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Cats Back Legs Are Weak

Cat Back Legs Collapsing: Causes Symptoms & Treatment

Paralyzed Cat’s Back Legs Don’t Work, But Her Family Thinks She’s Perfect.

All cats should be able to walk, run and even jump easily, with strong, well-balanced back legs. There are a number of conditions that can affect the back legs, causing lameness, weakness, lack of stability, poor balance, and even complete collapse.

This article aims to explain the different reasons why the rear legs may become weak and collapse, along with the investigations needed to diagnose the cause of the problem, and the possible treatment options that may follow.

Helping Your Cat Limping To Heal From Trauma

After a visit to our clinic or your family veterinarian, you will know if your cat limping or treatment means that you should limit your cats movement. Placing your cat in an environment where they will not run or jump may help with healing. Placing your cat in a large dog crate where the cat has enough space to walk around, with a small, low-profile litter box, water bowl, and bed or blanket is one approach. It may also help to place the cat in a room away from other pets, kids, and noise so that they can easily sleep and potentially speed their healing.

Provide a litter box in the room that is easy to enter and exit, like a baking tray or pan for kittens to prevent additional injuries and accidents, along with easily accessible water, and food as prescribed.

Swimmer Syndrome Is Evident Around 3 Weeks Of Age

On the left, a 3 week old kitten with swimmer syndrome. On the right, a 3 week old kitten with standard leg position.

Rescuers should not assume that a kitten has swimmer syndrome if she is under 3 weeks of age, as newborn kittens may appear to have splayed limbs simply due to age. Kittens 0-3 weeks old do not have the muscular development and motor skills to fully place a foot underneath the body and walk. By 3 weeks of age, however, a kitten will typically begin to learn to walk. If the limbs are splayed in such a way that the feet are pointed outward, a veterinarian should be quickly consulted to confirm whether the kitten has swimmer syndrome.

If youre not sure what age your kitten is, check out my handy information on how to tell a kittens age.

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Is Your Cat In Pain

Cats may show pain in different ways and sometimes not at all. Cats in severe pain might cry loudly and bite or hiss if approached or touched in the painful area by the lower spine, hips, or tail. They may stop eating, hide, avoid people, and generally behave differently than normal for them if they are more stoic or have mild to moderate pain. It is important to bring your cat to see a vet as soon as possible if you notice obvious signs of pain.

Causes And Solutions To Cat Mobility Loss

Cat Back Legs Paralyzed

As cats age, they might have difficulty walking or slow down, and changes to their mobility can definitely affect their mental and physical health. Cats need their freedom so they can explore the world, both outside the house and inside. Here are some things that every cat owner should know to help their feline friend stay active.

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Cat Mobility Issues Symptoms

If you are worried that your feline friend is experiencing mobility problems or in pain, watch for major changes in their lifestyle and behavior. There are lots of factors that can highly contribute to these changes. Thus, it is important that you work closely with a trusted vet if your feline friend is starting to exhibit these signs:

  • Sleeping more often than his normal routine
  • Changes in grooming patterns

Recovery Of Leg Paralysis In Cats

Prognosis and recovery will depend on the cause and extent of nervous system impairment that resulted in the paralysis. Massage and physiotherapy can be beneficial on a continuing basis. The animal should rest in a confined area without stimulation from other animals or exposure to hazards in its environment that could cause further injury.

Paying to treat leg paralysis out of pocket can be a major financial burden. Fortunately, most pet insurance companies reimburse claims within 3 days, putting 90% of the bill back in your pocket. In the market for pet insurance? Compare leading pet insurance companies to find the right plan for your pet.

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Symptoms Of Ataxia In Cats

An ataxic cat may look like they are drunk, with a wobbly gait, swaying, and increased drowsiness. They may also have more subtle symptoms, such as a mild head tilt or a curling under of the toes while walking.

Cats suffering from ataxia may also have an abnormal eye movement called nystagmus, which is caused by an underlying issue with the central nervous system.

Cats that suddenly become ataxic often roll or fall to one side and have significant nausea due to feeling so unsteady. Cats with chronic ataxia have generally adjusted over time and are less likely to be nauseated.

Why Is My Cat Losing His Balance

Cats Play Fight While Standing On Their Hind Legs – 1310938

Aside from the causes of mobility loss in cats that we have mentioned above, ataxia is also one possible cause of back leg weakness or loss of balance in cats. It is caused by trauma, infection, or disease like cancer. When your cat falls down, wobbles back and forth or begins to stumble, make sure to protect him from any additional harm. You should keep your cat inside your home and away from standing water or stairs.

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Recovery And Management Of Paralysis In Cats

Prognosis for recovery is often correlated to the presence of deep pain. This is a test that can be performed by a veterinarian to assess a cats ability to respond to a painful stimulus. The nerves that transmit this information are the most protected, and a lack of response indicates that the damage is extensive and severe enough that sensation will not return. In these cases, your veterinarian may discuss long-term measures including quality of life, emotional well-being and considerations for humane euthanasia.

For cats that do have a deep pain response and a more favorable prognosis recovery will be slow and taxing, not only for the cat but also for the pet parent. Keeping your cat as dry and clean as possible will help prevent secondary skin infections and frequent bladder expression can help prevent discomfort and urinary tract infections.

Physical therapy should be implemented where appropriate. Working with a certified rehabilitation veterinarian is often recommended. An individual therapy management plan will be created and the vet will work with you to teach home exercises to limit muscle atrophy, improve your cats comfort and restore range of motion. Stretching and massage, acupuncture and laser therapy are other avenues you can explore to alleviate your cats pain and discomfort.

Common Causes Of Weakness In Aging Cats

Just as human bodies feel the stresses of advancing age, so do those of felines. Joint degeneration, arthritis, osteoarthritis, and stress on the joints caused by recurring inflammation, can all weaken the cats body and lead to hind leg weakness.

Hip dysplasia is frequently a cause of weakness in the legs for older cats it is a degenerative disease, meaning that its symptoms and severity progress over time. It can affect any cat of any breed, although it is known to be primarily hereditary and therefore certain breeds are known to have a higher occurrence.

If you have a Maine Coon, Persian, Himalayan, or related breed and your cat is suffering from rear leg weakness, hip dysplasia may be the culprit. Cats experiencing these issues due to age often demonstrate stiffness, inability to jump and climb proficiently, and avoidance of exercise or activity requiring stress on their joints.

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What Are Benign Reasons Your Dog’s Hind Legs Shake

First, let’s get a few of the safer causes out of the way. In many of these cases, hind leg weakness, shaking, or quivering is not a sign of concern. Youll notice a common theme in these reasons they are tied to an external factor that youre likely able to identify.

The first is simply that you’ve had a long day of play and exercise. Think about it if you go out on a hike and walk for miles up and down a mountain, your legs are going to be tired and might shake when you try to stand up. The same goes for your pupper they don’t necessarily know when to quit, and they’ll work their muscles to the point of exhaustion if they’re having fun. So, if youre pup spent a full afternoon at the dog park going full speed playing with friends, it wouldnt be surprising for their muscles to respond accordingly.

Another common cause is fear. Particularly in very small breeds, like Chihuahuas, the world can be a scary place full of loud noises and unexpected surprises. Trembling and shaking are a fear response and isn’t immediately dangerous. It does mean your pup is uncomfortable and afraid, though, so it can be worth trying to figure out why to see if you can reduce or eliminate the cause.

Excitement is similar. When your pup is excited and happy, they’ll want to express that energy. Tail wagging is only the beginning they may be just as prone to trembling and shaking as they try to restrain themselves from jumping up and after whatever is making them so happy.

Gradual Onset Hind Leg Problems In Cats

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Various conditions can cause a slow, gradual weakening or stiffening of a cats rear legs. Youll notice that your cat finds it more difficult to walk as time passes. Some conditions can develop over weeks, months, or even years.

Older cats aged 10 or older are most likely to experience such problems. However, you shouldnt brush off rear leg weakness or stiffness as just old age. Old age is harmless, but it makes cats more prone to developing certain medical conditions.

Degenerative conditions such as arthritis cause the gradual onset of hind leg problems in cats. However, some culprits, such as brain tumors and kidney disease, can be fatal if left untreated.


Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease. Its characterized by inflammation and deterioration of the joints, making movement painful, slow, and more difficult. Arthritis is mostly seen in older cats, although it can affect cats of all ages.

Usually, arthritis is caused by age-related wear and tear, but some cats are more prone to it than others due to genetics. Arthritis can also develop following an infection or leg trauma.

Feline arthritis can be mild or severe. Severe cases are rarer than mild ones, but arthritis will worsen over the years.

The symptoms of arthritis come on slowly and may include:

Research suggests that arthritis is as prevalent in cats as in people. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, up to 90% of cats over 12 years old show signs of arthritis.

Hip Dysplasia

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Hip Dysplasia The Main Cause Of Failure In The Hind Legs Of Cats

Although it is not as common as in dogs, there are cases with this condition. Hip dysplasia in felines tends to be hereditary and consists of an abnormal development of the hip bones and the femur, which causes displacement and damage to both hip joints or just one depending on each case. This disorder can appear from a very young age and over time it tends to dislocate much more, causing small fractures or damage to the cartilage of the lower part of the cat. However, sometimes it can appear when the cat is older, for reasons that are not usually genetic.

The most common symptoms when it occurs hip dysplasia in cats They are:

  • Does not jump or run
  • Cracking from the hip

If in addition to weakness it presents these symptoms, it is important to go to the veterinarian.

Cat Wobbly Walking On Back Legs

If your cat has wobbly walking back legs, reduced mobility, or is clearly in pain its important you have them seen to and find out whats wrong.

There are a number of reasons why cats develop mobility problems, identifying why as soon as possible so you can provide care is essential.


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My Cat Cant Walk Straight

There are numerous causes which can explain your cat is having trouble walking or standing. In older cats, you may notice that they stop climbing to heights. This is often a a sign of pain caused by a degenerative process such as osteoarthritis in cats. If you believe your cat may be suffering a degenerative disease or has suffered trauma, take a look at our article where we answer how can to tell if a cat is in pain.

Cats that have previously or are currently recovering from diseases such as feline panleukopenia can also suffer from neurological sequelae that affect their walking. These such cats will struggle to walk straight and lift their legs properly, giving them an abnormal gait. Does your cat lose their balance easily? Does your cat lack coordination? This may be the reason why. These damages can be irreversible, but they may be able to live a happy life even with an impaired gait.

My Kitten Cant Walk All Of A Sudden

Cat With Short Front Legs Never Lets That Hold Him Back | The Dodo

Have you noticed that your kitten cant walk or stand? Other than the causes mentioned above, when it comes to kittens, we have to analyze the possibility of fading kitten syndrome.

Especially when they are under the age of 8 months of age, kittens are very fragile and susceptible to illness. If your kitten suddenly cant walk, is lethargic and unresponsive immediate veterinary attention is required.

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Cat Limping May Indicate A Veterinary Emergency

If you notice your cat limping, it could be an injury or other medical condition impacting a muscle, joint, bone, paw, or other tissue. Cat limping can result from trauma like jumping, falling from a high surface, or being hit by a car. If your cats leg is hanging at an awkward angle and they cannot and will not walk on it, or if there is an open wound, bleeding, or if your cat has been limping for more than 24 hours, it could be a veterinary emergency. Please call us or bring your cat in immediately to our 24/7/365 vet hospital in Castle Rock.

Cats tend to hide their pain, so if your cat is exhibiting signs of trauma or pain, their condition is likely severe enough that a vet should examine your cat right away. If you do not think that it is an emergency, call us to make an appointment with our veterinary specialists.

If not due to major trauma, your cat limping could be for several reasons.

Chronic Constipation A Common Cause Of A Cat Losing Its Hind Legs

This most commonly happens in cats suffering from renal insufficiency resulting in problems chronic constipation, which are reflected both in the digestive system and in the lower back and legs of the animal. When this happens, the feline can present a wobble on the back legs and problems walking, as well as weakness when standing on all fours.

If symptoms such as vomiting, lack of appetite or weight loss occur, it is important to take it into consideration, and take it to a veterinary consultation if they have lasted for several days, since if it is not treated in time, it can cause irreversible damage to the intestines. , kidneys, liver and, over time, throughout the cats body due to the excess of toxins caused by the accumulation of feces.

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Other Causes And Advice

It’d be nice if a bit of back leg pain could be attributed to one short list of problems, but that’s not the case. Other potential causes include problems with your kitty’s spinal cord, trauma — especially if something fell on her back end or a child sat on her — bone abnormalities and neurological disorders. Never make an assumption and never blow off your feline’s pain. Rear leg weakness is not something you want to wait out. Call up your vet and schedule an appointment. If your kitty’s back feet feel cold or she’s dragging her legs, take her to your vet or local animal hospital immediately.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pets diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vets opinion.

Why Are My Cats Back Legs Not Working

Hind Leg Weakness In Cats

Mobility problems in cats immediately present themselves. Consequently, cats with wobbly or weak hind legs will have trouble walking, climbing, and jumping. Back leg stiffness is most common in older cats, but it can also affect younger cats and kittens.

Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of back leg stiffness in cats aged 10+. Cats can also develop weak and wobbly legs due to injury/trauma or falling from a height. Diabetes, organ failure, and neurological problems can cause the gradual weakening of a cats rear legs. If your cats hind legs suddenly stopped working, this can sometimes signify a blood clot, infection, or stroke.

Cats are good at hiding that theyre in pain, which is an evolutionary adaptation designed to prevent sick and vulnerable cats from being singled out by predators. However, when a cat has problems walking or putting weight on its back legs, its much harder to hide the discomfort.

  • Overgrooming of the legs or hips due to pain
  • Undergrooming due to not being able to lift the legs

Toilet accidents are common when a cat cant move its legs properly. The cat may find it difficult or painful to climb in or out of the litter box. You might also notice that your cat is more aggressive or depressed than usual.

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