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How To Train A Dog To Like Cats

Are Maine Coons Hard To Potty Train

Cat Care : How to Train a Cat & Dog to Like Each Other Without Attacking

A: Maine Coon cats will use litter boxes as long as they are large enough for them to have enough space to comfortably go to the bathroom. Youll also need to consider the age of your cat. If you have a senior cat youll need a tray that is easy to access, or kittens wont be able to jump into top-entry trays.

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Hello, to start, I would remove Hadley’s food bowl after each meal. He only needs the bowl in place at meal time. Once he has moved away from it after the meal, take it up and store it away until it is the next time for a meal. That will ease a little bit of the problem. Make sure that your cat has easy access to a safe haven where Hadley cannot go. Is Hadley new to the household? If not, is this new behavior? A new aggressive behavior always means a vet check up is in order to rule out an injury or illness that could be causing the change. I would also brush up on Hadley’s obedience skills to show him that he does not rule the home and that he has to respect you – and the cat as that is your expectation. Start with having Hadley “sit” before every event. Before getting his food dish, before getting his leash on for a walk, before playtime, before a treat, etc. Work on these obedience skills: and When walking him, train him to heel: Knowing that he has rules to follow will rein Hadley in a little at home. Good luck!

Add A Comment To Riley’s Experience

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Hello Wendy,I suggest teaching an e-collar avoidance of the cats. This will be done with you present at first, just to do the e-collar training and teach the rules , then you would use the e-collar remotely to enforce training from further away while you spy on her and she doesn’t know that you are watching – via a camera, window, tree, ect…I highly suggest hiring a professional trainer who has experience with high quality e-collar use, avoidance training, and also uses positive reinforcement. Look for someone who comes well recommended by their previous clients for behavior issues like hers, and who can help train. Check out the videos linked below of a trainer who specializes in livestock and animal chasing and killing dogs, working with a livestock killing dog – different animal but also prey drive and happening outside when pup is unsupervised.Day 1. 2. 3. 4. of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

Add A Comment To Winnie And Tucker’s Experience

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Hello Poli,Whether it can be reversed depends a lot of the individual dog and the severity. Training can almost always make it easier to manage. In some cases it can be overcome completely. In many cases it can get to the point where pup can peacefully co-exost around other animals when you are there to instruct, but may always need some management.Check out trainers like James Penrith from Take the Lead dog Training and Thomas Davis from the Canine Educator on youtube to learn more about chasing behaviors and aggression and reactivity.I would have a trainer who specializes in behavior issues like agreasion and reactivity, evaluate pup in person to give you a better idea of what to expecting training wise, what type of work would be involved on your end, and what type of progress they think pup could make.Best of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

Signs That A Dog Is Cat

Is it Possible to Train a Cat Like a Dog?

Start with a diagnosis before you plan out the possible household training and discipline that you will conduct to your dog. Dog aggression can vary from cats, territory, food, and even dog owners. For a better understanding of high prey dogs and why they act that way, here are the following signs that your dog is cat-aggressive:

  • When he does not want to share his sleep territory with a cat.
  • When he inserts himself between you and the cat.
  • When he barges through the door as soon as he sees the cat.
  • When he barks excessively whenever a cat is around.
  • When he stares at the cat and growls continuously.
  • When he chases any moving objects such as cats.

Do not risk a fight in the house between your cat and dog. Observe the signs of a cat-aggressive dog, and if you see any of them, make sure to contact a professional immediately. They will be able to determine the dominant behaviors of your dog towards cats. Confirmation from a professional serves as a signal for you to train a high prey drive dog.

Matching Cats And Dogs

  • If youre thinking of getting a cat for your dog or a dog for your cat, its important to consider both animals personalities. It may be helpful to look for a companion that has already been exposed to the other species in the past.
  • If a dog attempts to aggressively chase, pin, pick up or otherwise manhandle any cat, it is best to not even consider getting a cat or at least to proceed with caution. Additionally, a dog who growls, lunges at or obsessively barks at a cat would probably do best in a cat-free environment. Likewise, a cat who growls, swats at, runs from or hides from dogs would probably prefer to not live with a dog.
  • If a dog loves chasing things, then a fearful, shy cat who runs away probably wouldnt be the best choice, as it could trigger the dog to chase. Similarly, an energetic cat who runs and pounces would fall into this same category. A better match here would be a calm, confident cat who will not run .
  • If a dog plays roughly, it is best to avoid kittens or elderly cats who can easily be hurt. Instead, stick to playful adults who are interested in play, but are also confident enough to take care of themselves. If a cat is rambunctious or playful, a dog that is playful, but gentle, could be a great option.
  • If a dog or cat is elderly, laid back, quiet or anxious, then a calm counterpart would be best. Avoid rambunctious companions who may annoy, frighten or otherwise bother the other pet.

Add A Comment To Jagger’s Experience

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Hello, I think the best solution is to bring in a private trainer to assess Bonnie, allowing the trainer to use the best methods to try and change the behavior. After 3 years, if she still attacks the cats and grew up with them, chances are it will be a tough change to make. I don’t think you can do it on your own. Make sure the cats have a safe and peaceful haven that they can go to as it is unfortunate they have to live with the fear of attack. You can take a look at the Beef Up Basic Training Method: and the Focus Method: But if you can, please consider a trainer, even for one session for tips and help. Good luck!

Add A Comment To Tundra’s Experience

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Hello Hunter,I recommend working with a trainer who specializes in behavior issues to teach pup an avoidance of cats. The trainer will need to have access to their own cat for training practice as well.Check out the videos linked below.Check out James Penrith from TaketheLeadDogTraining for examples of this type of training. He has a Youtube channel. He works with dogs that chase and sometimes will kill livestock. Teaching pup to avoid cats similarly.Day 1. 2. 3. 4. cat issue – teaching impulse control: cat issue – teaching impulse control using corrections and rewards: cat issue: e-collar work with cats with the same dog: of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

Problems And Proofing Behavior

How to train your dog to leave your cat alone | How to teach your dog and cat to get along

Make sure the dog stays leashed and the pets separated when not supervised until you’re confident the new canine response has become ingrained. If you see any signs of the dog reverting to the chase behavior, go back to the beginning of your training. It may just require a few more sessions to really instill the desired behavior.

Once your puppy has learned the limits, you can try some off-leash sessions with the cat. Always be sure your feline friend has plenty of second story territory like the backs of chairs and cat trees or shelves to stay safely out of nose reach. In time, both the puppy and the cat can learn to accept and respect each other, and perhaps even grow into a furry friendship.

Add A Comment To Leo’s Experience

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Hello Nikealee,Check out the article linked below and the Turns method. Practice it with pup’s muzzle slightly behind your leg and as soon as pup starts to move their head past your leg, turn directly in front of pup. Timing is important here – if you wait until pup is further ahead this will be hard to do. Practice in an open area like your yard, calm cul-de-sac free or cars, park, or field at first.Turns method: of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

The Power Of Positivity

Training gives you a more effective way to communicateand you may even find your cat communicates back.

Delgado saw this when she taught her cat to use the scratching post instead of trying to teach her not to scratch the couch: When my cat wanted a treat, shed go to the scratching post and put a paw on it and look at me like, ‘Hey, are you going to give me a treat for this?’

When you start ignoring undesirable behavior, youll need to hold your ground through the extinction burst, as trainers call it.

Initially the animal will try harder, so if you stop getting up to feed your cat in the middle of the night it’ll probably meow louder and walk on your face, says Delgado. You have to be very consistent in not responding.

Add A Comment To Fiona’s Experience

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Hello Jessica,I cannot tell you whether you should keep her or not, but I can tell you this is a serious issue. Most concerning is that she snarls at people she knows. Chasing and pinning the cats is very normal for many dogs who did not geow up with them – dangerous for the cats still though, because dogs are naturally predatory towards animals like cats.Obedience is needed and will be a part of treating her aggression but it is definitely not the only thing needed. You need to hire a professional trainer who is experienced with aggression and will spend one on one time with your family and Stella, either at your home or at a training facility part of the time.An obedience class is not set up to address aggression and many obedience class trainer are not experienced with aggression .Check out Jeff Gellman from SolidK9Training. He is a trainer who specializes in aggression and is on YouTube. I highly suggest hiring someone to work with you in person, but you can learn more online there.Best of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

What Is Prey Drive

5 Tips to Train Your Cat Like a Dog in 2020

Well thats a good question. When I say prey drive, I mean that a dog acts in a way that suggests he really wants to chase, catch, kill, and even eat a prey animal.

Of course, we cant really ask the dog. And we dont want to sacrifice a cat to find out what the dog really wants.

I dont know why Cats Are Friends Not Food thinks her dog wants to bite and shake the kitten. She reported that her dog was drooling with dilated pupils and could not be distracted with treats, despite normally being very food motivated. Thats definitely concerning.

Certain dogs are more likely to have high prey drive Greyhounds, Terriers and Huskies come to mind.

As your dog gets more excited, its also potentially more likely for your dog to tip over into predatory aggression. Its kind of like how excited fans at sports events are more likely to get into fights than their office-going alter-egos .

You can see the differences between different dogs and their prey drives even at young ages. Some pups will chase, grab, and shake a flirt pole. Others will stalk it but never bite.

My border collie loves chasing things but when a squirrel fell out of a tree and plopped between his paws, he didnt pounce. Instead, he lay down a common herding behavior.

The problem for cat owners is that even a dog who just wants to chase can be really stressful for the kitty. A dog that wants to do more is downright dangerous.

Add A Comment To Nika’s Experience

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Hello, I apologize for the delay in reply. I would call in a trainer used to working with these types of situations. I can give you a few guides to read but I really think that hands-on training is necessary. As I am sure you are doing, keep Joe away from the cat and make sure that the cat always has a safe and secure, easily reached retreat. Sometimes, it takes a long time before a dog will behave around a cat and there have been many instances where it never happens. So be prepared to keep the cat safe long term. Look online for a trainer, you may be able to speak with someone virtually as well. In the meantime, you can try tips from here: and here: Read both guides through for advice. Be patient, and please seek out a trainer in your area for help. Even one private session can make a difference and perhaps bring peace to the home. But a very aggressive dog may never accept a cat, so please keep the cat safe. All the best to Joe and the cat!

Add A Comment To Steve’s Experience

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Hello Carrie,Gracie may very well just be trying to play with Minu. Keep the leash on and the animals separated when the leash is off for at least a couple of weeks though. You need Gracie to get familiar enough with Minu that she considers her part of the family and Minu becomes boring to her from constantly being around her without excitement.I would have to evaluate Gracie in person to see if she is prey driven toward the cat, but typically prey drive looks tense, with a fixed glare, quivering, drooling, or stalking. Not always but those are more indicative of prey drive. Excitement tends to look more relaxed, loose tail wagging , and grinning or calm. Chasing can end in disaster simply because one animal is so much bigger but the intention is often different and the chasing can be addressed .Best of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

Add A Comment To Copper’s Experience

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Hello, because Freyja has killed 3 cats already, this indicates she has a strong prey drive and it may or may not be fixable. But you will have to call in a behaviorist/trainer with experience with these issues. The training can be a positive experience – make sure that you hire a trainer with the same philosophies as yours but who is capable at the same time. Can you assure the cats have a safe haven to escape to, where Freyja has no access? It is quite possible that the cats will not be safe ever when Freyja is around because of her age and strong aggression/drive making her kill the cats. Please have a trainer give their opinion. (You can try our methods listed but the fact that the cats and Freyja cannot be separated, and the fact that it is difficult to leash your dog presents challenges. I hope it all works out!

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How to train your dog to leave your cat alone

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Hello,I recommend hiring a professional trainer to help you with the human and dog aggression – that will require more than I can comment on here. Look for someone who specializes in behavior issues like aggression and comes well recommended by their previous clients.I also suggest having a trainer help you with the cat issue. If the cat will be an outdoor cat, your odds of success will be better. I would in that case teach pup an avoidance of cats, so that pup simply learns to give them their space outside.Check out James Penrith from TaketheLeadDogTraining. He has a Youtube channel. He works with dogs that chase and sometimes will kill livestock. Teaching pup to avoid cats similarly.Day 1. 2. 3. 4. cat issue – teaching impulse control: cat issue – teaching impulse control using corrections and rewards: cat issue: e-collar work with cats with the same dog:

Can You Train A High Prey Drive Dog To Live With A Kitten

Dogs are predators but we often dont really want them to act out those predatory instincts. Some dogs are more high prey drive than others. Is it even possible to train a high prey drive dog to live with a kitten? If so, how?

Our Certified Dog Behavior Consultants tackle this question in todays Ask a Behavior Consultant.

Can a dog with a high prey drive be trained to live with a kitten? We introduced our dog to the kitten wed like to adopt, and the kitten was calm but our dog seemed like she wanted to bite her and shake her like a toy.

Sincerely, Cats Are Friends Not Food

How To Train A Cat: Tips And Tricks

When we consider training, we automatically think of dogs. Dogs are trained for obedience, for work on farms or to detect drugs, illegally imported items, even cancers. Training does not generally bring up a vision of a cat obeying your every word. Yet, cats can be trained.

What commands can cats learn?

Cats can learn all sorts of commands   to sit, to roll over, to shake a paw. Cats like to do things in their own good time, so to train them we need to be really motivated, set aside some time and above all, be patient. Remember, cats are individuals and each one will react differently when training begins. Some will ignore you or look at you as if you are mad, whilst others will be very curious and eager.

Teach one trick at a time. You can reinforce tricks your cat has mastered, but don’t confuse them by teaching more than one new behaviour at a time.

How to train a cat

Cats, like dogs, are motivated to do things in life that benefit them. Seeking tasty morsels of food or a cat game with a favourite toy are favourite activities. Usually it is the cat who demands these from their owners. So lets turn it around. Use these motivators to your advantage.

Ringing the bell

The sit and Hi 5 commands

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