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Why Do Cats Growl At Each Other

How Long Does It Take Cats To Get Used To Each Other

Why Cats Hiss | Cat Care

According to the ASPCA, it can take eight months to a year for cats to develop friendships. Some will learn to love each other, but you might have to face the reality that not all cats will get along. They will usually try to avoid each other if a friendship doesn’t develop, but sometimes fights break out and, unfortunately, persist until one cat has to be re-homed.

Your Cat Is Sending A Warning

Cats will growl when they send out a warning to people and other animals to back off. Typically, this growl is accompanied by body language like bristled fur and ear movement. Ignore the warning and you will end up dealing with an angry cat.

Kittens do this type of growl instinctively when they try to prevent people from approaching them. Adult cats, on the other hand, use this growl for a couple of situations. For instance, cats will growl against intruders who attempt to enter their territories. Some cats will also growl at their humans when they want to be left alone.

Why Don’t My Cats Like Each Other

Do you have two cats that arent getting along? There could be a multitude of reasons why your cats are fighting, and you need to find out why its happening before you can solve the problem. I will explain the various reasons why some cats don’t get along with each other and offer solutions to help you bring peace to your household.


All cat fights are not the same. Sometimes what looks like a cat fight may actually be normal playing. This is more common with younger cats, but it can happen at any age. Cats will chase each other around the house, tackle each other, and fight like little wrestlers on the floor. It can sometimes get pretty intense, but, as long as they’re not crying out in pain, theres no need to break them up. Theyre probably just having fun or trying to establish their rank in the household.

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Observing Their Body Language

  • 1Listen for growling or hissing. In general, cats that are play fighting will not make much noise. If they do make any noises, you are more likely to hear a meow than a hiss or growl.XResearch source
  • If you hear an unending succession of growling or hissing, then your cats may be fighting.
  • 2Examine their ears. During a mock fight, cats usually have their ears positioned forward or upright, or only slightly backwards. On the other hand, if you see their ears turned back or positioned back against their head, then it is highly likely that your cats are fighting.XResearch source
  • 3Look for claws. Cats that are playing typically have their claws sheathed or retracted most of the time. If they are unsheathed, they will not use them to intentionally hurt the other cat. On the other hand, if you see the cats using their claws to cause damage or hurt the other cat, then it is highly likely that your cats are fighting.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source
  • 4Watch for biting. During a play session, biting is often minimal and does not cause any harm. However, if you notice one cat biting the other in order to cause harm, then your cats are probably fighting instead of playing.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source
  • Your Cats Will Use The Common Litter Box

    Why do cats hiss at kittens?

    When your cat starts to use the same litter box, you should be happy to know that they are starting to get along. As cats are highly smell-sensitive and individualistic animals, they hardly allow other cats to poop in their litter box. But when they allow it, it means that the cats are on good terms with each other.

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    Cat Hissing: How To Identify The Sound

    If youre a feline parent, chances are youre already familiar with the cat hissing sound. Its similar to a snake hiss or the sound of air being released from a car tire as it goes flat, which is precisely whats happening, says Dr. Sasha Gibbons, an associate veterinarian at Just Cats Veterinary Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut.;A hiss is made by cats forcing air through their mouth during exhalation, she explains.;

    Hisses are different from other cat noiseslike the high-pitched chirp, trill, or meow, which are generated in the vocal cords, Gibbons says.

    The cat hiss is a powerful burst, says Pam Johnson-Bennett, certified cat behavior consultant and owner of Nashville-based Cat Behavior Associates. And if youre close enough to the cats face you can actually feel the force of air coming out.;

    Just as voices differ in people, hissing sounds differ in individual cats, says Dr. Lauren Demos, chief veterinary officer of Pettable, a veterinary telemedicine service.;

    Just as everyone has a unique pitch and timbre to their voice, so do cats, which includes the sound they make when they hiss, she says. And the hiss can also vary based on the intensity of the situation-from a silent, open-mouth hiss that is more a visual indication of displeasure, to a full-on spit sound.

    Vocalization In Cat Language

    Cats may use a meow or trill sound in greeting each other, but research has shown that cats tend to meow more when interacting with humans and do not use it often when they are interacting with each other. The meow appears to be a care-soliciting vocalization when directed towards people.

    Purring is produced during inhalation and exhalation. Cats can purr when they are in contact with other cats, but also when they are contact with humans and objects. They purr when they are kneading blankets or rolling on the ground or rubbing on items.

    While we assume that cats purr when they are happy, cats can also purr when they are not feeling well. Cat purring is a complex vocalization that needs to be studied further.

    When a cat is feeling fearful, she may growl or hiss to tell the other cat to stay away or leave her alone. If the other cat does not listen and continues to approach, the first cat may escalate their vocalization to a snarl, spit or yowl prior to an attack. Cats can also howl when they are in distress.

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    How Should Humans Respond To Cat Growling

    Weve already established that cat growling is a warning noise, which means you guessed it ;leave your cat alone. Do not try to comfort him or, worse, do not try to scold or reprimand the cat, especially with physical contact or hand gestures, advises Dr. Gibbons. This may be misinterpreted as aggression and the situation could escalate from a warning to physical contact.

    Households With A Dog

    Cats Hissing At Each Other

    Proper dog training is the key to a successful introduction. Once your cat is confident the dog does not pose a threat, the opportunity for a wonderful friendship can begin.

    How to Introduce the Dog to the Cat

  • Keep them separated for a week or so. Have a separate space set up for the cat with a litter box, toys, water, bed and a scratching post.
  • Before letting the pets see each other, let them smell each others bedding. Scent is the most important factor in cat-to-dog introductions.
  • Encourage interaction through the door. Place your cats food near the door of his room so he stays close to it. Your dog will smell and hear him. Give your dog treats near the door of the cats room so he associates it with good things.
  • Put your dog in the bedroom and let the cat roam. This lets him explore and get exercise. Then put your cat back in his room and let the dog walk around and smell the new cat without having to see him. This is a great way to get them used to each others scent.
  • Reward obedience on the dogs part with a treat.
  • If possible, allow the animals to observe each other while separated with a baby gate or screened door. Keeping the dog in a crate while the cat is allowed to safely observe the dog is one way to help the cat acclimate to the dogs presence.
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    Common Cat Noises & What They Really Mean

    Stephanie AriganelloSep 22, 2019â9 min read

    Did your cat just let out an exasperated sigh? Does it sound like your kittyâs scolding you for missing food time by five minutes? Or did your feline friend grace your arrival home with a happy little trill and meow?

    Cats are constantly communicating with us â as well as the world around them. But what exactly are they saying?

    From chirping and purring to night howls and yowls, cats make an array of sounds. Some of them might be specific to your cat. Yet, in general, animal behavior experts believe they have decoded the feline language enough for us to “hear” what theyâre trying to tell us.

    “I do think cats communicate uniquely with us,” says Kristin Wilson, DMV, a veterinarian and owner of Arbor Hills Animal Clinic in Ann Arbor, Michigan. “Eye contact, rubbing their faces on things, meowing, even biting. And vocalizations can be especially puzzling to figure out.â

    Theyre Feeling Angry Or Annoyed

    The worst type of cat is an angry one. Vengeful, unpredictable, and agitated who knows what damage your feline can do when theyre in this mood? Cats growl at objects, animals, and even people when they are irritated.

    When your cat feels angry or aggressive, they will often pull their ears back, their pupils will constrict, and their fur stands on end. Growling can be a sign that may lead to an actual physical attack on the perpetrator if they do not back down.

    If you notice your kitty growling, dont be surprised if she hisses and spits too.

    If your cat continuously snarls and their expression changes, its best to somewhat back away and give them time to cool off, rather than try to pet them. If they go from moderately annoyed to full-time-bare-teeth raging, leave the room and give them space.

    An entertained cat is a happy cat. Check out my posts on 9 Best Treats for Cats, Ultimate Guide to Gifts for Cats, 6 Best Toys for Cats, 14 Best Cat Chew Toys, Clothing for Cats and Best Costumes for Pet Cats.

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    What Should You Not Do When Introducing A Cat

    There are a few things you shouldnt do when introducing cats. Dont introduce the cats too quickly. When you bring a new cat home, make sure that you have a separate room for it.

    You shouldnt also free-feeding the cats. Both the cats must have their meals in their respective rooms. Dont let them meet or have eye contact in the first few days. Make the introduction process slow and steady. Otherwise, the cats will show aggressiveness or become fearful of each other.

    How To Get Your Cats To Like Each Other

    Why Do Cats Groom Each Other?
    • Make sure each cat has plenty of his or her own space. This means putting their food and water bowls, litter boxes, and beds in separate areas.
    • Dont give the cats catnip. It can increase aggression in some cats.
    • Have plenty of their favorite cat toys around to distract them from fighting.
    • Make the time they spend together as pleasant as possible. Encourage fun activities, such as playing or giving each one a treat.
    • If you have a big cardboard box, open both ends and put it on the floor for them to crawl and play in. It’s rare to find a cat that doesn’t have fun with cardboard boxes.
    • Give each cat plenty of individual attention.
    • Dont leave the cats alone together when you go out until you’re confident they’re not going to get into a serious fight.
    • Have some Feliway on hand. Feliway is a product that replicates a pheromone that can calm cats during times of stress or fighting. It comes in both a spray and an electric diffuser. It can be purchased at most pet stores and online.
    • If your cat are not spayed or neutered, they will be more prone to aggressive behavior. Unless you breed cats, consider having your pet neutered.

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    Ferocious Felines: Why Do Cats Growl

    Your precious fur baby just released a nearly harrowing sound. This disturbing noise instantly sparks your curiosity: Whats wrong with him? Did I do that?

    Fear not! Cats growl for various reasons. Its rarely an indicator of some horrendous, underlining disease or even severe distress.

    Often times, they are merely irritated. However, we are still going to delve into the potential reasons your cat is exhibiting an extra dash of hatefulness. Hopefully, you will both be able to catch some peace!

    Below, we have highlighted some common reasons cats growl.

    Your Cats Are Hissing

    When you introduce a new cat to your resident cat in the same household, one or both may start hissing immediately. This sound is similar to a snake hiss, or you may compare it with the sound of air release from a car tire. With the hissing sound, your cats may express their fear, disgust, and discomfort being proximity to each other.

    Hissing is also a way to warn off other cats. If any of your cats start hissing when introduced to the other, its a warning sign that your feline friends are anxious about this introduction experience.

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    Why Is My Cat Growling

    There are many reasons that cats will growl. Maybe they didnt like how the new kitten kept trying to play with them when they wanted to relax. Or maybe they didnt like it when you were petting that spot on their back. Maybe they were angry that a visiting child pulled them out of their favorite hiding place.

    Whatever the situation, there are five general reasons that a cat will growl. Most incidents can fall under one of these categories. The bottom line is that cats only growl for negative reasons. A happy or content cat will never growl.

    How To Break Up A Real Cat Fight

    Cat Behavior: Why do cats meow, purr and hiss?
    • In a real catfight, youll see claws and teeth and hear plenty of hissing, growling, and crying.
    • You will want to break up this type of fight, but dont get in the middle of it.
    • The best way is to clap loudly or stomp on the floor to scare them.
    • Some people suggest spraying the warring cats with a water bottle, but Ive heard mixed opinions on whether thats a good idea.
    • If you try to pull one cat off the other, youll likely end up getting scratched.
    • Of course, remember to never hit or strike your pet. It wont solve the problem and will only make them distrust you.

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    If Your Cats Still Cant Get Along

    Dont hesitate to contact a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist or a board-certified veterinary behaviorist for guidance. One of these qualified experts can evaluate the problem and help you manage or resolve the conflict between your cats. To find a behaviorist in your area, please see our article, Finding Professional Behavior Help.

    Some cats simply cannot live together peacefully. Since chronic stress and tension isnt healthy for people or pets, rather than force them to suffer years of stressful coexistence, it may be more humane to keep them permanently separated in the house or find another home for one of them.

    Why Do Cats Growl What Actually Is Kitty Growling

    Growling is a raspy, harsh, guttural sound that your sweet kitty produces for various reasons. A cat performs the sound with its mouth slightly open. As the cat slowly exhales, air escapes causing the vocal folds to vibrate.;

    It can start with an mmmm vibration and then turn into a long throaty sound. Sometimes it may sound like a short grunt; other times, it may remind you a bit of yowling.

    This all depends on your cats vocal cords, mood, and the reason for their growling. Its usually preceded or followed by hissing. It can also be combined with other sounds like moans, yowls, howls, and hisses.

    Many beg the questions, Is this your house cats roar?Why do cats growl?Is he growling in pain, out of anger, or feeling territorial or is she just being dramatic?

    Lets squizz through some reasons why our domestic cats growl.

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    Introducing A Second Cat Into The Home

    When you decide to add a new cat to your home, it’s normally more exciting for you and your family than it is for the cat you already own.

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    When you decide to add a new cat to your home, its normally more exciting for you and your family than it is for the cat you already own. That’s because most cats are solitary by nature. However, most will also come to accept or eventually tolerate any additional pets introduced into their home.;Keep in mind that cats are very territorial, which is why you should always be careful when you introduce a new cat to your current cat. You should definitely expect some initial incidents and unwanted behavioral displays by the first feline.

    At first, your current cat may howl and hiss when he stands at the door to the safe room, trying to tell the other cat that he doesnt belong. When this happens you should ignore it, as punishing your cat for his behavior will only lead to more problems. Your current cat’s behavior is a natural response to intruders, as cat’s are territorial, so punishing him for this reaction will confuse and anger him further. Gradually, the first cat will start to act calmer when he is near the new cats door. As he begins to gradually relax and remain calm near the new cat’s door, you should pet him and give him praise. This will help him understand that the new cat is not a threat and that his acceptance of the new feline makes you happy.


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