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Snake Plants Safe For Cats

What To Do About Cats And Plants

4 Common Mistakes To Avoid That Kill Snake Plants

Its important you keep your cats from accessing your snake plants because they can be very dangerous. This popular houseplant can cause anything from skin irritation to vomiting or even death in extreme cases. Snake plants toxic nature means its best to keep them away from your cats, even if your cat has never shown an interest in it.

The plant itself tastes bitter so most cats wont go back for a second bite anyway, but you dont want to take that chance with your beloved pet. Pet owners have a duty to keep their fur babies safe in every way they can. Eating any amount of the plant will have adverse effects for a cat, and you should remain alert to any symptoms that it may exhibit.

For most cat lovers, its just not worth the risk. So unless you can keep the plant out of reach of your cat, getting rid of it is your safest bet. Lets learn more.

How To Keep Your Snake Plant Away From Pets

We have always suggested making use of the Spatial planting of your houseplants if you own pets and if there are small children around.

Children and pets both are curious and innocent. They do not know what is around, what is good for them, and what should be avoided.

If you have pets around, then it is best to keep the pets away from the plants as we cannot teach them. Children can be taught that the plant is dangerous.

To stay on the safe side, we should keep it in a place where your children cannot get hold of the plant.

Staghorn Fern/stags Horn Fern/elk Fern

Easy to identify by its stag antler/moose antler-shaped leaves. Native to Australia, these ferns tend to grow on trees rather than on the ground although if you are shopping for one it is likely to come in a pot.

In the wild, these grow to a mighty size, but in a pot or outside its normal environment growth is going to be small and manageable.

Very distinctive-looking plants make this a houseplant that is growing in popularity allied to the fact they are reasonably easy to look after. Are ferns safe for cats? The staghorn fern certainly is!

Light Conditions: Bright indirect light doesnt survive under just artificial light.

Watering: Wont tolerate overwatering likes misting and soaking more light more water. Generally, water once per week.

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Make The Plant Smell Unappealing

Another thing you can try is to make your plant smell bad to the cat. A snake plant, toxic to cats, is less appealing if it smells like something your cat hates. Dont worry, this doesnt necessarily mean it will smell bad to you or make your home smell bad. Most cats do not enjoy the smell of citrus fruits, so you could use the juice or zest of limes, lemons, and oranges near your plant to help keep it away. Unless youre also not too fond of citrus, this will only smell repulsive to your cat and it will give your home a nice, fresh, scent.

A bonus is that by spraying citrus on or near your plants, you may also be able to keep certain insects like aphids away. Aphids are pesky insects that can get indoors and quickly become an infestation for your houseplants. And since they have no natural predators inside, they can grow in numbers and become a big problem rather quickly. Making a spray from citrus peels makes a great natural bug killer and is safe to use around your home and pets .

How Do You Keep Your Cats Safe From Snake Plant Poisoning

Cylindrical Snake Plant Safe For Cats

Fortunately, the toxicity level of the snake plant is considered low. Plus, your cats are unlikely to want to overeat it because of the bitter taste of the sap. Also, your cats might be those types that are unlikely to bother this type of plant.

Nevertheless, they are animals hence, you never know what your cat may be up to, so if you do have a snake plant in your home

  • Its best to keep it in a room they dont have access to.
  • You can also keep the plant in an area your cats cannot reach, preferably on a high shelf, making it difficult for them to climb and eat it.
  • A sprinkling of Cinnamon in the soil. This prevents the cats from eating it it equally serves as fungicide or insecticide to your snake plant.
  • Squeeze a lemon or orange zest on the pot rims to produce a pet repellant odor, as most cats hate the smell of citrus.
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    Final Thoughts Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats

    Snake Plants are one of the easiest house plants to take care of. They are naturally one of the most popular options for decorating homes and adding some green to your space. Unfortunately, they are toxic to cats and people when ingested. However, Snake Plants luckily will only cause mild symptoms amounting to easily treated stomach pain and nausea.

    Cat owners should always be sure they are informed of any health issues their pet may experience. As a plant and pet parent, it is always important to keep up with both to ensure one is not causing harm to the other!

    What Is The Treatment If My Cat Has Eaten Snake Plant

    It is important to note that while it may not be fatal, Mother-in-laws tongue is toxic and serious symptoms which include pain and discomfort, are highly like to result. So if your cat has consumed any amount of plant, get it checked out so that its condition does not deteriorate.

    There is no antidote for snake plant poisoning, but the symptoms can be monitored and managed. The toxins that the cat has ingested will need time to work their way through its system. Your veterinarian will manage the nausea and diarrhea so that your cat does not become dehydrated.

    The effects of an allergic reaction from nibbling or chewing a piece of snake plant are far more serious. Your veterinarian will be able to give antihistamines which will reduce the swelling and clear the cats airway, and your furry friend should make a full recovery in a few days.

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    Relocate The Snake Plant

    The first thing you can do to keep the cat away from your snake plants is to relocate the plant.

    This is easy to do as snake plants are very low-maintenance and do great even in locations with little sunlight.

    If you are able to move the plant to a different room and shut the door, your cats will easily stay out of it, saving you the hassle of constantly looking them over.

    Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats Find Out How To Keep Your Cats Safe

    Dangerous Houseplants for Pets! | Toxic Plants for Cats & Dogs! pet safety

    We have all seen snake plants at our local grocery store. They are very popular and easy to grow. However, many people are unsure if they are safe for cats.

    Many people love the look of the plants, but are snake plants actually toxic to cats?

    In short, yes, snake plants can be toxic to cats if they consume the leaves, seeds, or stems. So, if you have a cat that likes to eat plants or other objects, it is best to keep them away from snake plants.

    Well find out more about snake plants and cats in this article. In particular, we will talk about:

    • Is snake plant actually toxic to your cat?
    • What happens if a cat eats a snake plant?
    • How to stop your cat from eating snake plants?

    So lets dive right in.

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    What Are Snake Plants

    The snake plant, or Dracaena trifasciata, is an attractive house plant popular in many homes worldwide. They are native to tropical climates in West Africa. It is a hardy, beautiful plant that is easy to grow, even for beginners.

    Snake plants grow upward in a tightly bound, pointed structure. Each leaf has its own green hues and variations between seafoam and forest green. The leaves are stiff and crispnot bendy or long-flowing. These plants can grow well in both low light and high light environments.

    They sound like a dream for any plant-lover. However, when it comes to our feline friends, is the snake plant a good choice to have in the home? It dependsbut if your cat likes to munch on other plants, you might want to keep this species off your list.

    Can Snake Plants Kill My Cat

    It is important to note that the levels of the saponins in snake plants are low, and these are not particularly powerful toxins anyway. This makes snake plants less toxic than other plants that either contain higher levels of these chemicals or more powerful and poisonous toxins, such as calcium oxalates. Therefore, although snake plants contain toxic substances, they are unlikely to kill your cat.

    Cats will have to eat a lot of the snake plant to suffer serious consequences. This way, they will have higher levels of toxins in their system and larger quantities of indigestible snake plant sitting in their stomach. This could lead to severe diarrhea or sickness, causing severe dehydration and potentially death. However, with prompt veterinary treatment, there is an extremely low risk that the situation will turn life-threatening.

    Besides, the snake plant has a very bitter and unpleasant taste that cats dont like. Combined with the fact that your cat will have a burning sensation in their mouth when chewing on the leaves, cats typically learn pretty quickly to not bite this plant. Cats eating enough for a severe response is almost unheard of.

    The only real way a snake plant could kill your cat is if they have an allergic response when ingesting the leaves. This can cause their throat and mouth to swell. If the reaction is severe enough, this can cause their entire airways to close, making it impossible for them to breathe.

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    Can You Put A Snake Plant In The Bathroom

    Snake plants, like many other indoor plants, can be sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. With that in mind, it may not be in your best interest to store your snake plant in the bathroom.

    While it’s a little easier to keep your cat out of the bathroom than it is to keep them out of the bedroom, your snake plant is not going to enjoy its time in this new location. Snake plants require little water and humidity to flourish in the first place. Over-exposure to high levels of humidity could readily rot a snake plant’s roots, causing it to wilt and die.

    If you have a bathroom fan that you run while taking showers or baths, a snake plant may fare a little better in a bathroom. When in doubt, though, consider moving your snake plant into an alternative location where it can thrive without putting your cat’s health at risk.

    Diagnosis Of Snake Plant Poisoning In Cats

    Snake Plant Cat Safe

    If your cat begins to show signs of poisoning or allergic reaction, take it to your veterinarian to be assessed professionally. You may notice plant material in your cat’s mouth, or see visible bite marks out of the leaves of the plant. Bring the cat’s full medical history to the clinic as this can assist the vet in determining potential causes of illness or complications that may arise. The vet may ask you what type of plants your keep in or around your home, and if your cat is allowed outdoors.

    The veterinarian will then perform a complete physical examination of the cat, looking for any abnormalities that may have caused or been caused by the illness. All of the cat’s vital functions will be measured, including its blood pressure and temperature. A sample of the cat’s blood will be collected so that standard tests may be run, revealing the cat’s overall health condition. A complete blood count and a biochemistry profile are generally included in these tests. Normal results may point to an allergic reaction within the cat. Urinalysis may also be advised.

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    Treatment If Eaten Accidentally By Pet

    The veterinary doctor usually tries to induce your cat into vomiting, if it hasnt vomited yet. This will ensure that the portion of the unwanted plant part consumed is expelled from its body.

    Do not allow your cat to further consume any more of the toxin. Also, make your pet have a lot of fluids during this phase to keep it hydrated since it has a chance of having diarrhea.

    If you observe any swelling or find your cat in a lot of pain, try contacting the doctor over a call for giving medicines for temporary relief. Usually, the pet will recover within 2-3 days, in rare cases, it might take some more days to recover.

    Do not get misled if anyone says to you that snake plant is not safe for cats, they are if handled with proper safety measures.

    Snake Plants Are Poisonous For Cats

    Snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue is a popular house plant that is known for its air-purifying ability. Humans value them as a good luck plant that helps naturally maintain indoor air quality. However, this plant contains toxins named saponins that are considered poisonous for pets like cats.

    A popular indoor plant, the snake plant or Sansevieria trifasciata is toxic for your cats. The problem is that the snake plant includes saponin, a poison that can cause mild symptoms if your cat decides to eat it. Due to this, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or the ASPCA has declared Sansevieria a toxic plant for both cats and dogs.

    The snake plant produces saponin to keep itself safe from microbes and insects. When the sap of the plant is ingested by your pet, then it can cause mild symptoms ranging from contact dermatitis to gastrointestinal issues. Some cats can also experience depression if they consume it in large quantities. You can spot if your pet has been poisoned by the sap of the snake plant by checking their mouth. Take your pets to the vet if symptoms do not go away. The vet will perform an examination before advising on a certain treatment plan.

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    Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats Keeping Your Cat Safe

    The snake plant is a common but popular plant that many people like to keep as houseplants. Theyre easy to look after and quite pretty, but like many plants, there can be issues with snake plants and your pets.

    So, if you have both a snake plant and a cat and youre wondering if theres a problem, well, unfortunately, there is. Snake plants are toxic for cats.

    Well discuss the snake plant in more detail and what exactly makes them so toxic for cats in this article. Well also look into what you should do if your cat happens to ingest any parts of the snake plant.

    Why Is Snake Plant Unsafe For Cats

    Plants That Are Toxic to Cats!!

    Snake plant is not safe for your cats because it contains a toxic chemical called saponin, resulting in uncomfortable and painful reactions. Whenever your cats or other pets eat any part of the snake plant, toxicity can occur.

    Aside from the mild toxicity, the total fatality or danger of snake plants lies on the low side of every species. Also, all parts of this plant are incredibly bitter, making it relatively non-palatable.

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    Is Snake Plant Toxic To Cats Symptoms And First Aid

    • Post published:June 6, 2020

    Snake plant is a popular houseplant and likely to be found indoors in a pot as well as outdoors. Although its not common for cats to chew on unsuitable objects such as plants, the possibility is not zero. Whether it is a curious little kitten or a bored restless cat, they may ingest houseplants or outdoor ornamental plants. So, is the snake plant toxic for cats? Well, the short answer is yes. It is in fact mildly toxic and can cause some gastrointestinal problems. Keep reading to learn more about the toxic parts of this plant, symptoms of toxicity, prevention measures and first-aid tips.

    Although snake plants can cause trouble for your cat, most probably they wont eat too much. Animals usually dont return for a second bite, because the snake plant is bitter in taste and causes immediate burning sensation to the mouth.

  • How to prevent your cat from eating houseplants?
  • Spray Pet Spray On Plant Leaves:

    There are various plant sprays on the market that help to keep dogs from eating particular objects. The majority of the tastes are bitter apple as well as orange. Just consider that cats have various flavors, so they may tolerate certain sprays while others are not. As a result, it may take a few trials before you locate a spray that adequately repels your cat.

    Youll also need to pick a spray that isnt harmful to your plants leaves. Begin by spraying a small section of such a plant to observe whether it hurts. Spray the plants leaves with the manufacturers suggested frequency once youve found a spray that works.

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    Snake Plants Pet Friend Or Foe

    It is clear that snake plants can cause adverse effects for your pets, your loved ones and yourself.

    Protect your loved ones from the harmful side effects of this plant. Educate friends and family and make sure that they know not to eat its leaves or touch its raw juices.

    Make sure that your pets cannot reach your snake plants especially your furry feline friends. Above all, have fun being a responsible plant parent.


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