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How To Put Ointment In Cat Eye

How To Apply Drops Or Ointment To Your Cats Eyes

How to apply ointment to your cat’s eyes

The idea of trying to put ointment or drops into your cats eyes may seem like mission impossible, but if eye medication has been prescribed for your cat, here are a few tips to help make the process a little easier for both of you!

1. Make the experience positive, be calm and take your time, and reward your cat for good behaviour!

2. Before you begin, ensure that you understand the instructions for the medication.

3. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before and after applying the eye medication.

4. If your cat is experiencing eye discomfort, have someone assist you or wrap your cats body in a towel to prevent scratching.

5. Place your cat on a table facing away from you or on your lap and hold the ointment or drops with the thumb and index finger of one hand.

6. With your other hand, use the thumb to pull up the upper eyelid and the index finger to pull down the lower one. Rest your other fingers under the jaw to stabilize the head.

7. Hold the bottle or tube just above the eye at an angle so that it is not pointed directly at the eyeball.

8. Squeeze the required amount of drops onto the eye. If using an ointment, apply a line of the required amount onto the inside edge of the lower lid or as close to it as you can. Ensure the tube or bottle does not touch the surface of the eye.

10. Repeat in the other eye if directed to do so by your veterinarian.

11. Give lots of praise and a treat!

How Cat Eye Ointments Work

Most cat eye ointments are topical medications available byprescription from a veterinarian. Animal medical professionalstypically recommend applying these treatments, also called ophthalmicointments, to the affected area of a cat’s closed eye. Because they aredesigned to treat a range of feline eye conditions, the contents ofointments and their treatment methods may vary. Here is a descriptionof some widely used topical medications and a summary of how they canhelp treat common cat eye disorders:

Do You Wash Your Hands After Giving Your Cat Eye Ointment

The proper administration of eye medications is essential for your cats prompt recovery. Make sure that you wash your hands both before and after administering the medication to avoid contamination and prevent the possible spread of infection. Before you begin, read the ointment label so you understand the instructions.

Most cat eye ointments are topical medications available by prescription from a veterinarian. Animal medical professionals typically recommend applying these treatments, also called ophthalmic ointments, to the affected area of a cats closed eye.

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How To Clean Kitten Eyes

  • Make sure your kitten is supported wrap it in a light blanket or hand towel if they are particularly mobile.
  • Wet several soft cotton balls in room temperature or lukewarm water .
  • Squeeze the cotton balls out gently to release any extra water.
  • Hold the cotton ball over the kittens eye. Do not press or apply pressure.
  • Gently wipe the cotton ball in the direction of the kittens furfrom tear duct to outer eye.
  • Repeat this several times a day.
  • What Advice Do You Have For Applying Ointment To My Cat’s Eye

    How To Apply Eye Drops or Ointment to Your Cat

    Here are some step-by-step instructions that might make administering your cat’s eye ointment easier:

    • Gently clean away any debris around the cat’s eyes with warm water and a washcloth before administering the ointment. This can be soothing and prepare your cat for administering the medication.
    • Hold the ointment tube using the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand with the tip pointed downward. You may want to rest this hand on the top of your cat’s head to help stabilize your hand or under their chin with the palm of your hand.
    • With your other hand, use your thumb to gently pull down the lower eyelid or your thumb and forefinger to open both upper and lower eyelids. Place the rest of your fingers under your cat’s jaw to support her head if you are not using your palm as noted above.
    • Hold the tube close to the eye, but make sure you do not touch the eye’s surface with the ointment applicator.
    • Squeeze the prescribed amount of ointment directly onto the eyeball, and then release your cat’s head. Your veterinarian will have instructed you on the amount of ointment to apply strip of ointment for most ophthalmic medications).

    The cat will blink, and the warmth of the eyeball should help melt the ointment and spread it over the surface of the eye. It is normal to see the ointment accumulate in the corners of the eye after administration.

    “Cats commonly blink frequently or paw at their eye after ointment has been applied.”

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    What Can I Put On My Cats Eye For Dryness And Itching

    The ointment also helps relieve discomfort from dryness and itching. Antibiotic ointment wont kill off the herpesvirus, but it will clear up an infection that is the result of herpes. If the infection is serious enough that the eye could be permanently damaged, your vet will probably prescribe an anti-viral ointment or drops.

    How To Apply Ophthalmic Ointment To A Pet

    Start with placing one of your hands under your pets chin to lift it towards the ceiling then rest the other hand on top of the pets head. Pull down on the chosen eyes lower lid with a finger and apply a ribbon of ointment under the eyelid then massage it into a closed eye.

    Neo/Poly/Dex Ophalatic Ointment is for dogs and cats to treat their eye and eyelid infections. Neo/Poly/Dex is made up of three active ingredients neomycin, polymyxin B, and dexamethasone. Neomycin and Polymyxin B are potent antibiotics and bactericides that kill the bacterial infection. Meet Pets Eye Superhero: Neo/Poly/Dex Ophthalmic Ointment!

    Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment is only one option for treating your kittens eye infection. The vet will determine the best medicine based on whats causing the problem.

    1. Tilt your head back. 2. Place a finger on your cheek just under your eye and gently pull down until a V pocket is formed between your eyeball and your lower lid. 3. Place a small amount of Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Dexamethasone Ophthalmic Ointment in the V pocket.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Cat Eye Infections

    When your cat has an eye infection the symptoms can affect just one of your cat’s eyes or both. In many cases cats initially show symptoms just in one eye but the infection soon spreads to the other eye. In cases where your cat’s eye infection is the result of an upper respiratory infection, your cat may also show cold-type symptoms such as nasal discharge and sneezing.

    Common signs of eye infections in cats include:

    • Whites of the eye may turn red
    • Watery eyes

    Azithromycin Oral Antibiotic

    Topical Corticosteroid Drops & Ointment


    Interferon alpha-2b

    How Do I Put These Drops In My Cat’s Eyes

    How To Apply Eye Drops or Ointment to Your Cat’s Eyes

    Medicating your cat’s eyes is not as difficult as you think. As with any treatment, give a treat before and after the treatment. This will make your cat comfortable and happy. Go slow and be patient. You may want to wrap your cat in a towel for comfort and safety. I don’t like to come straight at the head to avoid them feeling like they are about to be poked in the eye. For this reason I medicate from the side or behind the head. Be very soothing and give praise for good behavior. The more comfortable you are the happier your kitty will be and the results will be better.

    Applying Eye Drops to Cats

    The proper administration of eye medication is critical in helping your cat recover from an eye injury or infection Make sure you have carefully read the label and understand the prescription instructions. If you have any questions, contact your veterinarian for clarification.

    Wash your hands before and after administering the medication to prevent contamination and/or the potential spread of infection. Be sure to keep the applicator tip clean and do not allow it to contact the cat, the eye or any other surface. If this occurs, clean the tip by wiping it off with a clean cloth and ask your veterinarian for specific cleaning instructions.

    If your cat’s eye is painful, you may need to have someone assist you with restraint. Usually, as the treatment begins to take effect, the pain lessens and assistance becomes less necessary.

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    What Is Entederm Ointment Used For

    Entederm ointment is used for treating pets with bacterial or yeast infections in the ear. Entederm ointment has special ingredients that make it anti-flammatory, antipruritic, antifungal, and antibacterial. Thus, Enterderm is very versatile and can heal a variety of infections in your dog or cats ears. Many people are interested in how Entederm ointment works. The active ingredients in Entederm ointment are Nystatin, neomycin sulfate, thiostrepton, and acetonide. These active ingredients combine to reduce swelling and inflammation. Entederm ointment also fights against fungus and harmful bacteria that may be present on your cats infection.

    Are There Any Topical Ointments For Cat Eye Problems

    Cat eye problems include a variety of conditions that can affect felines of nearly any age or breed. Problems related to trauma or viral, bacterial and parasitic infections of the eye region may appear uncomfortable and unpleasant. Fortunately, many of these cat eye problems may be treated through a range of widely available topical ointments.

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    Why Not Use Neosporin To Treat My Cat’s Eye Infection

    The fact is, that cats are biologically different from humans in countless ways. Many medications that people reach for on a regular basis are extremely toxic to cats. Not only that, their compact size means that even small amounts of a toxic substance can cause severe reactions in cats.

    Polymyxin B has been linked to anaphylaxis and death in cats. While such reactions are rare, most cases have been linked to the ophthalmic products administered to cats to treat eye infections.

    The 4 Most Common Cat Eye Infections And Conditions

    How to put antibiotic ointment in my cat

    Conjunctivitis. Not surprisingly this describes is the inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is simply the pink membrane that covers both the inner lining of the eyelid and the white of the eye. The vast majority of conjunctivitis cases are caused by allergies or by bacterial, fungal or viral infections. Where a cat suffers from recurrent or chronic conjunctivitis this is usually the result of herpes viral infections which can only be managed and never cured. It is also contagious to other cats.

    Corneal ulceration. This occurs when the shiny surface of the cornea is scratched or damaged. Typical causes are fighting and thorny/spiny plants. Sadly you cant really work around this one. Even mild-mannered cats cant help it if they are punched and some cats seem oblivious to the dangers posed by cacti or roses.

    Epiphora. This is where there is excess tear production, and can be caused by a number of factors such as allergies, entropion , infection, ulcers and conjunctivitis. As a consequence consequence youll notice the cats eye weeping constantly or the fur around the eye becoming stained.

    Cataracts and cat glaucoma. Cataracts, which sees the lens inside the eye cloud over, quite commonly occurs in elderly cats, the other main cause is diabetes. Get your cats eyes checked by your vet, as they are best placed to make decide at what point the cataracts so impact the cats quality of life that the risks of surgery are worth taking.

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    Caring For An Eye Infection At Home

  • 1Clean eye discharge. If your cat has runny eyes or a discharge, use dampened cotton wool to wipe away the gunk. Do this as often as is needed, which for some cats with a heavy infection could mean hourly.
  • Pat the eye dry afterwards.
  • As the cotton wool become soiled, switch to a fresh piece. Use separate pieces for each eye.
  • 2Take extra care with kitten’s eyes. It is not uncommon for kittens with an eye infection to have their eyelids stuck shut by discharge. It is important to clean their eyes because the infection could build up behind the eyelids and then cause blindness.XResearch source
  • If the eyelids are gummed shut, soak a clean ball of cotton wool in some previously boiled water. Repeatedly wipe the damp cotton ball over the eye, wiping from the inside corner to the outside. At the same time use the finger and thumb of the opposite hand to apply gentle pressure to the upper and lower lids in order to pry them open.XResearch source
  • 3Keep the cat’s eyes clear of irritants. Trim long hair away from the eyes and keep its face clean. It is also a good idea to avoid using aerosols near a cat, as its eyes are very sensitive and may weep as a result. Advertisement
  • Cat Eye Discharge: What It Is And What To Do About It

    • This post contains affiliate links. Read more here.
    • Not a substitute for professional veterinary help.

    You pick up your cat to cuddle and then you notice it: a drippy, gooey eye. If your normally healthy kitty suddenly has a runny eye, its time to call the veterinarian. Cat eye discharge could mean a scratched cornea, a virus, a bacterial infection, a blocked tear duct, or something more serious. Only a medical exam will sort out the possibilities and point you toward treatment. The good news: Your kittys runny eye is usually easy to treat.

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    Schedule A Vet Appointment Immediately

    When you notice odd signs in the eyes of your pet, a trip to the vet is always a safe bet. Compared to ordinary cat parents, trained veterinarians simply have superior knowledge as well as a means to diagnose illnesses in cats. That is why instead of putting your trust in claims like “kitten eye infection? Neosporin is all you need”, head to the local veterinary clinic. The vets would take a good look at the condition of your kitten before applying treatments and advise you on the recovery of the pet.

    Is Neosporin Safe For Cats

    How To Apply Cat Eye Drops

    Human medications are often toxic or otherwise dangerous for animals, especially cats. Their compact size means that even the tiniest amounts of a toxic substance could put your cat’s life at risk.

    Neosporin is a staple found in many people’s first aid kits. This topical antibiotic ointment can work very well on humans but it not recommended for cats. Cases have been reported of cats having life-threatening anaphylactic reactions to some of the antibiotic ingredients in Neosporin’s ophthalmic preparations which include neomycin and polymyxin B.

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    Popular Ointments For Cat Eye Problems

    Cat eye problems include a variety of conditions thatcan affect felines of nearly any age or breed. Problems related totrauma or viral, bacterial and parasitic infections of the eye regionmay appear uncomfortable and unpleasant. Fortunately, many of these cateye problems may be treated through a range of widely available topicalointments. Understanding the importance of treating eye problems andknowing how popular topical medications work may help cat ownersaddress their pet’s conditions simply and effectively.

    S To Apply Cat Eye Ointment

    Again, start with a wash and brush up. Remove any muck from around the eye with a cotton wool dipped in warm water.

    Choose how you are going to hold them. The best options are sideways on your lap or on a table top. From personal experience the table is more of a two-man job, so if you can get a restraining assistant, do!

    Check the instructions on the tube for dosage. Take the top off the tube and make sure it is ready to squeeze.

    Gently pull back upper and lower eyelids. Tilt the cats head back and, to prevent blinking, use your fingers to keep the eyelids open.

    Hold the tube at the height of the lower eyelid, squeeze out the ointment onto it. If it is your first time using an ointment just accept that you might squirt too much out of the tube. Thats what it says in the rules.

    Quickly massage upper and lower eyelids together to spread the medication. Rub dont press!

    Release their head and let your cat blink and shake their head.

    This post is an opinion and should only be used as a guide. You should discuss any change to your pets care or lifestyle thoroughly with your vet before starting any program or treatment.

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    How To Give Your Cat Eye Medication

    When you need your cat to accept medication in his or her eyes, prepare to offer a treat that is overwhelmingly special. The treat need not be big, but it must smell and taste delicious. Consider using shaved ham, sardines, shrimp, or a potato chip.

    Ask your veterinarian if the medication stings. If it does, ask if you can put artificial tears in the eye first to decrease the stinging sensation. It is more comfortable for your cat if you put artificial tears in his or her eye about five minutes before administering a solution.

    Begin by holding your cat on your lap facing away from you. Hold the medication in your dominant hand. Place your dominant hand on the top of your cat’s head. Place your other hand on your cat’s cheek so that slight tension pulls the lower eyelid down and creates a small pocket. Squeeze the medication so that it falls into the pocket created by the lower eyelid. Reverse hand positions to administer medication in your cat’s other eye. Always keep the hand holding the medication resting against your cat’s head so that if your cat’s head moves, your hand moves with it.

    The benefit of this position is that the medication is never directly in front of your cat’s eyes.

    Administer the medication as described above, and gently close the eyelid after to disperse the medication across the eyeball. Do not press or squeeze.

    Use these instructions for guidance. We assume no liability for injury to you or your cat incurred by following these instructions.


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