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HomeMust ReadMy Cat Is Spraying But He Is Fixed

My Cat Is Spraying But He Is Fixed

Consider The Many Causes And Do Your Research

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Spraying is a big issue, but it can be combated with knowledge. Today, we learned that unaltered adult male cats are by far the most guilty of any of the categories. This is something to consider when adopting a cat, but you must also consider the cat’s breed.

Some breeds have a pretty bad reputation for marking, especially hybrid breeds like Bengals and Savannahs. These breeds have wild cats in their recent family trees, which makes this very undomesticated behavior all the more likely. Even so, hybrids aren’t the only breeds that are said to be problematic. Even the wistfully beautiful and very domesticated Egyptian Mau sometimes gets a reputation for this ungainly behavior, and they are not the only ones! So, do your research, and in the end, we hope you and your kitty will spend a happy life together.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

Spraying Reason #: Stress

Cats are most certainly creatures of habit. Have you changed anything in your cats routine or environment? In Maxs case, we had recently moved into an apartment while we were awaiting our house to be built.

Just like how humans cope with stress by engaging in certain soothing rituals, cats may use urine marking, or spraying, to relieve their stress by marking out their boundaries. They may try to self-soothe by creating their own safe space.

So think about your life recently. Have you moved? Have new family members been brought into the home? Has your routine changed?

Why Is My Cat Spraying Urine Indoors

Cats may spray indoors when they are:

  • threatened by other cats in the neighbourhood – or other cats coming into their home
  • stressed by a perceived threat
  • stressed by changes at home, such as a new baby or building work

Often cats spray because of a combination of factors.

And sometimes cats start spraying for one reason, but continue for another. For example, a cat that is punished for spraying may feel more anxious and may be more likely to spray.

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Are You Worried Your Neutered Cat Is Going To Mark His Territory

Because the worst thing for every Cat parent is to come home from a hard days work or just waking up in the morning only to smell Cat urine has literally engulfed the whole house!

I mean just a little drop of Cat urine somewhere has such strong odor it can smell for days, weeks even months!

And not only that

It smells the whole room up

What makes things even more worse is

You have no idea where that smell is coming from!

So youre basically sniffing around like a Police dog that is looking for drugs!

This can be really frustrating and annoying

Trust me,

I know how you feel

Because my Cat would love to mark his territory

He would come from the Garden and all of a sudden spray somewhere in the house

Oh did I mention that he is neutered?

So yes,

Neutered Cats do still spray unfortunately

Theyre not just spraying for the sake of it

Or to just get on your nerves

There are reasons for this

And Im going to talk about the different reasons your neutered kitty is spraying

So carry on reading

One of the questions Cat parents ask is How to stop a neutered cat from spraying?

Or even Do male cats spray after being neutered?

And the answer is yes

I know that is not the answer you are looking for

But its the truth

We as Cat parents need to understand why are neutered Cats still spraying?

I mean what is the reason?

We need to dig deep and play detective mode

Because a neutered Cat or even just a Cat will not just start spraying for no reason

Something is causing this behavior

What Is Urine Spraying

My cat just got neutered today and this is the first time ...

Urine spraying is completely different from normal toileting. Cats usually urinate from a squatting position and produce a large puddle of urine in a secluded spot. In contrast, cats spray urine to leave a scent message for themselves and other cats. Cats spray by backing up to a vertical surface in an open location and squirt a spray of urine from a standing position, sometimes while paddling with their back legs and quivering their tail.

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How To Discourage Your Cat From Spraying Indoors

Has your cat started spraying indoors? Your first step should be to visit your vet to make sure there are no medical causes for your cat’s behaviour.

The next step is to work out what makes your cat feel threatened and then take action to eliminate the threat. This process can be complicated because there may be many factors involved. It is best to ask your vet to refer you to a qualified animal behaviourist.

Spraying is often connected to a change in the cat’s environment, such as a new cat.

The location of your cat’s spraying may provide clues about their perceived threat. If your cat sprays on internal doorways and in hallways it may be because this is where they come into contact with other cats. To overcome this, you can help reduce conflict and create a sense of security by providing extra litter trays, bowls and places for your cats to sleep, play and scratch – reducing the need for competition.

How To Stop A Male Cat From Spraying

This article was co-authored by Jessica Char. Jessica Char is a Cat and Dog Trainer, Behavior Consultant, and the Founder of Feline Engineering and Canine Engineering. She specializes in modifying challenging pet behavior problems, such as fear and aggression, using positive reinforcement training protocols. Jessica is a Certified Fear Free Trainer, a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, and a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer. She is also a member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Jessica received her BS and MS in Biomedical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 13 testimonials and 83% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 420,861 times.

Spraying is communicative behavior male cats engage in for a variety of reasons. As the urine emitted in spraying is pungent, and can cause stains to furniture and carpets, spraying can be a problem for many cat owners. If your cat is spraying, there are a variety of ways to correct the issue.

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Litter Inadequacies May Also Be A Reason For Your Cat To Spray

The issue of proper litter box maintenance should always be addressed when dealing with a spraying cat. Although spraying is not an elimination problem, if there are too few litter boxes in a multi-cat household, a conflict may arise over litter box use, which could contribute to spraying.

So, make sure you have one cat litter box furniture for each cat, plus one extra. This means that if you have two cats, youll need a minimum of three litter boxes. The size and area matter too: The litter box should be bigger than the cat and be placed in a quiet, low-traffic area. Most importantly, keep it clean scoop the litter twice a day and clean the toilets with warm water and unscented soap once a week to reduce the presence of any offending other cat smells.

Problem: Your well-behaved cat doesnt connect with the litter box anymore and has started to leave unpleasant surprises around the house.

How to fix it: Try to change the litter box. For example, if you have changed the mix to a scented one or have placed a liner that makes your pet uncomfortable, she or he may decide to pee outside of the box. So, go back to normal. If you have multiple cats, place litter boxes in low-traffic areas with at least two exit routes the point is to avoid conflict between the cats. Dont forget to keep the box clean and completely replace the litter once a week.

How To Stop A Neutered Male Cat From Spraying In The House

What To Do With Neutered Cats That Spray | Two Crazy Cat Ladies

As you can see, there are plenty of causes. How to stop this behavior is the most pressing question at this point. It has been found, male cats as well as female cats should be neutered when they are about 4 to 6 months old. This will help control spraying in about 90% of the cases. Apart from that, try to find out the exact cause. Check whether the litter box remains dirty for long periods of time. Clean it regularly and make sure its location is easily accessible to the cat. Also, keep the litter box in an area, where it can maintain the cats privacy. Cats are private creatures when it comes to their private business.

Some cats tend to spray or urinate at the same spot again and again. This is because the smell of their urine lingers in that particular spot. This will cause it to return and urinate in the same area. If your cat has urinated in some place, make sure you use a proper detergent and cleaning solution that will help remove every trace of cat urine smell. Never ever hit your cat or punish him to teach him a lesson. This will only make the situation worse as the cat will feel insecure and stressed which will only make him spray more often.

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Why Does My Neutered Male Cat Spray Around The House

Now, there could be a number of possible reasons about why a neutered male will spray urine around the house. We shall discuss some of the most probable reasons about why your tom-cat is behaving in such a way. Remember, the cat is not spraying to make you angry or take revenge. He is doing just as he is programmed by his genes to do so. You should understand there is a difference between spraying and urination. If the cat urinates on a vertical wall or furniture, it means he is spraying. If he urinates on a flat surface, your clothes, rug, bed, etc., it means he is just avoiding using the litter box. Sometimes, male cats urinate in the litter box and will also spray on a vertical surface. All for a particular reason.

The main reason for spraying is marking the territory. Male cats are prone to develop territorial issues and will spray around to make sure the other cats know, they are on the wrong turf. The territory marking is generally carried out outside the house, where the cat thinks competition will arrive. When a cat reaches sexual maturity, he will start spraying to spread pheromones and let the females know that he is ready to mate. This sexual behavior causing spraying will continue, till you dont get him fixed. He will become more and more aggressive, whenever he is in heat.

Do Neutered Cats Spray

Cats are wonderful animals and they make fantastic pets, however, not unlike dogs, birds, horses, or any other domesticated animals, they have their own little annoying quirks that need to be nipped in the bud as soon as they begin. One of these upsetting behaviors is the spraying of furniture and carpets with their urine, and, yes, a neutered cat can engage in the frustrating ritual. But, why does Fluffy do this to your home, when he or she is an otherwise well-behaved little feline? Here are some the many reasons this happens, and what you can do to control this disturbing act:

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How To Handle Cat Spraying


Keeping the house clean can be a challenge for anyone who owns pets. Theres nothing worse than getting home after a long day at work to a terrible odor or mess on the floor. Spraying is one of the most common behavioral problems in cats, along with scratching. But while your first instinct may be to discipline your cat for this undesirable behavior, keep in mind that she is predisposed to this practice, and it should be redirected.

Consider Other Cats And Conflict

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Is there any kitty conflict happening in your house? If your pet feels stressed by other cats they may be urine marking out of anxiety, or to show their territory. Outside cats, who may be visiting your garden or walking by, can cause a lot of stress for indoor cats. If this is a factor, you can try to stop other cats from visiting, or close curtains and blinds to stop your kitty from seeing them.

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How To Combat Aging

My first cat lived to be fourteen, and in the last year of her life, she was clearly going out of her mind. She stopped pooping in the box, and for no reason, started using the middle of the floor for a potty. It’s a hard and heartbreaking situation because there is no way to reverse this age-related progression.

I can’t offer much help if you are in this situation, but if you happen to have younger cats, please know that keeping a cat’s mind and body active in their younger years has great preventative qualities when it comes to aging. An older cat who is still playing with toys and is not obese is far less likely to suffer from age-related problems. Besides, playing with your cat, hiding their food in treat balls, and interacting with them more has to be one of the happiest remedies to any of the issues we discussed today!

Why Is My Cat Spraying And How Can I Make It Stop

Dear Tabby,

Our young cat has started spraying in the house! We dont know what to do and its making us crazy! What could be causing this and how can we make it stop?

Sick of Spraying in Shepherd Park Plaza

Dear Sick of Spraying,

Ugh. Cat spray is the worst! Im so sorry that youre dealing with it. Luckily, there is often a simple cause for the spraying that can be remedied rather easily and quickly. So first things first, lets parse through why your cat might be spraying.

What is spraying?

When a cat sprays urine, this is different from a cat urinating outside of the litter box. A spraying cat is trying to send a clear message by spraying an area and it looks different than typical urination. A spraying cat will back up to a vertical surface, shake its tail and then spray the area. In contrast, a cat who is urinating to relieve itself will squat–hopefully in a litter box–and then fastidiously cover it.

But why?

Cats spray for several reasons but the most common is because they are stressed and/or feel insecure about their territory. When determining why your cat is spraying, your first step should be a trip to the vet to rule out any medical conditions. Also, if you havent already, your cat needs to be spayed or neutered, which will help to stop the spraying.

Territory issues and stress

How to make it stop

With a little time, care and attention, you should be able to figure out what is causing your cat to spray and fix this stinky situation for good.

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Remember Cats Are Cats

It is highly suggested that having your male cat neutered before they reach sexual maturity can greatly reduce the likeliness of cat spraying. For male cats that are neutered before 6 months of age, they are being neutered before they start to instinctively behave based on the testosterone coursing through their veins. Theres no reason to wait on getting your male cat neutered, do it before six months of age to reduce cat owner frustrations later on.

It is always important to practice patience and slowly introduce new felines to reduce the likeliness of upset cats reacting like, well, cats!

As we know, cats are not fans of change. Have you recently added to your clowder of kitties and your existing cat has started spraying as a result? As mentioned above, cats are territorial beings. They like change strictly on their terms and they cannot protest by way of meows. Therefore, they rely on other means to object to the presence of a new cat encroaching on all their precious things in their home.

Why A Neutered Cat Sprays

Why is my Cat Spraying Everywhere? – Male Cat Spraying

Your neutered cat spraying may be caused by changes in your catâs environment. Things, like moving to a new home or adding a new pet to the family, can be very disruptive and stressful to a cat and spraying could be his reaction to this situation.

A neutered cat who sprays may also be marking his territory. This is especially true when there is an unspayed female or another male cat in the home that hasnât been neutered. Your cat may even spray when he detects the presence of another cat outside your home.

Cat spraying could also be a response to litter box issues. Your cat may be unhappy with the type of litter you are using or he may not like the location of his litter box. Or, he could be reacting to litter box odors that you canât even smell. So clean your catâs litter box once or twice a day. Wash out the litter box and replace the litter once a week. Also, make sure that you have enough litter boxes in your home. You need one litter box per cat, plus one. Make sure that the litter box is located in a private, low-traffic area.

Your neutered cat may be spraying because he is stressed. To learn more about the causes of stress in cats and what you can do to help, go to 14 Things That Stress Cats Out!

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