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HomeEyeOne Of My Cat's Eye Is Watering

One Of My Cat’s Eye Is Watering

What To Do If Your Cats Eyes Are Watering

Cat’s Eyes swollen and watery: Cat Conjunctivitis Treatment

If your cats eyes are looking weepy, take a closer look at their behavior and appearance. If your cat exhibiting other signs of illness, contact a vet immediately.

So youve just noticed your kittys eyes are looking a little weepy, the next thing to do is look for signs of pain , redness or cloudiness to the eye and its surrounding tissues.

If you think there is any bulging or swelling to your pets eye or if there are other symptoms including sneezing or fever then you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

If your pet is acting completely normally and has only a mild discharge that has just started, you can monitor them for a few hours. You can also gently wipe away the tears with a cotton pad to determine if the discharge persists as some pets can develop weepy eyes if they have gotten a speck of dirt in their eye that is washed away and are fine within a short time.

Reasons Your Cats Eyes May Be Watering

By Anna Barden reviewed by Matthew Belden, DVM

Like humans, cats eyes can water for several reasons, including allergies, trauma and infections. Many cases are easily treated , but sometimes the issue will require special prescriptions or even procedures performed by a veterinarian.

Factors such as the size of a cats muzzle can affect both the frequency and intensity of watery eyes. Environmental factors can also play a role in the condition. Whether mild or severe, it is best to speak to a veterinarian about the causes, treatment and long-term management if your cat experiences watery eyes.

Recovery Of Watery Eyes In Cats

Recovery and management of watery eyes in your cat is dependent of the severity of the condition. If your cat has been prescribed medication to alleviate pain due to a foreign object obstruction or antihistamines to relieve allergy symptoms, recovery should begin within a few days. Management will mainly take place at home with occasional trips to the veterinarian. However, if you cat has undergone a surgical procedure, recovery and management will take longer, requiring more veterinarian attention. Your veterinarian will want to reevaluate your cat and check on the progress of the treatment.

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Why Do Cats Eyes Water

When your cat’s eyes are in good shape and don’t have any issues the tears drain into the nose.

This means everything is functioning normally and the tear film, the layer on your cat’s eyes, is in good health.

If your cat’s eyes are watering though the flow into the nose could be blocked or even overflowing. This may happen for lots of reasons ranging from inflammation to the shape of your cats face and anything in between.

There are two primary reasons your cat may have watery eyes:

  • Something is blocking the normal flow of tears
  • Something is causing your kitty to produce excessive tears

Although tears are produced on a regular basis to keep your cat’s eyes moist, excessive tears are typically caused by inflammation which is the result of an infection or an allergy of some sort.

It is also possible they simply have a hair that is growing into the eye and irritating the heck out of it too.

The other major reasons you might see extra tears in the eyes is because of an injury of some sort.

Cats of course get in fights and just like us humans they can sometimes be clumsy.

Any contact with the eye could cause a scratch or could get something stuck in the eye too.

All it might take is a little bit of dust or even a something else blowing around in the wind if you have an outdoor cat. All of these things can cause irritation in the eye and cause it to water excessively.

There are also several congenital reasons that may cause your cat to have this issue.

Types Of Eye Infections In Cats


Feline eye infections are bacterial and can be treated with prescription medication. Signs that your cat has an eye infection include:

  • Rednessin and around the eye
  • Excessivetear production
  • Constantblinking or winking
  • Protrusionof the eyeball

The majority of eye infections will be treated with prescription antibacterial eye drops. Never use human eye drops.

The prognosis for eye drops is good. Most cats make a full recovery in a short space of time. Do not allow the infection to run its course, as this will only aggravate the issue.


Your cats eye will become inflamed, red, and swollen. This will be painful, so your cat will rub and claw at its eye.

According to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, conjunctivitis can affect both eyes. The cause could be due to allergies, or another cat may have infected your cat.

Feline conjunctivitis is treated with anti-inflammatory eye drops. Most cats will make a full recovery within 2 days of treatment.


Glaucoma can occur when a cats eye infection is not treated. A cat must drain fluid through its tear ducts. If your cat is unable to do so, pressure builds up. This leaves your cat in pain and unable to open its eye.

Glaucoma must be treated at the first sign of symptoms. If glaucoma is left untreated, it may lose an eye. The signs of this condition include:

  • Visible swelling in the eye
  • Clawing and pawing at the eye
  • Thin, watery discharge
  • Cloudy, discolored iris

Corneal Ulcers


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My Cats Eyes Are Red Around The Edges

Red-ringed eyes in cats are not normal. Your cat may have experienced minor ocular trauma, such as being poked in the eye. Your cat may have walked into a branch or scratched itself while grooming.

If the trauma is mild, it will correct itself relatively quickly. Your cat will otherwise act normally and blink a little more. Within 1-2 hours, the redness will start to calm down.

If this is not the case, your cat likely has an eye infection or conjunctivitis. Redness of the eye is the first warning sign.

What Does It Mean If A Cats Eyes Are Watering

There are a lot of reasons your kittys eyes may be weeping, and while some reasons are harmless, its always important to find out why this is happening to your pets eyes in case there is a more sinister underlying cause.

A cats eyes should be bright and clear. You should be able to clearly see their pupil and iris parts.

If you notice the occasional clear-colored, watery discharge from your pets eye it may not be anything to worry about but if it recurs regularly, persists, or if the discharge becomes yellow or sticky then there may be a cause for concern. Other signs that your cats eyes may be bothering them include cloudiness to their eye, pawing at their face, or excessively blinking or squinting.

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Cat Eye Discharge: The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, we know that you want the very best for your beloved feline friend. Dont be tempted to brush off unusual discharges from your cats eyes as no big deal.

We hope this article has convinced you that excessive discharge can be a telltale sign that something could be very wrong.

Again, trust your instincts. If something seems wrong with your fur baby, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Your cats eyes are an extremely important part of their well being and something you, as a responsible pet parent, should not overlook.

How To Avoid Unexpected Vet Bills

Why is my cat’s eye watering and squinting?

Having a pet is a big responsibility and you want the very best for your pet. But veterinarian bills can come at the worst possible times in your financial life. Prudent Pet has worked out affordable insurance plans that allow you the peace of mind knowing that your beloved pet will always be taken care of.

What is Pet Insurance? Learn more about pet insurance quotes, claims, and how Prudent Pet compares to other providers. Pet insurance plans cover preventative care as well as illnesses, accidents, and unexpected problems. Check out how affordable these plans can be.

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What If I See A Flat Or Swollen Area Of Pink Flesh In My Cats Eye

Cats have three eyelids. The third eyelid resides at the innermost corner of the eye and is normally not visible. Sometimes, it can be seen with infections or certain parasites. Other times, the eyelid may pop out of its normal position and swell due to lack of blood circulation. This is known as a cherry eye. This swelling can alter normal tear drainage, causing tears to run down the face instead. An appointment should be scheduled with your vet for treatments, but these conditions are not emergencies.

Treatment Of Eye Discharge

  • In minor cases of infection and inflammation, the treatment may be as simple as an antibiotic ointment put into the eye or an oral antibiotic. In the more serious cases, surgical intervention may be needed.
  • If your cat’s eye is swollen and painful, the following may be used: warm compresses applied over the eye, pain medications, and/or an eye medication that dilates the pupil.
  • It is important to remember that you must follow the treatment course prescribed by the veterinarian. Problems in the eye can rapidly decline, causing pain for the cat and eye damage that cannot be repaired.

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Is It Bad If My Cat’s Eye Is Watering

This depends on how long and what type of discharge your cat has. If it’s temporary and not associated with pain or other signs then it’s most likely nothing to worry about. If, however, you notice that your cat develops a yellow, thick discharge, seems painful, has other signs or the discharge persists then you need to make an appointment with your veterinarian to have your kitty checked out.

When To See A Vet About Your Cats Eyes Weeping

Cat Eye Discharge: 10 Important Facts

If you ever spot signs of eye pain in your cat, including any discharge coming from the eye, its always best to get in contact with your vet straight away as eye problems can get worse very quickly. Speedy diagnosis and treatment are the keys to helping your cat make a quick recovery so they can go back to being their happy and healthy selves. Although some brachycephalic cat breeds are more prone to eye problems, its best to always get a new pet checked over and also continue to monitor the discharge, contacting your vet if you have any concerns.

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Diagnosing Discharge In Cat Eyes

At the vet, you should expect a series of tests. During the initial exam, it is important to provide as much information as possible, so that your vet can make an accurate diagnosis.

Your vet will likely perform a complete physical exam, check your cats temperature, and may request a blood test to rule out certain diseases.

These tests will also help to determine if your cat is suffering from seasonal allergies, or if there is potentially an infection elsewhere in the body.

Additionally, your veterinarian will use a tool called an ophthalmoscope. If youve had an eye exam youll recognize the tool, as its also used in humans.

The ophthalmoscope allows the vet to see a magnified image of the eye. If a diagnosis is still unclear or inconclusive, the vet will likely administer specific eye drops and perform a test called the fluorescein eye stain test.

The vet will once again examine the eye with an ophthalmoscope and check for any injury or ulcers.

Can Home Remedies Help If A Cat’s Eye Is Watering

As a pet owner, you won’t want to put your beloved cat through the stress of being transported to the vet more often than strictly necessary. In the case of infections or injuries, however, home remedies will not help. In these cases, only a vet can help. If you notice that your cat is squinting or rubbing their eyes, don’t wait longer than two or three days. The only way to help your cat is to make sure that you always keep the eyes clean and wash them gently. Warm water and a lint-free cloth will do the trick. You can also use eyebright or Euphrasia, which is a naturopathic remedy from the pharmacy.

TIP! Be careful with camomile tea!

Camomile tea or camomile extract may be good for many aches and pains – but not for conjunctivitis. On the contrary: it will only irritate the condition. So steer clear of camomile in this case.

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How Can I Help My Sick Cat Without Going To The Vet

What can I do if my cat is being sick?

  • Remove food for two hours, but continue to provide water.
  • After this time, try offering a teaspoon of their usual food or bland low-fat cooked food such as chicken or white fish.
  • If they keep this down, offer small amounts every few hours for the. …
  • Then go back to your usual routine.
  • When To Contact Your Vet

    What causes watery eyes?

    Contact your vet as soon as you notice a problem with your cats eyes – eyes are precious and the problem could get worse if they arent treated quickly.

    If your cat has had weepy eyes for a while, contact your vet for an appointment to have them checked. Even if the problem has been going on for a while, there is a chance that they could have a treatable condition.

    Consider insuring your catas soon as you get them, before any signs of illness start. This will ensure you have all the support you need to care for them.

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    How Is Epiphora Treated

    If the nasolacrimal duct is suspected of being blocked, your cat will be anesthetized and a special instrument will be inserted into the duct to flush out the contents. In some cases, the lacrimal puncta or opening may have failed to open during your cat’s development, and if this is the case, it can be surgically opened during this procedure. If chronic infections or allergies have caused the ducts to become narrowed, flushing may help widen them.

    If the cause is related to another eye condition, treatment will be directed at the primary cause which may include surgery.

    Reasons Why Your Cat’s Eyes Might Water

    If your cat has watery eyes it likely means that the eye is attempting to fight off some form of health threat such as a virus or a foreign body. In many cases the cause is minor and will clear up without veterinary care. That said, there are a host of more serious reasons that your cat’s eyes could be watering. To find the cause of your cat’s eye issue it’s necessary to look for other symptoms.

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    Treatments For Your Cats Watering Eyes

    One of the most common treatments for cats with watering eyes is prescription eye drops. After assessing the cause of your cats symptoms, your vet will prescribe eye drops that will both soothe your cats discomfort and treat the root cause of their watering eyes.

    If your vet determines that your cats eyes are watering due to bacteria-induced conjunctivitis, theyll also prescribe an antibiotic to eradicate the bacteria. In the case of the Feline Herpes Virus, your vet is unlikely to prescribe an antibiotic, since they cant eradicate viruses.

    Regardless of whether your cats watering eyes are due to a bacterial or viral infection, you can supplement your cats eye recovery with Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Eye Wash. Our non-stinging formula gently cleans your cats eyes, restores natural moisture, and helps prevent future irritations.

    For cats with congenital allergies, your vet will likely prescribe eye drops and recommend making changes to your cats environment. However, if your cats allergic reaction also caused them to excessively scratch at their skin, you can treat their wounds, rashes, and irritated skin with Vetericyn Plus Feline Antimicrobial Hydrogel. Our hydrogel will clean out any bacteria that infiltrated your cats vulnerable skin and provide soothing relief. This temporarily answers the question, How can I treat my cats eye infection at home? But only if you cant go to the vet yet.

    Treatment For Conjunctivitis In Cats

    My Cat Is Squinting One Eye

    Treating conjunctivitis in cats will vary, based on the cause. It is always best to get the advice of your vet on the most effective treatment for your cats specific condition. Conjunctivitis caused by pollen, weeds, dust, and other environmental irritants may be alleviated by a steroid ointment. However, steroid ointments should be avoided if viral infections are detected or suspected, as they can make the condition worse.

    Antibiotic ointments are generally prescribed for feline conjunctivitis caused by a bacterial infection.

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    Is My Cat Crying

    Epiphora, or excess tearing, is caused by the abnormal drainage of tears or irritation to the eye. It is very common to see epiphora in flat-faced breeds, or brachycephalics, such as Persians or Himalayans. Due to a shortened muzzle, the tears can no longer properly drain into the nose, which consequently causes the tears to roll down the face. These breeds also tend to have shallow eye sockets, causing the eyes to bulge. This increases exposure of the cornea causing greater environmental irritation to the eye. In response, the eyes will increase tear production to remove any debris stuck to the cornea surface.

    Eyelid conditions, such as entropion and ectropion , can cause the hairs around the eye to rub the cornea when blinking and/or collect debris. Each of these conditions cause further eye irritation and excess tears.

    Common allergens can also cause epiphora. Environmental irritants from dust, dirt, household cleaning products, and scented items , to seasonal pollens, molds, etc., can cause eye drainage just like in people. If your cat has clear eye drainage, but is eating and drinking well, and still acting playful, you are likely fine to monitor for 48 hours to see if the drainage clears without vet care.


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