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HomeHealthIs Chinese Money Plant Toxic To Cats

Is Chinese Money Plant Toxic To Cats

Are Chinese Money Plants Poisonous To Cats

25 Plants Toxic to Cats you Need to Know!

So if you want to jazz up your home with some greenery, its important to consult a list of pet safe houseplants first. Choosing pet safe houseplants can keep the members of your family safe even if some of them like to nibble on the decor every once in a while.

Pet Safe Houseplants: Try These Varieties Of Non-Toxic HouseplantsChristmas Cactus SchlumbergeraThis non-toxic Brazilian plant blooms for several weeks in the winter, just in time for the holidays. Heres a list of some of the most popular indoor plants that are actually poisonous to animals.

What To Do If Your Pet Eats Toxic PlantsIf your pet is showing symptoms of poisoning from a toxic plant, like vomiting, difficulty breathing, or tremors, take action right away. .

Chain Of Hearts Plant

The long-stringy vines of the chain of hearts plant are irresistible to cats for playing and chewing, so youll be glad to hear that munching on its leaves wont hurt your pet. You might still want to keep this plant as far away as you can, though, since a potted plant pulled from a shelf will survive but makes for a mighty mess.

The chain of hearts is a semi-succulent species naturally found in southern Africa. As such, it loves plenty of sun and doesnt react well to wet feet. Give it a well-draining soil mix and planter, making sure to let the soil dry out almost completely before you water.

Chain of hearts plants are easy to propagate both in water and in soil. You can take a cutting from any vine to re-root, or you can check the vines for tubers. These small bulbs look like mini potatoes and can produce new vines if you pot them!

Difficulty level

Are Pilea Peperomioides Safe For Pets

I answered this question last month in this post and the short answer is yes, they are! They are one of my top plants for pet owners since people seem to have luck with cats not eating them. Maybe its the big round leaves, but theyre safe and seem to be a welcome plant in my pet safe household. However, my same rule applies like any other pet safe plant if eaten in its entirety, it can still result in an upset tummy and an unhappy plant mom . So, as always, watch your pets and your plant. If they seem really interested for any reason, you may want to move your Pilea to another location.

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Boston Fern Nephrolepis Exalta Bostoniensis

Ferns are among the oldest plants in the world. Moreover, with their long, attractive fronds, they are a true eye candy and can be grown both outdoors and indoors. The Boston fern is certainly no different.

However, it needs to be said that ferns are not exactly low-maintenance and if you are new to houseplants, you might want to start with something easier, such as a ZZ plant or a Monstera.

So to conclude, the Boston fern is not all that easy to take care for but it certainly has the advantage to be pet-safe. Other ferns that are cat-approved Bold Sword fern, Birds Nest fern, Ball fern, Common Staghorn Fern, Dallas Fern and many others.

Some ferns, however, are also toxic to cats, such as the Asparagus fern .

Can I Propagate It

Are Money Plants Poisonous To Cats

In time, your plant will make little “babies” that pop up around its base. You can pot those up and give them away; thus, the nickname Sharing plant! Use a knife or chopstick to lift the tiny plant up to look for roots, says Hancock. If it has developed them, cut it away from the big plant, place it in basic potting soil, water lightly, and youre good! The babies may be as small as an inch and can take a few years to mature, as this plant has a moderate growth rate. In time, your original plant also may develop a central stem, making it look sort of like a bonsai tree. But it won’t get much more than 18 inches tall and wide at most.

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If You’re Looking For Pet Safe Plants You’ve Come To Right Place

Houseplants are a great addition to any home. They keep carbon dioxide levels down and remove certain pollutants from the air. The health benefits far out way the work it takes to feed and water them

;Vines and flowers may be aesthetically pleasing but not all plants are safe for our four-legged friends. Spider plants are non-toxic, pet safe plants. Unfortunately aloe vera can cause serious health problems for animals.;

At Leaves House, we offer a number of pet safe plants that you can pick up next time you come for your morning coffee. If youre looking for more information on whether your houseplants are non-toxic and pet safe you can visit the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center . They have a short list of common houseplants that could be problematic to your pets.

Does Pilea Need A Lot Of Water

Your Pilea needs just the right amount of water to grow and thrive. If you overwater it, you will drown out the roots and put your plant at a higher risk for mold growth, pests, and other problems. If you dont water it enough or in the wrong way, the plant will stop growing, and you may see shriveled leaves.

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What To Do If Your Cat Chews Or Eats Toxic Plants

If you suspect that your cat has chewed on or ingested a potentially toxic plant in your home or garden, Dr. Zacharias recommends taking a picture of the plant and immediately heading to your veterinarian. It does not matter the quantity they consumedit is better to be safe because the repercussions can be that dire. Plus, the plant does not have to be ingested in order to be poisonous. Simply chewing on the plant can be toxic. Often, the ASPCA poison control hotline can be called en route to the hospital or once the cat has arrived, she adds. How quickly treatment is started often makes a significant difference in the patients health and outcome.

You shouldnt attempt to induce vomiting in a cat by giving hydrogen peroxide or any other over-the-counter emetics such as ipecac, no matter what youve read on the Internet. A veterinarians expertise is needed here.

Its also important to note that cats are very skilled at hiding their symptomsits a defense mechanism that keeps them safe. Call your vet or the ASPCA hotline if you suspect that your cat has eaten one of these poisonous plants even if they arent acting overtly sick. That said, symptoms such as diarrhea, lethargy, and vomiting are all difficult to hide, so be on the lookout for those signs, specifically. Next, review these additional household items that are hazardous to pets.

Hydrocotyle Vulgaris Or Common Pennyworth

15 Non-Toxic Pet-Safe Houseplants

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, also known as money plant, marsh pennywort, water naval, copper coin, or lucky plant, this full indoor and outdoor plant can again grow on the pond and water garden side isnt toxic or poisonous to cats and dogs.

It belongs to the family Araliaceae and can thrive even in stagnant water up to two inches deep. However, contrary to many peoples assumptions, excessive watering will still cause root rot.

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Cats And The Money Tree

Caring for a money tree plant is pretty straightforward: give it indirect sunlight and water it thoroughly, allowing the soil to dry out a bit between waterings. The trunk of a money tree is thin and often braided to enhance it’s beauty. Missy probably won’t care much about the trunk, but she may be tempted to tug on the leaves as they blow in the wind created by your air conditioning vent, potentially even gnawing on them for a little green snack. Don’t panic if she eats this money; it’s not considered toxic by the ASPCA.

What Is A Good Palm To Grow Indoors If You Have Cats

There are 10 species of Lady Palms, which originate from the Asian Pacific, that are beneficial for cat-run households. They are more compact than the more popular palms and are non-toxic.

Their overriding property is their ability to absorb ammonia in the air. In other words, they neutralize the smell of kitty litter.;

They could be placed near the cat litter tray and effectively do away with any unpleasant odors in the area.;

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Crassula Ovata Or Jade Plant

Crassula ovata, commonly known as jade plant, money tree, money plant, Chinese rubber plant, jade tree, Japanese rubber plant, baby jade, dwarf rubber plant lucky plant among other names is a popular houseplant in the family Crassulaceae. Unfortunately, the jade plant is toxic to cats, dogs, and horses and mildly harmful to humans, including skin contact.

Common symptoms of toxicity to these pets include depression, vomiting, and incoordination. However, the reason for toxicity is unclear.

Popular Houseplants That Are Toxic To Cats

Indoor Plants that are Safe for Cats
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The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

Houseplants are a common sight in nearly every home. They brighten your living space, help improve;indoor air quality, and have been shown to help reduce anxiety and depression – plus many people find caring for plants therapeutic. Unfortunately, if you have cats there are many houseplants that you should avoid bringing into your home due to their toxic properties – especially since cats are notoriously mischievous and prone to chewing on things. Here are some popular houseplants that you should avoid if you have cats.

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Is A Golden Pothos Poisonous To Cats

Because the condition escalates so quickly, it is important to know the lily poisoning cats symptoms. You may be asking yourself, are pothos poisonous to cats? Golden PothosCalled the Ceylon creeper, money plant, hunters robe, and devils ivy, the golden pothos plant is poisonous to cats. Not all houseplants are poisonous to cats though! For information on how to create a safe space for your cat and houseplants, check out our blog on Tips for Living with Cats and Houseplants . .

How Durable Is It

One thing you need to remember is that this plant is somewhat brittle. Leaves snap off easily, so keep it somewhere your cat or kids cant accidentally damage it. While this family of plants is typically deemed as non-toxic to pets, ingesting any plant still may cause an allergic reaction or GI upset. If a curious cat or dog takes a nibble and youre concerned, call your vet.

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Pilea Peperomioides / Chinese Money Plant: Care And Info

One of the absolute most popular houseplants is the Chinese money plant, better known asPilea peperomioides. Appreciated for its decorative pancake-shaped leaves and easy propagation, Pilea peperomioides is a great choice for anyone, whether beginner or more experienced, looking to add a little green to their home.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Pilea peperomioides care and growing Chinese money plant in your own home!

Do Pileas Like Small Pots

Are Money Tree Leaves Poisonous

Terracotta pots are also very affordable and easily found at local nurseries. No matter what pot you choose, make sure it has excellent drainage. … When you do repot it, ensure the pot size is not too big and is appropriate to the size of your Pilea. They perform much better in smaller containers with some room to grow.

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What Plants Are Toxic To Animals

When we talk about plants being toxic to animals, we mean that they can make your pet pretty sick. How sick they become depends on a few things the plant, the animal and how much they nibble. If your pet manages to get hold of a toxic plant, it may experience:

  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Breathing difficulties

The symptoms vary depending on which plant they eat. Theres a pretty long list of plants that are toxic to pets, so weve added some helpful links at the bottom of this post to give you more details. Wed recommend you steer clear of Lilies, Aloe Vera, Asparagus Ferns,;Hydrangeas;and Bulbs, as all of these are sadly likely to make pets poorly.

There are certain ways to deter your pet from getting too close to your plants, such as putting some spices around them. You could also put orange and lemon peel into the plant pots. Animals dont like the smell of citrus, so this will deter them.

However, if you have a curious dog or cat, its best not to take the risk. To ensure you keep your pet safe and well, avoid these plants completely or, at the very least, place them up high or in a room that your pets cant reach. You can never be too careful.

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Caring For Young Pilea Peperomioides

Many Pilea owners start with baby Pileas since that is what magically spawns from adult plants. They are very small and fragile in this stage so, here are some tips for Baby Pileas:

  • They need humidity. Some of you may know my love for small glass jars, and once I got Phil thats what I put him in . Even though there were no holes, the glass provided some humidity and kept him happy for a few months. I tend to start a lot of my little plants in glass jars in their early stages.
  • Glass jars also allow me to monitor the amount of water and dryness of the soil, so I am sure not to overwater. I water him once or so a week and used filtered water.
  • Wait to fertilize. I did not initially use any type of fertilizer. Once I moved Phil into an adorable planter with a large drainage hole, I began to use fertilizer every month or so.
  • Be ready to upgrade. Soon they should be moved from the small glass jar to a more permanent home. Phil now lives in a cute green planter and its the perfect size for him. Plus I added rocks at the bottom for extra drainage.

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Leaves Turning Brown Or Crispy At Edges

If the thick and bright green leaves of your Pilea peperomioides are turning brown or crispy at the edges, it could mean either your plant needs more water or is receiving too much direct sunlight.

The best solution would be to increase your watering frequency and move the plant to a shaded spot. You may also have to adjust the humidity levels in your home to help the leaves regain their color.

Cats And Plants Coexist

Quiet Corner:Pilea peperomioides / Chinese money plant ...

Cats enjoy snacking on greenery such as your money tree plant for a variety of reasons. In some cases, the leaves are too great a temptation to resist during play; other times, a cat may graze to calm an upset belly. Keeping plants out of Missy’s reach may help. However, if she’s an acrobat able to reach out-of-the-way spots, try spraying plants with a bitter non-toxic spray. Providing her with her own cat grass or herbs to chew on may redirect her attention. Never hit or punish your cat for eating plants.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pets diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vets opinion.

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Is It Safe For Cats

Jade plants thick leaves are gleaming, small white or pink flowers, and its ability to grow well under poor indoor conditions, little care and water make it a popular houseplant in many places.

Unfortunately, people with pets deserve to know that jade plant, lucky plant, or Crassula ovata is toxic to cats and dogs, with the leaves being the most harmful or poisonous.

The cause of toxicity to cats or dogs is unknown, but when these animals ingest this houseplant, they may end up with the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Incoordination and loss of muscle function
  • Slow heart rate
  • Lethargy

Your cat may be more aggressive, fail to groom as usual, or hide more, among other symptoms depending on the amount ingested.

If you suspect your cat ate the jade plant, take her to your veterinarian for immediate assistance as the toxicity is often fatal if not treated. Dont try any home remedies.

Plant Portrait: Pilea Peperomioides

Pileas are no stranger to the houseplant world, but everyone has fallen in love with Pilea Peperomioides.

No one really knows why, but Pilea Peps have almost replaced Monsteras on the most wanted houseplant list . I mean, theyre super adorable and completely safe for pets, too. These guys are also called Pass-it-On plants, since they propagate easily. Well, apparently no one wanted to pass on their plants because they were pretty rare up until recently. I was pretty close to selling a kidney for mine.

At the moment, I have two Pileas. Penelope is a super huge Pilea; I found her a couple weeks ago for $35. And Phil, who is my first, was a baby I bought off the black market for $45. Hes seen below look how super tiny and young he was when he arrived from Sweden! Hes about 6 months old and much bigger now, but when I first got him I honestly knew nothing about them.

Pileas arent tricky plants and theres some great resource blogs out there. But I chose to do trial and error process on Phil to really see what kind of care he needed to grow big and strong.

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