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HomeMust ReadIs It Legal To Declaw A Cat

Is It Legal To Declaw A Cat

Are Things Changing In The Us

New York Legislature passes ban on cat declawing

They certainly seem to be. In addition to the proposed legislation in New York, individual cities such as Los Angeles and Denver have also banned declawing.

“Twenty years ago it was considered something you do – you get a cat, you declaw them,” says Dr Weigner. However, he argues that in recent years declawing has become “an increasingly controversial procedure… we stopped declawing cats at our practice a long time ago.”

Mr Dale says that, based on his personal experience, younger vets seem to be more supportive of a ban, especially as more recent research appears to provide evidence against declawing.

Mr Birdsall grew up in the US with pet cats that were declawed – but says that after living in the UK, he has discovered alternatives to declawing, such as trimming their claws. “Now I’m much more uncomfortable with the procedure, and don’t see the need for it”.

In the US, “things are generally trending in an anti-declawing direction… although it’s not a surprise that the one state moving towards banning the practice is a liberal blue state, and cities banning it are typically viewed as left-leaning,” he adds.

“Like many other issues, cat claws could become a politicised cultural issue in the US.”

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The law explicitly prohibits declawing for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons or reasons of convenience in keeping or handling the cat, which led the New York State Veterinary Medical Society to oppose it, saying declawing should be legal for healthy cats, if only as a last resort.

However well-intentioned the law is, the group said, it will only mean that more owners will simply abandon their cats to the streets not just owners fed up with scratched ankles and sofas, but also owners with weakened immune system, diabetes or hemophilia, which can put them at greater risk of infection from cat scratches.

The decision to declaw a cat is a medical decision that should be made by the owners in consultation with a trained, licensed and state-supervised veterinarian operating within the appropriate standards of practice, the society said.

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Does Declawing A Cat Affect Its Personality

Numerous studies that have researched a potential correlation between cat declawing and personality changes strongly indicate that none exists. Please remember that it may take your cat a little time to feel comfortable walking on surgically sensitive paws, which could indeed affect his or her personality traits and behaviors during the recovery period. Therefore, it is always important to be nurturing and supportive during the recovery process, in order to help facilitate a speedy recovery.

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The Truth About Declawing

Will Declawing my Cat Reduce Damage to Household Items?

The Wisconsin Humane Society works hard to save cats. We provide extensive medical services and socialization for cats that are abandoned and we love every one of them for their beauty and unique personalities. The last thing that we want is for anything bad to happen to any cat. That is the reason that we actively educate people about the perils of declawing their cat. And, we’re confident that if people take our message to heart and follow some easy instructions on safeguarding their furniture, they will not need to have their cat declawed.

Many people assume that having their cat declawed is a routine and necessary activity. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is easy to train a cat to use a good scratching post and WHS has cat and guardian approved scratching posts available for sale. The post should be at least 30″ tall, mounted in a stable base and covered with sisal rope.

Here are some more eye-opening facts and opinions about declawing:

Eight California Cities Have Banned Declawing

Cat Claw Caps Cruel

In 2003, West Hollywood became the first city in the nation to ban the practice of declawing. Although challenged in court, the ban was eventually upheld. But the California legislature soon bowed to pressure from the California Veterinary Medical Association . A state law was passed that prohibited other cities from banning the practice of declawing domestic animals.

Before the law took effect, however, seven additional cities passed local bans. As of today, the full list of California cities in which declawing of pets is prohibited is:

  • Berkeley,

A separate California law prevents the declawing of wild and exotic cats throughout the state.

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No 1: Miniature Dachshund

In the above photo, a dachshund walks down the street in a red shirt to match its companions track pants.

Total registered dogs in Madison: 102

National 2018 ranking by the American Kennel Club: 28th

“Dachshunds arent built for distance running, leaping, or strenuous swimming, but otherwise these tireless hounds are game for anything. Smart and vigilant, with a big-dog bark, they make fine watchdogs. Bred to be an independent hunter of dangerous prey, they can be brave to the point of rashness, and a bit stubborn, but their endearing nature and unique look has won millions of hearts the world over.”

— American Kennel Club

No : Golden Retriever

In this 2019 photo, Jeremy Todd, of Madison, prepares to head out on Lake Wingra on a stand-up paddleboard with his 4-year-old golden retriever, Rainier, at Wingra Boats.

Total registered dogs in Madison: 578

National 2018 ranking by the American Kennel Club: 3rd

“The Golden Retriever, an exuberant Scottish gundog of great beauty, stands among Americas most popular dog breeds. They are serious workers at hunting and field work, as guides for the blind, and in search-and-rescue, enjoy obedience and other competitive events, and have an endearing love of life when not at work.”

— American Kennel Club

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Another Us State Aims To Ban Declawing Your Cat

Sharing is caring!

Many of us adopt our cats. And when we do, sadly, some of them come without their claws. Declawing your cat is something that some cat owners feel is necessary. Well, the truth is, its not. And thankfully, lawmakers in Michigan feel the same way.

So far, the bill already has 21 cosponsors. And Im personally thankful for each and every one of them who thinks declawing your cat is not okay.

Should the bill be made into law, violators will face a $1,000 civil fine.

House Bill No. 5508 aims to prohibit certain medical procedures for declawing a cat, and to prescribe civil sanctions.

The bill states that: An individual shall not perform by any means an onychectomy, a partial or complete phalangectomy, or a tendonectomy procedure, or any other surgical procedure that prevents normal functioning of the claws, on a cat in this state, unless the procedure is necessary for a therapeutic purpose.

The bill is allowing for one exception to the rule, saying that the declawing of a cat is strictly allowed when considered for therapeutic purposes. It defines such purposes as:

The necessity to address a physical medical condition of a cat, including, but not limited to an existing or recurring illness, infection, disease, injury, or abnormal condition in the claw of a cat that compromises the cats health.

Heres Why Cat Declawing Is No Longer Acceptable

Declawing Cats Could Become Illegal In Maryland Under New Bill

Cats have an innate need to scratch. Our kitty companions find great pleasure in scratching trees, furniture, carpets or other in-home belongings. There are many reasons behind the behaviour, including to stretch their bodies, shorten and condition their claws, and to mark their territory. Cats claws are an important part of who they are and how they interact with the world.

Unfortunately, not all humans appreciate the importance of claws to cats. The declawing of cats for convenience became a popular way to protect furniture and prevent scratches. Happily, new scientific evidence and changing attitudes are helping society realize how incredibly harmful declawing really is for our feline friends.

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Recovery Health And Behavioral Effects

Onychectomy is an orthopedic surgery involving 1 separate phalangeal amputations, which requires general anesthesia and multi-modal pain management before, during, and after surgery.

A 2018 study by Martell-Moran, et al found, in a study of 274 cats, that “declawing cats increases the risk of unwanted behaviors and may increase risk for developing back pain. Evidence of inadequate surgical technique was common in the study population. Among declawed cats, retained P3 fragments further increased the risk of developing back pain and adverse behaviors. The use of optimal surgical technique does not eliminate the risk of adverse behavior subsequent to onychectomy.” The study found that inappropriate toileting, biting, aggression and overgrooming occurred significantly more often in the declawed cats than the non-declawed cats . A declawed cat was also almost 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with back pain than a non-declawed cat .

In a survey of 276 cat owners, 34% reported post-surgical discomfort in their cats while 78% reported primarily tenderness. Recovery time took from three days to two weeks. Increased biting strength or frequency was reported in 4% of cats, but overall, 96% of owners were satisfied with the surgery. Some other studies found lameness after onychectomy lasting > 3 days,> 1 week, 8 days,> 12 days, 180 days, and 96 months.

Patronek, Glickman and Beck found no association between the declaw status of cats and the frequency of inappropriate elimination .

Support Legislation Banning Declawing

At least 42 countries have made declawing illegal, including England, France, Wales, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, and Israel. In Canada, declawing is outlawed in eight provincesNewfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Alberta, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

In the United States, declawing is outlawed in Austin, Denver, the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County, Pittsburgh, and Madison. It is also outlawed eight California cities: West Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Santa Monica, and Burbank. In 2019, New York became the first state in the United States to outlaw declawing.

Over the past years, an increasing number of state bills in the United States have been introduced to ban declawing, indicating that jurisdictions nationwide are finally recognizing declawing as cruel and inhumane.

You have the power to protect cats in your community by supporting legislation to ban declawing. We have the tools to help! Alley Cat Allies has played a part in many of the landmark decisions to ban cat declawing, including the first statewide declawing ban enacted in New York in 2019. We are committed to informing and rallying compassionate advocates like you to take action in favor of declawing bans wherever they arise.

Check out our Action Center to see if there is a declawing ban currently up for consideration where you live.

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Is Declawing Cats Illegal In Michigan

Is Declawing Cats Illegal In Michigan? 5508 was introduced on Thursday by State Rep. Nate Shannon, D-Sterling Heights, and 20 other Michigan legislators. The bill prohibits the act of declawing a cat unless its for therapeutic reasons. The Michigan Humane Society strongly opposes the declawing of cats unless its for a medical reason.

In some countries, towns, and cities, the practice of declawing cats is illegal. Many cat owners still want to declaw cats to prevent the destruction of furniture and home decor. Supporters of declawing often think the surgery is routine and that cats are unchanged by the procedure. The American Veterinary Medical Association does not oppose declawing in cats. The Denver City Council unanimously passed an ordinance in 2017 that prohibits the practice of declawing cats unless it is deemed medically necessary by a veterinarian. This has yet to occur as of March 2018.New York: Declawing of cats is officially banned. Rhode Island: In 2013, Rhode Island adopted H 5426/S 177, making it illegal for landlords to require tenants cats to be declawed.

In what states is it illegal to declaw cats? New York is the only U.S. state to ban the practice of declawing. However, there are cities and towns throughout the country that have passed legislation banning declaw surgery.

At What Age Is It Too Late To Declaw A Cat

Is It Against The Law To Declaw A Cat

Theres no predefined age to declawing a cat. However, the younger the kitty, the faster the healing process. Older kitties have a harder time surviving without their claws as they have learned to depend on them a lot. By removing the nails, you would be disabling them in away. They also suffer more pain and complications than their counterparts. To be safe, declaw the kitty at 3-6 months of agepreferably when spaying or neutering the kitty.

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Tell Us What You Think

It will be interesting to see how things unfold in New York and across the U.S. as landlords and tenants have to change their behaviors. Will it lead to fewer places for cats? Or will it lead to increased pet fees? Time will tell. Leave a comment below with what youre planning on doing with your rentals when and if this law comes to your state. And if youre a tenant, talk to us about your cat and how it has fared with its full claws.

What Can I Do Instead Of Declawing My Cat

With that in mind, we offer three alternatives to declawing your cat.

  • Safeguard tempting surfaces. Many cat owners prefer an approach that emphasizes deterrence.
  • Try vinyl nail caps. Soft Paws nail caps were developed by a veterinarian to act as sheaths over your pets claws.
  • Make nail trimming a routine.

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How To Declaw A Cat At Home

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With their sizzling eyes, dignified walks, and sweet personalities, cats make great pets at home. They are always oozing good energy, fun, and friendliness that add so much joy into our lives. However, they can also be a real nuisance when they start to scratch everything they see. After spending thousands of dollars getting your cute leather coach, the last thing you want is someone tearing it apart. Yet, it happens to pet parents all the time.

Cats have a natural inclination to scratch. They do this to express their emotions , sharpen their claws or remove dead cells on their nails, mark their territory, and to get a good stretch. Although they dont really mean to hurt you, they end up doing just that when they create a mess of your possessive possessions. It is worse if they hurt your loved ones with their razor-sharp claws.

No : Australian Shepherd

Declawing cats now banned in Austin | KVUE

In this 2015 photo, Anders Ahlberg of Madison plays keep-away with Copper, his Australian shepherd, during an “Exercise With Your Dog!” class that gets dogs and their owners to work out together.

Total registered dogs in Madison: 250

National 2018 ranking by the American Kennel Club: 15th

“The Australian Shepherd, the cowboys herding dog of choice, is a medium-sized worker with a keen, penetrating gaze in the eye. Aussie coats offer different looks, including merle . In all ways, theyre the picture of rugged and agile movers of stock. Aussies exhibit an irresistible impulse to herd, anything: birds, dogs, kids. This strong work drive can make Aussies too much dog for a sedentary pet owner. Aussies are remarkably intelligent, quite capable of hoodwinking an unsuspecting novice owner. In short, this isnt the pet for everyone. But if youre looking for a brainy, tireless, and trainable partner for work or sport, your search might end here.”

— American Kennel Club

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Proposed Bill Could Ban Declawing Cats In Michigan

Legislation introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives could make the state the second to ban the practice of declawing cats.

The first state to pass such legislation was New York.

House Bill 5508 prohibits an individual from performing an onychectomy, a partial or complete phalangectomy, or a tendonectomy procedure, or any other surgical procedure that prevents normal functioning of the clawsunless the procedure is needed for a therapeutic purpose.

The practice of is not so simple as just removing the claw. The procedure involves amputating the last bone of each cats toe. Instead of clipping your fingernails, it would be like cutting off your first knuckle on each finger.

Nate Shannon is the representative sponsoring the bill. He says he thinks if the bill passes, there will be a lot more happy cats in Michigan.

This isnt just a surgery, and then once they heal everything is fine. Obviously, its a brutal practice, theres severe post surgery pain that lasts for years to follow, he says. In some cats there are behavioral changes such as aggression, some refuse to use the litter box, and back pain because it literally changes the way a cat walks.

The bill has received bipartisan support in the house so far. It has been referred to the House Agriculture Committee for consideration.

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Ending Cat Declawing In The New Year: What You Need To Know

Were starting the new year with some news about one of our biggest priorities in humane legislation for cats. Policies against cat declawing continue to arise in the United States and Canada, a movement that recognizes the procedure for what it is: a cruel amputation that can cause lifelong harm.

In 2021, we can build on these new developments and finally leave declawing in the dark past where it belongs. Here is what you need to know.

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Are Indoor Or Outdoor Cats Better Off

  • Indoor cats tend to have longer lifespans, because they are less likely to get hit by cars or encounter feline viruses.
  • However, indoor cats need good environmental enrichment – otherwise they are much more likely to develop psychological problems
  • Indoor cats in multiple-cat households are more likely to experience stress-related disorders if they don’t get on, because cats are naturally solitary animals
  • Outdoor cats can express their inherent behaviour more readily, such as hunting and playing with bugs
  • Vets say outdoor cats can appear braver, and more psychologically balanced, as they are challenged multiple times a day
  • However in rural parts of the US outdoor cats are much more likely to encounter predators


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