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Why Does My Cat Like The Smell Of Bleach

Will Bleach Fumes Hurt My Cat

My cat likes the smell of bleach…

The fumes from bleach can harm your cat, yes. As already discussed, cats are drawn to the smell of bleach. So, dont ever leave a bottle or mixture open and somewhere they can get at it.

The faint smell and fumes after youve cleaned up and wiped away the residue isnt the issue. Its them getting a good sniff from the bottle that can do them harm. The fumes can cause respiratory issues, such as labored breathing and wheezing.

Prolonged or continued exposure to bleach fumes can cause long-term health issues. The way I see it is that its just a bad habit, so I dont let my cats smell Ive used bleach if I can.

Why Does My Cat Love The Smell Of Bleach

Vets and animal scientists have no idea why cats display this behavior around bleach. There might be some chemical present in bleach, probably the chlorine, causing the appeal for your feline.

Why on earth would your cat like the smell of chlorine? Cats have a sense of smell thats many times stronger than ours, so why would they find bleach or chlorine scents appealing?

Some experts suggest bleach might produce the same pheromone response in cats they get from snacking on some catnip.

Some owners report their cat exhibits the same behavior around bleach as they do catnip. Your kitty might start purring, drooling, or rubbing on bleached surfaces.

Can The Smell Of Bleach Harm My Cat

Cats have a strong behavioural reaction to a range of scents, including bleach and catnip: perhaps they mimic pheromones. Bleach can be a harsh irritant, affecting the eyes, digestive and respiratory systems, but it isnt otherwise toxic. Once the bleached area is dry, there is no risk of a problem.

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Which Bleach Is Most Dangerous For Cats

All bleach is dangerous for your cat. Regular household bleach does contain a slightly lower concentration of chlorine and is slightly less acidic than some other products. But it is still dangerous enough to cause irritation to your cats skin and to be potentially fatal if swallowed.

Then you have products like highly concentrated bleach that are wildly dangerous. These types of products are only for professional cleaning and have a much higher concentration of chlorine and a higher level of acidity, making it particularly treacherous for felines.

Lastly, there is no-chlorine bleach. While this may seem like a good choice at first, its important to know that instead of chlorine, these products often use hydrogen peroxide. This is also dangerous for cats and can induce vomiting. And unfortunately, your cat will probably still go crazy for the bleach smell.

Why Do Cats Love Bleach

Why Does My Cat Like Bleach? (Protecting Your Feline)

The most common explanation is that there might be something in the chemical makeup of bleach that attracts cats, such as chlorine. But that raises the question, why do cats like chlorine?

The generally agreed upon answer is that it is because cats have a very highly developed sense of smell much more complex than humans and something like bleach might be connected to their pheromones, triggering a biological, hormonal reaction to the scent.

Common reactions include rubbing, purring and drooling very similar to the effect that catnip has on kitties. So while cat experts havent really reached a detailed conclusion about why cats are into bleach, a simple way of thinking of it is that it has the same effect as catnip does on a kitty.

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What Should I Do If My Cat Drank Bleach

If your cat drank water with bleach, such as from a toilet tank or a bowl of bleach solution for cleaning, remove the cat from the area or place the bleach where the cat cannot access it. If your cat has bleach on his fur, rinse the area with clear water and wipe with a cloth to remove as much bleach as possible. Dilute the bleach.

Why Do Cats Love Chloride

The possible explanation as to why these animals like chlorine may be linked to the fact that cats have a stronger sense of smell when compared to human and it could be associated with their pheromones that often alter not only their behavior but also physiology.

Like in the case of catnips or valerian root extract, the chloride smell may mimic their sex pheromones and thus causing this a little crazy behavior.

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Safety Precautions To Follow When Using Bleach

Cats are irresistibly attracted to the smell of bleach however, you can take a few precautions to ensure that your cat does not have any access to bleach and is safe. And, here are a few steps that you can take:

  • Keep all the household cleaning products i.e., bathroom, floor or laundry cleaners containing bleach in a closed cabinet that can be locked, which your cat cannot open.
  • Once youre done with cleaning your bathroom, tub, floor, etc. with a cleaner containing bleach, rinse the area thoroughly with clean water. If there is any bleach left behind, the smell of the bleach will attract your pet, who may sniff, lick or rub himself on the bleach and get the bleach on his nose, mouth, tongue and paws, which can be harmful to him.
  • When you have washed the area that has been cleaned with bleach, allow it to dry fully before you allow your cat to come into the area. Because even if there is any bleach remaining, if it has dried out, dry bleach is less harmful and does not cause as much irritation as liquid bleach.
  • When youre cleaning your entire home with cleaning products containing bleach, then ensure that you clean one room at a time and keep your pet in a room with dry floors.
  • After cleaning using products containing bleach, keep a close watch on your cat. Keep him away from the areas where you have used the bleach and prevent him from going in and licking the places that you have cleaned using bleach.

All Types Of Bleach Is Toxic To Cats

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Homeowners already understand that bleach is available in a variety of chlorine concentrations. Some rely on large amounts of chlorine, while others have chlorine-free or low-chlorine formulations.

Chlorine is supposedly the whitening processs primary ingredient, although its efficacy in whitening fabrics is debatable. In any case, whether you have a chlorine-free or high-chlorine product, your cat will find the bleach appealing.

However, while your cat finds all of the bleach products appealing, those with higher chlorine contents are more dangerous to your felines health.

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Why Bleach Doesnt Effect All Cats

Some cats go bleach crazy, and others do not. Why is that? Well, it comes down to heritable traits in the species and individual cats. Heritable means inherited, and not all cats get the same things from their ancestors. Hence there are different personalities and color patterns, among other qualities.

Theres more to the way a cat behaves than only genetics. The nurture versus nature aspect affects some things, like how social a particular kitty is. However, the bleach reaction isnt learned behavior. In short, its not a part of the nurture side of what makes your cat who they are.

While cats havent been studied as comprehensively as dogs, theres still a fair bit of research on kitty behavior. What this tells us is that certain breeds are more susceptible to different reactions. Both researchers and vets agree on this. Naturally, pet-parents could have told you that, but since the average cat lover isnt a specialist, it matters that the pros see the same thing.

An excellent example of genetic heritance comes from Asian cats like Burmese and Tonkinese kitties, who are more likely to exhibit signs of PIKA. They often show this by nursing and kneading on wool. Ragdoll cats are especially prone to bleach reactions, though they arent alone.

Therefore, it seems likely that cats get their bleach reaction from their ancestors. Crossbreeding between different cat types could be the reason a cat who looks like one breed still acts like another.

Can Bleach Kill A Cat

Now that you know the answer to why do cats like the smell of bleach? then the next obvious question on anyones mind would be can bleach kill a cat?

Yes, in large quantities, bleach could kill a cat.

If you have left a bucket of concentrated bleach near a cat who happens to love bleach and ingests some of it, then it could cause bleach poisoning in your pet. Minor symptoms include salivation or drooling, vomiting, and lot of pain.

If your cat vomits the bleach out, there could be a corrosive action on its way up it could cause ulcers in its mouth and throat.

In extreme cases, cats could experience seizures and could die if they do not receive timely medical help. So rush your pet to the vet if you suspect your cat has ingested bleach.

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Why Do Cats Like Bleach

  • 6 min read

**Important- The information in this blog post is for informational purposes only and shouldnt be deemed as medical or veterinary advice. If your cat has consumed bleach then you should consult a veterinary professional immediately **

Has your cat ever had a strange reaction to bleach?

Dont worry, your cat isnt the only one. Many pet owners have noticed that their cat is attracted to the smell of bleach. Some cats have the same reaction to bleach as they do to catnip.

But why does this happen? And isnt bleach toxic? What should you do if your cat drinks bleach?

First, dont panic. We are going to look at all of this together. By the end of this post, we hope you have a better understanding about why cats like bleach and what to do if your cat consumes this toxin.

How Do I Know If My Cat Drank Bleach

Why Do Cats Like The Smell of Bleach?

Why Do Cats Like The Smell Of Bleach? What are the possible signs you see if it has drunk bleach?

If your cat drank bleach, there would be visually seen symptoms in your cat. The significant symptoms you can notice if your cat has consumed the bleach water are:

  • Skin irritation
  • Mouth filled with bubbles
  • Excessive drooling
  • In addition to this, severe bleach poisoning can also happen, making the cat so sick that it could sometimes expire when a proper and quick detoxification procedure is provided to the cat.

    So, look for these symptoms in your cat when it drinks the bleach. Apart from these, if you see your cat behaving strangely, like dancing on the floor, smiling and moaning for no reason, and walking staggered like it is high, all these indicate bleach consumption.

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    Can Cats Get Chlorine Poisoning

    It really comes down to the dose, exposure, and so on. But the answer is yes, cats can get chlorine poisoning if they were exposed to too much. I have to stress, however, as I already mentioned, the risk is minimal to none from the amount of chlorine in your pool or damp swimming costume.

    The real risk is a cat being exposed to chlorine tablets or liquid in concentrated form. There is a serious risk of chlorine poisoning from chlorine products.

    Do Cats Hate Mothballs

    Yes, most animals hate the scent of mothballs. That is why gardeners scatter mothballs around gardens to keep stray cats and dogs away.

    For pet parents, it is important to know that naphthalene in mothballs is toxic to cats can could cause poisoning. So please keep mothballs out of your cats reach.

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    Types Of Bleach And The Effects They Have

    As you may know if you use bleach for your washing, there are several types of bleach available on the market. The variable is the chlorine in the composition. There are bleaches with a low concentration of chlorine, other with a high concentration of chlorine, and some that dont have chlorine at all.

    While their efficacy for whitening your clothes is debatable, one thing is certain all of them are very attractive to your cat because all three types of bleach have that irresistible smell that your cat simply goes crazy for. All of them are also dangerous for your cat. However, some of them are more dangerous than others. Here are the main types of bleach and their effects on your cat:

    My Cat Has Consumed Bleach What Should I Do

    Why is my cat drooling and smells bad?

    If your cat has swallowed bleach and is displaying some or all of the above symptoms, dont panic. Here are some tips on how to treat the symptoms:

    • Firstly, you should try and determine what kind of bleach your pet has swallowed. If he has consumed a very small amount of diluted bleach, then you may be able to treat your pets symptoms at home. However, if youre not sure about the kind of bleach your pet has ingested, then it is better to take him to the vet immediately.
    • Try to flush the toxic bleach out of your pets digestive tract by making him drink milk or water. Drinking milk or water can help to alleviate the symptoms in around 30 to 45 minutes however, if the symptoms persist, then take your pet to the vet immediately.

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    Do Cats Like The Smell Of Bleach

    Well, as surprised as you are to see your felines reaction to the smell of bleach, you would be further surprised to know that your cat loves the smell of bleach and so he is acting the way he is.

    And, this reaction is the same as when cats are exposed to catnip. So, you may ask, why does my cat have a strange reaction whenever he smells bleach?

    According to experts, this reaction of felines to bleach is probably because of the chemical structure of the bleach. Bleach is essentially sodium hypochlorite, which decomposes to release chlorine, as well as other compounds. These probably act like pheromones that trigger a hormonal response in cats such as drooling, purring and rolling around.

    Why Does My Cat Smell Like Bleach

    As a loving cat parent, you love everything about your furry friend. But have you noticed a weird smell lately? Have you asked yourself: Why does my cat smell like bleach?

    Dont worry because theres nothing wrong with your pet. You just need to know how your cats body works, and in this article, well answer all your questions. So, keep on reading to learn more about your kitty.

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    Final Verdict On Why Do Cat Like Bleach

    Why Do Cats Like The Smell Of Bleach? Chlorine is a lousy chemical found in bleach that should only be used for laundry purposes. Always make sure that your cat has not reached any of the chemicals like bleach which can harm them.

    If theres any situation where your cat has eaten bleach, please take it to the vet and make a safe environment for your pets.

    Chlorine and cats are not appreciated to be in the same place. Please remove any chemical compounds from the territory of cats.

    Bleach and cats cannot be in the same place. Do you prefer your cat to be dead or clean the mess in a laundry room and make a safe environment for your cat? The choice is yours!

    Will Bleach Hurt My Cat

    Why Do Cats Like The Smell of Bleach?

    Cleaners with powerful odors that promise results should alert pet owners, particularly cat owners, to danger, experts say. The ingredients that make disinfectants effective make them toxic for companion animals: alcohol, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, chemical compounds that contain the word phenol, etc.

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    Why Cats Are Attracted To Bleach

    Cat parents will certainly know this. Cats are particularly attracted to bleach. The reason can be found in the chemical composition of the substance. Bleach so called because of its bleaching and disinfectant function is a solution based on sodium hypochlorite. It smells very similar to chlorine. Its characteristic odor is like that of animal pee. When the cat perceives this smell, it feels threatened and feels the need to mark the territory. This is the case with all substances containing sodium hypochlorite.

    Why Do Cats Love The Smell Of Chlorine

    Why Do Cats Like The Smell Of Bleach? Why do cats love bleach? Is it normal for a cat smelling bleach? Will the bleach make the cat high like it is on drugs?

    Cats would love the smell of chlorine just as a part of their behavior. Scientists have been researching this, but they all have said that it is a natural thing that triggers the cats to like the smell of chlorine.

    Chlorine is closely related to the pheromones, and that is why they will be acting like they are on heat and exhibiting a strong desire to mate with male cats.

    Why do cats like chlorine? Which thing triggers the cats to eat and drink chlorine water?

    Theres another reason why the cats get attracted to bleach. According to the leading animal psychologists, there is no specific reason a cat would be loving bleach or chemicals. It is just that it gets attracted by strange chemicals.

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    Three Theories Of Why Cats Enjoy Bleach

    Saying that bleach does something your cat likes isnt a whole lot of information. Lets take a look at what the bleach is probably doing. First, you need to know about the three most likely explanations of why your cat is acting so weird.

    Here are three reasons your cat may like bleach:

  • Bleach releases chemicals that mimic mating pheromones.
  • The chemical interaction may cause a catnip like reaction.
  • Some cats interpret the smell as an intruder.
    • Sex

    First, your bleach loving cat could be having a sexual or hormone-based reaction and loving it. All that rolling and rubbing might be half turn-on and half confusion because theres no other kitty there, making everything smell like mating time.


    Second, they might be having the catnip reaction, which is not the same, though it can look pretty similar. Drugs affect your behavior and actions by temporarily changing your brain chemistry. Catnip and bleach certainly seem to fit the profile.

    Home Invasion

    Third and finally, the hormones might smell more like an intruder than a potential mate. Therefore the rubbing could be an extreme form of marking behavior to try and re-odorize the environment and reclaim their territory. Cats who spray, or drag their butts through bleach are more likely to be having a territorial reaction.


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