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Kittens With Fleas- Home Remedies

How To Safely Remove Fleas From Kittens

Kitten & Cat Care : How to Treat Newborn Kittens With Fleas

The dreaded little insects have invaded your kitten! Before you reach for any flea medicine for kittens, read these instructions.

There arent many things cuter than a kitten, but imagine your shock when playing with your new pet and finding fleas.

These little bloodsucking flightless insects can cause major problems for kittens and need to be removed.

Fleas can find their way to a kitten in many ways, even if the kitten is strictly an indoor-only cat. For example, the mom cat may have fleas, other pets may have brought in fleas, and sand tracked indoors can even contain fleas.

As soon as you notice there are fleas either in the house or on a pet, take action.

How To Get Rid Of Fleas

It can be tricky to know how to get rid of fleas. But other measures include washing your pets blanket and carrier. You should also take seat cushions off of couches and chairs and vacuum the cushions. Also, vacuum cracks in chairs and couches. Be sure to throw your vacuum bags outside in garbage cans.Although there is a range of different home remedies for fleas they are not 100% effective. Yes, they can potentially help manage a , but they cannot successfully solve one. This is mainly due to the fact that the majority of home remedies for fleas only affect the adults of the , leaving the larvae and eggs behind. This creates a window of opportunity for another flea infestation to arise.

What Are Signs Your Cat Has A Flea Problem

There are many common symptoms of flea infestation. They include:

  • Bald patches
  • Allergies and mouth sores

Whilst not as serious, fleas also interfere with your quality of life.

Cats with flea infestation experience pruritis, which means excessive desire to scratch. This can lead to hair loss, scaly skin, and wounds.

For all these reasons, treating a flea infestation is a good idea. To learn more about treating fleas on your own body, check out this article on how to get rid of fleas on humans.

Bottom Line: Fleas carry diseases such as tapeworms and also cause allergic reactions in cats.

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Flea Medicines For Kittens

There are a plethora of flea medicines for kittens available in the market that you can choose from. Heres what you need to consider while getting flea medicine for cats:

Permethrin for Cats is Dangerous

No doubt, permethrin is highly effective against fleas, and therefore, can be found in the ingredient section of many of the flea medicines for dogs and humans. But where permethrin is safe for dogs, it is highly toxic to cats. Therefore, you are advised to take a careful look at the ingredients of flea medicines, especially over-the-counter flea products for cats.

Before giving any flea medicine to your kitten, you should carefully take a look at labels. Even if a product is safe to use on adult cats, it is not necessary that it would be safe for young kittens as well. If you are not sure about a products safety for kittens, you must ring your vet to get a quick expert opinion.

Flea Treatment is Approved for Kittens

Most flea medicines for cats available in the market are safe for kittens over 8 to 10 weeks of age or weighing more than 1.5 to 2 pounds. These products are not tested on kittens younger than this age, so they may be inappropriate and at times fatal for young kittens as they have sensitive skin as well as internals. Never use over-the-counter flea medicines for cats on kittens younger than that age.

Keep The Fleas From Coming Back

6 Home Remedies for Fleas on Cats

Dryden says that even though oral and spot-on medications may kill the fleas on your cat in a matter of hours, its important to continue using them for the duration of recommended time for complete eradication of the flea problem. And you should regularly re-apply the treatment if needed based on the products instructions.

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Administer A Flea Medication Specially Created For Cats

After youve removed as many fleas as possible through bathing and combing, youll need to treat your cat for fleas at every life-stage: egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. Dryden recommends a long-lasting prescription product that will ensure you get rid of every single one of them. Because flea eggs can lay dormant for weeks, treatment needs to cover several months so that the eggs dont hatch, thus restarting the issue all over again. There are several types of flea medication for cats. Talk to your vet about their recommendations for your pet, since dosing is based on weight, age, and other variables. Its extremely important that you check to make sure your product is labeled for cats and NOT for dogs, since flea treatments for dogs can be toxic when used on cats. Always ask your vet for advice before beginning any type of treatment, especially if your cat is pregnant or nursing.

Heres a breakdown of the basic types of flea treatments for cats:

Spot-On Flea Treatments

  • Advantage: active ingredient imidacloprid
  • Revolution Plus: active ingredients selamectin and sarolaner
  • Bravecto Plus: active ingredients fluralaner and moxidectin

Oral Medications

Sprays, Shampoos, and Powders

Natural Flea Remedies

The Life Cycle Of The Flea

1. Egg

3. Pupae

4. Adult

The amount of time it takes for a life cycle to complete depends on the environment as well as available hosts. If all conditions are met a cycle can be completed within two weeks. While it is typical for the cycle to be about two weeks, sometimes it can take up to four weeks for a complete life cycle to occur.

The life cycle of the flea begins when an adult female lays eggs. She will lay eggs on the host and will lay up to three times each day with as many as twenty to thirty eggs in each layer. While the adult female is laying her eggs, she will feed on the host by biting them and sucking the blood. Over the entire life span of a single adult female flea, which is about two weeks, several hundred eggs will be laid. The overwhelming amount of eggs produced during this time is one of the main causes of flea infestations.

Once the eggs have been laid, they will begin to develop on that spot. After a few days, they will hatch into the larvae and begin to feed on whatever suitable food source is nearby. This includes dead skin cells, organic matter, and/or the blood-rich feces of adult fleas.

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How Do Cats Get Fleas

If you have been wondering, how did my indoor cat get fleas? Here is how she might have contracted fleas:

  • From other pets: If you have multiple pets in the house or live in one of those apartment complexes with shared housing space, your cat may get fleas from other pets that she encounters. It might be your dog or a neighbors pet.
  • Used furniture: Who does not love to buy stuff from flea markets and garage sales? I mean, you get great deals there! Many times, the stuff that we buy contains fleas and ticks, which can easily jump onto our feline friends when they come near.
  • Wild animals: While our cats may not be going outside but some wild animals like rodents, rats, and rabbits often find their way into our homes. These flea-infested wild animals drop flea eggs in the environment form where our cats may catch them. Our cats may also catch intestinal worms if they prey on these infested wild animals like rodents.

Flea Prevention Tips For Dog Owners

Cat Flea Treatment (10 Natural Ways!)

Just like any health problem, preventing fleas is better than dealing with them after the fact. Prevent a flea infestation in your dog by:

  • Using a flea preventative: Prescribed products are the most effective and simplest way to ward off fleas before they infest your pet. Talk to your vet if your dog needs a flea preventative.
  • Checking for fleas regularly: As described above, use a flea comb on your dog once every few weeks to look for fleas or flea dirt.
  • Maintaining your yard: Fleas like to hide in overgrown grass and shrubs, so maintaining your yard is a good way to keep fleas at bay. You can also use the diatomaceous earth method or nematode solutions described above as preventative measures for the yard.
  • Keeping your home clean: Regularly vacuum and shampoo and clean carpets and furniture. A clean home keeps fleas away.

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Why Should You Try Homemade Instead Of Commercial

There are plant-based or just extremely safe flea products, too, but those that contain insecticides can pose a threat to your pets health and life. Sure, this doesnt happen in every case, but thats why most vets dont like to give an animal both deworming and de-fleaing products on the same day. The two medications can lead to an allergic reaction or something much, much worse.

The common insecticides that can be found in products such as Frontline, Stronghold, or Bayers Advantix and Advantage, for example, have an effect on the fleas nervous system. Unfortunately, they are also less safe to use on some types of pets. If you make the mistake of thinking that your dog or cat weighs more than they actually do, you might accidentally give them a too high insecticide dosage.

The same goes for pills that you can give your pet orally. The dosage needs to be as specific as possible, especially with certain age categories such as puppies or kittens or senior dogs and cats.

Thats why many of these common products cant be used on animals that are younger than 3 months of age. There are safer options and some that can be used on younger puppies and kittens, but they are usually made with natural ingredients.

Remedies For Itchy Ears

  • The contents of a vitamin E capsule can soothe red or inflamed areas of the ear.
  • A gentle cleaning with a cotton swab or gauze dipped into vegetable oil can help to remove a buildup of wax and dirt.
  • Remember that dog and cat ear canals take a right-angle turn at the base of the ear, and be careful not to jam anything deep into the ear canal.

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How To Get Rid Of Skunk Spray On Pets

  • Bathe your dog in a mixture of 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1 teaspoon liquid soap. Work the solution into the fur , then rinse.
  • To rid the stench from your pet, douse him with tomato juice, leaving it on for several minutes before rinsing it off. For a large dog, a single washing can require several cans of tomato juice. You may have to repeat the procedure, but the odor will eventually work itself out of your pets coat.

Is your pet a bit overweight? Check out these tips to help them lose the pounds.

What are some of your favorite home remedies for your pets?

Rosemary Oil Or Powder

5 Natural Flea Remedies For Cats

Rosemary repels fleas and can be used in oil or powder form. To help get fleas off your dog, a few drops of rosemary oil on the base of his neck should help to deter fleas. You can also wash dogs in rosemary water as a natural flea bath. A powder made of equal parts rosemary, peppermint, fennel, rue, and wormwood can be ground together and sprinkled throughout the house. However, this will only repel fleas . Learn these secrets to avoid tick bites, too.

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Treating Your Home For Fleas

In addition to treating your cat, youll also need to take steps to get rid of any fleas or eggs that might be hiding in your home. Fleas hang out in the furniture, carpet, or bedespecially in areas where your cat sits frequently. Flea eggs that hide in the upholstery will hatch later and start looking for a furry friend to feast on, so its critical that you get rid of these uninvited houseguests ASAP with help from the vacuum.

Experts point out that a regimen of vacuuming and washing makes a huge difference in the overall effectiveness of flea treatment. Focus on vacuuming any cracks and crevices , underneath your furniture, and anywhere your pets like to hang out. Dont forget to dispose of the vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag, or wash out the canister right away so that no fleas escape. Steam cleaning carpets and furniture once youve treated your cat can also help ensure fleas are destroyed at all their life stages.

Along with proper treatment of your pet, vacuuming and thorough washing of textiles are usually enough to eliminate most fleas from your home. Wash sheets, pet bedding, and pillows once a week. Use the high-heat setting on your washer and dryer and bid farewell to any fleas that might be hiding in the fabrics.

What To Do If A Pet Is Choking

You can perform the Heimlich maneuver on animals.

  • Lift a small pet, or reach over the back of a large one and raise the back legs, so that the rear end is elevated over the head.
  • Place your hands around the lowest part of the chest and give a quick, gentle thrust inward and upward.
  • Remember to scale the force of your thrust to the size of your pet. For small pets, imagine you are performing this on an infant or toddler.

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Onguard Flea & Tick Treatment

Onguard Flea & Tick Treatment kills fleas, flea eggs, and larvae, as well as chewing lice. This spot-on treatment can be used on kittens over 8 weeks of age, as long as they weigh more than 1.5 pounds. It contains two active ingredients designed to stop flea infestation while preventing future infestations.

This remains active for 30 days and is also waterproof, just in case your cat gets caught in the rain or needs a bath! You can choose from two different pack sizes: three or six treatments. The easy-to-use applicator has been redesigned and helps make sure that every drop of this treatment comes into contact with your cats skin.

  • Some cats can have a reaction

Do Not Use Products With Permethrin

Home Remedy for Cat with Itchy, Inflamed Skin * Allergy Relief!

Cats actually have a very poor ability to process certain kinds of drugs and chemicals that humans and dogs can easily process. This poor processing ability means that these substances can be toxic for cats at very low doses, even though they are perfectly safe for dogs and humans.

One of the drugs cats have trouble with is permethrin. Its found in many flea medications since it is effective against fleas. However, while it is safe for dogs, its very toxic to cats. Be extremely careful to check over-the-counter flea products to make sure they dont contain permethrin.

Its critical that you read all labels very carefully. Even if a flea product is safe for cats, it does not mean that it is safe for kittens. If youre not sure a product is safe, simply ask your veterinarian.

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Easy Home Remedies For Fleas On Cats

ByAshleigh Gibbspublished 20 January 22

You’ll know fleas when you see ’em, so it’s important to know some easy home remedies for fleas on cats. The tell-tale sign of pests cannot be mistaken, but how to treat them is not always common knowledge

It’s important to seek professional advice from your vet on how to prevent fleas from making a home on your cat in the first place. The easiest way to prevent fleas from moving in are by getting year-round protection recommended by your vet. Products like flea collars for cats and topical flea treatments that will help make sure your cat is protected. If you didn’t successfully prevent fleas, however, you’ll want to know how to get rid of them.

Luckily, there are tons of commercial flea treatments on the market that include topical preventives, flea collars, flea shampoos, oral treatments, sprays and combs. The best flea treatment for cats is often a combined effort using more than one of the aforementioned treatments that utilizes both a fast-acting but short-term treatment and a a longer-lasting one.

These traditional, store-bought approaches often do the trick, but there are DIY, natural flea killer treatments you can use for cats. Not only will these repel and rid your home of fleas, but they don’t include any potentially harmful chemicals that could have side effects for your family and furbabies.

We’d recommend you consult your vet before using any of these methods, just to be extra safe.

Can Indoor Cats Get Fleas

Yes, all cats, be they indoor or outdoor, are prone to catching fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms.

It is wrongly believed that indoor cats cannot catch fleas and ticks, etc., but that is just not true. No doubt, our indoor cats who spend their whole day lounging on a sofa or their window cat hammock watching birds, are at a lower risk of inviting fleas, but it is not impossible to find fleas on indoor-only kittens.

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How Does A Kitten Get Fleas

Kittens can easily pick-up fleas outdoors. Female fleas lay about 40-50 eggs per day that lead to an infestation in days. Fleas jump from one pets fur to another. The kitten may get those fleas from their mother cat during nursing or breastfeeding.

Fleas often lay their eggs on your other pet animal, and some may fall off and hatch on your carpet, bed, or other furniture. Then, new fleas target your pet to feed on their blood and lay more eggs. Carpets and humid places contribute to the essential environment for flea growth.


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