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Why Do Cats Puke After Eating

Less Common Causes Of An Old Cat Vomiting

Why Does My Cat Like To Eat Grass? | why do cats vomit after eating grass | Vet Furqan Younas

Less likely causes of a senior cat throwing up include foreign objects, parasites and viruses. Sometimes cats swallow objects or plants and then throw them up. While common in young cats, senior cats are generally well past the curious stage in their lives, so this is quite uncommon. Worms and infections that cause vomiting are rare in senior cats so we do not list them as common causes.

Cat Vomiting: Gastritis In Cats

Gastritis incats, characterized by an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, can occur in cats of all ages. A cat suffering from this disease will cause your cat to vomit after eating, although vomiting due to gastritis in cats is not always related to the time of ingestion. A cat suffering from gastritis may even vomit digested food. There are numerous causes behind gastritis in cats. A diagnosis by a veterinarian is required in order to treat the specific case correctly. We recommend reading our article where we discuss all you need to know about gastritis in cats.Gastritis in cats can occur both acutely or chronically. Once a c at begins to recover, veterinarians suggest feeding the cat smaller portions, which are easier to digest.

Why Does My Cat Not Want To Eat Or Drink

Its important to identify why your cat is sick and has stopped eating. Here are some reasons for the issue: Gastritis is a stomach upset that causes the inflammation of a cats stomach lining. Vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and a reluctance to eat are all recognized symptoms. There are two forms of gastritis in cats:

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What Could Be The Reason For The Vomiting

Occasional vomiting may be caused by:


Cats often ingest hair while grooming. If it forms into clumps it may irritate the stomach, eventually being vomited up. If your cat vomits hairballs frequently your vet may suggest treatments or diets to reduce hair build-up and grooming your cat regularly to reduce the volume of hair ingested.

Eating too rapidly

Cats that gobble food too quickly may regurgitate. If youve got multiple cats make sure you have separate feeding bowls in separate locations to reduce competition. Try serving dry food in a used egg carton, or putting kibble in plastic bottles with holes that dispense the food as it rolls. These puzzle feeders slow eating, create mental challenge, combat boredom and increase exercise which combats weight gain.

Eating too much at once

Cats naturally eat small amounts and often. While not always practical, specialists suggest 5 small meals a day. Dry kibble absorbs fluid in the stomach and swells which may cause vomiting, especially in older cats.

Eating spoilt food or hunting

Like us, they can be susceptible to the bacteria or spoiled food or something theyve caught. This may result in irritation of the stomach.

Treating Acute Vomiting In Cats

Why Do Cats Vomit?

The first step in properly treating your cat for vomiting is identifying the underlying cause. First, your veterinarian will do noninvasive diagnostics. This includes:

  • A chemistry and CBC to screen for diseases such as kidney disease and diabetes.

  • A fecal exam to rule out parasites.

  • Abdominal radiographs to rule out larger tumors or foreign bodies that might be causing an obstruction.

If these tests are normal, and your cat is acutely vomiting, your veterinarian will likely recommend supportive treatments with anti-nausea medications.

Cats that vomit from hairballs can be placed on a special high-fiber diet along with a medication to help ease the passage of hairballs.

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When Should I Worry About My Cat Vomiting

We start to worry about cats being sick when theyve vomited frequently in a single day or a couple of times over a few days. Its also a cause for concern when they stop eating altogether or will try and eat but bring the food and water back up. This can be considered an emergency because your cat isnt able to keep anything down and can quickly become dehydrated and lead to an issue with sugar. If your cats vomiting is accompanied by any other symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhoea or pale gums, if theres blood in their vomit or theyre showing signs of pain, dont delay in contacting your vet.

  • Allergic reaction to a food
  • Heat stroke

Why Do Cats Sometimes Eat Their Vomit

Harmless vomiting can happen if a cat gobbles up their meal too quickly, usually within 2 hours of eating. As it hasn’t been in the stomach for long, it will look a bit undigested and come up really easily. Some cats eat it back up, which can sound a bit gross but is totally normal according to cat behaviourists.

Vomit that is reported from illness or poisoning looks more ‘digested’ and often has a yellowish colour. You might notice your cat cough more violently, with visible stomach contractions. If this happens, clean up the vomit as quickly as possible to prevent your cat from eating it again.

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More Serious Causes For Vomiting

These are some of the more serious causes, where vomiting occurs on a more regular basis

Ingestion of foreign bodies

Cats are more particular about what they eat than dogs but we do occasionally see cats with blockages. Cotton or string can cause a blockage or trauma to the gut.

Ingestion of certain toxins

We see fewer toxicities in cats because of their fussy nature, with a few exceptions.

Some cats like to nibble on grass. If unavailable, or out of boredom, they may eat house plants such as Dieffenbachia and lilies which are toxic. Ask your vet before bringing new plants into your house or garden.

Cats like the taste of antifreeze but its especially toxic to them. Never use it in ornamental water features, keep bottles secure and labelled, and wipe up spills immediately. Vomiting, increased thirst, lethargy and lack of appetite may be signs of ingestion. Ingestion is usually not witnessed, partly why its often fatal. Call your vet immediately if you suspect ingestion.

Food allergies or new foods

Not all foods suit all cats and any diet change should be slow, taking at least a week. Its also thought some cats may actually be allergic to certain proteins in foods. If your vet suspects this, they may recommend a hypoallergenic diet using hydrolysed proteins. These are proteins that are broken down into very small pieces so are highly unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.

Parasites roundworms, tapeworms and fleas

Why Do Cats Throw Up


Some people believe that cats throw up a lot and that its just part of being a cat but that is not true. An isolated incident of vomiting probably isnt cause for concern. Any cat can have a bad day. But repeated vomiting is cause for concern.

Vomiting should not be considered normal, says Jo Ann Morrison, DVM, DACVIM, senior manager of medical quality advancement for Banfield Pet Hospital in Portland, Oregon. An isolated episode of vomiting that doesnt recur, especially if nothing else has changed in the cat, may not be cause for concern. But vomiting that is repeated, regular, excessive, protracted, predictable or blood-tinged should be promptly discussed with your veterinarian or, in some cases, an emergency veterinary hospital.

Some reasons for a cat puking include:

  • Hairballs

When experiencing any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your vet.

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Are There Any Ways To Prevent Cat Vomiting

Wouldnt you all love to know the secrets that will lower or even eliminate the risk of cat vomiting? Do you want to train your cat not to vomit on your carpet or the bed?

Unfortunately, there isnt a magic trick. But there are some things that you can try to ease your cats discomforts.The easiest way to decrease the cases of vomiting would be to stop them from hacking up hairballs. By brushing the cat regularly, feeding her food with balanced nutrition, and keeping her active, you will be able to reduce the ingestion of hairballs.When you talk about regurgitating, be sure that you always feed your cat around the same time every day. Give her an adequate amount of food as recommended by your vet and always provide clean, fresh water at all times. The cat that is experiencing frequent upset stomach cases will be at risk of dehydration. Most of the cats get the majority of their water intake from food and throwing up results in loss of water. Be sure to give your cat access to fresh water at all times and encourage her to drink it as much as possible. These simple actions will go a long way in making sure your cat doesnt eat too quickly. If your cat still eats quickly, you should try using a puzzle feeder or food in the form of large, crunchy pieces as it will slow them down.

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What To Feed A Cat Who Vomits

Try Some Natural Stomach Soothers. If your cat throws up all the time, you can try adding some natural remedies for nausea into her food. Try chopped up mint leaf in her food, or just give her an herb special to catscatnip, of course!before each feeding. Both can help your cats tummy feel better.

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Why Does My Cat Vomit After Eating Dry Food

We must first distinguish whether your cat is vomiting up food or hair. Due to a cats daily grooming routine, it is normal that it will ingest a lot of hair which will sometimes be expelled through vomiting. A diet rich in fiber, regular brushing and the occasional consumption of malt can prevent hairballs in cats from posing a problem. If your cat is excessively vomiting up hairballs, this could be caused by excessive grooming which is a symptom of stress in cats. For more, we recommend taking a look over our article: my cat is overgrooming- causes.

Is your cat vomiting undigested food? If this is the case, you should analyze whether this occurs immediately after eating or some time after eating:

A cat vomiting immediately after eating or within half an hour after eating may indicate both acute and chronic gastritis. A cat vomiting up its food hours after eating could be due to obstruction, slow functioning of the digestive system and/or pancreatitis.

For more, we recommend reading: intestinal blockage in cats.

Is Vomiting Normal For Cats

5 Reasons Why Your Cat Vomits After Eating

Just like their people, our feline friends can suffer from an upset tummy for a number of reasons.

Some of the most common causes of upset stomach in cats include, a reaction to eating something bad, viruses and parasites, or more serious problems such as cancer or organ conditions.

Pet parents should be aware that if your cat vomits more often than once a month, or keeps vomiting repeatedly, it’s time to see your vet to determine the underlying cause of your cat’s vomiting.

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My Cat Will Not Eat After Vomiting

Most cats will behave normally after vomiting. Exceptions can occur if the vomiting was painful or frightening. Your cat may associate food with these negative experiences. Ways to encourage a cat to eat include:

  • Serving food with a strong scent, such as seafood
  • Offer meat-based baby food
  • Pour meaty broth or tuna juice over food

Encouraging a cat to eat can be a slow process. Your cat needs to build trust in its food again. Your cat needs to eat within 24 hours.

Ingestion Of Foreign Object

Cats are often prone to chewing on and swallowing items they should not. Because of this, they may sometimes ingest foreign objects such as pieces of string, fabric, plastic, and other items. In some cases, these pass normally in the cats stool, but in others, they may cause an obstruction that can lead to gagging.

If an item is stuck in your cats throat, he may gag without ever vomiting. If there is a blockage in his digestive system, he may gag and vomit frequently and may have a swollen abdomen as well. Take him to the vet immediately if this occurs.

Ingesting a foreign object also has the potential to cause a partial obstruction, or a linear foreign body, which can do extensive harm to your cat over time. When this happens, your cat may still be eating and drinking, but vomit or gag over time.

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Why Do Cats Puke After Eating Grass

Why Do Cats Puke After Eating Grass? As cats lack the enzymes to break down too much grass, they may eat it to induce vomiting and clear out indigestible material from their stomachs.

Many online explanations for grass eating posit that the behavior helps cats throw up when theyre feeling ill. Only about a quarter of grass eaters were observed vomiting afterward, and 91% of respondents said their cat did not appear sick before imbibing plant matter. Except, todays cats likely dont have these parasites anymore. The teams advice to cat owners: Buy or cultivate some indoor grass for your pets to chew on.

Do cats eat grass to throw up? Many online explanations for grass eating posit that the behavior helps cats throw up when theyre feeling ill. But only about a quarter of grass eaters were observed vomiting afterward, and 91% of respondents said their cat did not appear sick before imbibing plant matter.

How can I settle my cats stomach? Warm her food in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds the heat will make it smell more appetizing. Try feeding her canned food if youve been giving her dry food, and vice versa. Make the experience more pleasant: Gently speak to her and pet her as you offer food.

What can I give my cat for vomiting? Do you know the answer to this question? Help our community by submitting an answer.

When Should I Be Concerned

My cat throw up after eating

If your cat vomits several times a day, if there is blood in the vomit, if your cat is lethargic, losing weight or not eating then I recommend taking your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

Usually, a cat that vomits once or twice a month is not a concern. If your cat vomits or regurgitates more often than you feel is normal, I recommend discussing it with your veterinarian.

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How Often Do Cats Vomit

We used to think that some cats were just pukers but we now know that chronic vomiting is a sign of an underlying problem. Its normal for cats to have the occasional hairball due to their fastidious grooming behaviors, but vomiting thats not related to hairballs is a sign of a medical issue.

If your cat vomits multiple times in a day or if you notice an increase in the frequency of vomiting, its best to discuss the problem with your veterinarian.

Hairballs: A Common Cause Of Cat Vomiting

Even as a seasoned cat parent, it is important to understand the reasons behind cat vomiting. As cats age, their bodies change, and their vomit may be a way to tell you if those changes are normal or abnormal.

Although cat vomiting might be due to eating a part of a houseplant or ingesting a piece of a toy, your cat can get an upset stomach from over grooming. This most often resurfaces as a hairball.

Although a cat vomiting up a hairball every so often is normal, there are times when you may need to be concerned. Hairballs shouldn’t be painful, frequent or difficult for your cat to pass. Untreated hairballs can also go the other way and cause painful intestinal blockages in extreme cases, according to The Nest, so keep track of your cat’s normal routine and watch out for signs of constipation, lethargy, and anorexia if she has not passed a hairball in a while. If your cat has a consistent hairball problem, you might want to look into a cat food that is formulated for hairballs.

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Your Cat Eating Too Fast

Some cats may eat too quickly and this can cause them to regurgitate undigested food. Feeding your cat out of a food puzzle toy can help to slow them down. Food puzzles are a great source of both play and enrichment for your cat. There are more and more manufactured food puzzles available on the market that stimulate both your cat’s predatory and foraging instincts. The added benefit of food puzzles for a cat that chronically vomits their food, though, is that it slows down the chow time so that a cat can’t eat too quickly and then get sick from it. If your cat routinely eats out of puzzle feeders and is still vomiting up their food, talk to your veterinarian.

In Conclusion Theres No Need To Worry If Your Cat Regurgitates Has Hairballs Or Even Vomits Digested Foodoccasionally

Why Does My Cat Vomit After Eating?

But if your cat is throwing up regularly or her vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms of illness, its time to contact the veterinarian. Causes of vomiting range from inconsequential to deadly and it can be hard to know where your cats condition sits on that spectrum.

If you dont have access to a veterinarian, consider getting a free veterinarian consultation from Through PetCoachs veterinarian consultation service, you can reach out to verified pet experts and receive personalized advice based on your cats unique situation.

Youll still want to visit an emergency clinic if your cat has been vomiting or having diarrhea for a day or more or exhibits any other symptoms of serious illness.

More resources to help you find out why your cat is throwing up:

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