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HomeHow Big Do Persian Cats Get

How Big Do Persian Cats Get

Where Your Persian Cat Grew Up

What do Persian Cats love? How big do Persian Cats get?

It is critical to know where your Persian came from, if possible. Its origin and where it has been growing up can significantly impact the amount of time it will take to grow, and even if it will be able to reach its potential at all.

They might not reach their potential if the cat spent most of its life on the streets or at an animal shelter. Most shelters do not have the funds to feed their animals the amount they need, so the Persian cat may be undernourished. You will most likely not run into this problem if you buy your cat from a breeder at a young age.

Persian Cats Came From Persia Possibly

The exact origins of the Persian cat are obscure. But it came to the attention of Europeans when diplomats stationed in the Middle East brought the first long-haired cats back to England and other European countries in the mid-1800s. Two of the best-known cats were Persians from Iran and Angoras named for Ankara in Turkey. These long-haired beauties, both Persian and Angora cats, were an immediate hit with Westerners. The Persian cat was immediately prized for its exotic looks and named for its presumed homelands.

Watch Your Persian For Signs Of Breathing Trouble

Persians are unusual for cats in that they’re brachycephalic . This means they’re prone to problems with their breathing. Owners of Persian cats should be aware of signs of Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome such as breathing through the mouth, snoring, and sleeping with the head propped up on things that may mean the cat needs surgery to improve their airflow.

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Persian Temperament And Personality

Persians are gentle, quiet cats who like a serene environment and people who treat them kindly. Unlike more athletic cats, they prefer lounging on a sofa to scaling the heights of your bookcase or fireplace mantel. Children are acceptable to the Persian as long as they are content to simply pet him and not drag him around or dress him up. On the other hand, the Persian may be a welcome guest at a little girls tea party and will bat decorously at a peacock feather before returning to pose beautifully on his sofa. In general, just make sure children treat this cat with the gentle respect he deserves.

The Persian may greet you with a quiet meow, but in most cases he lets his eyes do the speaking for him. He doesnt mind spending time alone, but your presence will always make him happy. When you go on a trip, it may be better to have a pet sitter come in and care for him in his own familiar surroundings than to board him in a strange place.

A Persian Won The World’s First Cat Show

Best Trimmer For Persian Cat Hair , Persian Cats Facts

Did you know the world’s first cat show was held way back in 1871? Hosted at London’s Crystal Palace, the event drew nearly 20,000 visitorsand put some of the world’s most exotic cats on display. Kitty competitors included Siamese cats, Angora cats, Scottish Wild cats, polydactyl cats, andyou guessed itPersian cats.

At the end of the day, a Persian cat took home the gold and was named “Best in Show.”

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Are Persians Good House Cats

Persians make great house cats for the right home, as they arent fans of noisy and hectic environments. If you have a very loud or high energy family, the Persian may not be for you.

However, if you have a quiet house that is relatively relaxed, with no young children or other energetic animals, then a Persian will easily find a place in your home.

If you arent a fan of pet hair all over your furniture, again the Persian may not be for you. Their regular grooming schedule and moderate shedding means that youll be finding cat hair long after youve cleaned the house from top to bottom.

Adopting A Cat From Persian Rescue Or A Shelter

A breeder is not your only option for acquiring a Persian. Although Persian kittens are almost never found in shelters and rescue, adult Persians, both pedigreed and mixed, are not so fortunate. They may end up in shelters or rescue groups through no fault of their own. You may find the perfect Persian for your family through Persian Cat breed rescue groups or by checking your local shelters or the listings on Petfinder or

Make sure you have a good contract with the seller, shelter or rescue group that spells out responsibilities on both sides. In states with pet lemon laws, be sure you and the person you get the cat from both understand your rights and recourses.

Kitten or adult, take your Persian to your veterinarian soon after adoption. Your veterinarian will be able to spot problems, and will work with you to set up a preventive regimen that will help you avoid many health issues.

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Coat Color And Grooming

The Persian has a distinctive appearance: a large, round head large, round eyes a short nose full cheeks and small ears with rounded tips. The head is supported by a short, thick neck and a deceptively sturdy, muscular bodya type known as cobby. A Persians legs are short, thick and strong with large, round, firm paws. The tail is short but proportional to the length of the cats body.

A long, thick, shiny coat with a fine texture completes the Persians look. Its long all over the body and includes an immense ruff around the neck, a deep frill between the front legs, long ear and toe tufts, and a full brush, or tail.

Persians can come in different looks. Some, known as Peke-face Persians, have an extremely flat face. Think twice about the breathing problems such a cat might have before deciding to get one. Doll-face Persians are said to have a more old-fashioned appearance, with a face that is not as flat as the show Persian or the Peke-face Persian.

What Do They Eat

What do Persian cats like? – What is the size of Persian cats?

They enjoy a mix of fish, meat, and veggies. You can even feed them melons, berries, cooked eggs, and many other food items which are available around the house. You must always take care with their diet as most cat breeds cannot be fed certain food items like grapes, raisins, chocolate, and raw eggs.

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What You Need To Know About Himalayan Health

All cats have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit diseases. Run, dont walk, from any breeder who does not offer a health guarantee on kittens or who tells you that her kittens are isolated from the main part of the household for health reasons.

Himalayans have some hereditary health issues that can be a concern. They include polycystic kidney disease and respiratory problems caused by deformities associated with the breed’s flattened face. Responsible breeders take steps to avoid these problems. Himalayans should be healthy and vigorous and be able to breathe normally.

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary condition causing enlarged kidneys and kidney dysfunction. Cysts can often be found via ultrasound as early as 12 months of age, but kidney failure may not occur until later. Reputable breeders are working to establish PKD-free breeding programs. Fortunately, a DNA test is available, so it is easy to identify and eliminate. Ask the breeder for proof that both of a kittens parents are free of kidney cysts, which can be detected on ultrasound or with a DNA test. If one of the parents is PKD positive, which may be the case if the cats bloodlines are otherwise valuable, confirm that the kitten you are purchasing has tested PKD negative.

Persians Are As Friendly As Dogs But Lazy Too

Persians are popular for more than their good looks. They’re also exceptionally friendly … for a cat.

“Most cats are affectionate on their own terms,” says Susan MacArthur, who’s been breeding Persians at Pelaqita Persians for 20 years. “We call Persians ‘dog cats,’ because they really like people. They also do things that normal cats don’t do.”

Persians will run to the door to greet visitors and even come when they’re called by name, a doggy trick that most cats feel is beneath them. Persians are also known to be “talkative,” chatting with their owners in a sing-songy meow.

But don’t get the idea that Persians are overly active animals.

“They are the laziest breed in the world,” says MacArthur. “They literally sleep 20 hours a day. Even the kittens don’t play very much.”

But that’s just fine with Persian fans. Their laid-back, lap-napping style means that Persians are less likely to hop up on counters and rummage through cabinets searching for food.

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Is This The Right Cat For You

Exercise Needs

LOW: You should keep your Persian cat indoors due to their coat quality and sweet, potentially naive demeanor. The outdoors presents dangers that this gentle cat is not equipped to handle.

Their physical activity should be similar to that of most cats . Contact your veterinarian if you notice a decrease in your Persians activity or mobility. That could be a sign of a health problem.

Grooming Needs

MEDIUM: Brush your Persian daily to remove dead fur and to minimize tangles or mats. Acclimating your cat at an early age to occasional baths will make the process easier later in their lives.

Trim the cats nails as needed , and clean the ears and teeth to promote good overall health.

Also, clean your Persians eyes regularly. The under-eye fur is prone to staining and can build bacteria.

Health Problems

MEDIUM: The Persian is a relatively healthy breed, but their large eyes need regular cleaning and attention to avoid future problems.

Know that Persian kittens may have issues with consistently going to the litter box.

Some current studies are looking into the genetic factors behind the high incidence of kidney disease in Persian cats. Diagnosis might be easiest through ultrasound.

Bring your cat to the vet if you notice any of these signs:

  • Depression

Silver And Golden Persians

How Big Do Persian Cats Get

With main fur colors of either moonlight silver or sunshine gold cream, the Persians in this division also display either a sparkling chinchilla pattern or a delicately shaded mantle. The chinchilla pattern is marked by light black tips across otherwise immaculate fur. Meanwhile, the shaded mantle is slightly darker and is draped across the cats body like a cloak. Both silver and golden Persians are capable of having either green or blue-green eyes in both chinchilla and shaded varieties.

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Common Questions About Tabby Cat Growth

Now that youve got a good understanding of how a tabby cat can grow and a basic timeline, you might have some other questions. Below are a few common questions most domestic cat owners have.

How Big Do Tabby Cats Get?

When someone asks about how big a tabby cat gets, they are usually referring to any adult domestic shorthair cat with patterns in their fur. Remember, the term tabby actually refers to the coat pattern, so its not actually a breed of cat. Considering the size of a cat depends mostly on breed and genetics, the real question should be how big do domestic cats get?.

Some domestic cats can get as big as 16 inches in height while others might only get as big as 8 inches. The average height of an adult cat will be somewhere between 9.1 9.8 inches. Compared to a dog thats quite small as dogs average between 6 44 inches!

If youre wondering how heavy tabby cats can get, the numbers also continue to vary. The average adult cat can get up to around 8 12 pounds in weight. Some breeds weigh less, and some breeds weigh considerably more.

In general, female cats will weigh less than male cats on average. Male cats typically weigh 2 4 pounds heavier than their female counterparts. Male domestic cats weigh between 10 12 pounds on average. Female domestic cats weigh between 6 12 pounds. Some of the larger breeds will tip the weight scale in the heavier direction. Below is a list of the heaviest cats that also feature the tabby coat pattern:

  • Siberian
  • Maine

Six Months To Ten Months Old

At the sixth month point, your cat will have packed on quite a bit of weight. This will be around the 24 25-week mark, and your cat should weigh anywhere from 5 to 8 pounds. Your cats weight at this juncture is important because they are somewhere between 50 75% of what their final adult weight would be. Again, this is all dependent on the breed and genetic makeup of your cat, but this is just an average.

The appearance of your cat is something to take note of. Although they may look like adults, they are very much still considered kittens. You can tell because the torso will still be thin and tall. The legs will also still be on the thin side compared to an adult cat. Their teeth will also be much larger at this point which is another indicator of proper growth.

At this point, its vital that the cat is receiving regular checkups at the vet. This is the point in which theyll need important vaccinations at various points in their growth. While the cat is still growing, this is also the point in time when getting them neutered or spayed is appropriate. Of course, youll want to check all of this with the vet to make sure the cat has developed appropriately and is ready for the procedure.

Female cats who are not spayed are at risk of getting pregnant if there are male cats also in the home. Cat pregnancy carries its own separate track of growth and weight gain and behavioral patterns. Read more about how to take care of a pregnant cat here.

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Two To Six Months Old

Somewhere at the beginning of the second month, your kitten will be able to start learning how to use the litter box. This is really achieved by watching the mother cat and developing those instincts over time.

Theyll also be walking with more confidence than before although they still might be shaky in their approach. Kittens are quick learners though, and will eventually develop the balance needed to walk comfortably. During this stage, a lot of exploration takes place.

Around the 7 to 8-week mark, kittens should weigh between 1 to 2 pounds. That might seem small, but considering that most cats only ever weigh 6 to 12 pounds in weight means they are growing quite quickly!

Kittens will typically have a larger appetite compared to adult cats. Its not uncommon to find yourself feeding a kitten multiple meals per day as their bodies grow.

At this point, especially in the second and third months, your kitten will need its first round of shots. Kittens should be getting vaccinations every three to four weeks until they are around five or six months old.

The vaccinations can be more spread out after that period. Kitten vaccinations are vital because they help protect against common diseases. If you have a specific breed that is more likely to catch a certain disease, then they may need additional vaccinations beyond the core group.

Below is a few fo the common diseases that kitten vaccinations will help prevent against:

  • Feline rhinotracheitis

Persian Cat Hair Care

How to Identify Types of Persian Cats

Persian cat owners need to take good care of the cats coat of long hair. Degeneration of the skin and hair will also significantly hamper the cats health. In order to ensure that the cat maintains a healthy coat of hair, they need to be fed with plenty of vitamin B, zinc, and fatty acids. If your Persian cat gets a sufficient dose of these vitamins, it will strengthen its coat of hair to resist the damage that can be caused by strong winds and rain, thereby increasing the life expectancy of your cat.

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How Big Does A Maine Coon Calico Cat Get

The average weight of a female Maine coon calico cat, one of the largest cat breeds, varies between 9 and 12 pounds, while the diminutive, short-legged munchkin cat weighs between 4 and 8 pounds, according to the Iams website. The Scottish fold, with its unique, folded-down ears, weighs between 6 and 9 pounds.

The manx, a tailless breed of cat weighs between 7 and 11 pounds, as does the long-haired Persian. The British shorthair female calico weighs between 9 and 15 pounds, while the American shorthair weighs between 8 and 12 pounds. The age of a female calico also determines its average weight.

The average weight of a female Maine coon calico cat, one of the largest cat breeds, varies between 9 and 12 pounds, while the diminutive, short-legged munchkin cat weighs between 4 and 8 pounds, according to the Iams website. The Scottish fold, with its unique, folded-down ears, weighs between 6 and 9 pounds.

The Scottish fold, with its unique, folded-down ears, weighs between 6 and 9 pounds. The manx, a tailless breed of cat weighs between 7 and 11 pounds, as does the long-haired Persian. The British shorthair female calico weighs between 9 and 15 pounds, while the American shorthair weighs between 8 and 12 pounds.

Average Cat Weight How Much Should a Cat Weigh? Did you know a single excess pound on a Domestic Shorthair, Longhair or Medium-Hair cat is equal to 14 to 15 pounds on a 54 woman?* This makes it all the more important for your cat to maintain a healthy weight.


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