Symptoms Of Feline Leukemia Virus
It’s common for cats to show no signs of the disease during the early stages of an FeLV infection. Over time, which can be weeks, months, and even years, symptoms may surface, including:
- Development of cancer tumors and leukemia
- Loss of appetite, progressive weight loss
- Poor coat condition
- Seizures, behavior changes, and other neurological disorders
- A variety of eye conditions
If your cat shows any of these symptoms, it’s essential to have them checked out by your veterinarian.
Can Feline Leukemia Be Transmitted Through
- Clothing?
The FeLV virus does not live very long outside of the cats body, as few as a couple of hours. This means that any surface, including clothing, will be unlikely to transmit feline leukemia to other cats.
- Water and Food Bowls?
Because the virus can be contracted through saliva, its possible to transmit feline leukemia through shared water or food bowls. Its a good, preventative measure to keep seperate cat water and food bowls in this situation, however, transmission like this doesnt happen very often.
Since urine and feces carry the FeLV virus, the disease can be transmitted through shared litter boxes, but again, this is rare.
- Fleas?
Another rare transmission can happen when fleas from a FeLV infected cat bites a FeLV negative cat. Its way more likely that cats get the virus through other ways, but this can happen.
In General When A Pet Has More Bad Days Than Good Days Then It Is Time To Think About Saying Goodbye
Tracking your cats good and bad days is the best way to determine whether or not its the right time to consider euthanasia.
You can use a paper calendar and put a smiley face on;good days, and a sad face in a different color on;bad days;to help you keep track. Lap of Love, a mobile veterinary service that provides;end of life;care has several;good;quality of life;assessment tools;on their website that you can download and print out to use.
If your cat is suffering and there is no cure or way to mitigate suffering, then it is;time to say goodbye;to your furry;family member. If you arent sure, a veterinarian is your best resource. If you need some more time, talk with your veterinarian about pain management and;palliative care: there are many options available to help buy a precious, pain-free;period of time;with your;beloved pet. Ultimately, the decision to end a cats life is a very personal one that only you can make. You know your cat better than anyone else, so trust your gut decision, get support, and know that in the end, you honored your cat with a painless, peaceful passing.
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How Is Felv Managed
Although there is no known cure for FeLV, supportive care can improve the quality of life, health, and longevity of cats with FeLV. An infected cat may live free of FeLV-related disease for her entire lifetime. Any secondary infections and diseases can be treated as they occur.
Some recommendations for supportive care include:
- Minimizing stress. Consider products like FELIWAY®, which mimics a cats natural calming pheromones.
- Feeding em the good stuff. Make sure your cat is getting good nutrition and consult with a veterinarian to determine the healthiest possible food.
- Being vigilant. Promptly taking cats to the veterinarian when they appear ill is especially important for cats with FeLV. Their weakened immune systems can cause them to contract other diseases or infections more easily. If you watch closely and get them immediate treatment, you can better protect them.
- Staying up to date. Keep up with the latest information on FeLV in case new treatments or diagnostic developments emerge.
- Seeking support. Ask for help from fellow caregivers caring for cats with FeLV. You may have someone in your area with lots of experience and helpful advice. Try reaching out to our Feral Friends Network members near you.
What Is Leukemia In Cats
What Is Leukemia In Cats? Do you know the answer to this question? Help our community by submitting an answer.
Cats persistently infected with FeLV serve as sources of infection for other cats. Cats at greatest risk of FeLV infection are those that may be exposed to infected cats, either via prolonged close contact or through bite wounds. Such cats include cats living with infected cats or with cats of unknown infection status, cats allowed outdoors unsupervised where they may be bitten by an infected cat, and kittens born to infected mothers. The only sure way to protect cats from FeLV is to prevent their exposure to FeLV-infected cats. Keeping cats indoors, away from potentially infected cats is recommended. All cats should be tested for FeLV prior to introducing them into a home, and infection-free cats should be housed separately from infected cats. Owners contemplating FeLV vaccination for their uninfected cats should consider the cats risk of exposure to FeLV-infected cats and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination with a veterinarian.
How long do cats live with feline leukemia? Although a diagnosis of FeLV can be emotionally devastating, it is important to realize that cats with FeLV can live normal lives for prolonged periods of time. The median survival time for cats after FeLV is diagnosed is 2.5 years.
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How Is Feline Leukemia Virus Treated
Eighty-five percent of cats that are persistently infected with the disease die from it within three years of diagnosis. But with regular check-ups at your veterinarian, including twice-a-year physicals, and routine testing, you can keep your cat feeling well and prevent secondary infection.
While there is not currently a cure for feline leukemia virus, the secondary infections can often be treated as they appear. Cats with bone marrow leukemia or widespread lymphoma will have a grave prognosis. Even with aggressive treatment, some cats can still die from the virus.
There is no medication that can eliminate the virus, but many medications are available to help with symptoms. Steroids, antiviral drugs, chemotherapy and blood transfusions are commonly prescribed to treat feline leukemia. Steroids are used to decrease the number of cancerous lymphocytes in the blood, but they also leave the cat vulnerable to other diseases because they can weaken a cats immune system.
An antiviral can reduce the amount of virus present in the cats blood and are easier on the cats body than chemotherapy. The risks and benefits of the treatments must be weighed, while keeping in mind that they cannot get rid of the virus, but can put a cat into remission. Veterinarians generally will prescribe antibiotics for any bacterial infections or perform a blood transfusion in an instance of severe anemia.
Can Cats With Feline Leukemia Live With Other Cats
Cats with FeLV can live with other cats, but prevention of spread of FeLV within the household is crucial.;
Ideally, FeLV-infected and non-infected cats would not have direct contact, meaning they would not live in the same enclosed area. However, some pet parents wish to intermingle their cats and this could be done safely with the help of a veterinarian.
If a pet parent wishes to bring a FeLV-infected cat into a household with non-infected cats, the following guidelines are important to prevent the spread of the virus:
- Limited number of cats already in the household
- All non-infected cats are healthy adult cats with no known underlying medical conditions
- All non-infected cats are vaccinated not only with core vaccines but also against FeLV with both boosters completed at least 3 weeks prior to introducing the FeLV-infected cat
- High level of enrichment and an abundance of all resources for all cats to reduce stress.
These guidelines are meant to prevent stress in the homenot only to prevent fights between cats, but to support the immune system. Cats with chronic stress tend to have lowered immune systems and this is more common in multi-cat households.
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Support Or Adopt A Cat With Felv
Because of big-hearted and compassionate donors like you, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is able to provide safe haven for cats, some who have FeLV. Sometimes they need some extra TLC and time to find the perfect forever family, but with your support we are able to provide them with all that they need, for as long as they need it.
Potential Felv Vaccine Side Effects
Minor allergic reactions to the vaccine are possible. FeLV vaccines have been formulated to be as harmless as possible, and the side effects are highly unlikely . Since these usually happen immediately after the vaccination, a veterinarian will be able to provide an efficient treatment right away.;
The vaccine is being constantly improved upon so that the risks are minimized, but if you still have concerns over it, you might want to discuss things in detail with your veterinarian.
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Why It Is Okay To Return A Felv+ Cat
Over the years when I have spoken about trap, neuter and return, I have focused on the;MINDSET;that we all need to have when we trap cats. We need to remember that we dont own them, we are borrowing them from the community to sterilize,;with the initial intention of putting them back into the community. Often times as trappers and rescuers, we have a sixth-sense if a cat is abandoned or a stray once we trap them. We have a check-list that we go through to determine if a friendly cat is stray, as well. Now, say we determine that a community-feeder decides;that a cat is stray and that will be rescued and not returned. As trappers, when we are in this situation, we always need a back-up plan for a Felv + test. Many organizations dont accept cats that test positive for Felv and either turn the cat away or offer euthanasia. To many rescuers it seems like the only choice is euthanasia, but that doesnt have to be the case. Bring him back home to his colony if there are no other options!
In summary, while it may not be ideal to return a kitty that has tested positive for Felv, it needs to be put out there as an option on Why It Is Okay to Return a Felv+ Cat. I would also ask that everyone advocates with shelters they work with to begin saving Felv+ cats/kittens to adopt;them out. These cats can have wonderful lives with their owners. But if there isnt an option for Felv+ cats at the shelter, it isnt terrible to let them go back home into the community.
Feline Leukemia Virus Symptoms
There are limited specific symptoms to FeLV, because FeLV generally lowers the immune system which can result in any number of secondary conditions .;
Initially after infection with FeLV, cats may experience a fever, mild lethargy , and mild increase in the size of their lymph nodes. Most pet parents never even notice these subtle signs.;
If a cat becomes infected lifelong, he will be more susceptible to other diseases such as:
- Gingivitis and stomatitis, or painful inflammation in the mouth
- Symptoms include decreased appetite, vocalizing or pawing at the mouth during/after eating, blood-tinged saliva
- Lethargy
- Prolonged secondary infections
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About Dr Sarah Wooten Dvm Cvj
A 2002 graduate of UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Sarah Wooten is a well known international speaker in the veterinary and animal health care spaces. She has 10 years experience in public speaking and media work, and writes for a large number of online and printanimal health publications. Dr. Wooten is also a certified veterinary journalist, a member of the AVMA, and has 16 years experience insmall animal veterinary practice. To learn more, visit
Is It Bad To Get Scratched By A Cat While Pregnant
Since studies looking specifically at cat scratch disease in pregnant women are rare, pregnant women should approach cats with caution. This disease is spread when an infected cat licks a humans open wound, or bites or scratches them. Care should be taken to avoid unpredictable cats that could scratch or bite.
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Saving Felv Cats: Your Felv Questions Answered
Monica Frenden-Tarant| September 25th, 2019
Feline Leukemia Virus is a virus that attacks the immune system of a cat. It isn’t a form of cancer, but it is a retrovirus that affects the immune system. Cats with FeLV can live normal, happy, healthy lives, though they may have a shorter life expectancy than FeLV negative cats. Historically, cats with this disease have been euthanized as soon as they are diagnosed. Austin Pets Alive! has taken a different stance. We believe these cats are equally deserving of adoption, love, and care.
Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on FeLV.
Is FeLV contagious?
FeLV is contagious only to other cats. It is not contagious to dogs, humans, or other non-feline species. The virus is not transmitted by air or fomite, and it dies rapidly in the environment. You don’t have to worry about carrying the virus on clothes when you leave the house nor should you worry about having guests over.
FeLV is spread primarily between queen to kitten, mating, and, although less frequent, through prolonged and repeated intimate sharing of body fluids such as saliva, urine, or feces. For this reason, FeLV cats should only cohabitate with other FeLV cats and should remain indoors.
How is FeLV diagnosed?
At APA!, screening for FeLV begins with an IDEXX ELISA SNAP® test. Incongruous test results are possible with all FeLV tests, in which case APA! may retest the cat at a later date or run additional laboratory diagnostics.
Can Felv Positive Cats Live With Other Cats
No. Cats that are positive for FeLV virus actually require special treatment and environment. Other animals, such as bunnies orfamily dogs, can share the same household with FeLV-infected cats safely. However, a cat with FeLV must not live with other felines that dont have the disease, since the virus is spread easily via shared bowls, litter boxes, etc.
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How Is Felv Infection Diagnosed
Diagnosis is by blood test but it is not straightforward. Testing of cats can be carried out at any age from birth.
Most veterinary practices can offer a simple in-house test but the results are not fully reliable. Both false positives and negatives can occur, so repeat testing or sending samples to a commercial laboratory may be recommended. These use a different test that increases the reliability of the result. The most common problem is a healthy cat testing positive on an in-house test. Many recently exposed cats will test positive, but will subsequently clear the infection successfully, so a second test at least 12 weeks after the first is recommended. If the cat is still positive but healthy, a commercial test may again be offered.;
The situation is different for sick cats. Statistically, there is a much greater chance that a positive result in a sick cat with symptoms compatible with FeLV infection will mean that he or she is truly infected.
Cats With Felv Can Live Normal Happy Healthy Lives Though They May Have A Shorter Life Expectancy Than Felv Negative Cats
Historically, cats with this disease have been euthanized as soon as they are diagnosed. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. The one i had to put down was showing signs so i understand the need for her being put down. Meehan leave a comment it is estimated that about 2 to 10% of all cats are infected. As a cat lover , i too recommend doing the hard thing and putting the kitten down. Feline leukemia virus is second only to trauma as the leading cause of death in cats, killing 85% of persistently infected felines within three years of diagnosis.the virus commonly causes anemia or lymphoma, but because it suppresses the immune system, it can also predispose cats to deadly infections. I have a female cat that had 2 kittens about 5 weeks ago. Some can live with it for some time, but in the end it is generally fatal, and when a cat gets to the condition your stray is in, it is going to take her life. Suggested articles testing for fiv & felv lymphoma feline vaccines: If you decide to keep your cat alive, it’s important to ensure that her life is worth living. Cats with felv can live normal, happy, healthy lives, though they may have a shorter life expectancy than felv negative cats. While there are many similarities in the method of transmission and problems it causes for the infected cat, feline immunodeficiency virus is species specific. What can be tricky about felv is that the disease can vary greatly between cats, dr.
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How Can You Prevent Toxoplasmosis In Cats
You should follow these helpful tips to reduce your risk of environmental exposure to Toxoplasma: