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HomeHealthWhy Do Cats Wander Off For Days

Why Do Cats Wander Off For Days

Why Does My Cat Wander Off All The Time

What Does Catnip Do To Cats?

Your cat will encounter strange noises, smells, a change of routine and above all less attention from their owners. Sometimes work commitments can make it difficult for you to be at home at the usual time of feeding etc. Cats like routine and this can cause them to seek out another home where they can get attention and food at regular times.

Why Do Cats Not Come Home For Days

Why Do Cats Not Come Home For Days? Territory: fending off another cat that has entered their territory; neighborhood cat drama is real. Food: your neighbor may be feeding your cat. Predation: your cat may have been attacked or killed by a coyote, hawk, etc. Disease: some cats run away to die or acquire disease making it difficult to return.

Lets take a look at the three most common reasons cats go missing. Cats are sensitive to change in their environment and are known to go missing when a new baby or pet makes an unexpected appearance. Take advantage of pages that have been set up specifically to help find missing cats, such as Cat Aware and Missing Pets GB. Remember to include a full description with their age, name and last known whereabouts, as well as any distinguishable features that will make it easier to identify your cat. It is not uncommon for cats to go missing in search of their old home, so if you have recently moved, ask your previous neighbours to keep an eye out for your cat.

How long can a cat go missing and come back? It isnt uncommon for cats to go missing for 24 hours, especially if they like spending a lot of time outdoors. In some cases, cats can even stay away from home for up to 10 days at a time. We also know of cats that leave home while their humans are away on holiday, returning soon after the family arrives back.

Cats Wander Off Exploring A New Territory

Cats love exploring new territory around their neighborhood, and often lose sight of home, then try to track their way back.

This is why you are advised to put a tracker or collar on your cat if you keep an outdoor cat.

Since cats are territorial animals, they can wander off for days in search of new territory, they can only come back when they get hungry and fail to make a kill.

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Does Neutering Prevent Cats From Wandering Off

A lot of people suggest that neutering/spaying your cat will ultimately reduce the chance of them;disappearing;for too long. This is partially true, since your cat would have less of an urge to find a mating partner. Their instinct to roam would reduce as well, making your cat become more homebound.

Curiosity and the love for adventure will still drive your cat out of the house on several occasions. But they wont travel as far as they would if they arent neutered/spayed. Here are some other benefits that neutering/spaying a cat might bring:

  • Longer, healthier life
  • Prevent unwanted infections and diseases
  • Cat is less aggressive and more mild-tempered
  • Prevent overpopulation of cat community in your neighborhood
  • Less likely to mark territory with urine

Ronnie And Reggie Take To The Lake

3 Reasons Why Cats Run Awayand What You Can Do

We frequently go up to our fishing lake and find both Ronnie and Reggie sitting on the bench up there watching the scenery, or they choose to land on our shoulders whilst we are sitting and relaxing on the benchusually scaring the hell out of us in the process. We also get many ‘gifts’ of dead, semi-alive or very alive rabbits left on our doorstep. The ones we can, we rescue and take to the local animal sanctuary for vet care. Sadly, many never make it, but we do our best.

I suspect it won’t be too much longer before young ‘Squish’ discovers the joys of our fishing lake and starts to explore rabbit hunting as a hobby, too!

Georgie Runs Off to Catch Fish

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Lost Dog Calming Signals

Dogs with skittish temperaments that become lost are difficult to recover, primarily because they run from rescuers and often from their own guardians. By the time a guardian sees their skittish lost dog, it is probable that several would-be-rescuers already tried to capture him, sending the dog into a blind panic.It is also important to understand that the olfactory portion of a dog’s brain closes down during the “fight or flight” process and that a panicked dog likely won’t recognize their guardian’s scent. Guardians should be prepared that their timid lost dog may run from them. Guardians should be instructed that if they should see their dog, they should not call or chase or even look at their dog. Instead, they should remain calm and do the following:

To watch a video explanation and demonstration of how to use Calming Signals check out this blog post.

Leave Food And Water Outside Your Door

It is a good idea to leave some food, water, your cats favourite treats and even its toy outside overnight. A scared cat will often make its way back home after dark when there are fewer people and less traffic around. If you have a baby monitor, you could place this near the bowl of food to pick up meowing sounds.

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They Get A Better Offer

Sadly, and frustratingly for cat owners, sometimes cats just want to be somewhere else. If your cat is happier somewhere else and gravitates towards that area, theres not much you can do to stop him/her from roaming over there.

It may be that your cat has found another home, where s/he feels more relaxed and content. Or, there could be something in your home environment that could be pushing the cat away. It may even be outside of your control, like an unruly dog in the neighbors yard.

Cats are very determined. If this has happened to your cat, but you know theyre safe and happy, then you just have to leave them be, even if it is heartbreaking for you.

They Become Victims Of Intentional Displacement

Cats Don’t Like Closed Doors! – Cole and Marmalade

In some cases, neighbors, apartment managers, or even ex-lovers will intentionally displace a catsomeone removes a cat from its territory and releases it into another area. Often, cat-hating neighbors, who are tired of free roaming cats entering their yards, will bait a humane trap to remove the neighborhood cats. Some people will take the cat straight to the animal shelter , and others will simply release the cat into another area of town. Many pest control companies that are hired to humanely trap free-roaming “feral” cats inadvertently capture and remove pet cats as well.

Recommended Reading: What Does It Mean When Cats Pupils Are Big

What Are The Chances Of Finding Your Lost Cat

A study conducted by the US National Library of Medicine found a 33% chance of finding your lost cat within the first week and a 56% chance of finding your lost cat within two months .;;

;While those odds may feel discouraging, the circumstances surrounding each cats disappearance are unique, and those numbers account for an extensive range of situations and scenarios. Assuming your cat did not go missing due to other outside factors, they typically do not wander far away, so your best chance of finding them is during the first week within a few miles of your home.;;

Things Which Could Make Your Cat Choose To Find A New Home

  • Change of home circumstances;i.e.;A new baby in the home – This is often a stressful situation for any cat. Your cat will encounter strange noises, smells, a change of routine and above all less attention from their owners.
  • Routine Changes;-;Sometimes work commitments can make it difficult for you to be at home at the usual time of feeding etc. Cats like routine and this can cause them to seek out another home where they can get attention and food at regular times.
  • Other Animals;-;Cats are generally loners and do not like living with lots of other cats / other pets in the home. Siblings can get along fairly well together but if there are more than two other cats in the home, things can get tense and rivalry can cause a cat to decide to find other accommodation

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The Cat Is Running Away From Home

Do you ever feel so upset with whats happening in your family that you want to run away and find a new home? Well, your cat may be feeling the same way.

Changes in the household that your cat isnt happy about is a very possible reason. It could be a new family member, or you not being at home as often. The cat might feel that youre not loving them as much as you used to, and;get jealous of the new pet or your newborn baby.

On the other hand, your beloved kitty may think that the environment in the house is making them uncomfortable. If youre remodeling the house and causing a lot of loud noise, or the new pet is too aggressive to your cat, then theyll try to find peace somewhere else.

Moreover, if you just recently moved to a new location, your cat may not get used to the sudden change. They would try to find the way back to your old house an environment that theyre familiar with and feel safe being in.

What Do Cats Do When Wandering

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All our domestic cats stem from the Middle Eastern Wildcat which was said to have domesticated over 12,000 years ago.

Through research it was concluded that all feline species tend to have two main forms of exploration: Active and Passive.

Active Exploration often involves the process of gathering new information of the cats near surroundings. You may see your cat climbing on trees, sniffing new objects, digging in the dirt, or going under bushes.

These all are a few examples of active exploration as the cat is moving through its environment while gathering information.

Passive Exploration is a little different but it simply means that a cat will remain in a stationary position simply gathering information from its surroundings. Think of this as a cat who is just sitting on a high tree branch visually examining its surroundings.

Fulfilling their predatory instinct may be another reason cats tend to wander. Often this involves staring at a close-by prey or sniffing them out, stalking, chasing them and then delivering the killing bite.

Beyond that, mating and reproductive seeking may be another reason why cats wander off. Male cats tend to seek out female counter-parts in heat or more territory in order to fulfil their reproductive desires. Females in heat wandering is why cats from the same litter can have different fathers.

Read Also: How To Keep Cats Off Outdoor Furniture

Use A Gps Pet Locator To Track A Missing Cat

Once you have your little bundle of fur back with you, try to prevent it from going missing again. There are many pet GPS trackers on the market.

This one is our favorite because it has a 20-day battery life, is waterproof, has a light, and fits snugly onto a cats collar. It will also alert you if your cat leaves a preset area such as your garden.

These locators can really help speed up the process of finding your cat next time theyre out beyond curfew time.;

I know its easy to tell someone how to prevent something from happening after it has happened. But these things are really worthwhile considering most owners will experience this at some point.

Wrapping Up On Why Do Cats Wander Off For Days

Have you ever wondered why your cat wanders off for days, sometimes weeks, at a time?

He might be exploring new territory or chasing prey. But the more likely answer is that hes looking to mate.

Female cats are in estrus about twice a year, and they often stray from their homes when theyre ready to mate.

Male cats dont have this luxury. When they see a female, they take their chances and try to reproduce as quickly as possible.

This can lead them away from home for days at a time. Here are some reasons why you should not let your cat go outside.

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What Do You Do If Your Cat Hasnt Come Home

If it has been a few days and your cats disappearance is out of character you may be wondering what you can you do. Here are some suggestions:

  • Check with your neighbors.
  • Check with your local police station
  • If you have rehoming charities nearby, check there.
  • Put an ad in your local paper
  • Put up a poster locally
  • Place some leaflets locally

You need to think of as many ways you can to get feedback from your local area. Also, the sooner you get started it increases your chances of finding your cat. If your cat has only been gone a few hours, keep reading to learn how you can entice him back.

Make Friends With Your Neighbors

Why Your Cat Goes Crazy During Daylight Savings Time

This is vital if you want to prevent your cat from getting lost. Being on your neighbors good side can mean the difference between your cat getting found and him/her staying lost. Unfriendly neighbors are the worst when youre looking for a lost cat, as theyre not always willing to help or check their outbuildings, etc.

If you have neighbors who dont like cats, thats OK. Theyre making friends with;you, not your cats. If they trust and like you, then theyll understand your plight if you end up having to search for your cat and be more willing to help.

Read Also: How Many Cat Years In Human Years

Do Cats Come Back Home After They Run Away

Others may travel miles to try to return home. If your cat does not return home after a few hours, you will need to exert some patience. They may just be caught up or wandering, but can still be able to return easily enough. After 18 to 24 hours of being missing it is likely time to act as they may indeed be missing.

How Do I Stop Cat From Wandering Off

How do I stop cat from wandering off, is aquestion many cat owners will ask themselves.;It is a fact of nature that cats although domesticated, still retaintheir wild side and their instincts can never be changed.

Wandering to find new territory, a mate or even some comfort is natural to all cats. Of course we can curtail some of these by neutering our cats, but this will not prevent them seeking a more comfortable or suitable home if they feel that yours is not up to scratch. However there are things you can do to try and make sure that your cat chooses you and your home.;


Hi, I have a problem I have a kitten she is a good 6 to 7 months now. Ii have started to let her out which is fine but now she keeps wandering off and I am scared that I will lose her; she is a bit wild and does not have a care in the world! How do I train her to stay within mine and my neighbor’s garden?


All cats choose to live with us in exchange for food, warmth and home comforts. ;A cat is a very intelligent animal and knows when it is on to a good thing. Why would they decide to find a new home if they are getting all the food and comforts with you? You cannot force or train a cat to return home, they will decide that for themselves. So as long as you are giving them a comfortable home, with everything they need, to live in they should always return.

Read Also: Are Bell Collars Bad For Cats

Why Do Cats Wander Off For Days: 12 Reasons To Note

Have you ever wondered why do cats wander off for days, sometimes weeks, at a time? In this post, I will outline all the common reasons why cats wander off for days.

I will also outline reasons why you shouldnt let your cat go outside without your supervision and more, so lets rock and roll!!!

Cats enjoy going exploring. They seem to take pleasure in visiting new and unknown territories.

Its the most common behavior among felines, and its actually very beneficial for cats.

They need plenty of exercise in order to remain healthy and happy.

They also need time away from their owners to adjust to a more natural life as wild animals.

Cats are notorious for wanting to wander. Some can even go for days without coming home.

Even when they do come back, its not always a clear indication that theyre safe. They might just be picking up the scent of another cat and getting lost in their thoughts.

What Percentage Of Lost Cats Come Home

Why Do Cats Go Missing For Days?

Earlier I mentioned that your cat is likely to come back home. But, how does that stand up against some statistics of real cases?

It has been noted that 75% of cats that have been recorded as lost end up returning home safely. In most cases the owner is alarmed, reports their cat lost straight away, then their cat returns home fine. This could be because they have not experienced it before.

One thing to note, these stats are based on cats that have been reported lost. There is also an unquantifiable amount of lost cats that are never reported. So, in reality, it could be a different figure if this was factored in.

So, now you know the real stats of lost cats returning home. Keep reading to learn how cats just seem to disappear randomly.

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