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How To Teach Your Cat To Fetch

Are Bengal Cats Easy To Train

How to Train Your Cat to Play Fetch

Yes, the answer is yes. Training a Bengal cat can be easy or hard depending on the individual cat and how well you understand their personalities.

Your first step should be understanding the way a Bengal catworks. You have to understand what they like and dont like and what behaviorsyou should avoid training them to do.

In order to get the most out of your Bengal cats training you must have patience.

After all, youre going to be spending many hours training your pet. If you allow your pet to think they have an escape clause and they run out the door, youre not really doing them any good.

They have been trained to think they will get away with whatever they want.

But if you give them the opportunity they wont pass up that chance, theyll just run back in.

Its important that you allow your cat to explore and try new things. Some cats tend to feel like they are special and they need to be trained by you.

As a result, they develop certain behaviors that are negative to your whole family.

If you show your cat respect by letting them sniff you, let them play with you or even let them sit next to you and play with you, they will feel valued and appreciated.

Not only do learning new things teach a lot about a Bengal cat,it also teaches them how to communicate. Sometimes they can have a limitedvocabulary and they dont know how to express their needs, wants or desires.

When it comes to exercising a Bengal cat, cats require about twice as much exercise as a domestic cat.

Teaching A Cat Tricks Is Easier Than You Think

Believe it or not, you can easily teach your cat to play fetch. It’s not a game reserved just for dogs. I’ve heard people tell me that cats do not play fetch, but I am here to tell you that they love it almost as much as dogs do. They are actually very intelligent animals, and as you may know, they have their very own distinctive personalities. They can be just as demanding as any high maintenance dog. In fact, in my experience, they are even more so.

I never thought much about teaching my cat tricks until I actually started doing it, and they seriously started responding. I started out crumpling paper into small balls. The cats really seemed to like the sound of the crumpling. They came zipping out of nowhere every time I crumpled a wad of paper, and when I tossed the balls, they darted after them in a frenzy. So, I was onto something, I thought. And the game of fetch began.

To my surprise, I found that teaching your cat to fetch is a lot easier than you might think. You will find that the more you do it, the better your cat responds because animals love repetition. When my cats were just kittens, I started throwing out those crumpled up paper balls, and, every once in a while, those little cloth mice for them to fetch. Strangely enough, and to my surprise, with just enough coaching, they would bring them back to me every single time.

Pooped out from fetching…

Teach Kitty To Carry It In Her Mouth

I dont have a pic for this, but this is the most important part!For my kitten, Dorothy, I took her into a small room . I then sat on one side of the room and after I teased her with the bag/ ball a little, I tossed it to the other side of the room then I, myself, crawled over to the bag/ ball and put the ball in my mouth and brought it back to where I started.Let kitty see what you are doing . Do it again. Do it again. Do it again. Keep doing it. I recommend a small room because it makes it easier to go back and forth.Kitty will eventually learn that with bringing the ball/bag back a reward is in store.

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Preparing To Train Your Cat

  • 1Pick the right sized toy mouse. In general, cats like to fetch things that they can easily grab with their paws or put in their mouths.XResearch source If you do not already have a toy mouse at home, you can purchase one at your local pet store. Consider the size of your cat as you are deciding which toy mouse to purchasea kitten would need a smaller toy mouse than an adult cat.
  • If possible, pick a toy mouse that does not have plastic eyes. During her playtime, your cat could remove the eyes and swallow them, which could lead to intestinal blockage that would require veterinary care.XResearch source
  • 2Select the right time to train your cat. Training your cat will be more effective when she is alert and energetic. Cats are most active at dusk and dawn. Training your cat in the morning may not be conducive to your work schedule, so an evening training time may be ideal.
  • Consider training her during one of her regular play times. She will already be anticipating an interaction with you, so she will likely be attentive to you when you start training her.
  • You can also train her before her regular mealtime. Her hunger may motivate her to follow your instructions.
  • 3Choose an area to train your cat. The area where you train your cat should be large enough to allow you to throw the toy mouse at least a few feet. The room should be free of distractions, as well as physical obstacles .
  • You can move to a larger area as your cat becomes more skilled at playing fetch with you.
  • The Difference Between Dogs And Cats

    How to Teach your Cat to Catch, Cat Fetch (Cat Training ...

    Dogs are very easy to train, and most sit on command with very little effort. One of the main reasons being, theyre pack animals, and love being part of a family. Being rewarded with attention is enough to teach a dog tricks.

    Cats on the other hand are far more solitary. Apart from lionesses, cats hunt alone. They dont get such pleasure from being rewarded with attention, and getting a pat on the head from fetching a ball wont work.

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    Things You Can Train Your Cat To Do

    By: | Updated: Apr 14, 2021

    Sit, stay and fetch aren’t tricks reserved for man’s best friend. Sure, you can teach an old dog new tricks, but, as it turns out, you can teach those same tricks to cats — really. And just like training a dog, training a cat requires patience, practice and a lot of praise and rewards.

    Rewarding your cat for a job well done will reinforce the behavior you want, whereas raising your voice or otherwise disciplining your cat will only stress you both out — and neither of you wants that. Keep your training sessions short and calm, but also remember: Practice makes perfect. It can take anywhere from several tries to several weeks for your cat, kitten or senior, to learn a new skill, and that will depend on your cat’s personality and temperament. Now that you know you can train your cat, let’s talk about how to do it you’ll be herding cats in no time.

    Keep It Interesting At All Times

    Many cat owners expect their cats to participate in the teaching process to get the treats. However, this is not quite the case. You have to keep your cat interested throughout the entire process to ensure that it learns the trick. Here are some things you can do:

    • Teaching must always be fun turn the learning process into a game and your cat will want to take part in it.
    • Start with the treat if your cat is not a big fan of playing, give it the treat before you start to get it to participate.
    • Start training process when a kitty is hungry It wouldnt be wise to try and train your cat on a full stomach, as the motivation for food wouldnt be quite as high.

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    Do Cats Play Fetch Playing With Your Cat

    Cats love small toys, whether they are balls or tiny stuffed mice. If you throw those toys for your cat, you might even be surprised if your cat brings it back! You may have thought only dogs did that. Therefore, you ask yourself this: do cats play fetch?

    Cats can play fetch. Most cats dont naturally know how to play fetch, but you can teach most cats how to play fetch.

    A cat that loves to play will love to play fetch. It will take time to teach your cat, but its not rare or impossible for cats to play fetch. Continue reading to learn more about this uncommon habit that some cats have.

    Why Cats Play Fetch

    How to train your cat to playing fetch

    Playing fetch may be considered a dogs domain, but a cats natural hunting instincts of stalking and pouncing make it the perfect game for felines, as well. Cats are not generally known for following commands, but its not a huge stretch to imagine why cats would enjoy chasing a moving object when you consider how the game mimics a hunt.

    Some cat breeds may be more interested in fetching toys than others. The Maine Coon, for example, is known for being active and enjoying a game of fetch. Any cat that is playful and energetic, however, may be enticed to play if the mood is right.

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    Mice And Other Stuffed Toys

    Any stuffed toys, mouse-shaped or otherwise, are also great throwing toys.

    Your cats will usually find a stuffed toy that they love. You may find your cat carrying these toys around on a typical day.

    Stuffed toys for cats are usually small, soft, and light. This means that your cat can bite onto the toy to pick it up and carry it with him because it isnt heavy.

    Some companies may try to market fetch toys for cats to you. While these toys may be better for cats, they arent your only choice. If you want to play fetch with your cat, youll need to find the toy that your cat likes best.

    Happy playing!

    Remember Cats Are Easily Distracted

    Keep your cat interested in chasing the ball and bringing it back to you. I picked her up a lot of times, put the ball in my mouth and brought her and the ball back to the starting point. Give her a treat once in a while. Flip her over, pet her. Talk to her in cat talk. When your kitty gets sick of it , just forget about it and come back to the task at hand later.Repetition is the key but there is a fine line.Don’t make it into a military drill or your cat will never fetch and someday eat you in your sleep.Remember, your kitty is not a doggy. Cats will hold grudges.

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    Training A Cat To Fetch: Step 6

    This step involves picking the ball up and bringing it back to you. Place the ball a bit farther away from you, such as behind your cat. Your cat will turn, pick up the ball and turn toward you, at which point you then click and offer a treat. Keep doing this while moving the ball a bit farther away from you each time. Now you have the behavior of fetch.

    Not only does your cat know fetch, but you both had fun in the process.

    Featured Image: By Tony Harrison/Flickr

    Further Tips On How To Teach A Cat To Fetch

    How To Train Your Cat To Fetch Like A Pro! :Proven Tips ...

    #1 Reinforce the Behavior

    During this post how to teach a cat to fetch, we have frequently mentioned about giving your cat a treat after they have performed a certain action. This is very important as it gives positive reinforcement which increases the odds that the behavior will continue. Never punish your cat for not doing something. The training should always be positive.

    #2 Increase the toys value

    Whatever toy you choose, always make sure to use it exclusively just for training your cat how to fetch. If you use it for general play or leave it lying around the house, the object will lose its value and this will effect the results of the training. When you finish a training session, always make sure to store it away where your cat cannot access it.

    #2 Keep a consistent routine

    As with everything else in life, learning a skill requires consistency on a daily basis. Teaching a cat how to fetch is no different. If you want to see results then stick with a consistent routine.

    #3 How often should you do fetch training

    Its not a good idea to do long grueling sessions. Remember that this is supposed to be a fun experience for your cat. Shorter 3 to 5 minute sessions each day is far more effective method. Be patient and never force your cat to do something they dont want to do.

    Hope you enjoyed this post on how to teach a cat to fetch. Go through the training and let us know your results in the comments section below.

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    Preparing To Play Fetch

  • 1Choose a small, contained area. Keep your cat focused on the play session by limiting any distractions or obstacles. Start in a small, empty area and, as your cat gets more comfortable with fetch, move to a larger space.
  • 2Use your cats favorite toy or object. If your cat already has a toy she favors that is small and easy to throw, use this for fetch. Some cats enjoy fetching with crumpled paper or a toy that makes a sound.XResearch source
  • Always use the same toy or object, when playing fetch. This will get your cat used to fetching with the same toy and signal to your cat it is time for fetch, when you take out that toy.
  • 3Play fetch right before a meal. Time your play session so your cat is awake and alert. Doing it right before lunch or dinner will ensure your cat is ready to run around and work up an appetite.Advertisement
  • Training Your Cat To Do Other Tricks

    You dont need to stop at fetch, as long as your cat enjoys training, as most do. You could always train your cat to sit and beg as well. Providing lots of tasty treats are involved, youll have a very willing participant!! Always be patient and only stick to a short 3-5 minute session each time. Respect your cats needs and dont disturb her rest for training. Youll only have an agitated kitty on your hands!

    Now you know how to train your cat to fetch, I hope you and your fur baby enjoy fun times together. Training also strengthens the bond, and creates a positive relationship. If youve enjoyed this post, please share. Feel free to share this pin on your pets board.

    Id also love you to share any experiences youve had of training a cat. Please leave any comments or questions below.

    Wishing you a purrfect day:)Kathy

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    Fabulous Tricks Your Cats Can Learn

    Initially, choose tricks your cat already does naturally. Something as simple as Scratch the Post, once rewarded, can be conditioned into a habit that will save your draperies and furnishings. Other natural behaviors include rolling onto her back, climbing into a bag or box, or jumping onto the counter. You can lure your cat into some of these behaviors with catnip, treats, and toys.

    When your cat performs the behavior, click and reward them. Once they notice the connection between the behavior and the reward, cue the behavior with a word or signal. Its as simple and fun as that!

    The 10 Most Popular Tricks To Teach Your Cat

    How to Teach your Cat to Catch, Cat Fetch (Cat Training)

    Cats are extremely curious and agile, so they can learn a lot of tricks. These are the most popular 10 tricks that you can start with and if your cat turns out to enjoy the process, you can expand to more of them.

    1. Teach your cat to sitCue Word Sit!

    This is probably the most common cat trick out there and it is very easy to train your cat to do it. You will need treats and a clicker. Call your cat to you and when it gets there, hold the treat above its head. This will make it sit down on the floor naturally. When this happens, use the clicker.

    This will make your cat associate the sitting position with the clicking sound. Remember to also give it the reward after you click. Repeat this about 10 times so that your cat can practice. Once it starts doing a good sitting position and it is used to the routine, add in the cue word Sit!.

    Repeat it a few more times and then stop so that your cat is left wanting more rather than bored with the activity. Reprise the training process the following day and use the cue word from the very beginning. Dont forget to keep the sessions short.

    2. Teach your cat to come when you call itCue Word Your cats name!/ Come!

    Every cat knows its name, but this does not mean that it will come to you when you call it. Cats are infamous for showing up only when they feel like it, but this is something that can be changed with a bit of training.

    3. Train your cat to hi-fiveCue Word Tap!/ Hi-Five!

    6. Teach your cat to fetchCue Word Fetch!

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