Pet Owner Concerns And Solutions
Cat owners should consider leash walking or constructing a catio for their cats to enjoy the fresh air . These suggestions will keep your cat safe and provide most of the benefits of being outside. Daily play times with your kitty is also very important to provide a sufficient amount of enrichment and exercise . ;If your cat will not walk on a leash or constructing a catio is infeasible, then as suggested in Enriching your cats Life, written by the ASPCA , buying a variety of toys that satisfy your cats curiosity has the potential to provide a sufficient amount of exercise and stimulation. ;Often times, the cheaper or simpler toys can be some of the most interesting for a cat. ;Something as simple as a string attached to a stick is a very feasible option for all cat owners. ;;However, owners need to be involved and active with their cat for these methods to succeed. If you are someone who cannot move around easily during play with your cat, you may want to consider buying a laser pointer. ;This gives you the ability to sit down while still playing a game of chase with your cat using the laser. ;These can be found in pet aisles at a surprisingly low cost.
Domestic Cats And The Nature Directives
Many international legal instruments for biodiversity conservation require their contracting parties to prevent or mitigate the adverse impacts of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife, particularly through obligations addressing invasive alien species, protected areas and generic species protection. The Nature Directives are no exception to this pattern.
Are Pets Bad For The Environment
Early last month the Pet Industry Sustainability Coalition launched an update for its Pet Industry Sustainability Toolkit . Touting a partner like Natural Capital Solutions, this toolkit, in theory, should offer some bold ways the industry could become sustainable such as promoting small dog ownership but instead it offers remedial advice like how to reduce packaging waste, make buildings more efficient, and remove toxic chemicals from supply chains.
Meanwhile, less than two weeks later, hundreds of companies and entrepreneurs convened in Orlando for the 10th annual Global Pet Expo to sell more useless stuff to pet owners everything from remote video camera treat dispensing systems to designer pet clothes, toys, even burial caskets helping to stoke the annual $55.7bn pet industry in the US.
As our pets increasingly adopt the consumer habits of their owners, it’s clear that no matter how “green” this industry becomes, it will never become sustainable. But even if we severely restrict what pet products can be sold, and even if we stop overfeeding our increasingly overweight pet populations 53% of dogs and 58% of cats are overweight or obese in the US, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention can pets be part of a sustainable future?
And imagine if pets that people owned once again provided a productive service not just guarding the home, but also laying eggs , giving milk, or even providing meat in the case of a pig, rabbits, or guinea pigs .
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Reality Check: Your Dog Is Terrible For The Environment
Lyla is a pug, a very popular type of dog. Shes also a vegan. Her owner has stopped feeding her meat, a decision becoming more common among pet owners in the U.S. as peoples rising interest in meatless diets spreads to their pets.
Lyla belongs to Myron Lyskanycz, CEO of the pet food company Halo. The business has sold both meat and vegan ranges of pet food for six years, and its meat-free products now account for 20 percent of dog food sales. Lyskanycz predicts vegan sales will grow quickly over the next decade.
Around 8 percent of Americans;describe themselves as vegetarian or vegan, according to one poll, and an additional 31 percent say they actively reduce their meat consumption, according to another. As people move away from meat, said Lyskanycz, they are going to begin to see it is suitable for their pets too. Its inevitable.;
A plant-based diet for dogs is not as ridiculous as it might seem. In the U.S., the 70 million dogs kept as companions largely eat meat-based diets. If you put all the American dogs, cats and other pets on their own island, they would rank fifth in global meat consumption, behind Russia, Brazil, the U.S. and China.
Without cutting the overconsumption of meat in pets, as well as humans it will be almost impossible to prevent global warming from passing the danger level of a 2 degrees Celsius temperature rise .
For the time being, Okin said pet owners shouldnt change companions diet without guidance.
Increased Disease And Parasite Susceptibility
The risk of contracting some diseases and parasites varies regionally and seasonally . Sanguinetti-Morelli and colleagues found cat-scratch disease varies seasonally in France, with the majority of cases occurring between September to December and peaking in November, which is comparable to the United States and Japan. In Canada, the prevalence of individual parasites, such as taeniid and capillarid eggs, statistically differs between the East and Pacific regions . Similarly, rabies was found to be greater than 10 times more prevalent and affected more mammal species in Ontario, Canada than in British Columbia, Canada . Therefore, cats are likely more susceptible to contracting a disease or parasite that could kill or cause temporary or permanent injuries in some regions than others.
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Welcome To Kitty’s Cave
Currently, twelve animals are fitted with radio collars. Sometimes the zoologists have to get a bit closer to the animals – but that is not easy. The animals live in burrows abandoned by spring hares, ground squirrels, old world porcupines or aardvarks. Empty termite mounds are also popular among the cats for their perfect natural air conditioning.
Rare, shy, tiny predators of the desert
Cats Need To Be Active
Cats are naturally curious. They are athletic animals and need opportunities to run, jump and climb. If a cat is bored, and does not have enough to do, it may suffer.
Cats are naturally clean animals and need regular, easy access to a suitable;place to go to the toilet. They do not like to use heavily soiled areas. Some cats need to use an indoor toilet area, for example a litter tray.
Cats are territorial and become very attached to places. They are naturally frightened of unfamiliar places and smells. For example, if you move your cat to a new home, it may be frightened by the presence of cats that have already established territories in the area.
You may at some point need to transport your cat by car or some other form of vehicle. Your cat has no control over this environment so try to ensure its comfort. Your cat should never be left alone in a vehicle in warm weather.
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Are Our Pets Bad For The Environment
In a word, yes. The biggest environmental impact associated with our animal companions comes from producing meat-based pet food, which uses land, water and energy resources, and is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.
According to one estimate, owning a medium-size dog can have a similar carbon footprint to a large SUV. Plant- and grain-eating pets such as rabbits and rodents have a much smaller impact. As well as food, pets need toys, grooming products and various accessories, which also come at an environmental cost.
To reduce the strain on the environment, buy only the food that they need, and have your pet spayed or neutered to reduce the chance of unwanted litters, which can lead to overpopulation in rescue shelters.
Finally, some cat owners worry about the wild animals killed by their moggy. But while UK cats are estimated to kill up to 300 million prey a year mostly small mammals and birds theres no clear evidence that this causes a decline in wild populations.
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Cat Predation On Wildlife
Cat predation on wildlife is the result of the natural instincts and behavior of both feral and domesticatedcats to hunt small prey, including wildlife. Some people view this as a desirable phenomenon, such as in the case of barn cats and other cats kept for the intended purpose of pest control; however, contrary to popular belief, there is no scientific evidence that cats are an effective means of rodent control, and ecologists oppose their use for this purpose because of the disproportionate harm they do to beneficial native wildlife. As an invasive species and superpredator, they do considerable ecological damage. In Australia, hunting by cats helped to drive at least 20 native mammals to extinction, and continues to threaten at least 124 more. Their introduction has caused the extinction of at least 33 endemic species on islands throughout the world. Feral and domestic cats kill billions of birds in the United States every year, where songbird populations continue to decline.
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Are There Any Parasites That Should Be Of Concern To My Family
Cats that go outdoors are at a much greater risk of picking up fleas, ticks, or even lice. These parasites can cause itchiness or other problems for your cat and members of your family. For more information, see our handouts Flea Control in Cats and Ticks in Cats.
The soil outdoors may be contaminated with parasite eggs such as roundworms that are spread by the feces of raccoons, dogs, or other cats. Cat roundworms in particular can be harmful to your cat. If your cat decides to hunt and eat mice or birds, it could get a tapeworm infection even though tapeworms do not cause serious problems in adult cats, it is unpleasant to find tapeworm segments on your cat or in its litterbox or bedding. Other less common parasitic diseases that your cat can get include lungworms from eating crayfish and Giardia infections from contaminated soil or water.
Buy Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags
We all know we must clean up responsibly after our dogs. And using biodegradable bags is part of that responsibility. So next time you take your dog for a walk to the pet shop, pick some up. Thats a better option than ordering online, which only increases carbon emissions. Or if you have a garden, you could have a go at composting your doggie do-do. Marigolds on!;
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Make A Suitable Home For Your Cat
You should:
- provide your cat with a safe, comfortable, dry, draught-free, clean and quiet place where it can rest undisturbed – you should change your cats bedding regularly
- take all reasonable steps to protect your cat from hazards indoors and outdoors
- allow your cat, if it spends a lot of time outdoors, to be with its owner and be part of the family environment
- make sure your cat has constant access to safe hiding places, where it can escape if it feels afraid
- make sure that your cat is not tied up
- make sure it has plenty of activities to do and enough space to exercise, climb and play indoors – if it does not go outside
- provide your cat with a suitable toilet area that is quiet and easily accessible
- before you move your cat, you should gradually get it used to a secure cat carrier – putting familiar smelling items in the carrier and any place you move your cat to can help it feel at ease
- if you have any concerns about moving to a new home, or transporting your cat, you should consult a vet or other suitably qualified cat care specialist
- make sure that any place you leave your cat is large enough at all times and has a;comfortable area with effective ventilation and temperature control – your cat must be able to move around comfortably and be able to avoid becoming too hot or too cold
- not leave your cat unattended in an unsafe environment, or for any period of time that is likely to cause it distress
Okay Your Cat May Give You A Parasite That Controls Your Thoughts
Toxoplasma gondii parasites form a cyst in a mouse brain.
Stromberg is wrong about cat love, but theres a chance hes right about horrible brain-controlling parasites in cat poop. Even Bradshaw cant defend your kitten now.
See, theres this parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It enters the brains of prey animals like mice and alters their behavior to make them less afraid of predators. These bold, addled rodents ride their parasitic high all the way into your favorite pets gnashing jaws, and some of those parasites make their way into your cats litterbox. From there its a short jump to a human owners body.
Some reaserchers suspect that humans infected with T. gondii are susceptible to its nefarious mind control as well. Heres what Kathleen McCauliffe wrote about the parasite in her extensive coverage for the Atlantic:
Flegr goes on to note that even infected people may not be heavily impacted by the bug, and that cat poop is not the only way humans catch it. Not all researchers agree with Flegrs dire interpretations of the evidence, though T. gondii does turn dangerous when patients have damaged immune systems.
Ultimately, yes, your cat probably loves you, but that might just be the mind-controlling parasite talking.
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Other Impacts: Disturbance Competition Disease Hybridisation
Whereas biodiversity impacts other than predation have been studied to a lesser degree, they are not necessarily less influential. Prey species can be indirectly affected by domestic cats through disturbance or fear effects. Although such effects are harder to quantify than direct predation effects, empirical studies involving several bird specieseg blackbirds and barn swallows have shown significant adverse impacts of mere cat presence on feeding and defence behaviours, stress responses, energy income and body condition, reproductive investment and output and vulnerability to other predators. To illustrate, a study using taxidermied cat models found that briefly confronting blackbirds with such a model near their nest reduced subsequent feeding of the young by one-third, and notably augmented the risk of subsequent nest raiding by corvids or other predators. The available evidence indicates that fear effects can actually exercise a greater influence on prey populations than predation itself. As one study showed, even when urban songbird predation mortality from domestic cats is no greater than 1%, fear effects from the same cats can still reduce bird abundance by 95%.
Department Of Agriculture Water And The Environment
Map showing locations of feral cats in AustraliaFrom Assessing Invasive Animals in Australia National Land & Water Resources Audit, Canberra
Feral cats threaten the survival of over 100 native species in Australia. They have caused the extinction of some ground-dwelling birds and small to medium-sized mammals. They are a major cause of decline for many land-based endangered animals such as the bilby, bandicoot, bettong and numbat.;Many native animals are struggling to survive so reducing the number killed by this introduced predator will allow their populations to grow.
Feral cats can carry infectious diseases which can be transmitted to native animals, domestic livestock and humans.
Feral cats are the same species as domestic cats, however they live and reproduce in the wild and survive by hunting or scavenging. They are found all over Australia in all habitats, including forests, woodlands, grasslands, wetlands and arid areas. The map illustrates the estimated abundance of feral cats across the country.
Feral cats are predominantly solitary and nocturnal, spending most of the day in the safety of a shelter such as a rabbit burrow, log or rock pile. They are carnivores, generally eating small mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects depending on their availability.
More information on feral cats:
- The impact of cats in Australia – fact sheet 2019
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Data Extraction And Standardization Of Predation Rates
Most studies report an estimate of cat predation rate or present data that allowed us to calculate this rate. When studies only reported predation rate estimates for all wildlife combined, we calculated separate predation rates by extracting taxa-specific prey counts from tables or figures and multiplying the total predation rate by the proportion of prey items in each taxon. If taxa-specific counts were not provided, we directly contacted authors to obtain this information. For studies that presented low, medium and high estimates or low and high estimates, we used the medium and average values, respectively. For studies that presented more than one predation estimate for cats with similar ranging behaviour , we calculated the average predation rate.
The Interests Of Cat Owners
Broadly similar considerations apply with regard to the wishes and preferences of cat owners and other people taking an interest in domestic cats, such as caretakers of free-ranging cat colonies. Letting cats roam free, whether for pest control purposes or in the perceived interests of cats themselves, is an entrenched habit around the world. Studies show that many cat owners are opposed to banning the free roaming of domestic cats, although the degree of this opposition varies between countries . Several UK studies are particularly illustrative. According to Crowley et al. , cat owners rarely perceived a strong individual responsibility for preventing or reducing predation by their pets. Likewise, McDonald et al. found that many owners do not accept that cats are harmful, including owners of highly predatory cats, and moreover found that providing owners with ecological information regarding cats wildlife impacts does little or nothing to change their views. In various countries, domestic cat management has become a rather contentious and emotive issue, and some opponents of restricting the movement of pet cats and removing stray and feral populations have resorted to disinformation campaigns and threats of violence against policymakers and scientists .
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