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HomeWhy Does My Cat Sleep By My Feet

Why Does My Cat Sleep By My Feet

Why Do Cats Sleep At The Foot Of The Bed

are known for taking cat naps and are notorious for sharing beds with their human counterparts, whether invited or not. But why do many of our feline friends chose to sleep in our beds and why do cats sleep at the foot of the bed?Dr. Jess explains it all below:

Your home, your bedroom, and even your bed are not off-limits to your little feline friend your cat knows it the most!

Here are the most common reasons why your kitty will snuggle up with you at the foot of the bed at night:

Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Legs Is It Normal

If youre concerned about your cats behavior, rest assured that sleeping on your lap or legs is -fectly normal. There are many reasons why they would pick this specific spot, but regardless of the motives, its a habit that many felines have and is not a cause for concern.

However, if your cat seems to be unwell, and is a lot more needy than usual, keep an eye on her to see if a vet is needed. A quick home check up should help you know if its something serious or just an off day that requires extra loving.

Discerning Cat Favourites

Ease Of Getting In And Out

It is no secret that cats hate being confined in a specific space for too long because they love the freedom to move around whenever they feel like it. Does it get any better than lying down at the foot of the bed?

These creatures love to get in and out of bed especially at night when theyre supposed to be sleeping. Hence, basing themselves at the foot of the bed unlocks the ability to move as and when necessary without feeling too shackled.

Your Thoughts On Cats Biting Feet

Have you ever had a cat bite your foot, ankle, leg, or toes?

Did you ever figure out why your cat was doing this? Ever figure out how to get him or her to stop?

Do you have any tips for those in this boat?

Did you head over here because its a behaviour your cat actively engages in, and if so, do you have an idea of which reason explains why your cat is biting your feet?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments down below!

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Elises Favourite Tip

One of the most frustrating problems Ive had to deal with as a pet parent is staying on top of my cats desire to play. While this is typically hard to do, toys like these that allow cats to play by themselves make the job one heck of a lot easier.

The hits in my household are ridiculously affordable: , ball track toys, &kick sticks. I have a slew scattered around the house, so when my cats get bored, even if Im busy or not even home, my furries are able to actively play.

Why Does My Cat Rub Its Face On My Feet

Why does my cat sleep on my chest?

Your cat has scent glands on the sides of its head. These glands contain pheromones that capture your cats unique scent. If your cat smells unfamiliar scents from where youve been outside with bare feet, it will rewrite them and reclaim its territory by rubbing its face and body against your feet, transferring its unique scent back to you.

However, when a cat rubs its face on your feet, its not just a territory-marking exercise. Its a sign of comfort, too. If your cat loves you and wants you in its pack, it will leave its scent on your feet and other parts of your body as an invitation. Other cats will be able to smell this and accept you as part of the pack, too. A cats scent is also designed to last and continues to communicate, even when your cat is elsewhere.

Why Do Cats Sleep At The End Of The Bed

Erin says that while cuddling with their humans during the day “allows a cat to enjoy the attention and proximity with less vulnerability,” the overnight hours are much different in the minds of a feline.

“When a cat goes to sleep, their guard is lowered and they’re aware that they’re more vulnerable, so often cats may choose to sleep at the foot of the bed for security and safety, to alert you if they sense a threat, and to protect you,” Erin told POPSUGAR. “The foot of the bed also provides a quicker escape, which is part of a cat’s instincts, whereas at the head of the bed or even within the blankets, that escape route is not as clear. Often the foot of a bed is semi-centered in a room, so it not only gives the cat a perch and view from higher up, comfy place to sprawl, but also the ability to move in any direction quickly as needed.”

Thinking about what Erin told me, I realized that from the end of the bed on my side, my cats are nearly perfectly centered in our bedroom and have a clear view out the door . Which may explain why even as I type this at my kitchen counter right outside my bedroom door, one of my sweet angels is asleep at the foot of my side of the bed, where she can directly keep her eye on me in between snoozes.


Turns Out, Your Cat Has a Pretty Good Reason For Knocking Things Over!

Your Legs Are The Most Accessible

It makes sense that your cat would want to sleep on or near you, but why your legs? Quite simply, this is often the most accessible part of your body, no matter the circumstances.

If youre sleeping in bed, your legs provide a good space that probably doesnt move as much as your head. And when youre seated, your legs are the most level space for a ball of fur to curl up on.

Move From Your Favorite Position

As stated earlier, cats regard themselves as doing you a favor by allowing you to sleep in your bed. This means they choose wherever they like to sleep at the foot of the bed and do everything in their power to continue lying down there.

This may force you to move to another side to be able to accommodate the cat and reduce the risk of accidental kicks. It could take some time before you get used to the new sleeping position leading to temporary sleep disturbances.

Lets Protect Each Other

Cats like to stay in packs and tend to be worried about their surroundings. Its one of the most common reasons cats headbutt or rub themselves against you and sometimes even why they make muffins or knead you.

Your cat may be sleeping at your legs to be able to quickly access you if there is a danger or threat. Cats, being light sleepers, will wake you up to either protect you or at least warn you dependant on the risk.

Your Cats Nocturnal Patterns

While innocuous, or even flattering, these habits may prove disruptive to your own sleep. A cats after-hours restiveness can be thanked to its ingrained inclination to be constantly on the prowl for potential meals. According to the Indoor Pet Initiative of the Ohio State Universitys College of Veterinary Medicine, cats do not have the daily sleep-wake cycle that we and many other animals have and instead sleep and wake frequently throughout the day and night. Cats in the wild need to hunt as many as 20 small prey each day and must be able to rest between each hunt. Though domesticated cats dont eat this way, they maintain the same internal clock as their wild relatives. 

Why Do Cats Attack Feet

When a cat pounces on your feet while youre lying in bed, it comes as a shock. Most of the time, your cat wants to play, but sometimes it is refining its hunting techniques, and your unfortunate feet are the catch of the day.

Cats attack feet because of their instincts. As described by Cat Health, cats chase things because, as mesopredators, its their second nature. Some cats have a strong desire to hunt, and when they see moving feet, their hunting response is triggered, sparking the need for them to attack.

As warned by , kittens are particularly prone to these instincts, especially because humans tend to encourage aggressive play. Because a kittens claws are soft and short enough to cause minimal damage, owners encourage them to attack feet out of amusement. But as kittens grow and develop hard, sharp claws, these antics become a problem, and your cat cant recognize that its being naughty.

Cats like human feet are the ideal shape and size for them to catch. Cats are lone predators and stalk small prey animals like birds and mice, so feet make an easy kill. And most cats enjoy attacking or biting your feet while youre sleeping as part of a fun game, especially if you join in by wiggling your toes or hiding feet under the covers.

How Cats Choose Who To Sleep With

Many cats are particular about their behaviors. They have specific ways they groom themselves, what they like to do for entertainment and yes, where they like to snooze. Cats are infamous for napping and you may have noticed that there are many rituals about how they do it. One of the more common questions we get from cat lovers is how do cats choose who to sleep with

There are a few reasons why cats choose specific people to slumber with. Your friends at Union Lake Pet Services are here to tell you all about it.

What Does It Mean When A Cat Rubs Their Head On Your Feet

Why Does My CAT SLEEP on My FEET? ð¦¶ð?»ð?±ð¤ 5 Reasons!

Your cat head-butting or nuzzling your face deposits scent from glands in their cheek area. Their weaving through your legs, usually as you prepare to feed them, transfers scent from their sides and tails on to you. This behaviour is also an effective way of making sure that they have your full attention.

How To Stop A Cat From Attacking Feet

Though your cat might be playing, they can become overly aggressive, causing painful bites and scratches. When this happens, its only natural that you would want to put a stop to it. There are many things you can do to encourage your cat to stay away from your feet, including the following:

  • Ignore the behavior. Keep your feet still, and dont encourage your cat to attack.
  • When your cat starts to attack, distract it with its favorite toys.
  • Hide your feet under the covers so your cat cant reach them.
  • Wear thick socks or slippers to stop your feet from being bitten or scratched.
  • Firmly and sternly say no each time your cat attacks your feet.

Repeating the steps above will teach your cat not to attack your feet. This behavior will stop in time, but you need to be consistent with your approach to prevent it from becoming an ongoing problem.

The next time your cat takes an interest in your feet, remember its because your cat is fond of you and wants to find out more. New, unfamiliar smells may make your cat jealous, so dont be surprised if it suddenly appears more interested in your feet if youve been walking around without shoes.

While this is normal, if your cat is territorial and prone to bursts of aggression, its a good idea to wash your feet before your cat can have a sniff to remove any scents that may act as a trigger.

Cat Sleeping Flat On Stomach

A cat will rarely choose to lie on its stomach when planning a deep sleep. An unwell cat may be reluctant or unable to sleep properly. There are two positions a cat will adopt while on its stomach:

  • Paws and tail tucked, headupright
  • Paws outstretched

When a cat tucks its paws and tail under its belly, it is called the loaf. This is common and usually not concerning. Stretching the paws and legs out is worthy of your attention. This can be worrying.

The Loaf Position

A cat in the loaf position is usually planning a brief nap. The cat tucks its paws and tail to keep warm. The cat will keep its head upright to remain alert. If sleep claims the cat, the head will eventually drop. This is referred to as a collapsed loaf.

Sick cats will rarely adopt the loaf position. If the cat has serious concerns about body temperature, it will curl up for warmth. If it is a pain, it will avoid remaining quite so conspicuous.

One exception is if a sick cat is worried about falling asleep. The cat may be concerned that it will not wake up. Equally, it wants to remain alert. It may suspect that a rival has noticed its illness and plans to take its territory.

In such instances, the cat will regularlyadopt the loaf position. The cat is hoping to get enough rest through a seriesof micro-naps. In the mind of the cat, this negates the need for genuine sleep.

Paws Outstretched

A cat may also lie on its stomach with its paws outstretched. This can resemble the flying position.

Cats Look For Security

In the wild, a cat will seek the safest place to rest in between hunts. In the home, that place is with you.

Cats are typically at the top of the food chain, but even still, they have to keep a watchful eye out for danger, explains Dr. Zay Satchu, the Chief Veterinary Officer at Bond Vet in NYC. Being around their humans, they can rest easier knowing there is some safety there.

Sleep is a vulnerable time, so your cat is indicating that he trusts you and feels content and secure with you. This behavior begins in kittenhood.

Cats are raised in litters, and when theyre very young until theyre about 12 weeks of age, sleeping usually means piling onto one another near mom, says Dr. Satchu. Its how they are raised during their peak socialization weeks and similar to other things they learn during this time, this translates into lifelong habits.

Your cat sleeps with you for comfort and security. After their mother, youre the next best thing.

Do Cats Actually Sleep On The Bed

If youre a heavy sleeper, then you probably havent noticed if your cat is pulling an all-nighter right next to you, or if your cat is crying into the moonlight while running up and down the house. Youll be even less suspicious of such activity if you find your cat falling asleep and waking up at the foot of your bed every day.

Since cats are nocturnal animals by nature, theres a great possibility that your feline friend roams around your house during the night. Also known as the midnight crazies, this behavior is based on their hunting instincts. According to Sandy Myers, an animal behavior consultant from Narnia Pet Behavior Clinic in Naperville, Cats in the wild are active at times when rodents come out, typically after dark, she also states that A cat naturally wants to spend her evenings hunting and playing predator games, even if she is a well-fed house pet.

Even though cats tend to be more active at dusk and dawn, domesticated cats usually adapt to sleeping the same hours as their owners, even if its not for the whole night. You mightve seen all these videos of cats going about their night-business, while their owners are sleeping, completely oblivious to it.

Theyre Used To Being Lap Cats

Sometimes the simple answer to why a cat sleeps on its humans legs is: habit. If you used to pick your cat up and put it on your lap when they were young, they will typically continue to do this as they get older.

And if youve adopted them as an adult, then perhaps their previous owner sat with them on their laps.

Ever Wonder Why Your Cat Sleeps At Your Feet

  • Jun 23, 2021

Cats are notorious for sharing beds with their owners, but have you ever asked yourself, Why does my cat sleep on my feet? Buzz60s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has the story.


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Pros Of Letting Your Cat Sleep With You

  • Stress relief. Studies show that petting our cats or dogs releases the feel-good hormone, oxytocin. It also decreases our cortisol levels. Sounds like a recipe for the perfect sleep!
  • Bonding. If youre out of the house for most of the day, bedtime may be the best time to catch up on some snuggles.
  • Cozy and warm. Theres no denying the cozy factor when it comes to letting your cat sleep in bed with you.
  • Does Your Cat Move From The Foot Of The Bed To The Top Of Your Head

    5 Reasons Why Your Cat loves to sleeps on your feet

    Heat escapes from the top of your head and if your cat tends to move from the bottom of the bed to the top of your head, she may simply be looking for a little extra warmth during the night. Cats will instinctively look for the warmest place in the home to sleep, and if that happens to be at your head, that is where your cat will go.

    Why Do Cats Love Shoes So Much Here Are Some Possible Explanations

    For some reason, tons of cat owners will verify that they have or have had a cat that loves to lay on shoes. Something about that intoxicating scent of a million different smells mixed together on the bottom of your feet intrigues your little buddy, he wants to smell where youve been all day. Another possible reason for the complex love of shoes cats have could be that they are reclaiming their territory whenever you come home and slip your shoes off. Cats actually have scent glands in their foreheads and cheeks so rubbing their face against objects like shoes or blankets, even you is a type of marking territory. Your scent is comforting, it may sound strange but some cats really are calmed and relaxed by the smell of our sweat and react to it very positively.

    So heres Apollo, who finds true comfort in shoes and describes them as the purrr-fect place to relax and unwind. He also shares his sweet little story about his love for all the different types of shoes!

    Cardboard boxes and shoes are two of the most common feline obsessions, and hopefully this helped you understand why shoes are so sought after in the cat world!

    Why Do Cats Like To Sleep On Their Feet

    55. Cats are very territorial

    It is a proven fact that cats like to sleep at their feet of their caregivers, or even closer to them. This circumstance is due to several reasons that its caregivers should know.

    If you want to know the various reasons for this feline habit, read this article to find out why cats like to sleep on the feet of the people with whom they live.

    So What Can You Do About It Without Offending Your Cat

    Well, you can move your feet every time they lay on them. Cats dont like to be disturbed, I havent met many cats that will put up with being shuffled around a lot when they want to sleep.

    Or, you can try and fool them by placing a pillow or something rolled up near your feet. Most cats are pretty clever though, theyll figure out what youre up to and shuffle over to your feet.

    Your Cat Prefers To Sleep On Your Head

    There may actually be a few reasons that cats like to sleep on your head.

  • Your head is warm. Your head releases steady heat throughout the night, making your pillow an attractive place for your cat to hit the hay.
  • Your head is stationary. Restless sleeper? To avoid being jostled all night by your restless arms and legs, a cat will gravitate towards your head.
  • It smells good. Your cat may like the scent of your hair and shampoo. Cats have a stronger sense of smell than we do, and theyre drawn to the comfort of your scent.
  • via pexels

    Is There Anything To Worry About When My Cat Sleeps At My Feet

    Not really, you can take it as a youre doing a great job, and they trust you a lot. Your cat feels very safe with you, and there are no negative reasons your cat will do this.

    If you dont want your cat to sleep by your feet anymore, you can try to create a separate bed in the same room as you. You can make this out of blankets and pillows, or you can check out some excellent  or  for your little ones to sleep in at night.

    They Are Watching Over You

    Ultimately, having a cat sleeping at the foot of your bed shows you that your cat loves you and is watching over you.

    Couples will often find their cats choose to sleep near one of them or the other. This is a clear indication who they are more fond of, but dont take it personally.

    If you want your cat to sleep on your side of the bed make sure youre the one giving them the most fussing and handing out their food.

    Sounds a little fickle I know, but there is nothing wrong with putting in a little effort for their affection, right?

    Should You Sleep With Your Cat The Pros And Cons

    Now that weve uncovered the various reasons why cats love sleeping at the foot of the bed its time to talk about the pros and cons of sharing your bed with your cat. Some studies suggest that there could be a positive effect on both you and your cat, while others present a few drawbacks. Here are a few things youll need to consider when sharing your bed with your feline companion:

    Better Visibility Of The Door

    Why Does My Cat Sleep on My Feet? (You

    When discussing this with a friend who is a pet behavioral therapist she said that she thinks one reason is because cats like to have visibility of the door.

    Cats need to sleep somewhere they feel safe, its part of their natural survival instincts. This still applies to lazy domesticated kitties.

    Being able to see the only entrance and exit to the bedroom helps them feel more secure. When I looked at my room, and other rooms, its normal for the foot of the bed to be nearest to the door is this the same for your bedroom layout?

    Cat Sleeping On Your Feet: Not What You Think It Is

    Naturally, you may think the only reason your cat sleeps by your feet is because they love you and want your company. This may be somewhat true, but not always. In your cats mind, it is often you who is sleeping by its feet, not the other way around. Since you live in their territory and it recognizes you, it lets you sleep at its side.

    Besides the fact that your cat likes to sleeping on you, or lay next to you: a cat will show you affection or trust by licking you. Cats are very hygienic and meticulously preen and wash themselves with their own tongue. If your cat licks you, it is because they are trying to clean you, treating you as one of their own.

    If you bring a new cat home, especially if it’s another cat, your cat will most likely be unhappy for a while. This unhappiness may fester through aggressiveness, isolation and disregard. Some cats might even choose to sleep away from you for a while. In this case, make sure that you give both cats equal attention and socialize them properly with each other. With time, your original cat with familiarize itself with the new cat, and all should settle and go back to normal. To help you, take a look at out article; How to introduce a new cat to another cat.

    For more about cat sleeping patterns, take a look at our Youtube video below!

    If you want to read similar articles to Why Does My Cat Sleep on My Feet?, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category.


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