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How To Know If My Cat Is Sick

Is His Gum Color Off

How to tell if your cat is sick

If you suspect a problem, check the gums. They should be a deep pink, and if you press with your thumb, they should return to pink within two seconds after you lift your thumb. Very pale gums or slow repinking may indicate anemia, shock or poor circulation. Bluish gums or tongue can mean a life-threatening lack of oxygen. Bright red gums may indicate overheating or carbon monoxide poisoning, and yellow gums are a symptom of jaundice. Tiny red splotches may indicate a blood-clotting problem. Tooth and gum problems;often cause bad breath and pain, with redness around the gumline.

Abnormal Body Positions Could Mean Trouble

A cat in severe pain will sit hunched up with her feet tucked under her and her nose almost on the floor. But there are other abnormal positions that may not be so obvious. For example, in the first video I shared in my post about medical cannabis, Siouxsie was walking in short strides with a hunched gait.

Dying Cat: Signs A Cat Is Dying

As cats move into their senior years, age-related diseases become commonplace. While some cats may die very suddenly, many age-related diseases are slow and progressive and can be managed with veterinary care over a long period of time. Eventually, the cat will move into the late stages of the disease and pass into the dying phase.

Helping a cat in his or her final days, weeks or months is a joint effort between you and the cats primary veterinarian and, in some cases, a specialised veterinarian .

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My Cat Keeps Throwing Up Are Fur Balls To Blame

Cats often vomit up hairballs.;;They;develop these in their stomach through;fastidious grooming. The;fur they swallow;cant be digested and often ends up forming into a congealed lump. These lumps of hair can be dangerous as they can lead to blockages and irritations. Owners can do their bit to prevent hairballs both being thrown up and being stuck in the digestive tract by introducing a strict brushing regime to remove loose fur.

Giving Medication To Your Cat

How Do I Know If My Cat Is Sick?


Sometimes you can give medication in food but check with your vet in case it is essential to give it on an empty tummy.

  • Choose a strong-tasting food-stuff that will either stick to a tablet or mix a crushed tablet into this food pilchards, cheese or sausage are all ideal
  • Offer the medicated food when your pet is hungry, and keep the quantity small, so that it all gets eaten
  • Tasty soft treats are also available ask your vet or pet shop
  • If this does not work, you will have to administer the medicine by hand

Always tell your vet if you are having trouble giving tablets. Many tablets now come in nice-tasting palatable forms. There is also an antibiotic injection lasting 14 days which, although costly, may be worth it in terms of stress reduction, although it may not be suitable for use in all cases. When medicating your pet, preparation is vital. Get everything ready without your cat seeing, so that your pet does not hide. Remove the top from drops or ointments, or remove a tablet from the container. Confine your pet to one room, so that you do not have to chase your cat round the house, and then pick the animal up. It is helpful either to wrap your cat in a towel or blanket or to have a second person to hold the forelegs.

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Your Cat Just Seems Out Of Sorts

Do you ever just get a feeling that something isnt right with your pet? You know and understand your cat better than anyone and so you should never discount this gut instinct. If you think that something is off, even if there are no discernible symptoms, it never hurts to arrange for your older pet to attend a check-up with a professional.

You undoubtedly want your older cat to live out the remainder of her life as healthily and happily as possible. If you suspect that your kitty may be unwell, do not be afraid to schedule a check-up with a veterinarian. We would be delighted to see her here at our offices in Nashville, TN. Please telephone our team to make her appointment.

Changes In Physical Appearance And Behavior

This is the first step. Do you know your cat? You should be familiar with your cats habits, personality, activities, likes, and dislikes. If you notice changes in her physical appearance or behavior, know that those are commonly the first and most telltale signs of a sick cat. They include the following:

If you just got yourself a cat, it may be impossible to tell if somethings wrong with her. You need to spend some time together and get to know your feline friend better. How fast you can get familiar with the cat depends on several factors:

  • The Playtime: Youll need to spend some quality time togetherthe more often you can do that, the better.
  • Your Keen Observation: You have to be observant when you have a cat. Observe how they sound when happy, recognize their cry for help, what their litter box looks like every morning, the way she walks, and so on.
  • Reading Your Cats Body Language Right:;Cats talk;but not the way humans do. They talk with their bodymostly with their tail movement and expressions. They can communicate with meows too, and every cats meow is distinct.

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Their Health & Weight Are Declining

A dying cat becomes lazy, dull, and more sleepy. You may even notice them not moving at all. This weakness will be most prominent in their hind legs.

The reason for weight loss may be intestinal parasites, food allergy or infections, inflammatory bowel illness, stress, depression, or anxiety. Yes, cats have feelings too!)

It may stop eating or is trying to eat but vomits immediately, which has caused it to lose weight. Could it be diarrhea? Stomach infection? Or, are these the signs a cat is dying of kidney failure?

Pro-tip: Even if you notice a slight change in your cats behavior or health, remember to visit its vet instantly, or else it will be too late. And, all you will be left with is loss and regret.

Never ignore any unusual change as it may be among the signs a cat is dying!

What To Do If Your Cat Is Sick

What You Should Do If Your Cat is Sick

If your cat is displaying any unusual behaviors it’s worth a trip to the vet for diagnosis and treatment. Early detection and treatment of illnesses can help to prevent conditions from becoming more severe or potentially life-threatening.

Cat injuries or illnesses often require urgent medical attention, surgery or even emergency care. It is essential to seek professional veterinary advice as soon as possible. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner your furry friend will be acting more like themselves again.

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Eye Drops And Ointments

Bathe any discharge from the eye. If you are right-handed, use the index finger and thumb of your left hand to hold the eyelids open. Animals have strong eyelid muscles so you will need to be firm.

  • ;Hold the medication in your right hand, and bring it towards the eye from the side
  • ;If you are administering drops, put one drop right into the eye, being careful not to touch the eye itself
  • With an ointment, squeeze a little out of the nozzle to start with, position over the eye, and squeeze again to lay a trail of ointment over the actual surface of the eye. Be careful not to touch the eye with the nozzle.
  • Do not let your pet rub the eye but do give a treat!

Changes In Her Appearance

Often, the easiest way to tell if your older cat is suffering from ill health that isnt directly related to her age is by her physical appearance. These may not be obvious at first, but eventually you may notice changes such as:

  • Skin problems such as rashes, swelling, sores and dry skin.

  • A coat that becomes dry, lacklustre and may have bald patches.

  • Gums that are pale or discolored.

  • Ears that smell bad, look swollen or red, or that are oozing liquid or pus.

  • Eyes that seem sore, watery or clouded.

  • Unusual lumps or bumps on her body.

If you notice any distinct changes in the appearance of your cat, you should arrange for a check-up with your veterinarian.

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Signs Your Cat May Be Sick That Warrant A Call To The Vet

Cats are notorious for hiding signs of illness. Though your feline friend probably spends most of their time curled up on the sofa rather than prowling the jungle, domesticated cats have retained many of their wild ancestors mannerisms. In nature, sick cats are easy targets for larger predators. It only makes sense that they would want to hide signs of illness and perceived weakness.

Unfortunately, this means that pet owners often do not realize that something is wrong until a problem has become serious. As veterinarians, we frequently see feline patients suffering from late-stage disease and have to deliver heartbreaking news to their owners.

You do not have to be a vet to recognize when something is not quite right with your pet, though. By learning to recognize the signs of sickness in cats, you will be better equipped to detect problems with your companion. And when you detect signs of trouble early, we can begin treatment much sooner and often offer a better prognosis. Weve rounded up seven signs your cat may be sick that you should watch for at home, and shared them below.

Sudden Weight Loss Or Gain

How do I know if my cat is sick?  Pets Unique

One of the prominent signs of a sick cat is sudden weight loss or weight gain. If your cat is gaining or losing weight suddenly, you need to take her to the veterinarian.

Extreme weight loss in a cat can be a sign of serious diseases such as cancer. Gaining too much weight can lead to obesity such can give rise to health problems such as heart diseases or diabetes.

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He Is Spending Way Too Much Time Grooming

No, hes not that vain, hes just trying to tell you to call the vet. Overgrooming, known as psychogenic alopecia, can be a sign of illness, says Dr. Rossman. And the types of illness range from psychological like increased anxiety, stress, or boredom or it could be caused by fleas, infections, allergies, adverse reactions to food, or even hormonal disorders. Discover 12 home remedies for fleas.

Cat Seems Dirty Or Unkempt

As you may have known by now, your cat is very tidy and likes to look and feel clean. Cats usually clean themselves after eating, before and after taking naps, and after playing or bonding with you. Thus, any change in behavior related to cleanliness can be a signal of an illness. If your cat becomes suddenly okay with being unkempt or dirty, then you can try checking in with your veterinarian.

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Later Signs Of Diabetes In Cats

If a cat displays a combination of the following symptoms, they could be in critical condition and require intensive care. Later signs of diabetes include the following:

3. Inability to Jump & Loss of InterestWhile the loss of interest may be a subtle sign, you can tell your cat is sick if you keep proper track of your cats activity. If your cat can no longer jump on furniture they used to be able to, they may be sick.

4. Change in GaitDiabetes in cats can lead to weakness, which makes them walk flat on the back of the hind legs. Following the elevated blood sugar level, neuropathy affects the nerves in the hind legs, and the condition may result in permanent paralysis if left untreated for long.

5. Lack of Appetite, Vomiting, LethargyThe health of your cat is in jeopardy if you notice these late symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and gastroparesis can cause nausea in cats leading to vomiting, lost appetite, and lethargy.

Cat Is Acting Differently

How to Know If Your Cat Is Sick | Cat Care

If you want to know how to tell if your cat is sick, simply observe his actions. You can immediately tell that your cat is ill if his acts are different and that he is mostly hiding in a quiet spot. You may also notice that they purr a lot, which is something that you should take note if your cat does not purr often. If your cat is experiencing a neurological problem, you would find him pressing their heads onto the walls. If he is having difficulty breathing, he may fight to keep his head raised.

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Signs Your Cat Has Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic, and potentially debilitating, condition in cats. The disorder is most prevalent among obese cats, male cats over eight years old, and those on a diet high in carbohydrates.

Cases of feline diabetes are on the rise, and given the severity of the condition, it is important to take early measures to prevent or manage the health of your diabetic cat.

Typically, diabetes mellitus is a disorder that results when the cells develop a resistance to insulin, a hormone that aids the entry of glucose into the cells. This causes a build-up of the glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Diabetic cats mostly suffer from Type II diabetes, where the body cells can no longer adequately respond to insulin, leading to elevated levels of glucose.

A complete diagnosis always requires a visit to the vet, but a closer look at your cat at home can tell you if theres a problem. Bring your cat to Dr. Minta Keyes for a check-up if you notice any of these signs:

Drop Or Gain In Weight

Cat weight loss, which can happen quickly or over a more extended period of time, and rapid weight gain can be signs your cat is sick.

Weight loss

Loss of appetite and weight loss can indicate common cat illnesses from simple tummy aches to more serious problems, like cancer or kidney disease. With some illnesses, like hyperthyroidism, cats may drop weight in spite of having a hearty appetite.

Weight gain

If your cat balloons up, it could be from bloating or abdominal swelling rather than added pounds. Other causes of rapid weight gain include pregnancy, tumors, parasitic infections, hypothyroidism, or Cushings disease. In any case, you should check in with your veterinarian about whats going on.

Your veterinarian should also keep track of your cats weight at annual wellness exams.

Your veterinarian should also keep track of your cats weight at annual wellness exams. Obesity is a growing problem for cats and can result in a number of health issues, such as feline diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems. An annual exam is covered by our wellness options, which can be added to any plan .

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Cat Is Coughing Constantly

If your cat is coughing more than normal, there may be a serious medical issue involved. As you may know, coughing has various causes. They can be foreign bodies, allergies, heart disease, lung disease, tumors or other illnesses that are more serious. When the cough persists and is paired with breathing difficulty or bluish gums, then it may be time for you to contact your veterinarian. Do not wait for the cough to get more serious and last for more than one day.

The Importance Of Routine Veterinary Care

How Can I Tell if My Cat is Sick

Even if you are the most discerning observer of your cat, and quick to rush to the vet any time you suspect illness, routine veterinary care is still an essential element of good cat guardianship.

The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends twice-yearly wellness exams for the average adult cat. And yet, I understand why some people dont do it. Its stressful for the cat and some loving people dont want to put their cats through that.

Its also expensive. Why spent the money on healthcare when the cat doesnt need it? ;You be able to apply those funds to the vet bill, you tell yourself, when hes really sick.

But annual or bi-annual healthy-cat visits are absolutely necessary. Its important that your veterinarian gets to know your cat when hes healthy. Vets are also able to pick up the subtle signs that a cat is developing a health problem things even a loving owner might not notice. Routine lab work, which can obviously only be performed by a vet, can help identify a minor problem so you can take action before it becomes serious.

Do you avoid taking your cat to the vet because you know he gets nervous in the car on the way over? Learn how to make your cat more comfortable on car rides. If she is anxious in the vets office, seek out a cat-friendly vet, or even a cats-only vet. Or try a mobile veterinarian who will come to your house to perform the exam.

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Your Kitty Is Drinking More Than Usual

Increased water intake can definitely be a sign of a sick cat, according to Dr. Kelly Ryan, DVM, director of veterinary services at the Humane Society of Missouris Animal Medical Center of Mid-America. And while cats need plenty of fresh water, drinking too much can indicate kidney disease in cats, diabetes or thyroid problems, Dr. Ryan says.;;

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