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HomeEyeEye Infection In Kittens Home Remedy

Eye Infection In Kittens Home Remedy

How To Prevent Cat Eye Infections

Cat With Infected Eye? Best 3 Holistic Remedies

Once your cats eye infection clears up, your next step is to prevent it from recurring. Lets take a look at the steps you can take to prevent cat eye infections.

As weve learned, viral infections like feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus are the most common causes of cat eye infections. These viruses are usually passed from cat to cat and are very common in environments where multiple cats are living in close proximity to one another. Even cats who have been vaccinated for these viruses are not immune to them. The best way to prevent your cat from becoming infected with these viruses is to limit your cats exposure to unknown animalsdont let them roam outside where they could come in contact with neighborhood cats. Always take sanitary precautions when you visit an animal shelter or the vet.

If your cat already had herpesvirus, its possible for the virus to resurface and cause your cat to become sick again after a period of time. Its thought that stress can increase the likelihood of cats getting sick, so managing stress may help to minimize the likelihood of an eye infection.

If your cat is suffering from non-infectious eye irritations or allergies, continue to mitigate your cats exposure to those irritants.

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How Can I Treat My Kittens Eye Infection At Home

A great and effective way to treat your kittens eye infection right at home is by cleaning off their eye discharge with a wet cotton ball. This will keep their eyes clean and prevent discharge from accumulating and becoming uncomfortable. You can also apply a warm compress to their eyes to prevent the lids from sticking together.

How Much Does Treatment Cost

The main cost of treating a cat eye infection is the professional examination and diagnostic tests that are needed to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause. Treatment generally involves eye drops and ointments which may cost less than $20, plus sometimes oral medication which may cost less than $40 for a course.

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What Causes Feline Eye Infections

There are several places to look when searching for the cause of your cats eye infection. Eye infections are extremely contagious. Cats that are exposed to other infected cats run the risk of contracting an infection themselves.

Young cats have weaker immune systems and may come down with an infection if kept in close quarters with an infected cat. Feline Herpesvirus can cause conjunctivitis, which is basically pinkeye. Autoimmune disease, cancer, eye trauma and feline leukemia may also be to blame for an infection.

Home Remedies For Cat Eye Infections

Kitten Eye Infection Home Remedy

There are cases in which eye infections can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications. However, serious matters, like an eye ulcer, cherry eye, or an eye injury, should be brought to the attention of a veterinarian. Eye problems that are not given prompt and appropriate treatment can possibly develop serious complications and the cat may suffer from vision problems.

Some of the common home treatment for eye infections in cats include the following:

  • L-lysine This is commonly used for cat eye infection treatments in cases that are caused by feline herpesvirus, an issue that is commonly acquired by cats that spend time in shelters.
  • Cat eye rinse An eye rinse is a sterile ophthalmic solution that usually contains a combination of boric acid, sodium chloride, sodium borate, and filtered water. It can be administered to the eye to remove foreign material or allergens.
  • Rinsing with distilled water If you notice your cats eye/s appears red or are tearing up, wet some clean cotton balls with sterile or distilled water and use them to gently wipe your pets eyes. Dont forget to use a different cotton ball for each eye to prevent spreading any infection that may be present.
  • Eye wipes A fragrance-free baby wipe for sensitive skin can be used to wipe any discharge from your cats eye. Use a separate wipe for each eye and be sure to discard the wipe after use.

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What Are Some Causes Of Conjunctivitis

The most common causes of conjunctivitis can be roughly divided into two categories: infectious diseases and non-infectious conditions including allergies, hereditary conditions, and tumors. Conjunctivitis may also be a secondary symptom of another eye disease.

Infectious Causes of Conjunctivitis. Infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi are the most common causes of conjunctivitis in cats. In many cases, viruses such as feline viral rhinotracheitis , also known as feline herpesvirus, or feline calicivirus are the initial cause of inflammation. Primary viral infections are often complicated by secondary bacterial infections with a variety of bacteria including Streptococci and Staphylococci. Two other organisms, Chlamydophila felis and Mycoplasma are also capable of initiating primary conjunctivitis.

Non-infectious Causes of Conjunctivitis. Breeds such as Persians, Himalayans, and other longhaired breeds may be born with a turning in of the eyelids called entropion. Entropion causes corneal irritation when the eyelashes constantly rub against the eyeball. Foreign bodies, such as dust or sand, may become trapped inside the eyelids, or exposure to irritant chemicals may also initiate conjunctivitis that leads to secondary infection. Allergies are believed to be a common cause of conjunctivitis, but the specific allergens can sometimes be difficult to identify or avoid. Conjunctivitis is a also common symptom of eye tumors.

What Causes Eye Infections In Cats

If your kitty is suffering from an uncomfortable eye infection the cause could either be an infectious or a non-infectious underlying condition.

Infectious Conditions that May Cause Eye Infections

  • Some of the most common infectious conditions that can lead to eye infections in cats are Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis and Feline Calicivirus. Both of these viruses are highly contagious among cats and are known to cause feline upper respiratory disease which can lead to symptoms such as eye infections.

Non-Infectious Conditions that May Cause Eye Infections:

  • Viruses aren’t the only cause of eye infections in cats. If your cat’s eyes are sore and irritated it could be due to allergies, a foreign body in the eye, a hereditary eye condition, trauma, tumors, or even an autoimmune disease.

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How To Treat Cat Eye Infection

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 87% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 280,030 times.

Eye health is important to the overall health of cats and should be assessed by cat owners on a regular basis. Knowing what to look for and how to act if you suspect an infection is important to preventing long-term problems with your cat’s eyes. Early detection allows you to decide if you can manage the problem at home or if a trip to the vet is essential. If in doubt, always seek professional advice because some problems can be dangerous and could potentially cause a loss of vision or an eye.

Cat Eye Infection Treatment

Cat’s Eyes swollen and watery: Cat Conjunctivitis Treatment

Veterinary medicine has learned a great deal about eye infections in cats, and a visit to your vet is essential to deal effectively with all eye issues.

Heres how your veterinarian may treat your cats eye infection:

  • Your vet will carry out a full examination of the eye, checking for any underlying causes of the eye infection.
  • Cytology may be carried out, with the vet collecting a sample from the eye to examine under the microscope.
  • A Schirmer Tear Test may be carried out to measure the cats tear production to rule out dry eye , which happens when a cat stops producing the normal amount of tears.
  • Swabs may be sent off to the laboratory to carry out extra tests for a causative agent such as Chlamydia.
  • Fluorescin dye may be applied to the eye to check for any damage to the cornea such as corneal ulcers or scratches. The dye will also allow the vet to confirm that your cats tear ducts are functioning normally.
  • Finally, the vet may apply local anaesthetic drops to the eye to allow the third eyelid to be lifted up so that the vet can check for any foreign bodies that may be trapped beneath this, causing discomfort and damage.
  • Once this detailed examination has been carried out, the vet should be able to make a provisional diagnosis, and then give appropriate treatment.

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Cat Eye Infection Home Remedies

Here are some home remedies to choose from, you may have to try more than one to gauge its effectiveness. Some are stronger than others, so for severe infections, such as pink eye, youll have to use a stronger home remedy.

  • Step 1: Before you administer any type of eye drops, clean eye as best you can. Mix up a saline solution, by combining ½ cup warm water and ½ tsp salt. Stir vigorously and apply the solution to your cats eye using a cotton ball and gently wiping the area.
  • Step 2: Choose a home remedy and apply accordingly. Here are some of the most effective yet gentle remedies.

Home Remedy Nutraceutical Treatments

There are several different options for nutraceutical treatments:

  • Combine 4 drops of organic apple cider vinegar with 4 tbsp distilled water and stir well. Administer eye drops 2 3 times a day until the infection clears. This should not be used for pink eye.
  • Combine 4 drops of lemon juice with 2 tbsp distilled water and stir well. Again, 2 3 drops every 2 3 times per day. This should not be used with pink eye.
  • Combine 2 tbsp organic honey with 2 tbsp distilled water and stir well. Administer 2 3 drops 2 3 times per day until the infection clears. This can be used with pink eye.
  • Combine 4 drops of Oregon grape tincture with 1 ounce of distilled water and mix well. Administer 2 3 drops 2 3 times per day until the infection clears. This shouldnt be used to treat pink eye.

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Those Caused By Bacteria Protozoal And Fungi


Its a bacterial infection that causes conjunctivitis. Symptoms include fever, rhinitis, Palatine, and nasal discharge.


A protozoal infection that causes inflammation of the eyes inside lining.


Caused by the environment. Eye problems brought by this include dilated eyes, peripheral blindness, detached and inflamed retinas, unresponsive pupils to light, and blindness. Other symptoms include depression, change in behavior, temperament, seizures, circling behaviors, uncoordinated movements, and dementia.

Remember You Can Help Your Cats Eye Infection

Eye Care and Vision Support for Cats

Fortunately, most eye infections arent serious or life-threatening and go away quickly with the right treatment. We hope you found the information in this article helpful and are able to help your cat feel better. Remember, if your cat is showing any more serious symptoms, and youre not seeing any improvement, its time to talk to a veterinarian.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know!

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What Are The Clinical Signs Of Conjunctivitis

If you see excessive tearing or watering from one or both eyes, abnormal discharge , or reddened conjunctival membranes, your cat may have conjunctivitis. Your cat may also squint or keep her eyes closed because of either discomfort or photophobia . In severe cases, the conjunctival tissue or the third eyelid may be so swollen that it may partially or fully cover the eye. If your cat exhibits any of these signs, she should be examined by your veterinarian immediately.

Add Gentle Supplements To Your Cats Eye Infection Treatment

Cats can get many of the same eye conditions that humans get, and they can range from being reasonably benign to quite severe. It is vital to consult your vet anytime your cat develops an abnormality of the eye.

NHV Natural Pet Products offer a wide range of natural remedies for eye infections in cats. Our ethically harvested herbal remedies are formulated by a master herbalist as well as a holistic veterinarian that have over 20 years of experience. NHVs dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use.

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What Does A Cat Eye Infection Look Like

Cat eye infection manifests with red, teary, swollen, and irritated eyes. Eye discharge, pawing at the eye, squinting, and excessive blinking are also possible signs of an eye infection. The discharge can be watery or thick.

Based on the underlying cause of the cat eye infection, light sensitivity is also possible. Also, the cat can show additional signs and symptoms that are unrelated to the eyes .

How Do I Know If My Cats Eye Is Infected

Treating an Eye Infection in a Kitten

Some of the common clinical signs and symptoms of a cat eye infection include:

  • Redness in the whites of the eyes
  • Drooping or swollen eyelid
  • Light sensitivity.

If you notice some of these issues in your feline friend, it is advisable to seek immediate veterinary help. Some eye infections progress quickly, and urgent veterinary pet care can be life-saving.

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Treating Eye Infections In Kittens

If your cat is experiencing eye problems, its important to have them immediately seen by a veterinarian. Eye issues that are left alone can develop into vision problems, and in some cases, even blindness. Treating a kittens eye infection ultimately depends on whats causing it, so you need to identify the primary cause.

There are various ways you can go about treating eye infections in kittens, such as:

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What Is The Prognosis For A Cat Diagnosed With Conjunctivitis

The prognosis depends on the specific diagnosis. With some non-infectious causes, if the underlying cause is not removed the conjunctivitis will recur. Some of the viruses that cause infectious conjunctivitis are incurable and may persist in a hidden form , with flare-ups from time to time, especially during periods of stress or illness. The therapeutic goal for these patients is to minimize the frequency and severity of recurrences through optimum nutrition, appropriate vaccination against preventable causes of disease and medical management when indicated.

Contributors: Tammy Hunter, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

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When To See A Doctor

Minor kitten eye infections due to herpes may clear up on their own, without treatment. However, if you’re not sure what may be wrong with your cat, it’s always a good idea to take them to the vet, especially when they have eye problems. When eye problems go untreated, they can potentially lead to vision problems or even blindness.

The veterinarian will give your cat an exam and prescribe the appropriate antibiotic or steroid treatment, depending on the diagnosis. Your doctor may also show you how to administer the medication so you can do it at home.

If your cat has the herpes virus, they will probably get another eye infection in the future. However, if it was only a bacterial infection, it should not reoccur. Your cat’s eye infection should start to get better after a few days of treatment. If it does not, let your vet know, but do not stop the treatment until your vet tells you to.

American Journal of Veterinary Research: “Effect of oral administration of L-lysine on conjunctivitis caused by feline herpesvirus in cats.”

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: “Cat Grooming Tips.”

Mayo Clinic: “Pink eye .”

Mount Sinai: “Lysine.”

How Do I Know If My Kittens Eye Is Infected

Cat Eye Infection Home Remedy

In most cases, the symptoms of the eye infection will vary depending on the cause of the infection. But some of the common signs of the same include:

  • Eyelids sticking to the front of eyes
  • Swollen eyelids that bulge outward
  • Sores on the surface of the eye
  • Collapsed eyeball

In such cases, your vet might prescribe an eye ointment in addition to topical antibiotics and other beneficial supplements. Furthermore, they might also prescribe blood tests to understand the condition much better.

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Checking A Cat’s Eyes For Infection

  • 1Look for the symptoms of an eye infection. Be alert for signs that your cat has a problem with its eyes. Symptoms can include one or a combination of the following:XResearch sourceBSAVA Manual of Small Animal Ophthalmology. Petersen-Jones & amp Crispin. BSAVA publications.
  • Winking or holding the eye closed: This is not normal and is a sign the cat has pain in that eye or is uncomfortable. This could be the result of trauma infection, increased pressure within the eye, a foreign body trapped under the eyelids, or inflammation within the eye.XResearch sourceBSAVA Manual of Small Animal Ophthalmology. Petersen-Jones & amp Crispin. BSAVA publications.
  • Swollen eyelids: This speaks for itself but swollen, puffy eyelids are a sure sign something’s not right – usually trauma, infection, or allergy.
  • Discharge from the eye: All cats develop gloop in the inner corner of the eye, especially when they wake and haven’t yet washed themselves. Normal gloop is usually clear or rust-colored. Indeed, as the clear gloop sits in contact with the air it dries out and becomes rusty looking – this is normal. A yellow or green discharge is a sign of infection.
  • Inflamed whites of the eye: If the white portion of the eye is rosy pink, or there are blood vessels snaking across it, this is abnormal and can be a sign of allergy, infection, or glaucoma
  • Visible discomfort
  • Yellow or green discharge

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