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My Cat Isn’t Eating

What Is Whisker Fatigue And Is It Real

HELP My Cat Won’t Eat – TOP Reasons and How to Help!

You may have heard either from your veterinarian, news reports, or pet product manufacturers about something called whisker fatigue.

Theres actually a lot we still dont fully understand about cats whiskers .

While the thought of tired whiskers sounds kinda silly, it is something that maybe you should put a little thought into if you have a feline that tends to be very sensitive. Why? Because it is a problem that can potentially make your cat act completely different.

Some of the issues it can cause are poor appetite, mood changes, and changes in behavior. All of these things cause additional stress to your cat.

Generally, people think of whiskers as a physical trait of cats. We often relate to it as we do facial hair or beards. But they are so much more complex than a beard!

Whiskers, or vibrissae, are specialized touch organs that help mammals in a number of ways. Cats, for example, have 100200 nerve cells per whisker. As the whisker comes into contact with an object, the cat translates that sensory information to help build a description of their environment, like whether a space is too narrow for them to safely pass through.

Simply put, whisker fatigue occurs when these highly sensitive vibrissae are repeatedly over-stimulated. This can happen with repeated hits to the sides of a food or water bowl, causing discomfort, desensitization, and stress.

Over enough time, this can cause the following:

Your Kitten May Still Be Learning What They Like To Eat

Once they start transitioning to solid food, kittens should be exposed to different types and textures of food so they learn what they prefer. If your newly weaned kitten wont eat, it could be as simple as switching from a round kibble shape to oblong.

Offer wet food and dry food with different textures and shapes . You can also try to make the food more appetizing so that the transition is easier. A cats appetite is strongly driven by their sense of smell.

Make sure that any wet food that you feed your kitten is room temperature or slightly warmer warming wet food up increases its aroma and appeal.

What Should I Do If My Cat Stops Eating

If your cat stops eating, call your trusted veterinarian and schedule an appointment. If the appetite loss is accompanied by other signs and symptoms, do not wait for a regular visit instead, go to the nearest emergency clinic.

However, before seeking veterinary help, it is advisable to quickly evaluate the situation and try answering the following questions:

  • Were there any recent changes in your cats food ?
  • Is your cat not eating an ongoing issue or occurs on occasions? If so, when is it most prominent?
  • Are there any changes in the environment ?
  • Are there any additional signs and symptoms, like lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, avoiding the litter box, urination accidents, behavioral changes, etc.?

Changes in the cats eating habits are much easier to spot if there is a fixed feeding schedule and if you are using the same food formula over a prolonged period.

Answering these questions is important because the more information you give the vet, the easier it will be for them to give the right advice.

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Reasons Your New Kitten Might Not Be Eating

There are lots of considerations to make when getting a new kitten – and what to feed them should be a major thought!

A tasty meal can help your kitty feel settled, happy and give them the energy they need to grow and play all day! When you first adopt your pet, its often best to find out what food they are already used to eating, and serve that for a while to minimise changes and stress while they settle into life with you.

But what can you do if your new furry friend seems off their food? There are lots of reasons that your kitty might turn their nose up at a delicious dish, such as stress, illness or otherwise. However, as kittens are so small – and need lots of energy to stay healthy – its important to quickly identify why your kitten has lost their appetite and seek veterinary help if they dont eat for 24 hours or more.

Causes Treatment And Prevention

Why Won

Andrei Spirache / Getty Images

Fatty liver disease or syndrome, more properly known as hepatic lipidosis, is a disease that affects a cat’s liver. It is one of the most common acquired liver disease in cats, and it can be life threatening if not treated promptly. Symptoms can include lethargy, loss of appetite, jaundice, weight loss, weakness, and vomiting.

The majority of cats that develop fatty liver disease are middle-aged, overweight or obese cats that suddenly develop anorexia, or a refusal to eat, due to an underlying illness or extreme stress. The condition can quickly lead to liver failure and death without treatment. With treatment, however, which can be a lengthy process, most cats will recover from the condition.

Knowing how to recognize the signs of this serious disease, as well as how to prevent it, can help save your cat’s life.

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What Do You Do When Your Cat Wont Eat

If your kitty at any age stops eating, do you need to take them to the vet right away? Or, is it okay to wait until morning or even to monitor for a few days if your kitty is acting normal otherwise?

With cats, dont wait to see if appetite will improve. Cats who dont eat for more than a day or two are at risk for a condition called fatty liver, which can cause liver failure. Fatty liver, or hepatic lipidosis, happens when the body moves stored fat to use for energy during anorexia. The process overwhelms the liver, which is involved in processing the stored fat. Obese or overweight kitties are at the highest risk, but fatty liver can happen to any cat.

Other potential complications of not eating include dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, weight loss, and delayed healing and recoveries.

If your vet has ruled out a medical condition and has determined your kittys loss of appetite is due to picky eating habits, they can discuss techniques to establish a healthy eating schedule. Your vet may also recommend trying a new food or try switching from dry food to canned food. Some cat owners have also had success with mixing in fish oil or a small amount of canned tuna into their cat’s meal. Just remember, you don’t want to rely on feeding you cat human foods as your pet won’t get all of the nutrients they need .

Prompt care will also help your kitty feel like their normal self again as soon as possible.

How Is Anorexia Treated

Treatment will depend on the cause of anorexia. It is important to ensure that your cat does not go without food for more than 24-48 hours. Prolonged starvation and the resulting negative energy balance can cause liver failure. When this happens it is called hepatic lipidosis . This is most common in overweight cats who experience acute starvation. When this happens the body tries to utilize its fat reserves as a source of energy, however, cats are not designed to process large fat deposits. The fat is therefore stored in liver cells instead and stops them working. This results in a poorly functioning liver. The liver becomes inflamed and the condition becomes life-threatening.

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Degrees Of Dehydration Guideline

5 to 6% dehydration there is only a subtle loss of the elasticity of the skin. Skin will return back to position after tenting only slightly slower than normal. See how to âtentâ the skin below.

6 to 8% dehydration there is a notable delay in the skin tent, there is a delay in the return of color when the gums are pressed and the eyes may appear sunken.10 to 12% dehydration there is a complete loss of skin elasticity , the gums are extremely dry, eyes are sunken, there may be signs of shock such as increased heart rate, cool or cold paws and legs, etc., and it is possible for alterations in consciousness.12 to 15% dehydration cats are in shock and death is likely without aggressive veterinary treatment.

How To Get Your Cat To Eat

Cat throws fit for candy bar

If your cat has stopped eating its normal food, check to see if there’s a recall on that particular food. It’s another good reason why you should consider keeping your cat’s dry food in its original bag so you can check the bar code. Sometimes a cat can sense that something is wrong with their food and won’t eat it.

Depending on the reason why your cat has stopped eating, you may be able to coax your kitty to start eating again. However, its not normal for a cat to stop eating if their food has not changed, so a trip to your veterinarian is recommended to rule out medical reasons.

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How To Give Medicine To A Fussy Cat

It can be tricky to give medicine to any cat, so its even tougher for a fussy eater.

If you think that you will struggle to medicate your pet with tablets, speak to your vet about whether there are alternative treatments. You can also ask them to show you how to safely and effectively administer pills.

Try to avoid hiding tablets or medicine in the food of a cat who is already fussy, as this may put them off food even more.

Do you have a fussy kitten? It might be a bit more difficult to convince younger cats to eat when they dont feel like it. Weve put together a guide explaining possible reasons why your kitten is not eating and what you can do to help restore their appetite back.

How To Avoid Making Your Cat A Picky Eater

If youre wondering why your cat isnt eating, then you might be making some common mistakes. Cats dont enjoy eating the same food as you. This means that if you cook the same meals for them as you would for you, they wont eat it. To get your cat to eat certain foods, you have to separate the meals. This means having multiple meals during the day, and giving them each their own special meal. If you dont do this, then your cat is most likely going to try to eat the food that you eat. This can lead to obesity, which can be very dangerous for your cat.

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Cat Not Eating: Problems With Food

The simplest answer to the question Why is my cat not eating is that theres something off about her food! And this is what you should consider if your cat is not eating but is otherwise acting normal, Rotman says. If this is the case, its likely not a bigger health or behavioral problem but really is about your cats chow. Check for expired food or the introduction of a new flavor they may not like, Rotman suggests. And even if you didnt change Kittys food lately, keep in mind that the cat food brand itself couldve changed up its recipe. You wouldnt eat food that had gone bad or a new taste you really didnt like, so why would you expect your furry friend to? If you need to switch out your cats food, consider one of these best dry cat foods that vets swear by.

Prognosis For Cats With Fatty Liver Disease

My Cat Is Not Eating Anything And Sleeping All The Time

If your cat receives prompt treatment before the hepatic lipidosis progresses to full liver failure, its prognosis is good. Most cats recover from the condition and do not experience another episode. However, if your cat has a serious underlying condition that triggered the fatty liver disease, and that condition is not treatable, then your cat’s prognosis is more guarded.

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What Causes A Cat To Stop Eating

A loss of appetite is referred to as anorexia, whereas Hyporexia or inappetence means a pet is eating less than normal .

There are many possible reasons why a kitty may refuse their food. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • An upset stomach for any reason .
  • Finicky eating habits.
  • Stress or emotional causes .
  • Dental problems that make it difficult to chew food.
  • Pain anywhere in the body.

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Tips To Tempt Your Cat To Eat

  • Warm the food up
  • Offer strong smelling foods such as sardines
  • Try different brands of pet food
  • Try hand-feeding your cat and check their nose is clean .
  • Heat up your cat’s food to their body temperature

Your cat will be diagnosed with anorexia if they change their eating habits and consistently refuse to eat. If your cat is showing signs of anorexia, or their appetite has suddenly increased or decreased, you should consult your vet or, if you feel its an emergency situation, your nearest Vets Now. Food avoidance can have a serious impact on an adult cats health if it persists for 24 hours or more.

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How Long Can A Sick Cat Go Without Eating And Drinking

Healthy cats can survive for 1 week without food and just 3 days without water consumption. However, a sick cats body is already weakened, so the adverse effects will be magnified further by starvation or dehydration.

Encourage food consumption and hydration if your cat doesnt eat for 24 hours or doesnt drink for 12 hours. A sick cat should never go without food for more than 48 hours or 24 hours without water.

Water helps the blood flow and ensures that internal organs work optimally. Starvation and dehydration will make existing health problems worse. Unless your cat gets fluids and nutrition, it will not be strong enough to recover.

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Reasons For Kittens Not Eating

My Cat is Vomiting and Not Eating!

When kittens are first born, they are completely dependent on their mothers for everything. Not only does the mother cat provide the kittens with food in the form of milk, but she licks them to stimulate breathing and elimination. After three to four weeks, kittens will start to naturally wean themselves off of milk and onto solid food, as long as you provide it for them. It is usually best to offer wet food or softened kibble that is easy for a little kitten to chew and swallow. If your kitten isnt eating solid food, it might simply be that he hasnt been fully weaned yet or it could be a problem with the food itself. Try different flavors of wet food or soak some kibble in chicken broth to soften it while also adding flavor. If your kitten has previously been eating but suddenly stops, you may want to take him to the veterinarian to see if there is some underlying health problem.

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Remember Choose Your Battles

Is it really that important to you that your cat eats just one flavor of just one brand? Even if you love pizza, youd get sick of it if you had to eat it every day for the rest of your life. This is the approach Ive taken with Bella, and frankly, its what I should have done from the start. Cats need and deserve some variety in their diet, just like us.

Tell us: Is your cat not eating? What did you do when your cat wouldnt eat? Please share your stories and tips for a cat who wont eat in the comments!

Featured Image: Photography by aleg baranau / Shutterstock.

This piece was originally published in 2015.

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Almost all cats will catch a respiratory virus at some time in their life. The Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery surveyed 740 cats, finding respiratory viruses in 82% of them.

The symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections are more commonly linked to the common cold. Cats with a respiratory infection will cough and sneeze a lot, usually releasing discharge. The cat will also likely endure streaming eyes.

Some cats struggle with vomiting and diarrhea while battling a respiratory infection. This can be problematic as the cat will also lose appetite. In addition to feeling lethargic and unwell, the cats scent receptors will be blocked. The smell is a huge part of a foods appeal to cats.

Most of the common respiratory infections in cats can be treated with rest. Eventually, the virus will run its course. Antibiotics will aid with this and are advisable in the case of senior cats. Older cats have weaker immunity and are hit harder by respiratory infections.

Cats need to eat when feeling under the weather. The nutrients found in their food will boost recovery. Open your cats sinuses with steam. Closing the door in the bathroom and running a hot tap will do the trick. Once the cat breathes easier, it will regain its appetite.

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Behavior Disorder


This is not a case that requires a visit to a vet clinic or the ER. However, you need to keep a close eye on it.If your cat is a street cat or a rescued cat, your cat is likely to be in a very bad condition.Your cat has a high chance of getting sick or infected. But your cat may not eat at first because of an unfamiliar environment.Make your cats own place. The cat will start eating when he feels safe and comfortable. Churu and snacks are also good.If your cat doesnt eat continuously for more than two to three days, please take her to the animal hospital.Please do not hesitate to ask any further questions you may have. Thank you.

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