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How To Hide A Cat From Your Landlord

How To Hide Your Cat During An Apartment Inspection

Tenants: Don’t Hide Your Pets

Some landlords may insist on conducting random reviews or giving short notices before coming for inspection. Short notice may make you want to panic, but do not worry. The first thing about;hiding;your;cat;during an;apartment;check-up is choosing a right;hiding;spot beforehand. You can decide to take your pet to your friends house, find a pet sitter, or hide your pet in the house.

Planning on how to protect your;cat;beforehand keeps you ready to jump into action immediately after you get the notice of inspection from your landlord. When you choose to take your;cat;to a pet sitter or a friends house, ensure you carry the litter box,;cat;food, and toys.

If you choose to hide your cat in the house during the inspection, you can choose the closet or basket. It has to be soundproof and somewhere breathable so that your cat doesnt suffocate. You should also hide the carrier bag of your cat. You can opt to buy a foldable carrier bag, which is easy to store. You will need to buy a box to hide the cats litter box, food, and toys.

You can learn how to keep the toys in one place so that they arent scattered all over the house. Try to clean up after your;cat;plays and store all the toys in one convenient place.

Show Sentimental Value For Your Cat

Showing a sentimental value for your;cat;can prevent the landlord from pressing charges. For example, you can say the;cat;was a gift from your grandma before she passed on. Tell your landlord how you value your;cat;because it reminds you of your grandma. It may seem farfetched, but appealing to peoples emotional side can have a profound effect. Everyone has something they value for what it means to them and not the value of the item.

Ii Risk Of Losing Your Pet

Letting your pet go is one of the options the landlord may give you once they realize you violated the apartments set rules.

Instead of leaving the apartment, the landlord will allow you to let the pet go or vacate completely.

Termination of a lease can be expensive and can cost and inconvenience you. Breaking a lease can lead to hefty penalties.

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Remove All Pet Paraphernalia

This is an obvious one. If you leave out cages, bowls, toys and kitty litter, it doesnt take a genius to figure out that there might be a pet nearby. While you might think that hiding the accessories in the cupboard under the stairs is the best option, youre totally busted if your landlord decides to go into that same cupboard to check on the walls or general structure of the house a very real possibility.

The safest bet is taking all pet-related goodies to a mates or your fams place. If you have a car that isnt parked inside or directly outside your residence, hiding stuff in the boot might also be a viable alternative.

Be Careful What You Tell Your Neighbor/landlord

How to Hide Your Cat from the Landlord : A Practical and ...

Be careful when talking to your neighbors or landlords.

If your apartment is a no-pet apartment, its obvious your neighbor knows you do not have pets.

Some neighbors may end up reporting you to the landlord or the manager to launch an inspection of your apartment.

Let your normal conversation between you and your neighbors or landlord to be just normal.

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Does Maintenance Report Pets In Apartments

Maintenance may report pets in buildings that do not allow pets. Sometimes, the landlord can use the excuse of checking machines to gain access to your apartment and look around. Ensure all dates on the maintenance schedule are at your convenience. Hide your cat the first maintenance visits as you judge whether or not the handyman will tell on you.

Buildings that allow pets are easy to get away with illegal cats. The maintenance staff has no idea how many cats you are allowed to have in your;apartment. They probably wont even discuss your;cat;with anyone. The maintenance will assume that you meet the requirements of having a;cat, and thats why you have a;cat;in your;apartment.

Clean Like Youve Never Cleaned Before

From the carpets and couches to the curtains and cushion pet hair gets bloody everywhere, so;you need to clean the place from top to bottom leave no stone unturned. If youre not sure how thorough you need to be, imagine youre having someone come to stay whos deadly allergic.

In short, its got to feel like a dog/cat/rabbit/bird has never even step foot in your place before.

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Be Wise When Signing Your Lease

Apartments that allow one pet expect you to have one pet. However, you can sneak in one or two cats without anyone noticing. When you have disclosed in your contract that you have one;cat, you can always say the extras belong to your friends or family.

It is acceptable behavior that people leave cats with friends and family when out of town. That way, you keep your beloved cats without paying the extra monthly charges. Of course, this is a backup plan on the off-chance that your landlord or supervisor discovers that you have more cats than what you pay for a monthly charge.

Alternatively, spouses can ensure only one of them gets to sign the lease agreement. That way, if the landlord claims that there is an illegal pet, you can say it belongs to your spouse. What are you supposed to do? Throw them out? You can say you were out of town when your spouse brought a kitten home, and you had no idea. You may have to give away the;cat, but it will be hard to press charges on you. It wont be easy to prove that you brought a;cat;home intentionally, knowing it is forbidden.

Staying Away From The Windows

Cat N’ Stash from CatCo

Cats like to sit in the sun and clean themselves. It is common to see a;cat;sitting at a window during the day. Find a suitable spot for your;cat;to enjoy sunlight and lazy around. Train your;cat;to sit there whenever it needs to enjoy the warmth of the sun. Alternatively, you can choose a room where the windows dont face traffic and leave the;cat;in that room.

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Not Telling The Landlord About A Cat

For apartments that have a limit to the number of cats that a tenant can have, you can fill in the minimum on the lease form. After that, ensure the landlord or building supervisor never finds out the actual number of cats you own. Buildings that allow pets tend to charge a fee for pets. When you disclose the cats you have, you have to pay the monthly fee for each;cat. The expense can be on the higher side, and you may be looking to reduce your payments without losing your cats.

It is easy to keep up appearances in buildings that allow pets. Your neighbors and maintenance do not know how many cats you have paid for that month. You can let your cats roam freely in the house without having to hide them. Keep in mind that the property manager and landlord know the number of cats you disclosed, so make sure they only see one;cat;at any given time.

Hiding A Cat From A Landlord

The first rule of;hiding;your;cat;from the landlord is understanding the power of deniability. Never ask your landlord directly if you can bring a;cat;home if the lease prohibits pets. Legally, when your landlord tells you in person not to bring your;cat;to your;apartment, you have been notified. Therefore, the landlord can sue you later on if the truth comes out. Consequently, the best cause of action is never to ask the landlord about bringing a;cat;home.

Try to minimize the number of times that your landlord enters your;apartment. You can meet in a restaurant or the rental office when you want to discuss anything important. Otherwise, minimize the contact between you and your landlord. You also need to learn how often your landlord comes to the building. Some landlord only visits once a year while others visit the premises every month.

Know where your landlord lives before you move in or bring a new;cat;in your;apartment. A landlord who lives close to the;apartment;complex will pass by the building regularly. Also, there are higher chances that other tenants know the landlord personally and can report you directly. Plus, you have a better chance of shopping for your;cat;in areas you cant accidentally meet your landlord. It is better for you when you know more about your landlord to plan and implement avoidance tactics.

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Thorough Cleaning Of The Apartment

Once given notice of inspection, endeavor to clean your apartment thoroughly; otherwise, you will be exposed.

Pets, especially dogs and cats, have their distinct odor, which is quite easy to notice.

Besides, you might not be aware of your landlords allergies, making it easy for them to notice once they step into your unclean house.

If you want to hide your pet from your landlord, always cover up any evidence . Vacuum your house thoroughly, including the couches, curtains, and the rugs/carpets.

Regularly make use of scented candles, room sprays to mask the pet smell. A portable air purifier can help in eliminating the pet odor.

Why Do Landlords Prohibit Or Charge A Deposit For Cats

How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord: Do and Donts

The reason most landlords prohibit cats in an apartment is that cats can increase the wear and tear of a residence. Cats, especially unruly ones, can cause damage to the carpet, doors, and window frames in the apartments. Cats are playful creatures, and they can scratch at the carpet when playing and when they want to go out. Other cats can be loud meowing at all hours of the day and night. But the biggest reason is that cats tend to shed fur that gets in floorboards and the air vents.

Apartment buildings that allow pets tend to charge a non-refundable fee of around $250. The charges may be higher or lower, depending on your neighborhood. The price covers the cleaning charges when a pet owner moves out. Every landlord tries to ensure a house is habitable for all tenants, even those with allergies. The non-refundable fee covers the cost of a cleaning crew that will remove any trace of the;cat;in the apartments. However, the price is on the steeper side. Some tenants may opt to sneak in a;cat;rather than pay the non-refundable fee.

Other landlords have insurance covers that dont include damages by pets. Therefore, the landlord forbids pets from the building to avoid getting sued in case a pet injures a tenant. Therefore, when you opt to sneak in a pet, ensure you keep your pet away from other tenants.

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Can I Get Evicted For Having A Cat

Yes, you can get evicted for having a;cat;in buildings that prohibit pets. You can also get removed if you dont disclose about your;cat;and pay monthly charges in apartments that allow pets. The landlord has every right to keep your security deposit whenever you get evicted. The eviction can be enforced immediately after the discovery since you are in breach of contract. Therefore be extra careful, or you might find yourself without a place to stay in the dead of winter.

A lenient landlord may only request you to get rid of your;cat;to avoid eviction. Landlords dont like to lose well-paying tenants and risk getting a troublesome tenant. You have a chance to get away with;hiding;your;cat;if you pay for damages and follow all the other rules. An inspection may take place to check the damage the;cat;may have done to your house. In case there is minimal damage, you can be allowed to stay. You may be charged a fine for breach of contract.

It can get worse than just eviction. In case your;cat;attacks a tenant, and the tenant sues the landlord, the landlord can sue you. The reasoning being you broke the terms of the contract, and the;cat;was in the building illegally. Your landlord can also sue you if one of your neighbors is highly sensitive to cats and incurs bills to treat the condition.

Sometimes, the legal proceedings can be lengthy, making you incur significant legal fees. Hence, you end up paying legal fees, being evicted, and losing your security deposit.

Sleeping In A Room Alone

Hiding a cat means that you will probably lock it in a spare place apart at night. Your cat can get restless when it is not sleeping on your bed. You need to train your cat to sleep in a separate room on its own. Apply some catnip to the bed to attract the cat to the sleeping location. Training your cat to sleep in a specific place reduces the chances that the cat will be out wandering during the night.

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Never Ask About Adding A Cat

Do not ever request your landlord or building manager whether you can bring a pet because it is not allowed. When you are expressly told NO, legally, you have advance notice. Meaning, you know it is wrong to have a;cat;in your;apartment. Some lease agreements do not disclose that pets are not allowed. Hence, if you dont ask, you can get away with it.

Buildings that allow pets are easy to hide a;cat. However, when you ask about adding a;cat, and you get information about the monthly charge, you are appropriately notified. When you get caught, the landlord can claim back pay or take it out of your security deposit when you decide to move out.

Ensure You Are Not Spotted Together With Your Pet


If your pet is a dog, ensure not to be spotted with it, especially when doing evening walks. T

his idea might look like a commonsense concept, but its not. Many tenants have been spotted and caught while walking around with their pets.

Also, ensure nobody can spot the pet even from the windows. Keep the blinders closed all the time.

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Show A Lack Of Interest When It Comes To Pets

Once a landlord gets the feeling that you do not have a pets personality, they will not engage you so much into them.

If by any chance, you get to converse with your landlord, ensure the issue they get to know how you dislike pets.

This notion will keep you in good terms with him/her since they will not have a reason to suspect you.

As A Pet Lover It Can Be Very Tempting To Sneak Fluffy Into Your Rental Despite A Strict No

Here are five reasons why its a pretty terrible idea to hide your pet:

#1 You could end up being evicted

So your apartment is strictly no-pets-allowed. Or it;does allow pets, but you dont fancy paying the pet bond and want to sneak Fido in any way. So whats the purpose of a no-pet policy, and whats the worst that could happen if you get caught? Basically, no-pet policies are created because other tenants in the apartment might be allergic to cats/dogs, the landlords insurance policy may not cover dogs or the landlord doesnt want to deal with wear and tear issues .

That in mind, if your landlord has decided to implement a no-pet policy and you sneak one into your rental, ;you could be evicted. You will have to forfeit your rental bond, youll be forced to move and youll have a black mark put on your tenancy record. It could get worse, though. If the reason your landlord did not allow dogs was because their policy did not cover them, and your dog bites another tenant, that tenant could sue your landlord. Then your landlord could sue you. Yes, it could happen. Eviction is not the worst-case scenario.

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#2 Neighbours cant always be trusted

Neighbours come in all shapes and sizes. Theres also bound to be one whos a good friend to your landlord and wouldnt hesitate to report any evidence of gossip In all situations, its best to be a good neighbour, stay honest and stick to the rules.

#3 Think of the extra costs

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Reduce The Total Number Of Times The Landlord Pops Into Your Apartment

Ensure your landlord does not keep on popping in your apartment.

In case you have any requests to make, always endeavor to have the meeting at the apartment office or a nearby restaurant.

In addition, try and establish how often the landlord visits the building. Some are frequent, while others come occasionally.

Learn The Loopholes Of Deniability

How To Hide A Pet From Your Landlord

Every binding contract has a gap that you can exploit to avoid legal action. When caught with a cat in your apartment, you may need a few tactics to avoid paying penalties to the maximum extent. You could perhaps say that it was just visiting, or that you are babysitting the cat and it will be gone in a day or two.

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Request Your Close Friend To Pet

As a pet owner, the first thing that comes into your mind when you have a scheduled inspection is where to hide your beloved pet.

Choosing the right spot prior can be quite tricky inside the apartment. To avoid unnecessary issues with the landlord, you can request your friend to pet-sit for you for a few days.

Taking them for dinner afterward or buying a bottle of wine is all it may cost you for a friend to come through for you.


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