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HomeEatWhen Do Kittens Stop Eating Kitten Food

When Do Kittens Stop Eating Kitten Food

How To Choose The Best Kitten Food

When Can A Kitten Eat On Her Own?

With so many cat foods on the market, its hard enough to tell which foods are best for your cat. If you have a kitten, though, there are even more things to consider. From what nutrients your kitten needs to what foods will keep up with their high energy levels, choosing the best kitten food for your new addition can be overwhelming. Luckily, weve narrowed down the things to be on the lookout for when picking a food for your little one.

As always, its important to consult with your veterinarian to identify any unique health and nutrition needs of your kitten and to determine if any underlying health conditions may require specific dietary needs.

Final Thoughts On Cat Food

Its important to time the switch from kitten to adult cat food correctly to ensure your kitten is getting all the calories and nutrients to foster development and your adult cat is getting the best food for his mature mind and body. The exact moment to begin the transition will depend on your cats age, weight, and breed, and your vet can provide the best guidance. The shift usually happens around a felines first birthday, but it is a gradual process. Youll continue to feed a portion of kitten food for at least a week or two as you complete the transition. Dont worry if a kitten taste-tests a bit of adult food before its time to transition, but try to make sure he doesnt get any more until its truly time to transition for good.

Editors’ Recommendations

Tips To Help With The Transition From Kitten To Cat Food

  • Switching your kittens food too quickly can make the process more difficult. Provide privacy and a quiet eating area away from loud noises and other cats.
  • Hand-feed your cat, at least initially. The person offering the cat food should have a good relationship with the cat.
  • Offer moist or canned cat food along with dry cat food.
  • Ensure you store all of your cat foods appropriately to maintain the quality and freshness of the cat food.

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How Do I Wean Kittens

As already mentioned, the weaning process usually starts naturally. Kittens will begin to show an interest in solid food all by themselves. At the same time, the mother will encourage her kittens to eat by pushing them off each time they try and feed from her breasts.

However, if you are weaning an orphaned kitten you will need to kick-start the process yourself. Youll know when the time is right as your kitten will start biting and chewing on the bottle that you are feeding them with. This is a sure sign that they are ready to start munching on solid foods.

Once your kittens are ready, you can begin feeding them solid food! But things arent quite as simple as putting down a bowl of kibble and expecting your kittens to eat it. You need to gradually introduce them to food, get them used to the taste, and increase the solidity of the food.

Here is my tried and tested step-by-step process for weaning that you can follow:

How Can You Tell How Old Your Kitten Is

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A kittens weight in pounds roughly corresponds to his age in months, and he will gain weight at a relatively predictable rate until about 5 months of age. A 1-pound kitten is about 4 weeks old and a 3-pound kitten is about 6 months old, if the kitten is in good body condition.

Kittens are born weighing about 1/2 to 1 pound, depending on the breed. The average weight of a newborn kitten in the U.S. is approximately 1.5 to 2 pounds at birth, but some breeds are heavier than others. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier is the heaviest breed of all, weighing an average of 2.3 to 3.0 pounds.

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Spay Or Neuter And Adoption

Eight-week-old healthy kittens are fully weaned and should soon be ready to be spayed or neutered and to find their new forever homes. It is much easier to find homes for eight-week old kittens than it is if you wait longer, so start setting a plan early on. Sharing photos of the kittens with friends and family as they grow, and telling everyone you know that youll be looking for homes for the kittens is a great way to find homes. For more advice on finding homes for the kittens, see this guide on finding homes for homeless pets.

It is also important to ensure that all the kittens are spayed or neutered, so they dont accidentally add to the thousands of unplanned litters of kittens that enter shelters each year. Find a low-cost spay/neuter clinic near you.

While caring for orphaned kittens is a lot of work, its also a lot of fun. The most rewarding part is watching your charges grow up and go into new homes. And the best part is that you can feel good knowing that you helped keep kittens the most at-risk animals to enter shelters safe and sound.

Switching From Kitten Food To Cat Food: The Why When And How

Just like you definitely wouldnt hand over adult food to sweet gurgling babies, kittens shouldnt be fed adult cat food before theyre ready. Thats because cats have different nutritional needs depending on their stage in life. As kittens, they eat nutrient-dense food that helps them grow, but as they near the end of their growth period, its important that their diets change to meet the demands of their new, almost adult bodies. Switching from kitten food to cat foodat the right time and in the right wayis the best way to do this.

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Feeding Cats From Cat Food Bowls Can Actually Cause Behavioral Issues

Dr. Bales would come out of feline lectures at veterinary conferences armed with information on the link between feeding and behavior/medical issues. Like her peers, she felt frustrated as to how to use that knowledge to better the lives of indoor cats.

The No. 1 cause of death in cats is euthanasia, and the No. 1 cause of euthanasia is cats being surrendered to shelters, predominately because of behavior problems, she said. We now know about the need for environmental enrichment, and giving cats back their natural feeding behaviors in the home is a great start.

Dr. Bales is a key player in the growing catvocate movement committed to providing safe, healthy and engaging lives for indoor cats. She is educating pet parents, shelter groups and pet professionals about supporting a cats seeking circuit mentality to hunt for food, play with the food, kill it and then eat it. During this circuit, the brain releases dopamine, which heightens a cats arousal and triggers a feeling of happy anticipation rewarded by finding and eating the found food.

She points to a recent Norwegian study published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery that concluded that cats want to be in charge of their feeding schedule.

Cats spend 60 to 80 percent of their waking hours looking for prey, she said. We are depriving our indoor cats of their innate need to hunt and catch their prey by feeding them in bowls.

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Get The Right Supplies

Do Cats Stop Eating When They Are Full?

Pick up some wet kitten food, making sure that it says “kitten.” Kitten food is higher in calories, fat and protein that the kitten needs to help grow big and strong. Wet food is the healthiest choice for kittens to start off with, as the moisture content will help them stay healthy and hydrated. However, some kittens may prefer dry food, and thats okay as long as you choose a healthy kitten kibble. You’ll also want to pick up some shallow food dishes so the kitten can easily access the food.

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What Can Make A Kitten Reject Solid Food

Is your kitten not excited about the idea of switching to solid food? Check out some of the reasons why your kitten might be uninterested in food:

  • Your kitten doesnt have siblings to learn fromIf youre fostering a single kitten, weaning can be challenging as the kitty doesnt have siblings to learn from and follow
  • Kittens dont like the taste of the food you offeredSome kittens are particularly fussy and wont eat any wet or dry food you picked out for the occasion
  • Your kitten might be sickIf you notice that your kitten is uninterested in solid food, try feeding them from the bottle. If the kitten rejects all food, visit the vet as soon as possible
  • The dish youre serving food in is inaccessibleIf the feeding dish is too tall, your kitty might not be able to reach the food and could give up
  • You separated the kitten from their mother too suddenlyEarly and sudden separation can cause various developmental issues and even anxiety and aggression. When separating kittens from their queen, do it gradually. Remember to keep the separation intervals short at first, then slowly build up to more extended periods until your kittens are independent

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Rapid Growth Stage: 2 To 6 Months

After kittens are weaned, they enter a stage of rapid growth, which lasts until theyre 6 months old. They need a high-quality, balanced diet with every bite packed with the nutrients and energy needed to sustain such rapid development. The best choice is a premium kitten food with animal-based proteins. It should be highly digestible, nutrient-dense and designed to meet kittens unique nutritional needs, such as Opens a new windowIAMS PROACTIVE HEALTH Healthy Kitten with Chicken.Kittens require twice as much energy as adult cats on a per-pound basis. But their smaller mouths, teeth and stomachs limit the amount of food they can digest during a single meal. Its best to divide the total daily food amount recommended on the kitten food packaging into three or four smaller meals.

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Adolescence Stage: 6 To 12 Months

As kittens approach adult size, their nutritional requirements begin to change again. Their rate of growth begins to slow, activity levels may decline and they can start eating fewer, larger meals each day. During this stage, kittens begin to look like adults, but they are still growing and need the special nutrition found in kitten food. Continue feeding your adolescent kitten a high-quality kitten food, such as During the adolescent growth stage, many cat owners are tempted to change a kittens food for variety. But cats do not get bored with a consistent diet of high-quality dry food, and giving a kitten human food and table scraps can lead to undesirable behaviors, such as begging or stealing food.

Additionally, feeding homemade diets, food formulated for adult cats or supplementing an already complete and balanced diet with vitamins could cause nutritional disorders. You can, however, supplement your kittens dry food with a nutrient-dense for a nutritious and tasty

How Do I Switch From One Kitten Food To Another

What to Do When Your Cat

Cats are often considered the epitome of the picky eater. But it doesnt have to be that way. Get your kitten started off on the right paw.


Its easier to switch foods if a kitten has been exposed early on to different textures and flavors, Larsen says. If exposed to the same food over and over, cats tend to get a fixed preference for a particular flavor and texture.

If youre trying to make a switch to a new kitten food, try mixing the new food and old foods in the same bowl. Over time, offer smaller and smaller amounts of the old food along with the new food.

Remember that making rapid changes in food can cause stomach upset or hunger strikes. So you may need to make the transition to a new food over four to seven days.

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Fresh And Salt Water Fish

Your kitten will be happy if you share your cooked fish with her. A tiny bit of trout, catfish, salmon or tuna will each be appreciated although, really, any cooked fish is fine. Again, give her just a tiny bit is plenty even if shes begging for more. You can also try Honest Kitchens Mmmixers, a tasty meal topper made with salmon and pollock.

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How Much Does It Cost To Feed A Maine Coon Cat

You may think it would cost more to feed an adult cat than a kitten, but feeding a Maine Coon kitten is often even more expensive!

Even though kittens are smaller, they actually need more calories than adult cats.

On average, adult Maine Coons cost about $600 a year to feed, whereas kittens cost roughly $800 a year. Of course, this will depend on the brand of food you buy, as well as the size and caloric intake of your cat .

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Weirdest Cat Food Coverer

The weirdest cat food coverer that I have ever seen is one that is made to look like a mouse. It is gray and has a long tail that extends out from the back. The front has two black eyes and a black nose. It is made to fit over a can of cat food and has a hole in the bottom for the food to come through.

When To Switch From Kitten Food To Cat Food

3 Reasons Why Your Cat is Not Eating and What to Do About It

Most cats are considered kittens until around 12 months of age. Large breeds, like the Maine Coon, can take 18 months to 2 years to reach maturity, though.

During this period of growth and development, kittens need a complete and balanced kitten food. Once theyve reached adulthood , its time to transition to an adult cat food.

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Foods To Avoid Giving Your Feline

As with many animals, you should only give treats occasionally and in small amounts. Treats shouldnt make up more than 10% of your kittys total calorie intake. However, this doesnât mean they cant finish the last scrap of chicken or salmon from your plate once in a while. Just make sure that anything you offer them is cooked thoroughly and free of any sauces, seasonings, or other ingredients. Be aware, though this might encourage them to beg or even steal your food. So, if youre keen for mealtimes to be peaceful, its best not to start a bad habit.

Its important to ensure that your kitten or cat canât get their paws on toxic ingredients like onions, garlic, chocolate, tea, coffee, grapes, or raisins. Itâs also best to take precautions when it comes to raw meat or liver, which can contain harmful bacteria, and raw eggs, which can lead to problems with their skin and coat. Similarly, raw fish can trigger a vitamin B deficiency, cause seizures, or be fatal, and milk can cause diarrhea. Read five human foods that are poisonous to cats to learn more.

How To Switch From Kitten Food To Cat Food

Transitioning from kitten food to adult cat food must be done gradually. A cats digestive system is home to lots of bacteria and yeast that aid in the digestion of food, fight off potential pathogens, make vitamins and other nutrients, and bolster the immune system. These microbes must be kept happy!

When the diet is abruptly changed, gastrointestinal microbes may not have time to adjust, which can lead to signs of digestive upset including vomiting and diarrhea. Further, when suddenly faced with a new food many cats will refuse to eat.

Slowly transition your kitten to an adult diet over seven to 10 days as follows:

  • Days 1 and 2, add ¼ of the new diet to ¾ of the old diet
  • Days 3 and 4, add ½ of the new diet to ½ of the old diet
  • Days 5 and 6, add ¾ of the new diet to ¼ of the old diet
  • Day 7 to 10, complete transitioning to adult cat food

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When Do Kittens Start Eating Food And Drinking Water

The weaning process involves going from the mothers milk to kibble and water, which is what a kitten will eat and drink in some form for the rest of their lives. If the mother cat is around, shell know when the time is right to start weaning, and its best not to interfere.

Generally, kittens will start to be ready to take small tastes of solid foods and water at around three to four weeks of age. The food and water are complimentary at this young age, so dont worry too much if they play with it more than they eat it. Theyre still getting most of their nutrition from Mom or a formula in a bottle.

How To Transition Your Kitten Onto Adult Cat Food:

My Cat Isn

When your kitten is 12 months old, it is advisable to gradually transition them over from kitten food to adult food. This should be done over a 7 day period in order to introduce the new food solely to help avoid digestive upset with the change in diet. How to make the switch: Start on day 1 by replacing about a sixth of the current kitten food with new adult food. Increase this gradually over the next 5 days so that by day 7 the entire portion of kitten food has now been replaced with adult food.

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