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HomeHealthHow To Get A Stray Cat To Trust You

How To Get A Stray Cat To Trust You

How To Build Your Cats Trust

#2 How to earn the trust of a stray or feral cat

No matter what type of cat you have or what her personality is like, mutual trust in each other must be learned so that you can both enjoy a happy, healthy, relationship. Whether your cat is shy or fearful, bold or aggressive, there are things you should do to foster her confidence and faith in you. Its much easier to build your cats trust from the get-go then to try to re-build it after youve broken it however, cats are often forgiving creatures and they dont hold grudges . With time, you can improve the relationship with your cat to one of comfort, ease, and predictability. Here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to build your cats trust:

Heres a graphic that I love, from Catsu. Perhaps it will help you interpret some of your kittys body language in terms of her levels of trust!

Give Him A Safe Comfy Bed

Stray cats can have a hard time when braving the weather and extreme temperatures outdoors. The more stressed a cat is, the less likely he will engage with you in any meaningful way.

If you can, leave your garage door or another place with a roof slightly open, so your stray cat can go inside when it’s raining or the temperatures are extreme. If it’s cold, consider a heated Thermo Outdoor Kitty House or the Thermo Outdoor Multi-Kitty A-Frame. Both are water-resistant for the outdoors, and the heated versions come with pet-safe heating pads. Another option is the Thermo Mod Kitty Shelter, which is also waterproof and comes with a heated pad that covers half the floor. As the weather warms up, the heated pads can be removed and replaced with a comfy cushion.

Do Feral Cats Pose Health Risks To You Or Your Pets

Its difficult for humans to catch diseases from feral cats since they dont often come in physical contact. However, because feral cats can carry diseases, worms and fleas, it is possible for them to pass infections on to your domesticated pets.

Be aware that if you already have a cat or dog, the presence of a feral cat may cause other issues, too. Your pet may be upset by a feral cat that visits regularly, and a feral cat may not tolerate them and could act aggressively. If this is the case, your pets and the feral cat may need to be kept apart, or, more likely, the feral cat may need to be relocated elsewhere.

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What To Know Before Adopting A Stray Cat

See files for Cats

We often see stray cats when we least expect it. It breaks our heart so much that we want to help them and even welcome them into our home. However, is that safe? How can we adopt a stray cat? Although you must be careful of certain things, it is completely possible and safe when done right.

In this AnimalWised article, we’re going to talk about what to know before adopting a stray cat. We will give you the best advice so you can have a safe and successful experience when adopting a stray cat.

  • Gaining their trust
  • Place A Paper Collar Around The Cats Neck

    17+ How To Get A Stray Cat To Trust You

    While some stray cats tend to stick around for a few days at a time, others might come and go. Its worth putting a paper collar around the cats neck to see if you can locate its owner.

    All you need to do is:

    • Print out the collar
    • Put your contact number in the allocated space
    • Place the collar around the cats neck. Make sure there is at least two fingers space between the neck and the collar
    • If after a few days you havent heard anything, it is safe to assume the cat is a stray or lost

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    Have You Found A Stray Cat Or Litter Of Kittens Here Are Some Resources That May Help

    Stray and Feral Kittens are an Epidemic: Between the months of March and September, every shelter in the region will be overrun with kittens, both orphaned litters and those with a mother. Many of these litters are either strays or ferals. Neither one has a legal owner however, the difference between a stray cat or a feral cat is that a stray cat is accustomed to people and a feral cat has lived in the wild and has been self-sufficient with little to no contact with people. For more information on caring for neonatal kittens,

    Stray cats can often be socialized and then adopted. Feral cats generally cannot be easily socialized and adopted. However, kittens under four-months old can often be socialized and adopted even if born to feral cats.

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    How To Clean A Stray Kitten

    Before welcoming a helpless and adorable stray kitten into your home, there is one very important thing that you need to carry out: clean it. This will not only get rid of dirt and grime but also kill fleas that can infest your home. Unfortunately, stray kittens hate water. And now you may be looking for the proper steps on how to clean a stray kitten.

    There are 5 steps when cleaning a stray kitten. First, get rid of dirt and grime on its body with diluted baby shampoo. Rinse its body with lukewarm water. Clean the head and face with a washcloth dampened with soapy water. Wash the washcloth and rinse the head and face. Dry the stray kitten.

    Making a stray kitten feel at home is easier if you clean it the right way. It also makes it easier for you to fall in love with its overflowing cuteness if it looks neat and smells nice.

    Because water is one of the most hated things by stray kittens and kittens in general, cleaning a baby cat by giving it a bath as soon as you bring it into your home can be a daunting experience for both you and the furry animal. Fret not below, you will come across some of the steps on how to clean a stray kitten the right way.

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    Tips On Handling Stray Cats On Your Own

    1. Provide Food and Water

    • Provide cat food, tuna, or cooked meat for adult cats if you dont have cat food immediately available. Cats are carnivores meat eaters!
    • Provide kitten food for nursing moms and kittens, whenever possible.
    • Provide clean water. Do not give cows milk which is hard for cats to digest!

    2. Lure the Cat Safely Inside a Carrier

    • Be cautious about picking up a cat since this could scare the cat.
    • Its best to try to carefully lure the cat inside a carrier with food.
    • Once safely inside the carrier, bring the cat inside your home and let the cat out in a small, contained room.

    3. Trap the Cat Only If the Cat Cant Be Safely Lured into a Carrier

    • Use a humane trap to capture a cat, if absolutely necessary.
    • A rescue organization or local animal shelter may be able to loan you one.
    • Otherwise, you can purchase one at home supply stores.
  • You must monitor the trap carefully.
  • Dont leave the trap unattended for longer than 30 minutes.
  • Trapped cats may injure themselves trying to get out.
  • Traps should be covered with a towel.
  • This helps to lure the cat inside, and protects the cat once the cat is inside its less likely the cat will injure themself trying to get out of the trap if they cant see out of the trap.
  • Place a thin sheet of newspaper on the bottom of the trap.
  • This protects the cats paws once they are inside and hides the elevated plate the cat steps on to trigger the door to close.
  • Use smelly/fishy canned cat food, and lure the cat inside by:
  • The Problem With Relocation And Eradication

    How to Socialize Hissy Feral Kittens

    Some people advocate relocating or putting down feral cats instead. Relocation may sound like a humane solution, but it is ultimately ineffective due to the vacuum effect. Feral cats gather where there are resources: food, water, and shelter. When an existing colony is relocated , before long a new flock of feral cats will discover the same resources and move in to fill the vacuum.

    Relocation is unappealing for other reasons. Because cats are very territorial, a relocated cat may try to find its way home, suffering accident or death on the way. The relocation area may already have an established colony or it may lack food, water, or shelter. Unless a colonys life is in danger, most experts agree that relocation is almost always a bad solution.


    Most people are not willing to support eradication, either. With a TNR effort, people will give their time, money, and resources, says Slater, author of Community Approaches to Feral Cats. But if youre catching and euthanizing cats, in most cases you just wont get volunteers to do that.

    She also sees TNR as a teaching tool. It gets people to think about how we can prevent cats from ending up on the street and how we can manage cat populations.

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    Make A Little Distance For A While

    If your cat is nervous, dont feed the treat with your hand and keep a little distance whiling she is eating until she is comfortable. When your Cat comes near you, welcome her with the treat, this teaches your Cat that good things happen in your presence and sometimes, they get a treat. Every cat loves to treat so, offering your cat treat is one of the best ways to get your Cat trust.

    Can I Rehome A Stray Cat

    You can decide to take on a stray cat yourself if no owner can be found. If you’re unable to keep the cat, a local animal rescue charity may be able to help. Try contacting your local RSPCA animal centre, Cats Protection or other reputable organisations. Some of these are listed on our lost and found contact list .

    Giving a home to a cat in need can be hugely rewarding but it’s also a responsibility and a long-term commitment. Consider carefully whether you have the time, space and money to help care for a stray cat. If the cat becomes ill or injured in the future you’ll be responsible for ensuring that they get the veterinary care they need.

    If after consideration, you’ve decided to take responsibility for a stray cat – thank you! There are so many benefits to doing so. Cats that come into our care will live in one of our catteries until we can find them a suitable ‘forever home’ – this can be stressful for many cats, especially those stray cats who have been used to the freedom to roam and live outside.

    Taking on the responsibility yourself means the cat can return to a place they know and feel comfortable. You will also be helping us to care for more cats who are victims of cruelty or neglect and have been brought in by our dedicated inspectors by freeing up a space in our centre.

    If you decide to take on responsibility for a stray cat, please make sure you get them microchipped and have your contact details registered so that you can be identified as the owner.

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    Bringing A Feral Cat Into Your Home

  • 1Prepare a room for the feral cat. The feral cat should remain in an enclosed area until she becomes more comfortable with you and her new environment.XExpert SourceFrancine MillerCertified Animal Behavior CounselorExpert Interview. 10 September 2020. Prepare a small and quiet room, such as a bathroom, that is away from people and other pets.XResearch source Place a litterbox, a food bowl, a water bowl, and some toys in the room.XExpert SourceCertified Animal Behavior CounselorExpert Interview. 10 September 2020.XResearch source
  • Make sure the roomâs windows and doors are closed to prevent her from escaping. Also, check the room for any holes or cracks where she could manage to get through.XResearch source
  • If there are shelves in the room, remove anything that she could knock over.XResearch source
  • Create hiding places in the room .XResearch source
  • For at least the first few days, use organic potting soil as litterâthe feral cat will be much familiar with this than regular kitty litter.XResearch source
  • Light the room with a nightlight, rather than turning on the overhead light. The darkness will help the feral cat feel more secure in her new environment.XResearch source
  • To get her accustomed to human scents, place some old pieces of clothing in the room.
  • The feral cat will need at least a few hours to allow her to settle in.XResearch source
  • Leave the carrier door open and place some blankets and treats in the carrier to make it more comfortable for her.
  • Remember To Be Patient

    How To Get A Semi Feral Cat To Trust You

    Stray cats take time to adjust to those who are trying to help them. They aren’t used to people, and any defensive behavior stems from fear. With patience, you can gain the cats trust and even affection.

    This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

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    How To Tell If A Cat Has Been Abused

    The telltale signs of abuse are often quite visible. Physical symptoms of cat abuse include

    • Untreated injuries
    • Chronic health issues from untreated medical conditions
    • Parasites such as fleas, ticks, and worms
    • An overall unkempt coat, often with bald spots and other skin conditions
    • Emaciation
    • In cases of actual animal cruelty, the cat may suffer any number of injuries fresh and old.

    In addition to the physical symptoms, abused cats are almost always scared and try to avoid human contact. Some may be aggressive, often due to physical pain and discomfort. Others may just see a dark corner where they can hide away and suffer in silence.

    Not every cat thats showing one or more of these symptoms is necessarily abused. If you notice a cat thats emaciated, has fleas, or looks sick, that does not mean the owners arent trying to take care of the situation. If you suspect a cat is being abused, dont try to act on your own by taking the cat. Thats illegal, dangerous, and possibly not helpful to the cat. Instead, report the issue to the local animal control agency so they can investigate the case.

    The good news is that abused cats can be helped. Depending on the cats temperament, age, and condition, many of these cats may end up being loving pets again. Others may be helped through medical care and being given a safe environment where they will no longer suffer abuse.

    Practice Road Safety During A Rescue

    Often, you’ll see a stray cat at an inconvenient moment, like while driving down a highway. During a stray cat rescue, always practice road safety. You could endanger yourself and others by suddenly pulling over to help a feral feline.

    Pull over at an appropriate place and use your hazard lights to avoid an accident. If you can’t pull over safely, consider coming back another time or calling the local animal control facility.

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    Earning Your Stray Cats Trust

    Some stray cats will be friendly right off the bat, but with others, it may take time and patience to establish trust. If a cat is not comfortable with humans, they will mostly scratch or bite if you attempt to handle them. Go slow and always allow the cat a way to leave the situation so that they don’t feel cornered, says Gouge.

    You need to have time, and you need have patience. The cat will come to you when hes ready. If you try to force it, he will run, Fernandez says.

    The main way into your new feline friends heart is through his stomach. Food is critical, Phillips says. Start approaching the cat slowly, over several days or even weeks. Eventually, youll be able to get pretty close without scaring him off.

    How Can You Help Feral Cats

    How to Gain the Trust of a Cat

    The first step is to inform your local cat protection or feral cat rescue shelter. Theyll offer advice and will likely follow an official trap, neuter, return program.

    TNR specialists will catch the cat using a baited cage. Theyll then sedate the cat, check them for a microchip, examine them for diseases and treat them for worms and fleas. They will also spay or neuter them so the animal cant add to the local feral population. Some of these programs may clip the cats ear, which helps animal control officials quickly and easily identify stray and feral cats that have already been spayed or neutered. Finally, the cat may also have to be shaved if their hair is matted or badly infested with parasites. Then, they will be returned to the outdoors or possibly relocated to another area.

    While trying to tame a feral cat isnt a good idea, you can find plenty of cats in shelters and rescues that need a warm, welcoming home, including older cats that tend to get along with other pets you already have. If youre ready to add a pet to your home, consider saving a rescue cat theyll be sure to thank you with lots of love.

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