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Can Kittens Have Cat Nip

Why Do Cats Like Catnip So Much

Kittens’ First CatNip

All it takes is one little sniff.

When cats smell the catnip, they have a reaction that can be described as a high.

It makes them feel happy, excited, frisky and sometimes aggressive.

The reaction comes from the chemical nepetalactone. The reason many cats chew enthusiastically on catnip is to release more the the nepetalactone chemical into the air so they can get more of a high.

Pet professionals say catnip is a powerful stimulant and compare it to a drug.

They really cant help themselves when they get a smell of the intoxicating aroma. If you have seen the enthusiastic outbursts at the sight of a catnip toy you will understand how strongly cats are attracted to catnip.

What Are Some Of The Different Uses Of Catnip

For cats that seem to enjoy the effects of catnip , pet parents report using the herb for:

  • Occasional sensory enrichment and enhanced play.
  • Positive reinforcement, especially to encourage a cat to use a new scratching post, for example, or a new bed.
  • In some instances, reducing anxiety when traveling or settling in a different environment, or becoming familiar with their cat carrier. This will very much depend on the cats response, however, as some cats tend to become more wired and anxious, which would be counterproductive here.

Remember, it is best to see how your cat or kitten responds to a small amount of catnip first, before considering using it for other purposes.

When Should I Avoid Using Catnip

Though it is considered safe and harmless in most situations, catnip can be a significant stimulant for some cats, so it is best to avoid using it on cats with a history of seizures, or with other pronounced neurological problems.

Catnip indulgence can also prove to be an issue for cats who might be prone to being aggressive, or tend to be bullies in a group of other cats. For this reason, it is best to also be careful when using it for the first few times when children are around.

Out of an abundance of caution, catnip should also be avoided in pregnant cats, as it has been reported to potentially induce uterine contractions.

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At What Age Can Cats Have Catnip Things To Consider

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If youve just purchased a cat toy that you didnt realize had catnip in it, you may be wondering if your cat is old enjoy to enjoy it. At what age can cats have catnip?

For best results, you should introduce catnip to your cat when they are between 6 months and a year of age. Although not harmful to kittens younger than six months, you typically wont get a reaction from cats younger than that.

So no need to return that toy as they can play with them at any age just dont expect the catnip to affect your cat if its younger than six months. Now that you know when cats can have catnip, you likely have more questions relating to catnip. Lets answer some of those questions for you so you can understand everything youll need to know about your cat and catnip.

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How Much Catnip Can My Cat Have And How Often

Can Kittens Have Catnip

Lasting about 10 minutes, the bliss associated with catnip snorting or chewing is extremely intense but short-lived.

Once the effects wear off, it will take about two hours before your cat can respond to catnip again.

Simply put, once high, your cat becomes temporarily immune to the catnips effects.

Overeating catnip is often associated with gastrointestinal upset, followed by vomiting and diarrhea.

Fortunately, this issue is self-limiting and resolves once the catnip exposure is eliminated.

Frequent exposure to catnip, even if limited to simple sniffing, should be avoided.

Sniffing catnip too much or too often can lead to habituation the cat may get used and will no longer respond to this plant and its magical effects.

To avoid such unwanted effects, it is advisable to limit your cats exposure to catnip to no more than once every 2 or 3 weeks.

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The Effect On Some Cats

Some cat acts aggressively when given toys soaked in catnip oil or individual catnip flakes. If so, the owner may decide to avoid giving that cat catnip from then on. If the cat responds positively to the catnip, the owner should see some or all of the following arousal behaviors:

  • Looking spaced-out and sitting still for a long period
  • Rolling around against the catnip or toy
  • Excessive meowing
  • Rubbing their cheeks against the toy or the surface sprinkled with catnip
  • Experiencing bursts of energy, running across the room
  • Lie on their backs and extend their paws

How Much Catnip To Give A Cat

Believe it or not, you generally dont need to worry about measurements with catnip. First of all, most catnip products do not require you to measure anything, as it typically comes in catnip toys. Your cat engages with these products through their sense of smell, and they cannot consume excessive amounts of them. It is important to note that cats can also eat dried or fresh catnip, but we will discuss how those products work later in this guide.

Cats do an amazing job of regulating their catnip experience all by themselves. Actually, they dont have a choice because your cats body will automatically stop responding to catnip after about 10-15 minutes of exposure to it. To explain this phenomenon, we have to give you a short little lesson on how catnip works.

Catnip affects cats through their sense of smell and taste. The catnip herb contains an essential oil called nepetalactone, which happens to be similar to certain feline pheromones. Cats react to nepetalactone by exhibiting playful behavior, often rolling around with a catnip toy and rubbing it around their nose and mouth. However, after about 10-15 minutes of exposure to catnip, the cat loses interest in the catnip because they experience olfactory fatigue or nose blindness.

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Do: Use Catnip To Encourage Play

One way for your cat to enjoy using catnip is to encourage play. You could try introducing products such as interactive toys or climbing towersfor example, this rechargeable laser pointer or the cat pyramid by Whisker. These can help your cat burn off that extra energy and provide them with the space needed to relax and play.

How To Give A Kitten Catnip

What Happens When Cats Have Catnip? | Pets: Wild At Heart | BBC Earth

Our feline friends can become immune to the effects of catnip after a period of time, resulting in a two-hour refractory period. As such, do not grant constant exposure. Instead, introduce catnip for about 15 minutes two to three times a week to ensure your kitten will continue to enjoy the effects.

The most potent levels of nepetalactone are found in the leaves and delicate pale purple flowers of the catnip plant lesser amounts are found in the stem and stalk. Therefore, offer your kitten products that feature more leaves or blossoms.

When choosing a product, you can look for raw amounts of the fresh or dried plant, sprays, tinctures, or toys.

You can grow the fresh catnip plant in a small pot inside your home or outdoors. Cats enjoy munching on either the fresh or dry plant. To dry it, hang the leaves, stems, and flowers upside down in a dark room and then freeze or store it in an airtight container once dry. This will help prevent the plant from becoming stale and losing its effect. Consuming the fresh or dry plant is the best option for helping reduce a kittens stress and anxiety.

Catnip sprays or tinctures that contain at least 50 percent or more essential oil of the catnip plant are helpful to use for training a kitten. You can spray or drizzle these products without causing a mess.

Ready to give a kitten catnip? Remember to start slow and see how your kitten responds!

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Do: Give A Small Amount

You should always start out with a small amount of catnip when first introducing it to your cat. If you arent sure exactly how much to begin with, you can always consult your veterinarian for a recommended amount. Too much catnip can cause vomiting or diarrhea in your cat. Therefore, you should start small until you know how it will affect your cat.

When Can Cats Have Catnip

There are no restrictions on when or how often you can give your cat catnip. However, if your cat has interacted with catnip within the past 15 minutes, they will still be dealing with olfactory fatigue, so they wont react to it. It usually takes about 1-2 hours for the cats nose blindness to go away .

This is also a good time to mention that not all cats react positively to catnip. Most cats do, but an estimated 20-30% of the feline population exhibits no response to the herb. Thats because cats have to have a certain gene in order to react to nepetalactone.

The gene is hereditary, and if your cat has it in their family, they almost certainly love catnip. Other cats that dont have the gene will not care about it, no matter how often you give it to them. Therefore, we recommend only buying one small catnip product at first and making sure your cat responds to it before investing a lot of money in pricey catnip items.

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Are Kittens Able To Have Catnip

Now we reach the pivotal question. Can kittens have catnip? Cats are classed as kittens until they reach the age of 1 year when they become adults. Interestingly enough, by 7 months old kittens reach sexual maturity, but this is just an extra tidbit we thought we would share.

Baby animals always have to be treated with extra care because they are still young and growing. This is why its best to always proceed with caution when it comes to most things. However, catnip is not dangerous for kittens so feel free to use it if you wish.

Its worth noting that kittens under the age of 3 months arent really affected by catnip but it is still perfectly acceptable to give it to them if you want to. Saying that, you may prefer to save your money and wait until your kitten is a bit older so they can enjoy it more! When they reach 3-6 months of age, most cats will react to catnip but not all! Sometimes, a cat will show no reaction but the reason behind this difference is not fully understood. If your cat isnt fussed by catnip there are other herbs you can try, including valerian and silvervine.

So, the ultimate answer to are kittens able to have catnip? is yes because it is not harmful at all. In fact, studies have shown that catnip can even be beneficial to kittens and cats over the age of 6 months by promoting exercise and stimulating their appetites.

How Much Catnip Is Dangerous For Cats

" Can I have some catnip please?"

Catnip contains no harmful substances therefore, it is not dangerous to your cat at all. The only symptom your cat may experience is an upset stomach if too much catnip is eaten. However, cats are very good at knowing when to walk away from catnip, so most wont experience anything aside from pure joy and tranquility.

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How Can I Safely Give Catnip To My Cat

When it comes to serving catnip to your cat, there are a number of options. Most pet stores will sell a range of products, including dried catnip, fresh catnip plants, and various gels that can you can use to administer catnip to your cat.

In the case of dried catnip, feel free to sprinkle some on a favorite sleeping spot or cardboard toy. In some cases, rubbing the dried catnip between your fingers can help make it smell more appealing to your cat.

If your cat prefers fresh catnip, you can leave a catnip plant out for them to snack on at their will.

While catnip is generally safe for cats, it is important to note that too much can result in a few unwanted side effects. Some of the most common side effects include vomiting, diarrhea and experiencing an upset stomach.

So you can go ahead and let your cat snack on catnip, but make sure you keep an eye on how much your cat is eating.

Does your cat go wild for catnip? Do they feel calmer when they eat it? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!

Dont: Keep Fresh Catnip Around All The Time

There are different types of catnip that can be used, such as fresh, dried, or sprayed. Some cats prefer dried catnip to fresh. If you have fresh catnip, you may ask yourself, can cats eat catnip leaves? While it is safe to consume catnip leaves, you should be sure to monitor your plant to make sure your cat is not eating too much. Fresh catnip is thought to be easier on your cats mouth. However, it is a live plant and will require some upkeep.

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When Should I Avoid Giving Catnip To My Kitten

There are a few times that you shouldnt use catnip for your kitten.

Catnip is not dangerous for kittens, but it can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. If your kitten swallows too much catnip, it may stop eating and become lethargic. So if you have any concerns about the safety of your kittens health, dont give them catnip!

Catnip has also been known to cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats that have eaten too much. Again, if you notice any symptoms of this kind of poisoning, do not give catnip to your kitten!

How Long Does Catnip High Last

What Does Catnip Do To Cats?

Luckily, the effects of catnip only last about 10 minutes. If used too much, a cat can become insensitive to it. Often, a simple sniff of catnip can do the trick, but eating it can also work. If you spray a cat toy or fill one with dried catnip, youll have to do it again as the oil wears off after some time.

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How Much Catnip Should You Give A Kitten

The amount of catnip you give a kitten depends on their age. If theyre 6-12+ months old then they should have the ability to self regulate and you never have to worry about giving them too much.

With kittens 3-6 months old you will want to start out small. Start off by giving them just a little pinch, maybe no more than a teaspoonful, and see how they react. Do they enjoy it? Does it upset their stomachs in any way? If they like it and it doesnt make them sick then its okay to give them another teaspoon or two worth!

Kittens under 3 months old will show no interest in catnip and it can likely make them if they get too much. Until your kitten is 3 months or older, its best to just let them enjoy playing with other things for now!


What Does Catnip Do To Cats

When your cat gets catnip she may act as though shes FELINE fine, but catnip isnt well-suited to every kitty.

If youre a cat lover youve most likely heard of, or even witnessed, cats on catnip. Cartoons, movies, and commercials show cats with huge eyes, scruffy tails, and wild antics while they play with toys infused with catnip. With so many catnip toys on the market, its tempting to want to purchase every mouse-shaped catnip toy you find, just to inspire that kind of apparent bliss. But not all cats do well with catnip.

Why do our once lazy couch CATatoes become feisty felines when they encounter catnip? Researchers have tried to shed light on how catnip affects the brain, and many believe that in lots of cats, catnip creates an intoxicated feline .

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What If My Cat Doesnt Like Catnip

Even though the plant is called catnip, theres no guarantee that your cat will like it. Even though many cats do love catnip, the truth is that only about half of cats are even susceptible to its effects. Naturally, cats who dont get any effect from catnip arent going to be attracted to it in the same way other cats are.

Catnip For Kittens: Benefits And Risks

What Does Catnip Do to Cats? (Cats + Catnip = Hilarious)

Once a kitten is old enough to respond to catnip, occasional use can be beneficial to reduce anxiety and boredom as well as provide your kitten a fun, pleasant sensation. Since this natural herb is non-addictive and non-toxic with no significant ill side effects, it is safe to offer to young kittens.

If your kitten experiences separation anxiety or is stressed during short car rides or vet visits, offering some fresh or dried catnip to consume can offer a calming effect to reduce anxiety.

Catnip also serves as a fantastic training tool for felines. You can offer it as a reward for good behaviors or when teaching new tricks. If your kitten is scratching inappropriate items like furniture, you can use catnip to redirect your cat by placing it on an appropriate item like a scratching post.

Kittens and adult cats cannot overdose on catnip, and consuming a small amount is safe so long as no pesticides were sprayed on the plant. However, eating too much can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness in some cats. Fortunately, most cats self-regulate well and do not tend to consume enough to the point of inducing gastrointestinal upset.

Secondary injuries may be sustained if a kitty becomes over excited while enjoying catnip and starts running around chaotically, potentially resulting in a fall or knocking something over. Thus, kittens should be supervised during catnip exposure.

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