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How To Sedate A Cat For Travel

Administering Calming Herbs To Your Cat

Calming herbs come in a wide range of forms like tinctures, dried flowers, or essential oils.

Out of all these forms, the only one you should be looking at is the dried leaf/flower form because essential oils and tinctures contain alcohol which is toxic to cats.

The best way to administer the herbs to your cat-friend is by putting it inside of a tube collar or make a tiny pillow toy with herbs inside. Your cat will benefit from the relaxing properties of the herbs while being safe from over-ingesting them.

Medicine To Calm Cats For Travel Conclusion

There are a variety of means and medicine to calm cats for travel. The best advice is simply to plan in advance. Get a comfortable carrier and take your cat on a trip. Even so, it is often a far better idea to simply give your feline some medication to make the trip extremely comfortable. It is a once off that wont have any long lasting side effects.

Why Is My Cat Foaming At The Mouth After Taking Benadryl

Benadryl is a mild sedative that helps with many issues that your cat may have. Just as with any other medication, however, there are side effects. Among the scariest is foaming at the mouth.

After giving their cat Benadryl, some owners have noticed that their cat started foaming at the mouth. This side effect, though quite alarming, is not a cause for concern.

When they try something that tastes off. Its odd, but this is a defense mechanism. Benadryl is quite unpleasant to taste, making it somewhat frequent for cats to have this side effect.

If you notice that your cat starts foaming after taking Benadryl, remain calm and clean it up. You shouldnt be worried about it unless it continues for more than an hour. Symptoms that last longer should be seen by a veterinarian.


How To Travel With A Cat In A Car

Now if its a car trip, you have to know how to travel with a cat in a car in the right way because car journeys can be very frightening for it.

Mostly because of the sound of the car engine and crowds, uneven driving, traffic jams and also motion sickness. So you have to find some time before a few days of the journey and take the right preparation.

Heres a small guide on how to travel with a cat in a car.

Dont Forget About Car Safety

How to Sedate a Cat With Benadryl

Be sure to keep all the doors closed and do not open them until your cat is secured in a cat carrier or a harness.  Opening a car door while your cat is loose can be a huge mistake.  This is one of the leading causes for losing a cat while traveling. 

Your cat will most likely be in an unfamiliar area and will not be able to find their way back to you or the car.  In case of an event like this it would be smart to have some sort of gps tracker like a collar in order to locate your car.

The Need To Consult A Vet Before Giving Sleeping Pills

A vet is a person with much knowledge and experience on the right procedures to undertake the procedure of cat sedative for travel. It is important having to engage a vet when taking any medication oriented decisions. When planning to do some self-medication on the cat, making a quick visit to the vet with the pet goes a long way in guaranteeing its safety and health.

It is here that the cat can get examined to ensure that it is healthy enough for the procedure. They are the people who can choose the best dosage and medication for the pet. Their recommendation on whether to take the spray, a liquid or the pills medication administration are worth. They also examine the risks attached to every phase or decision of the procedure.

The younger cats are known to be at lesser risks as compared to the older ones. Kittens below six weeks of age are also highly not recommended to consume any form of sedatives.


Tip 6 Be Calm Move Gently

If youre stressing out about traveling, so will your cat.

Cats can pick up on their owners stress. If youre moving about quickly, like rushing to place them in the carrier and speed to the vet because youre late, then your cat will not be able to calm down.

From all of our travels with Yoda, Ive observed that when Im calmer, so is he.

So make sure to radiate your calmness, move gently and slowly, giving calm, reassuring cuddles and cues.

How To Choose The Right Sleeping Pills

Some people have messed up with their pets for failing to pick the right medication for their pets sedation process. Notably, the process should be vet guided. The pet owner should take the cat for examination at the clinic or talk with a vet over other forms of communication. This stage is essential regardless of whether the medication is to be purchased over the counter, or the dose is to get administered in a clinic or even at home.

Ensuring that the vet officer approves the pills is a guarantee of positive outcomes. Consequently, picking poor quality products may cause more harmful and unhealthy. The vet officer should also examine the pet to ensure that the pills are fit enough for its health.

It is more important having this procedure, especially when taking plane journeys. There is a combination of elevation effects such as excessive stress, air pressure, and temperatures variation. The cat is subjected to potentially fatal conditions. The sleeping pills are administered in different options such as ingestion, injections or sprays.

However, consider situations such as if the cat throws up and enough dose. Most oral sleeping pills are known to have prolonged onset time, but they are often hard to administer to the cat. But, for the spray form of mediation, it is more of a guarantee that the cat took enough of it into its bloodstream.


How To Sedate A Cat For Travel Presented In 3 Valuable Information

You can use various ways on how to sedate a cat for travel. For long-distance travel, it may cause your cat stress. So, you have to find the best solution to overcome this problem.

Whether commuting via car or just walking on foot, a cat can show its stressful expression. Thus, the below information is helpful to make your and your cats trip easier.

Can I Take My Cat In The Car Without A Carrier

Yes you sure can.  If all else fails and you think it would be easier to travel without a carrier then you must use a harness and leash setup.  You will need to make sure your cat is secure by tying the leash around the bottom of the seat or the safety hooks provided for children car seats. 

This will help keep your cat safe during your long trip.  Itâs best to start with small trips to see how your cat will react without a carrier before taking them on longer trips.

Are There Side Effects Of Cat Sedatives

All cat sedatives have side effects, but the specific nature of the side effects depends on the medication that you give your cat. In addition, different cats experience different side effects from different medications.

These are some of the most common side effects of cat sedatives:

  • Excessive sedation
  • incoordination
  • unusually slow heart rate and/or breathing

If your cat experiences any of these side effects after being given a sedative, contact your veterinarian immediately.

How Is Anxiety In Cats Treated

Stress reduction in pets should always involve some form of behavior modification or environmental changes. 

A simple example of behavior modification would be leaving the cats carrier out in the home all the time and placing treats inside. Over time, the cat may come to view their carrier as a fun place rather than a scary place.

Done properly, behavior modification can have excellent results for some pets. However, improperly performed, it can reinforce anxious behaviors. So its always important to seek guidance from a professional .

Environmental modification involves thinking about the world the way your cat perceives it and then helping them feel safer and calmer.

For example, many cats feel safe when they are hidden. For this reason, many vets will perform a cats physical exam with the cat inside their carrier, where the cat feels hidden behind the carriers walls. 

This trick can also be used for car rides. Covering the sides of a kittys carrier with breathable blankets creates a dark and quiet space to hide, which may help reduce a cats anxiety during travel. 

Other common treatment methods include natural remedies, supplements, and sedatives or other medications.

Depending on the needs of a specific cat, sometimes a vet will start with natural remedies and a few tips for how to help a cat feel calmer in their environment. For some kitties, this is all thats required.

Cat Stress Relief From Feliway

How to Sedate a Cat for Travel

Feliway is clinically proven, and veterinary recommended. It is a natural product that is used for calming anxiety behavior in cats. Youll want to place the diffuser where your kitty spends most of the time.

Make sure that you add the synthetic pheromone into the device. Once your cat is exposed to the diffuser it helps calm them and can even be used as a cat tranquilizer.

Side Effects: None

Traveling With A Cat In A Car Long Distances

Traveling with Cats

You are probably already familiar with traveling with your cat.  This time it isnât just for a stroll around the block or a quick vet visit.  You might be going a lot farther like across the country, or even to the mountains to go camping. 

If youâre going to be traveling with a cat in a car long distance then there are a few extra things you will need to know and prepare for.  Take a look and see how to prepare to travel long distances with your cat.

How To Sedate A Cat For Travel : A Useful Guide

Most cats hate travelling. They always seem to feel stressful during the journey. Cats prefer the routine at home and do not like change. Perhaps, the stress they feel when meowing, drooling, and panting while travelling is the cause. In such a situation, cats require much care. This is the reason why veterinarians recommend that sedating cats during a trip is a better option to help them to sleep.

Therefore, in this article, I will be showing you how to sedate a cat for travel


  • Method 1 Of 3:choosing A Medication

  • 1Seek a veterinarian’s advice. For most sedatives, you’ll need a prescription from a veterinarian anyway. Even if you’re buying an over-the-counter medication, run it by your vet to make sure he or she approves of it a poor quality product could be dangerous to your pet’s health. All animals that are going to be medically sedated should be examined by a vet before use to make sure they’re healthy enough for sedation.
  • Tell your veterinarian if you plan on flying with a sedated cat. The combination of air pressure, elevation, and excessive stress can cause adverse reactions that can prove potentially fatal.XResearch source
  • 2Discuss time frames with your vet. Different medications take different amounts of time to kick in, so you want to know how your particular medication works. Ask your veterinarian how far ahead of time you should administer the medication before the event that will stress out your cat. Some medications may kick in almost immediately, while others may take up to an hour to be effective.
  • With medications that take time to kick in, the cat’s anxiety may override the sedative if you don’t allow it to go into effect in a relaxed environment.
  • Benzodiazepines are a popular sedative that can reduce anxiety almost immediately. Side effects include disorientation, sleeplessness, and increased appetite. They should be used with extreme caution in cats with liver or kidney problems.
  • Moving Abroad With Your Pet

    Transporting your precious pet to another country is a complicated process, and can cause pet parents to worry about the safety and comfort of their pets. It is important to remember that however long the flight is, do not give your pet a sedative unless expressly advised by the vet. Sedatives are unpredictable and dangerous for pets on a flight. Some airlines even ask pet parents to sign an undertaking stating that your pet is not tranquilised before flying.

    If you are planning an international move with your pet and are unsure about the process, contact us at Petraveller for more information on international pet transport, veterinary tests and processes, documentation, and much more.

    Sedation Risks For Dogs And Cats

    Pets that are travelling on international flights are housed in a dedicated pet-friendly area in the cargo hold of the aircraft. The cargo hold is temperature controlled and dark, and even the most excitable or anxious pets commonly calm down once they are settled in the hold.

    Sedating pets before travelling by air is a big no and is not recommended by experts. There are several risks involved when you sedate your pet, especially before air travel.

    How To Transport A Cat

    If you are planning to transport your cat, you had better choose the proper method. Be sure that your cat is safe and secure during transportation. You can use a cat carrier to keep it while traveling.

    You can get various types of cat carriers available in the market. All of them serve you the same purpose. It allows you to take your cat inside.

    Select a soft zipper carrier for a short trip. This one is a good option to monitor your cat while you are going a short distance. The design is lightweight and features you with a transportable fabric.

    Nowadays, you can see that most carriers provide you with convertible straps. So, you can carry your cat like you use a shoulder bag.

    If you plan for a longer distance, you can choose hard plastic carriers. It is a great choice, especially when you travel using an airplane. This type of carrier can protect your cat on a long journey.

    Should You Sedate Your Cat For Travel

    If your cat struggles with any of the behaviors that we discussed above, they may benefit from the help of prescribed sedation. It is much easier to prevent feline stress than it is to solve it in the moment, making it so important to be prepared when you can.

    Deciding whether or not to sedate your cat for travel can be challenging for some pet owners. The thought of sedating a fur baby can be worrisome, especially if they have never taken medication before. Thankfully, there are a few trusted options that your veterinarian can recommend based on your cats specific needs. By speaking with your veterinarian about your cats individual struggles, they can determine the best plan of action for your trip.

    Valerian Is A Good Alternative To Catnip

    How to Sedate a Cat for Travel

    If your cat doesnt respond to catnip, you can try giving him valerian instead. Like catnip, valerian initially produces a euphoric state for cats, which is followed by a period of calmness.

    Your cat may be so calm after having valerian that he falls asleep. You can grow valerian or purchase valerian cat toys.

    Give your cat valerian approximately 15 minutes before the stressful event is to occur to help sedate him.

    Related: Does Valerian for Cats Actually Work?

    Do They Always Sleep At Some Point During The Trip

    If your cat reacts strongly to the medication, he or she will go right to sleep. In other cases, your cat will simply become less active than usual. As a result, he or she will be less likely to resist being put in the crate or .

    You can also read:

    He or she also will be less vocal than he or she would be without the medication.

    However, its important to note that some cats may be calmer after taking a cat sedative but still find it difficult to sleep.

    Natural Cat Sleeping Pills

    There are natural ways through which a cat can get sedated. However, purchasing a prescription from a vet is highly recommended to ensure that the appropriate dose for the appropriate reason is given. Some of the common natural forms of sleeping pills include the Valerian and Catnip plants.

    They may sound not common, but research has it that these are well applicable when bringing the cat to sleep. Approximately 50% of cats respond to the coming in to contact with for it is more of urine to the eyes of the pet.

    However, it is a natural way of having the cat sleep upon having it ingested in their body. The only precaution is to avoid having the cat smell the herb for it may result in it acting frisky, rolling, running, drooling and pawing.

    The Valerian herb has similar effects to those of Catnip, though its effects a longer lasting and stronger. The only challenge is knowing the right dosage to administer. Often, some pet owners end up overdosing their pets which results in them to be lethargic and groggy. However, the experience with these herbs is not known by most pet owners. It takes an expert to know the right amount and procedure to administer it to the pet.

    To Sedate Or Not To Sedate

    OK! So if youre considering whether or not to sedate your cat during a long flight, please bear this is mind:

     Sedation can be extremely harmful to your cat. 

    There, Ive said it. Now, I could end things there and get on with my day, but I know you want to know more. Why is it such a bad thing? Surely its kinder to just knock out poor kitty, or put her into a nice sleepy, dreamy state. That doesnt sound so bad. Right?

    In an ideal world, thered be a safe, one-size-fits-all solution to all cat health problems. Hell, all health problems. Hell, all problems. But the truth is:

    The benefits of sedation do not outweigh the risks of harm, or even death, during air travel.

    Yes, it really is as dramatic as that. Natural is the way to go if you need to sedate your kitty. Note: need to not just want to. I passionately believe that cats should not be sedated with anything pharmaceutical unless they are facing a medical procedure or emergency.

    An animals natural ability to balance and maintain equilibrium is altered under sedation. When the kennel is moved, a sedated animal may not be able to brace and prevent injury.

    Dr. Patricia Olson, Director of the American Humane Association

    A mild herbal sedative such as chamomile, lavender or valerian that has homeopathic benefit usually does the trick. Think less knocking them out and more: catnip with a kick. Anything that could throw off your cats natural senses should be avoided unless strictly necessary.


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