might be hard to identify, because the litter can either change the color or create some changes in the appearance as well.

    Possible causes your cat is bleeding from its rectal are:

    Symptoms Of Blood In The Stool In Cats

    Blood In Cat Stool

    The main symptom of blood in the stool in your cat will be the presence of bright red or dark brown to black blood. This symptom may occur on its own or in combination with other signs such as:

    • Diarrhea or loose stools
    • Inappropriate defecation in other parts of home
    • Frequent unproductive trips to the litterbox
    • Increased thirst

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    Clinical Indications Of Blood In Cat Stool

    Signs depend On where from the gastrointestinal tract that the blood arises from.

    • Brand New blood or in the feces
    • Foul, metallic smelling stool

    Clotting disorders

    Therapy for Mothers with Blood Stool

    Remedy Depends upon the underlying reason. Your vet will conduct a complete physical exam including a rectal examination, and in a number of instances x-rays or ultrasound.

    Dehydrated Creatures may need intravenous fluids, also anaemic creatures may demand a blood transfusion. Other treatment may include antibiotics, prokinetics, anti-emetics and pain killers.

    Why Is My Cat Acting Normal If There’s Blood In Their Stool

    Home remedies for blood in cat stool are rarely the answer, but it’s possible the blood is a sign that her digestive system is a tad upset, so a temporary tweak to her diet might make her feel better.

    “If stool is firm and difficult to squish between a paper towel, feed your cat wet food and water,” Bragdon says. “If stool is watery or soft, feed plenty of water and consider a bland diet.”

    However, cats behaving normally who have a small amount of or occasional blood should still have a vet exam within a week or two to rule out more serious conditions.

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    Signs Of Blood In Cat’s Stool

    Blood in cat’s stools can vary from the odd small red or pink streak to full-blown red, bloody stools. Less commonly, you may see something called melaena, which is digested blood. This causes feces to take on a black sticky, tar-like appearance due to a bleed higher up in the digestive tract .

    Sometimes, blood in the stools can be associated with other signs. These may include:

    • A change in stool consistency, either looser feces than normal or they might be harder and drier if your cat is constipated
    • Increased mucous in the feces
    • Feces with an increased unpleasant odor
    • Passing stools outside of the litter tray or having accidents in the house
    • Changes in appetite
    • Abdominal discomfort


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