Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeHealthMy Cat Is Congested What Can I Do

My Cat Is Congested What Can I Do

Supplements And Over The Counter Treatments For Cats

My Cat or Kitten Is Congested – What Can I Do?

Many veterinarians advocate lysine for dealing with a cat with an upper respiratory infection. While it may not kick a kitty cold to the curb, it can lessen the effects of certain viral infections. Lysine is an essential amino acid, which your cats body can use to build certain proteins that are used in a variety of body processes. Lysine also helps inhibit the replication of feline herpesvirus. This is especially important because many cats have herpes lying dormant within their system, where it can easily cause respiratory infections if they get stressed out or immunocompromised.

When giving lysine, there are a few different formulations, including powders, pills, and gel formulas. Powdered lysine is typically easy to mix into your cats food if it is unflavored. Gel is likewise easy to give because you can put a dollop on your cats paw, and most will lick it off. Pilling your cat may be difficult to do, and it could also stress them out, so consider other options. A standard dosage of lysine is 500 mg given twice daily.

There are a variety of homeopathic options for helping boost your cats immune system, and each may have varying levels of effectiveness. Consider discussing them with your veterinarian to help select the best option for your cat.

Viral Causes Of Severe Congestion

The most common reason that your cat may have a severely stuffy nose is a viral infection. Up to 90 percent of upper respiratory infections in cats are caused by one of two common viruses: feline herpesvirus and calicivirus. These two nasty bugs are easily transmitted from cat to cat, so most cats have been exposed to them. The most common annual cat vaccine, the FVRCP vaccine, includes a vaccination for both herpes and calici, but most cats already have the virus even before they have their first vaccines. In times of stress, the viruses will take over and cause your cat to develop a horrible cold, which often includes severe congestion. Unfortunately, antibiotics don’t really help a viral infection, so you’ll have to provide good supportive care while the virus runs its course, usually seven to 14 days.

How Is A Feline Upper Respiratory Infection Treated

Most cats with an uncomplicated upper respiratory infection can be treated symptomatically at home. Your veterinarian may prescribe an eye medication if your cat has a purulent eye discharge. Although viral infections do not respond to antibacterial drugs, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs may be prescribed to prevent secondary bacterial infections from complicating the disease, particularly in kittens. Primary bacterial upper respiratory infections caused by Bordetella or Chlamydophila will be treated with specific antibiotics that are effective against these diseases.

“Most cats with an uncomplicated upper respiratory infection can be treated symptomatically at home.”

Cats with nasal or airway congestion may benefit from increased environmental humidification, such as being taken into a steamy bathroom for 10-15 minutes several times per day. Some cats will benefit from nose drops if the nasal discharge is particularly severe or the nasal tissues become painful. To minimize irritation from nasal discharge, it is often helpful to wipe the cat’s face or eyes with a moist tissue. Since cats with a respiratory infection will have a decreased sense of smell, they often have a decreased appetite. Feeding a highly palatable canned food may help improve their appetite. In some cases, an appetite stimulant may be prescribed.

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Runny Nose In Cats Causes

Why does my cat have a runny nose? This is a common question among cat as well as other pet owners. The most common cause of nasal discharge in cats is an infection in the upper respiratory system. However, there are many other causes for this including the following:

Cat Flu

This involves an infection in the respiratory system of your kitten. It can be caused by either bacteria or viruses. With this you will notice the cat exhibiting cold like symptoms such as eye discharge, sneezing and a runny nose.

Nasal Polyps

Although this is rare in cats, it can happen. Polyps are growths of a benign nature that results from the mucus membrane. These can make a cat have a runny nose.


These may be either viral or fungal. They will leave the nasal cavity lining casing irritation and a running nose.


Facial swelling as well as nasal malignant tumors are a common cause of nasal drainage.


Trauma around the head and face can see your cat experiencing nasal drainage. The trauma may be accidental or self imposed through head pressing by the cat.

Foreign Bodies

When there are foreign objects in the nasal cavity, your pet will recognize it and in a bid to fight it a cat runny nose will be experienced. In most cases, such situations will only have one side of the nostril running.

Allergic Reactions

Cleft Palate

With this, there is a congenital deformity in the cat. It occurs when the mouth roof fails to fuse during the development of the kitten.


How Do You Treat A Sneezing Cat

My Cat Isnt Eating! What Can I Do?

Treatment for cat sneezing is typically targeted at the underlying cause where possible.

While a wide variety of treatments are available, owners should be aware that the goal in most cases, especially chronic cases, is to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms, not to cure them.

More research is needed to fully understand the role that infections play in cat sneezing, but repeated or prolonged courses of antibiotics have proved to be effective in controlling clinical signs.

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First What Does Cat Wheezing Sound Like

As any cat parent knows, cats make all sorts of weird sounds. Both of my cats do the scarf-and-barf every once in a while, meaning that sometimes they will eat their food too fast and throw it up immediately afterward. The cat wheezing sound is a distinct hack, hack, HACKING noise followed by my cats arching their backs, opening their jaws wide and puking. The results arent pretty and it sounds painful!

Hacking up a hairball is a similar sound. I can hear that something is about to come up. But sometimes, when Gabby wheezes, it just sounds like hes having the same coughing or sneezing fit that I get when I breathe in something Im allergic to. These attacks usually last a few seconds to a minute and he makes distinct snorting / wheezing noises. Sometimes, he hunches his shoulders and strains his neck out as if to elongate his air pipes in an attempt to breathe better.

What is the difference between cat wheezing and coughing up a hairball?

Unfortunately, the difference between a cat wheezing and a cat coughing up a hairball can be hard to tell, but if you dont notice anything coming up, its probably wheezing. A cat cough or wheeze sounds very similar to a cat trying to hack up a hairball, says Dr. Sasha Gibbons of Just Cats Veterinary Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut. In fact, they can often look very similar but most of the time with coughing, nothing comes up.

Get The Diagnosis Right

Because most feline upper respiratory infections are caused by viruses such as feline herpesvirus type 1, many veterinarians will diagnose based on the symptoms. Figuring out which virus is causing the problem isnt as important as caring for your cat as his body fights off the infection. If the condition doesnt improve, collecting and testing samples from your cats nose, throat, and eyes can help your vet pick the right antibiotics for your cat.

If your cat experiences chronic upper respiratory infections, which is rare, your vet may want to perform chest and head X-rays and other testing.

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What Causes Calicivirus Infection

Feline calicivirus belongs to a large family of viruses named Caliciviridae, whose members infect a wide range of vertebrate animals, including rabbits, livestock, reptiles, birds and amphibians. The human virus norovirus, which causes a brief but unpleasant gastrointestinal disease, is also a member of the Caliciviridae family.

Several strains of FCV circulate in domestic and wild cats. The virus mutates readily, leading to new strains that may not be fully covered by existing vaccines. Strains vary in the severity of the disease that they cause, with the majority causing only mild disease. The ability of the virus to mutate likely explains why after 40 years of vaccinating against FCV, outbreaks still frequently occur.

Rarely, a mutant strain of FCV will spontaneously arise that causes very serious disease with multiple organ damage or even death, called FCV-associated virulent systemic disease or FCV-VSD. The first known outbreak of FCV-VSD occurred in Northern California in 1998. Outbreaks of FCV-VSD are unusual and unrelated to each other.

Gauging The Severity Of Feline Sinus Symptoms

My Kitten Is Sneezing & Congested – Here’s How to Help!

If your cat’s nasal discharge is clear, then most likely his sinuscongestion symptoms are the result of allergies or minor infection. Ifthe nasal discharge becomes thick and cloudy, then he’s probablysuffering from a serious bacterial infection. If there is blood in thedischarge, then he requires emergency medical treatment. He may havesustained an injury, there may be something lodged in his sinuses or hemay be suffering from a very severe infection.

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Cat Runny Nose Runny Eyes And Sneezing

My cat keeps sneezing, what is wrong? In most situations, it is normal for a cat to have nasal discharge and sneeze at the same time. Having watery eyes may also be experienced. However, where the sneezing is chronic and severe, or where the cat is sneezing blood from the nose you should have your pet checked.

Home Treatments May Be Recommended

If your cats eyes are red, inflamed and obviously bothering him, your veterinarian may recommend an eyewash, ointment or drops to help. If the discharge from the eyes is clear, a saline wash can flush the eyes and the discharge can then be gently cleaned from the fur around the eyes. Sometimes the saline will sting, and in that case, a prescription eye ointment will be prescribed. If the discharge from your cats eyes is no longer clear and becomes yellow, green or thick, talk to your vet as additional treatment will be needed.

Clean your cats nose with a warm, wet paper towel. Be gentle cleaning up the nasal discharge as her nose will be sore. Your cat is still going to be trying to keep herself clean during this, even when she doesnt feel good, so her front legs may get dirty too. A warm paper towel with a drop of baby shampoo will clean the fur on her legs.

If your cat has a stuffy head and is snorting or coughing, steam will help just as it does for you when you have a cold. Heat some water till its steaming and place it on a table or counter. Holding your cat close to you, lean close to the steam and throw a big towel over both of your heads. Let the steam do its work for your cat. Five minutes is good if your cat will cooperate. Doing this several times a day, as you can, will loosen some of the mucus in her head so she can sneeze it out.

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Symptoms Of Upper Respiratory Infections In Cats

An upper respiratory infection in cats can look a lot like the common cold in people. Sneezing, runny nose, coughing, congestion, discharge from the eyes, fever, ulcers in the mouth or around the nose and eyesall signs your cats may have a viral upper respiratory infection.

You may also notice that your cat starts pawing at their nose and mouth, has trouble swallowing, or makes wheezes or choking sounds while trying to breathe.

Behavioral changes, such as a loss of appetite, lethargy, or poor grooming, can also indicate an upper respiratory infection or other illness. Remember that cats have a tendency to mask or hide their symptoms when theyre not feeling well, so its helpful to consciously keep an eye out for signs of illnesses like these.

Because it can be difficult to notice when your cat isnt feeling the best, it is essential that you always schedule a yearly appointment with your cats veterinarian. These visits are a prime opportunity for you to bring up any questions or concerns you may have about your pals health, behavior, and lifestyle.

Annual check-ups additionally provide your veterinarian a chance to monitor your cats overall health. Regular visits allow your veterinarian to monitor any health condition your cat may have. Plus, if a new health problem does arise, then hopefully, it can be caught and treated early on.

Is Cat Sneezing Serious

Stuffy nose and congested cat: does anyone have ...

It depends on whether the cause is environmental or a disease.

Sometimes the irritants that trigger the sneeze reflex are environmentallike dust, mold, or pollenwhich the cat inhales, causing them to sneeze. In these cases, sneezing is usually not serious, especially if seen in an isolated episode.

More often, though, cat sneezing is caused by one or more disease processes.

Most commonly, a viral infection is the initial problem, with subsequent inflammation and bacterial infections causing damage to the architecture inside the nose, perpetuating the problem.

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Providing Care At Home

  • 1Look for signs of inflammation. Inflammation of a cat’s nose is known as rhinitis, while inflammation of a cat’s nasal passages is referred to as sinusitis. Both conditions can cause a stuffy nose. Symptoms of both conditions can include: XResearch source
  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy nose
  • Loss of appetite
  • 2Recognize common causes of a stuffy nose. There are a variety of factors that can cause inflammation of your cat’s nose or nasal passages, leading to a stuffy nose. Common causes include allergies, tumors inside the nose, a foreign object lodged in the nasal passages, parasites, fungal infections, dental abscess, and bacterial or viral infections.XResearch source
  • 3Examine your cat for signs of an upper respiratory infection. The herpes virus and calicivirus cause a large percentage of stuffy noses. Signs of these viral infections include discharge from both nostrils that is clear or cloudy, as well as discharge from the eyes.XResearch source
  • 4Let an upper respiratory infection run its course. An upper respiratory infection is characterized by sneezing, watery eyes, clear discharge from the nose, and coughing. If you suspect your cat’s stuffy nose is caused by a common upper respiratory infection, you can just let the illness run its course. Most of these infections are short in duration and will clear up on their own within 7 to 10 days.XResearch source
  • Cat Has Stuffy Nose And Wont Eat

    A stuffy nose is terrible for a cat but even worse is when the cat will not eat. Where this happens, keep treating the cat for the case of stuffiness. Be gentle on the pet and if they keep on not eating act. For kittens, you can opt for milk replacements and use a feeding syringe. Most powders last long and when the cat is fed every four to six hours it will last them long enough.

    In most cases these come with manufacturer directions to guide through the feeding process. In case your pet is experiencing diarrhea and not eating at the same time, you need to visit your vet as soon as possible.

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    An Upper Respiratory Infection Can Be Compared To A Cold A Person Might Get

    Both human head colds and feline URIs can be caused by a number of different things and the symptoms and severity vary. The term cold for people is a catchall term applies to just about any illness that makes us sneeze and feel miserable. There is no cure for it, although we might be able to lessen the symptoms. Usually, a cold is not life-threatening, but sometimes a cold can lead to a more dangerous secondary infection. We generally have to ride it out and when its done, its done. A feline URI is similar, although its caused by different agents than the human cold is.

    Identifying Abnormal Nasal Symptoms

    Congested Cat

    Your cat’s nose may normally be dry and warm if your homeenvironment is dry, but a healthy cat usually has a cool, moist nose.The nose shouldn’t be so moist that it drips. A dripping nose is a signof excess nasal discharge.

    Symptoms of sinus congestion in cats include sneezing, sniffling,labored breathing and excessive nasal discharge. If your cat developspost-nasal drip, he’ll begin swallowing frequently. Your cat may rub athis congested nose, and may even develop a nosebleed, halitosis orfacial swelling if the congestion is severe. Inability to smell foodcan affect a cat’s appetite, so if your cat’s sinus congestioncontinues, he may stop eating. He may seem depressed and lose weight.

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    How To Clear A Cats Stuffy Nose With Home Remedy Treatments

    There is a possibility that a cat stuffy nose will cause reduced appetite. This could also be caused by the fact that a congested cat nose brings along with it an impaired sense of smell and the cat does not get the urge to eat. As such, feed your cat with wet hot food which tends to have a strong smell. Also ensure the presence of clean fresh water so that the cat can stay well hydrated. When this is done, recovery is fast. In addition to ensuring proper feeding, try the following measures.

    Humidify to Ease Blocked Cat Nose

    With congestion in a cats nasal passage, the situation is made worse if the air is dry. Humidifying the area around where the cat spends time will help keep the nasal passage well moisturized.

    You can further relieve a congested nasal passage using steam. Turn on the hot shower and bring the cat into the bathroom without allowing it to get wet. The inhaled steam will help to break up and stuck mucus and thus ease congestion.

    Keep the Cat Warm to Ease Stuffy Nose Symptoms

    When my cat has a runny nose, I ensure that cold temperatures do not aggravate the symptoms. It is important for you to keep the house and the cat warm. Keep the cats bed comfortably covered with blankets. Let they areas they like napping and spending most of their time be warm and cozy.

    Nose Drops for Cats Stuffy Nose

    Keep Up to Date with Vaccinations to Prevent Nasal Congestion


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