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What Does It Mean When A Cat Poops Blood

Other Indicators To Observe

A Vet Explains What To Do If You See Blood in Your Cat’s Poop

Unless your cat looks weak and in pain, you can observe it before you schedule an appointment to its veterinarian. Its pooping behavior is among the things you should monitor. You should check out other possible signs such as:

  • Lethargy

Keep a record of all the signs youve observed and relay them to your vet later on. By doing so, your vet can make a diagnosis more quickly.

What Will The Vet Do For A Cat With Bloody Stool

Once you arrive at the hospital, the veterinarian will usually do the following:

  • Take a medical history from you, asking about your cats health, environment, and lifestyle.
  • Conduct a complete physical examination of your cat, feeling her body and looking into her eyes, ears, and mouth.
  • Perform a fecal test on your cats bloody stool .

Depending on your cats other symptoms and the type of blood seen in the stool , the veterinarian might also want to:

  • Draw blood for blood work, such as a complete blood count .
  • Collect urine for analysis.
  • Take X-rays or perform other diagnostic tests like an ultrasound.
  • Recommend exploratory surgery or endoscopy.

If you end up going to an emergency animal hospital, your cat may be transferred to your regular veterinary clinic for further care in the morning.

Treatment for blood in cat stool is highly dependent on the cause of the bleeding. Once your veterinarian is able to pinpoint the source of the blood in your cats stool, he or she will be able to identify an appropriate treatment. Your cat may require fluids, medications, special food, or other care.

When To Contact Your Vet

Always contact your vet if you notice blood in your cats poo. If there is only a very small amount of blood, your cat is bright, eating properly and seems otherwise healthy and happy, your vet may advise trying to settle their stomach for 24 hours before having an appointment. This is likely to involve giving small amounts of a very bland diet regularly for a few days.

You know your cat best. If they dont have the symptoms listed above but you are still concerned its always best to contact your vet.

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Prevention Of Pooping Blood

There may be ways to prevent your cat from experiencing this condition. Although some issues that may cause this health issue may not be able to be prevented, a lifelong healthy lifestyle can help. Regular veterinary visits can also diagnose conditions quite early, making them easier to treat with a better prognosis.

Watching and monitoring your cats grooming habits may also prevent blood in the stool. Extra fur in the digestive tract can cause this condition. Making sure your cat is on a proper diet with adequate amounts of fiber can help constipation, and preventing your cat from eating non-food items, such as pieces of toys, thread, or paper can also prevent this condition.

Making your sure your cat has plenty of water in their diet is another way to prevent constipation, which can cause blood in the stools. Stools that are hardened or look like little balls may be an indication that your cat may be having an issue. Always be sure to monitor your cats litter box usage so you can see if their stools look normal and verify that there is no blood within the feces.

Reasons Your Cat Has Blood In Their Stool

A Little Blood In Stool

It depends on what the underlying problem might be. Bragdon says a small amount of blood observed once is unlikely to be a sign of life-threatening disease. Whew! Nevertheless, pay attention.

“The main reasons for blood in cat stool are trauma associated with cat constipation or blood from colitis . Other reasons include a foreign body, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, an infectionthere can be a lot,” Bragdon says. Even intestinal parasites such as worms, which don’t always present symptoms such as blood in cat stool, actually might in particular cases.

This is why watching for blood in your cat’s poop and keeping a record of it and any other symptoms your kitty displays will help your vet get to the bottom of the condition. For example, Bragdon says black, tarry stool is often a sign of an upper gastrointestinal disease, and the volume of blood is important to note. “If feces are black, it could indicate bleeding in the stomach and small intestine,” she says.

Here are some of Bragdon’s additional explanations for blood in cat stool:

  • Fresh, red blood indicates a problem in the large intestine or rectum
  • Hard feces with bright red or fresh blood could point to constipation, which might be the primary problem, or a secondary symptom to stricture or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Soft or watery stools with fresh blood may be a sign of large bowel inflammation

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The Importance Of Examining Your Cats Poop

Before we discuss each poop color in our furry friends, lets first talk about the importance of examining your cats stool in general.

A healthy gut and digestive tract should create formed brown stool, meaning anything that falls outside of this description should catch your attention.

Many medical complications in cats can affect their digestive health, and may even be the first clue of developing illness.

Cleaning your cats litter box gives you the perfect opportunity to stay on top of their digestive health, and make note of any changes in their stool color or consistency.

Fast action in many situations can offer your cat the best chance at a swift recovery, and may even introduce you to a developing complication you would not have noticed otherwise.

Staying on top of your cats poop appearance is more important than you may think.

Yellow & Green Cat Poop

Yellow and green cat poop should be a serious concern for cat owners.

This stool color can be due to stool passing too quickly through the intestines, which is often a result of digestive complications.

Not only can this point to possible complications with organs that play a role in digestion , this can point to infection within the digestive tract as well.

Yellow or green cat poop can point to a serious shift in a cats digestive health.

No matter the cause behind this change, it is best to contact your veterinarian and get to the bottom of it.

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Causes Of Hematochezia In Cats

There are many potential causes of hematochezia. The most common causes are usually associated with the gastrointestinal tract, although in some cases, the cause is completely unrelated . It is important to determine the cause of hematochezia, as specific treatment is often necessary for these patients.

How Blood In Stool In Cats Is Treated

Why is there Blood in Your Cat’s Poop? – and how to treat it

The treatment for blood in stool in cats will depend on the underlying cause. If the cause is a parasite, the veterinarian will likely prescribe a course of antiparasitic medications. If the cause is a dietary allergy or intolerance, the cat will be put on a special diet. If the cause is a metabolic or organ disease, the cat will likely require medication for that particular disease. If the cause is inflammatory colitis, the veterinarian may prescribe medications such as steroids or immunosuppressive drugs. In cases of cancer, the treatment will depend on the type and location of the tumour.

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Blood In Cat Urine: What Does It Mean

  • Increased frequency of urination called pollakiuria
  • The presence of bloody, foul-smelling, or discolored urine.
  • Urinating in unusual places such as on furniture, floors, and corners, called periuria.
  • Excessive grooming or licking of the genital region.
  • Inability to urinate. These cats strain to urinate producing a few drops or no urine. If you suspect your cat is obstructed and not able to adequately pass urine, this is an immediate medical emergency. Urethral blockage, which is more common in male cats because of their narrow urethra , can be a life-threatening complication if untreated even for a few hours.

What are the causes of cystitis?Blood in a cats urine can have many potential causes. Cystitis and FLUTD can cause severe inflammation of the bladder and/or urethra leading to hematuria. While many young cats, under 10 years of age, will have bladder inflammation that is not explained, some of the specific causes of cystitis blood in a cats urine include:

How will blood in your cats urine be diagnosed?The initial diagnosis for a cat suffering from hematuria is based on the presence of symptoms consistent with lower urinary tract inflammation. A complete urinalysis with sediment exam is the most common diagnostic test used to confirm the presence of urinary tract inflammation or infection, and is often performed in the practice, real time. Other diagnostic tests for blood in the urine include:

Recovery Of Blood In The Stool In Cats

Prognosis for a cat experiencing blood in its stool will depend on the underlying cause, but for most cases is good. In the case of severe infections, your veterinarian may choose to allow your cat to recover at their office where it can receive around the clock medical care. In many cases, blood in the stool will resolve shortly after treatment or altering of diet. If your cat has been diagnosed with sensitivities to types of food you should develop a plan to avoid accidental consumption of the irritating ingredients.

For most cases of blood in the stool, your cat will heal with time and appropriate care and will have a normal happy and healthy lifespan.

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Blood in the Stool Average Cost

From 396 quotes ranging from $200 $2,000

Average Cost

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The Bowel Movement Of A Healthy Cat

Cats usually take a poop once a day. Smaller ones, however, may head to their litter box more often. If your pet eats lots of fiber, expect it to poop more frequently as well. The typical cats stool is solid and brown. The color is mostlyif not entirelyeven. It smells but it shouldnt be too intense.

Your cat should also pass its bowel with ease. It shouldnt be whimpering or yowling. It shouldnt be hunching before, during and after it defecates.

Blood In Cat Stool: What Does It Mean

Blood In Cat Stool Diarrhea
  • Fact Checked

Your cats bathroom habits may not be the first topic you want to talk about or even pay attention to for that matter. But what if you see that there is blood in their stool? Now this symptom would probably raise some concern for you, and thats for a good reason. In a normal healthy cat, blood should not be present in your cats poop or any other regular bathroom business. If it is, there may be an underlying problem your cat is suffering from that you are unaware of.

The sooner you can identify a bathroom problem with your furry friend the faster you can get them to the vet to find out whats wrong with them. Even though it might be an alarming symptom, the presence of blood in cats stool is actually a fairly common occurrence according to pet owners. With that being said, however, it is something that needs to be checked out by a veterinarian.

Unless your cat has done their business outside or in an area other than their litter box, identifying blood in cat poop can actually be difficult. Cat litter can make analyzing your cats stool more challenging, especially if it has been a few hours since they have gone to the bathroom.

If your cats issue is caused by a problem in the lower intestinal tract, the blood will appear bright red and in smears or droplets. If the problem is coming from the small intestine, it will be brown or black in color. For issues regarding the small intestines, blood will resemble coffee grounds.

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Preparing Cat Stool Samples

At each annual visit, your vet will ask for a stool sample so the lab can perform tests on the fecal matter. Samples are best collected in approved plastic containers, which your vets office will provide. But you also can pick up a container at the office before your appointment, or purchase one online or at a pet supply store. Just remember: The lab will need a fresh sample, so its important not to collect your treasure from the litter box until the day that you drop it off at the vet. Once you scoop the fecal matter into the approved plastic sample container, refrigerate is its possible and make sure to jot down the date and time of collection so the vets office has accurate information.

Can Cat Poop Be Dangerous

Handling cat poop may have an eww factor, but it isnt typically dangerous. That said, there is a concern that cat poop can contain a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, which causes Toxoplasmosis. You can also get Toxoplasmosis from eating raw or undercooked meat. Toxoplasmosis isnt a big deal for most people who either wont get sick or show only mild flu-like symptoms. However, it is of particular concern to pregnant women who can pass the parasites along to the unborn child and cause birth defects or even fetal death.

While this sounds scary, its good to know that contracting these parasites from the litter box is not a common occurrence. Cats infected with the parasite only excrete it for a short amount of time, and the parasites arent infective for at least 48 hours. That means if youre scooping out the litter box daily, you greatly reduce the risk of infection.

Just to be safe, pregnant women should hand over litter box duties until the baby is born. If thats not possible, scoop and clean the box wearing rubber gloves and thoroughly wash your hands after youre done. Keeping your cat insidewhich is recommended by our strategic partner The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® for all catscan also help prevent them from contracting this parasite.

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White Spots In Cat Poop

If you see any white spots in your cats poop, they may be dealing with a case of intestinal parasites.

This is especially common in cats that spend some time outdoors, as well as cats that are recently adopted.

Cats can be exposed to intestinal parasites in the soil that they come in contact with, along with fleas that make their way into their fur.

Not only can they get worms from the world around them, but from other infected cats as well.

Each intestinal parasite may look a little different when seen in your cats stool.

For example, tapeworms may have a rice-like appearance, while round worms may look more like spaghetti noodles.

No matter which type of worm you think you may see in your cats stool, it is time for a trip to the vet to banish these critters for good.

Why Is My Cat Pooping Outside Of The Box

Cat loose stool || diarrhoea Treatment || causes || blood in stool

Pooping outside of the box can be your cats way of telling you something like I dont like it when you leave me home alone all day, or Im upset that theres a new pet in the house. Your cat could also be making a statement about the litter box itself, such as:

Going outside of the box can also point to a health issue, so be sure to talk to your vet if the situation continues.

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The Benefits Of Fibre For Blood In Stool In Cats

If your cat has blood in its stool and is perfectly normal in every other way , you can provide start with dietary fibre supplementation. Dietary fibre supplementation can help to soothe the inflamed colon and promote healing. There are many different types of fibre supplements on the market, but a good one to try is high-quality canned pumpkin. Add 1-2 teaspoons of pumpkin to your cat’s food once or twice a day. Not only will this help to treat blood in stool, but it will also help to keep your cat’s digestive system healthy. Alternatively, you can supplement with psyllium fibre to your cat’s diet. Metamucil® is the most common psyllium fibre and is well tolerated by cats. Start with a small dose, such as 1/4 tsp mixed into some canned food once to twice daily. Bran cereal is another excellent source of fibre for cats, but it can be difficult to persuade your cat to eat it. The recommended amount is 0.5 grams per cat per day.

Diagnosis Of Blood In The Stool In Cats

Diagnosis of blood in the stool of your cat will require your veterinarian to diagnose the underlying condition that is causing the signs. During the initial veterinary exam you should provide your veterinarian with a complete history of your cats signs. Noting whether your cat is also suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, whether they have been eating regularly, and any other behavioral changes will be important. You should provide your veterinarian with information on the type of food your cat eats, as well as if there have been any dietary or lifestyle changes in the household that may have induced the signs.

Your veterinarian will then use the information you have provided, the results of the physical exam of your cat, and possible lab tests to come to a possible diagnosis.

Your veterinarian will most likely perform a fecal smear of your cats stool in order to check for parasites that may be irritating your cats intestine. This is typically performed quickly in your veterinarians office. Your veterinarian may order blood work, which will give a detailed report on your cats white blood cell count and may help identify the presence of any infection.

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