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HomeMust ReadWhat To Do When Your Cat Has Fleas

What To Do When Your Cat Has Fleas

I Noticed My Cat Had Fleas After Her Return From Boarding Did She Get Fleas There

How to check your cat for fleas

Not necessarily! Pre-adult fleas can survive for up to 140 days within their protective pupa. When you or your pets are absent from home for extended periods of time these adult fleas remain in the pupae because no host is available. As soon as you or your pet returns home, these fleas will emerge in large numbers and jump onto cats, dogs, and even people in the search for a blood meal. Vibrations and/or increased carbon dioxide will trigger the emergence of fleas from their pupae.

How To Get Rid Of Fleas In Cats

Flea treatment for cats is an ongoing process. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix. The main problem with fleas is that they can live without a host for months.

This means that even the cleanest of homes and the cleanest of cats can soon become hotbeds for infestation. But if you stay vigilant and make an effort to stay on top of things, the occasional case of fleas will never be allowed to break out into a full-on infestation.

Make Sure The Cat Cant Get More Fleas

If youve already treated your cat once, then you may be surprised to see him infested again. The unfortunate reality is that it could take a few months to break the fleas life cycle. Up until that point, they will be constantly hatching and trying to re-establish themselves on your cat. So, the first step to beating the fleas in your home is making sure that your cat can not become a safe space for these little vermin anymore.

The best way to do that is by investing in a high quality flea treatment. Sometimes flea medications can be misleading, because while they do work to kill the adult fleas, they may only work once! This leaves your poor fur baby open to just getting them again. Instead, choose a product which will continually kill fleas over a long period of time. The fleas need blood to reproduce, and by using a preventative flea treatment you can rob them of this.

Our top pick for this is the Seresto Flea Collar. These babies do an awesome job killing fleas, and they work for 8 months. That means your cat will be protected long after you break the flea cycle, effectively starving the fleas and killing any new ones that try to hatch. You can read our full review of this product here.

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Theres Flea Dirt In Her Coat

While its unlikely youll see an actual flea on your cat, theres a good chance that youll see flea dirt in your cats coat.

It looks like coffee grounds, Dr. Coates said.

So, where does flea dirt usually show up on your cat? Dr. Coates recommends looking in hard-to-groom areas, like the top of a cats rump, right in front of the tail.

Your Cat Begins Losing Weight

10 Ways to Tell if your Cat Has Fleas

One of the many dangers associated with fleas is that they can carry the developing stage of a common tapeworm. If your cat eats a tapeworm-infected flea while grooming, the tapeworm develops, and attaches to your cats intestinal wall to feed and grow. Tapeworms do not commonly cause signs of illness in cats but are unsightly and a health hazard, particularly if you have young children in your home. Your veterinary team can help you control the fleas that are spreading the tapeworm and treat the tapeworm to keep you, your cat and the rest of your family healthy.

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Treat The House With A High Quality Spray

Once the cat is flea free, its time to treat the house. Flea eggs can lay dormant in carpets or furniture for months, waiting for the opportunity to hop back on your cat or irritate the human occupants of your home until then. In order to get rid of them for good, youll likely need to treat the house as well as the animals that live there.

This is best accomplished by using a high quality flea killer spray which you will need to religiously spray into offending areas where you see fleas. Dont do it just once and quit! Many times the eggs will survive, and you need to kill the adults before they can breed again.

An excellent product for this is Flea Bully, this is a strong flea and tick killer which you can use to treat your home. Its also safe for pets and children, so theres no worry about harming your pets or kids while youre treating play areas or living areas. The company also gives you full instructions on how to treat your house to make sure the fleas dont come back. The product is very effective and it doesnt include anything that can harm your pets or kids.

Some key areas to make sure you treat include carpets, rugs, beds, sofas, and chairs. All of these items can be prime hiding places for fleas to try to wait you out. Make sure to get underneath the furniture too! Particularly if you have wall to wall carpeting.

How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas In My House

Just because you have gotten rid of the fleas on your cat, does not mean that they wont come back. If your house is infested with flea eggs and larvae, as soon as the topical treatments stop being effective on your cat she will quickly become infested again.

It is just as important to eradicate the fleas from your home as well as your cat.

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Are There Different Types Of Allergies To Fleas

Yes. There are four common types of allergies in the cat: insect , food, inhalant , and contact. Each of these has some common physical signs in cats, and each has some unique features. What is meant by the term flea allergy?

According to The Merck Veterinary Manual, most FAD cases occur in late summer, which is the peak season for fleas. It is also rare for a cat to develop FAD before 1 year of age. If you do have evidence of fleas, either on your cat or in your home, and have ruled out other possible causes, the cat most likely has FAD.

How To Treat Your Home For Fleas

My Cat Has Fleas, Now What?

Hoovering helps you should regularly vacuum your floors, your furniture, and your skirting boards to eliminate fleas at every stage of their life-cycle. Dispose of your vacuum cleaners dust bag when youre done. Your vet will be able to recommend flea treatments for your home as well as your cats. This will usually be in the form of a sort of spray to apply to the various parts of your home where fleas might lurk. This kind of flea treatment can be mildly toxic for cats. To prevent illness, treat your house one room at a time. After treatment, open the windows, close the door, and make sure your cat cant enter for at least an hour.

Make a point of regularly washing your bedding, as well as any surfaces your cat sleeps on. Keep on top of things and your flea problem should never spiral out of hand. Talk to your vet about how often you should treat your cat, and make treating your home part of your regular cleaning routine. If you’ve got any questions about flea treatment for cats, or about any other aspect of cat ownership, feel free to get in touch. Call our 24hr hotline on . ;

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Be Careful While Bathing Your Kitty

Some cats don’t like sudden movements, and they need you to take things extra slow while they’re feeling vulnerable in a bath. Wash your cat gently and speak to him soothingly.

Don’t use a spray hose on your cat. Instead, dip your hand into the warm water and gently scoop the water onto your kitty. Scoop a little at a time until his fur is wet down to the skin. Take care not to get any water or soap in your cat’s eyes, ears, or nose.

With flea shampoo, you want a good lather. Continue to work the lather in over the whole cat for three to five minutes, being sure to avoid the area around the eyes. Make sure you read the directions carefully and don’t leave the shampoo on longer than directed.

If the bathroom doors are closed and there’s no place for him to hide, you can take your cat out of the tub and replace the old water during those few minutes. If you’re using small tubs, then top off the clean water with some warm water to keep it a comfy temperature. Watch him closely and make sure he doesn’t lick himself. Then rinse it all out and don’t leave any soap behind.

After the bath, blot his wet fur with a dry towel to get some of the excess water out. Then let him out into a small, draft-free, warm room where he can air dry.

Ugh Why Do I Still Have Fleas

In order to know how to get rid of cat fleas in the house, you need to realize that fleas have a life cycle. Once you spot a couple of adult fleas, you can bet that they are quickly multiplying. A single adult female flea can lay 40 eggs per day! Its easy to see how the problem can quickly get out of hand. This is also how people end up in a continuous cycle of never getting rid of their flea problem. Many people treat the cat and then they just stop, but unfortunately there are tons of fleas hiding in your house just waiting to lay more eggs.

In order to get rid of your fleas for good you need to break the fleas life cycle. It can take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks for fleas to hatch, but the eggs can even go dormant for months in your carpets! Heres how to get rid of them.

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Should Indoor Cats Have Flea Treatment

Every cat, yes, even indoor cats, needs to be on a monthly flea and tick prevention medication. Talk to your vet about the right option for your cat youve got choices! and be consistent. Youll never be able to make your home a fortress against fleas but you can help your cat withstand the attack.

Not So Fun Facts About Cat Fleas

Texasdaisey Creations: What To Do If Your Cat Has Fleas
  • Although fleas are but little, they are fierce! At only 1.8 to 2.5 millimetres in length, cat fleas are so small it can take days before you spot them on your cat.;
  • Fleas have flattened bodies that enable them to move swiftly and discreetly through your pets fur. While you may not see them, youll definitely feel their impact!
  • The bodies of cat fleas are covered in plates that protect them from scratching or biting much to your pets dismay.;
  • Fleas are flightless insects, but this doesnt mean they cant make some major moves. In fact, fleas can jump distances up to 50 times their size! Thats how they can jump from one pet to another.;
  • The life cycle of fleas goes through 4 phases: eggs, larvae, pupa, and adult.;
  • Female cat fleas can lay up to 1000s of offspring in their lifetime. Yes, you read that right! Thats why it is critical to catch them fast and early on. Flea eggs on cats might not stay there which means your couch, bed, or your cats favourite lounge spots may be infested with eggs that eventually hatch into little brown bloodsuckers.;
  • The adult flea has two goals: find blood and reproduce! If it fails, itll only live for a few days. However, some adult fleas can live up to 2 months with enough food!;
  • You can read more in-depth about fleas in our Ultimate Guide to Fleas On Dogs.;

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    Treat Fleas With A Dish Soap Bath

    A gentle bath with dish soap will help to kill the live fleas and wash away the larva and flea dirt. Exercise caution when bathing the kitten, as baths can be traumatic to a kitten if done incorrectly. Here are some tips for providing a kitten with a dish soap bath:

    • Use comfortably warm water and a fragrance free dish liquid or a natural baby shampoo.

    • Try to complete the entire bath in less than 2 minutes, as kittens can become panicked or chilled during this process.

    • Wash from the neck down, avoiding the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Never dunk a kitten’s head under water.

    • Create a ring of soapy water around the kitten’s neck. This will act as a barrier so that the fleas do not run up the body and onto the head. Wash the neck first, then work your way down the rest of the body, lathering with warm water and dish soap.

    • Wash the entire body from the neck down, including between the toes, under the arms, and on the tail.

    • Rinse completely with clean, comfortably warm water.

    • Immediately towel dry the kitten. It is safe to use a blow dryer with a kitten as long as it is on a low setting, is held at least 2 feet away, and is oscillating to avoid overheating. Dry the kitten completely.

    • Spot clean the head with a washcloth, sponge, or cotton round and warm, soapy water. Avoid the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

    • Place the kitten back into a warm environment Kittens can easily become chilled from a bath, and it is of utmost importance that the kitten be kept warm.

    Best Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas On Your Cat With A Shampoo

    The last thing any cat owner wants is to come home from work only to find their feline scratching and licking like crazy. But once you confirm that your cat indeed has fleas, you need to act fast and kill them all before they take over your home and furniture.

    To prevent fleas from spreading, bathe your cat with the best cat shampoo for fleas. The shampoo will not only kill fleas, it will also get rid of eggs and larvae. This will end a fleas life cycle and prevent it from hatching and infesting your cat again.

    All shampoos listed above are safe for cats and effective at killing fleas! The only thing you need to do is pick one and get prepared to give your cat a bath!

    Read more cat care tips:

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    Natural Chemistry Safe Flea Shampoo For Kittens

    As its name suggests the Natural Chemistry Flea Shampoo for Cats and Kittens is completely natural and safe for cats of all ages. If you want to avoid using harsh chemicals on your cat, this kitten flea shampoo is your best bet.

    Key Features:

    • Pyrethrin-free
    • Safe for cats and kittens

    This botanical formula features a combination of cinnamon oil, cedarwood oil, and clove oil that helps kill existing fleas and prevents future infestations for up to seven days. Since it is completely natural, this shampoo is completely safe for cats of all ages, including kittens younger than 12 weeks.

    Signs Your Pet Might Have Fleas

    How to Check Your Cat for Fleas

    There are a few things you can look out for with your pet that could mean they have fleas.

    • Is your pet scratching?
    • Areas of hair loss, bald or sore patches?
    • Spots or scans?
    • Thickened skin in areas ?
    • Can you see tiny dark specks in its fur, or small browny-black insects scurrying about?
    • Do you have any unaccounted for insect bites yourself?

    If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions -;it could mean fleas.

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    Heres How To Get Rid Of Cat Fleas In The House For Good

    Michelle Rei

    Figuring out how to get rid of cat fleas in the house can be easier said than done. Sometimes you may find that even after killing all of your cats fleas they quickly become re-infested. This is most likely due to lingering eggs or fleas hiding out in your house. Pretty soon this creates a vicious cycle that you feel may never end!

    Fear not pet parents, because today were going to help you squash those nasty little biters for good! Well help you to not only treat your house to eliminate any lingering eggs or adult fleas, but well also help you to treat your cat to make sure he cant get infested again. It can certainly be a battle to get your flea problems under control, but weve got the tools to help!

    Intensive Grooming And Hair Loss

    This is similar to the previous point, but youll also notice your cat grooming himself almost frantically and for much longer periods of time. Fleas tend to accumulate around the base of the cats tail, the belly, and around the neck and ears, so expect your cat to be focusing his licking and biting in these areas.

    This almost obsessive grooming might start to lead to bald patches and hair loss in these areas, so this is another potential sign that your cat might have fleas.

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    Tackling Fleas In The Home An Overview

    Frequent vacuum cleaning will help to reduce, but not eliminate, fleas in a house. Vacuum bags should be immediately and carefully disposed of. Anything heavily infested, such as bedding, should be disposed of. Treatments can then be used to prevent re-infestation in a number of ways:

    • Treat all the household pets with an insecticide to kill the adult fleas on them. Only ever use products specifically licensed for the treatment of cats, as some of the dog products can be highly toxic to cats .
    • Treat the house to eradicate fleas at all other stages of their development. Treatment of the whole house is essential, including soft furnishings, carpet pile, gaps between floorboards and other difficult to reach areas. Vacuum clean first and then use an appropriate flea insecticide to kill the immature stages.
    • Cocoons are very resistant to treatment, and therefore repeated treatments of both animals and the household may be needed to completely eliminate all fleas from a home.
    • Products with insect development inhibitors may be used on pets to help prevent immature fleas from maturing or reproducing. For these to be effective all animals in the household must be treated. Some environmental products also target developing fleas in this way.


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