Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomeHealthNatural Remedies For Cat Digestion

Natural Remedies For Cat Digestion

Home Remedies For Cat Vomiting And Upset Stomach

NHV Yucca: Pain Relief & Digestive Support For Cats & Dogs

Vomiting and upset stomach can happen for various reasons. It can either be something that happens once and never happens again, or it can be a recurring problem.

Your kitty may have developed a tummy ache from slurping that bit of milk you just offered after breakfast.

It could also be that she cannot tolerate that new cat food you just brought her, or maybe she simply eats too fast. Hairballs are also notorious causes of vomiting.

If the upset stomach is a one-time thing, think about the following possible causes:

  • Sudden diet change
  • Hairballs
  • Eating something that blocks their stomach
  • Medication side effects
  • Parasites
  • Viral or bacterial infections

If your cat seems to have recurring vomiting and upset tummy, one of these might be the cause:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Metabolic disease
  • Motility disorders
  • Many other causes

It cannot be repeated enough that in some cases, vomiting may also indicate serious issues such as intestinal obstructions, kidney disease, internal parasites, or even cancer. Any of these would obviously require prompt veterinary attention!

If your cat has an upset tummy but is still bright and alert, home remedies may be helpful.

Fasting And Hydration To Treat Gastroenteritis

As its owner, you should implement certain hygienic-dietary habits to ensure that your cat can support this bodily reaction so that the gastroenteritis is spontaneously cured in a shorter period of time.

This means that your cat will initially need to go for 24 hours without food. As such, all the energy required for digestion will be used so that the digestive system can recover. What you shouldn’t neglect under any circumstances is dehydration, since vomiting and diarrhea means your pet loses a significant percentage of body fluids.

The best way to maintain good hydration is to get an oral re-hydration serum suitable for veterinary use.

What To Do If Your Kitten Has Diarrhea

Its important to speak to a vet as soon as possible if your kitten has diarrhea. Your vet will likely run a test on a fresh stool sample to screen for parasites. Parasites such as giardia and coccidia are very common causes of diarrhea in young kittens. In certain pedigree breeds such as Bengals, a parasite called Tritrichomonas Foetus can be involved.

Your vet will request further information about the health of your kitten, specifically whether she is vaccinated for diseases such as panleukopenia. Although this is uncommon, it causes a high mortality rate. The diarrhea is usually profuse, and the kitten may have other signs of disease.

Other things to consider include a recent change in diet, environment, or addition of treats to encourage good behaviors. These are much more common causes of diarrhea in kittens. The symptoms are mild and usually, your kitten will appear well and happy if these are the cause.

Your vet will be able to determine whether your kitten needs further diagnostics or if some simple remedies can be tried at home.

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Cat Upset Stomach Home Remedy: Chamomile

Have you ever heard of the benefits of chamomile for cats? Yes, you can give your cat chamomile infusions to help soothe their symptoms of stomach upset. To help, you can ingest the chamomile with a syringe . Place it on the side of your cats mouth and administer a small amount. If your cat rejects it actively by vomiting again, DO NOT force it to drink the chamomile. Instead, offer your cat water or chicken broth.

Chamomile has important digestive, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is good and effective to treat stomach problems in cats. However, as weve already mentioned, this depends on the cause and severity of your cats stomach upset. If the vomiting, diarrhea or pain does not remit, it will be essential to establish veterinary prescribed treatment.

Intestinal Blockages In Cats

Amber Naturalz Kitty

An intestinal blockage is anything that obstructs the passage of food and fluids through the digestive tract, or prevents normal motility of the intestines. Treatment almost always requires surgery, and it may be fatal. Fortunately, many cats do well with prompt veterinary treatment.

In cats, the condition is often due to ingesting a foreign object, such as a small toy or a string that gets stuck in the stomach or intestines. Sometimes, blockages are caused by underlying health conditions, such as a tumor or intestinal motion problem. Rarely, it can be caused by a hairball.

An intestinal blockage is a very serious condition that must be addressed right away. Common symptoms include a cat being unable to keep down food or water, frequent vomiting , and generally not feeling well .

To prevent an intestinal blockage, dont allow unsupervised access to any toys or small objects that could accidentally be swallowed. Be especially vigilant about preventing access to strings, thread, yarn, tinsel, etc. Supervised playtime with string toys is fine, just put the toy away when playtime is finished.

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Get Relief From Dog Digestive Problems With Natural Herbs

Pets experience dog digestive problems all the time.

Sometimes your dog gets into the trash.

Even well-meaning family members can feed our pets foods causing digestive upset.

If your dog has an upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea, contact your veterinarian in case of emergency.

For recurring digestive problems, a veterinarian trained in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine will address the underlying cause of your pets digestive issues.

Switching to holistic pet food, such as PET | TAO, and adding a digestive supplement could help aid your pets digestion.

Commercial pet foods, such as canned food and dried kibble, require very high temperatures to mass produce, killing natural enzymes.

Dress Your Pup In Pants To Deter Ticks

Fashion some trousers for your pooch to wear when romping through the woods or fields of tall grass. You can use an old pair of socks, a shirt, a child’s sweater, or something similar to impede ticks from latching on. DIY doggy leg warmers wont completely eliminate the chance for ticks to hitch a ride on your dog, but they can help.

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Course Of Treatment For Sinus Inflammation

Veterinarians usually prescribe antibiotics to treat infections in cats. They may also order X-rays to diagnose diseases and decide the best course of treatment.

Cat infections may respond well to treatment with antibiotics, but sometimes pet owners want to find supplements for assistance. If not treated early, these infections can become chronic cat infections leading them to develop fibrous tissue inside their head known as polyps that continue releasing bacteria into the cats nasal cavity. The problem is when a cat has allergies, and you dont want them on antibiotics in the long run.

At Prana Pets, we carry sinus support and a nasal decongestant. Sinu-Help Cats has a formula derived from natural herbs to treat breathing problems or allergies. Using this will help unblock clogged nasal passages while reducing pain from sinus headaches.

Is Your Cat Um Backed Up Animal Experts Share Their Best Strategies And Natural Remedies For Helping Ease A Feline’s Elimination Woes

8 Cats Claw Benefits for Immunity, Digestion & Chronic Disease

Sometimes, no matter how much straining and pushing there is, the necessary result isnt happening! Just as with the condition in humans, cat constipation is rather common and diet plays an important role. The root cause of cat constipation is often improper nutrition, points out Dr. Kim Bloomer, an animal naturopath and author of the site Aspenbloom Pet Care.

The term constipated means that the cat has infrequent bowel movements or ones that are difficult to pass. It may be caused by a diet too low in fiber, a lack of clean, fresh water or hairballs or other small items in your cats digestive tract. The cat could also be suffering from a blockage present from birth or that developed due to injury or illness or a myriad of internal imbalances, notes veterinarian Dr. Jane Brunt, executive director of the CATalyst Council and past president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners.

Other reasons that prevent a cat from pooping might be painful lesions, such as strictures, masses or perianal disease, says Anthea Appel, a New York City-based naturopathic/homeopathic animal consultant.

In general, elderly cats suffer this ailment more often than kittens, but a cat of any age or breed that eats a low-fiber diet or doesnt drink enough water can develop it. For prevention, pet owners should be in close contact with their vets about the best diet for their cats.

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Use Epsom Salt For Sprains And Strains

Your suddenly limping dog may have strained or sprained something playing too exuberantly, so its time to try the world famous granny remedy of an Epsom salt soak. Add half a cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath and let your dog soak for five minutes, twice daily. If your dog doesnt agree with you on this method, you can soak a washcloth in Epsom salt and warm water and apply to the local area.

Top Natural Home Remedies For Digestive Emergencies In Pets

Holidays are a time of fun gatherings, good food, and lots of friends and family. Its also a prime time for pets to contract digestive problems from getting into something they shouldnt like spoiled food or really rich sauces. Luckily, most digestive problems can be managed at home. Here are some tips and strategies you can employ if your pets contract food poisoning.

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Natural Remedies For Hairballs

Any cat lover knows that getting the occasional hairball is just part of the deal. Cats spend at least five hours a day grooming themselves, so its no wonder that sometimes they have hairball formation here and there. Luckily, we have the hairball remedy to help your feline friend stay healthy and limit these little inconveniences.

There are many over-the-counter options that are safe for your kitty, but there are also entirely natural remedies you can try. Here, were going to explain what exactly a cat hairball is so you can understand where they come from, why cats get hairballs, and some natural remedies to help prevent hairballs.

Natural Remedies For Cats With Gastroenteritis


In the natural treatment of feline gastroenteritis, it is crucial to ensure adequate hydration and to restrict the intake of food for 24 hours. However, there are also some other home remedies that you may find extremely useful:

  • Plantago ovata seeds: These seeds are designed for human consumption but are also suitable for pets. They work to regulate intestinal transit. In this case, you should give your cat between half a teaspoon and one teaspoon on a daily basis. In the case of diarrhea, Plantago ovata seeds act by absorbing water in the intestines and increasing the volume of feces, thus reducing the symptoms and frequency of depositions.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics help to regulate your cat’s intestinal flora. This has a positive effect on the frequency of feces deposition, and also strengthens the immune structures located in the digestive system. Obviously, the probiotic product should provide strains of bacteria which are naturally present in your cat’s intestine. Therefore, you should purchase this product at a specialist store.
  • Nux vomica: This homeopathic remedy, used at a dilution of 7 CH, can be useful in reducing gastrointestinal symptoms in both pets and humans. You’ll need to dilute 3 granules in 5 milliliters of water and administer this dose 3 times a day. Remember that we are talking about homeopathy, and not about a normal solution of this plan, which can be extremely toxic for your cat.

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Why Do Cats Get Hairballs

The most common reason for hairballs in cats is that they groom themselves a lot, and often, all this hair doesnt get digested. Kittens dont get hairballs as often as an older cat because adult cats are better at grooming themselves, meaning that they remove more of their fur. In addition, long-haired breeds may have hairballs more frequently.

While the occasional hairball is normal, if you notice that your cat has excessive hairballs, you may consider a trip to the vet. Some signs of a hairball problem include:

  • Ongoing vomiting or retching
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

Now that you understand what hairballs are and why cats get them lets look at some natural remedies you can try to help prevent hairballs.

What About Vomiting Thats Caused By Motion Sickness

Does your cat experience nausea and vomiting when you travel with her? This is a common problem, especially among kitties that arent used to traveling.

If you think the vomiting is caused by stress, there are some options to help your pet feel more at ease. For example, to help her feel less anxious when traveling by car, you can try natural remedies, such as feline pheromones and Bach flower remedies. Plus, there are herbs, such as valerian, that might help keep your pet calm as well, but its a good idea to have a chat with your vet to be sure theyre safe to give to your cat.

Reducing the amount of food that you give to your cat before heading out might also be helpful. Feeding your kitty several hours before you plan to leave home may help reduce the odds that she will feel nauseous or throw up.

Of course, theres also the option of talking to your veterinarian about your kittys motion sickness. That way, you can get tips on what you can do to help your cat feel better, and your vet can also discuss medications that might be appropriate for your cat when it comes to combating nausea or anxiety.

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Remedies For Hairballs In Cats

While hairballs arent typically dangerous, theyre not pleasant for your cat to cough up. Its also not enjoyable for you as the owner to hear your cat go through the experience. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help prevent hairballs or reduce their frequency.

Try Cat Food Formulated for Hairballs

If your cat coughs up hairballs regularly, you might consider switching to a diet specifically formulated to help reduce the issue. Many cat food brands have a product to deal with hairballs. The formulas typically include things such as increased fiber, oil, minerals, and vitamins that can help the swallowed hair pass through the digestive system naturally.

Putting Your Cat On A Diet

HomeoPet Feline Digestive Upsets

In the event of indigestion, and to give your cat’s digestive system a rest, dieting is generally the most effective remedy. This consists of not feeding them for a maximum of 12 to 24 hours. To avoid dehydration, make sure they have access to water. If drinking also causes your cat to vomit, its best to give them only small amounts of water at regular intervals.Make sure your cat has a comfortable spot to rest during this period and that they are warm. Gradually reintroduce meals, making sure to start off with foods that are easily digested, such as small bits of cooked meat or fish. Spread out their food over 4 or 5 small meals. Watch out for any worrying symptoms such as a fever or traces of blood in their stools or vomit, in which case you should contact your vet immediately. All going well, your cat should be back to their normal self within no time!

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How To Avoid Problems During The Holidays

1. Avoid feeding any of the following leftovers from a party:

  • Processed meats Ham, spam, sausage, jerky, dried fish or meat
  • Sweets Cake, ice cream, cream pies
  • Rich Foods with gravy and/or sauce
  • Seafood that has been sitting out at room temperature for longer than 6 hours

2. Dont feed food that has been sitting in the fridge for longer than 3 days

3. Dont over feed meats and treats. Employ the 1:2:1 rule, and mix table scraps in this way:Dr. Bs Ratio for Feeding Holiday Scraps to Your Dogs

  • 1 part meat
  • 2 parts starch
  • 1 part cooked or raw vegetables

If you are going to feed snacks or meat scraps, be sure to compensate for the snacks by reducing your pets meals for the day . Make sure none of the snacks/meat scraps have dressing, gravy, or sauce on them. For more info on how to feed your dogs a balanced diet using fresh food, check out Dr. Baskos book.

4. No strenuous exercise or playing with your pets right after a meal. Wait at least 45 minutes for the food to digest.

Why Is It Important To Treat My Cat For Diarrhea

Diarrhea can lead to dehydration so your cat must continue to drink plenty of water. Offer a bland diet that is easily absorbed and digested in the intestinal tract. Diarrhea that doesnt resolve must be investigated. For everyone involved, a swift recovery from diarrhea is preferred! Consulting a vet ensures the most effective treatment plan is made for your cat.

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Indigestion And Cats: Causes And Symptoms

Cats have very delicate stomachs, so even the slightest change in their diet can lead to digestive trouble. Eating overly rich or inappropriate food can cause cats to suffer from indigestion and this is particularly the case if they manage to get their paws on any Christmas leftovers, such as cake, smoked salmon or meat prepared in sauce.Indigestion can give your cat an upset stomach, which can usually be spotted by the following signs: trouble sleeping, crankiness or loss of appetite. It can also have the same effect as a stomach bug, resulting in vomiting and diarrhoea, as in humans.

Ginger For Digestive Problems

HomeoPet Feline Digestive Upsets 15 mL Homeopathic Stomach ...

Ginger has the power to improve digestion and fight against digestive problems. Ginger is also beneficial for preventing and reducing vomiting, nausea, flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea and bloating.

Apart from that, ginger helps to prevent digestive issues since it is loaded with carminative, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Method 1:

  • 1 tsp of freshly grated ginger
  • 1 ½ cup of hot water


Make the tea by boiling the freshly grated ginger in the hot water. Leave it to simmer for ten minutes and strain out the ginger. Then, add a little raw honey and afterward, enjoy your tea. For best result, you should drink 2-3 cups of this tea every day.

Method 2:

  • 2 tsp of ginger juice
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 1 cup of warm water


Add the honey and ginger juice to the warm water. Afterward, consume this mixture once to twice daily.

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