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Why Wont My Cat Pee In The Litter Box

Multiple Pets In The Home

Why Won’t My Cat Use The Litter Box? Most Common Litter Box Problems and How To Solve Them

Peeing outside the litter box happens more frequently in a household with multiple cats, particularly if one is a bully who prevents another cat from getting to the box, Lund says. To address this, always have multiple litter boxes in your home and place them in multiple rooms, Lund advises.

If you have a timid cat in your home, be sure to devote a space and a litter box to her that other cats cannot access easily. Lund says you may also want to avoid covered litter boxes if you have multiple cats. Covered boxes may make some cats uneasy because they cant see if another cat is coming in, she says.;

A Hard To Reach Litter Box

In addition to litter box cleanliness, the placement of the box could cause your cat to go elsewhere. A box that is in a basement can be a problem for an older cat that has trouble with stairs or her eyesight, Lund says.

In addition, the box should be in a relatively active area of the house. While pet parents often dont want a litter box in the living room, removing it too far from social areas may make the box hard to find or unappealing to your cat. Generally you want litter boxes that are out of traffic but not at the end of a scary, trappable tunnel, says Marrinan. Along the same lines, litter boxes that are next to machines that make loud noises or odd vibrationssuch as the spin cycle of the washing machinecan be a no go zone for cats.

Try placing the box in a nearby hallway, bathroom, or office with easy access to a garbage can. The proper litter box set up will offer your cat privacy and peace and quiet, but still be easy for your cat to find.;

When Your Cat Refuses To Use The Litter Box Its A Cry For Help

When a cat eliminates outside the litter box, you need to think of it as a plea for help.

How so? There are 2 broad reasons for bad litter box habits: health problems and behavioral problems.

Therefore, the first thing that should go through your mind is:

  • Question 1:Does my cat have a health problem?

If, after a trip to the veterinarian, the answer is no, then ask:

  • Question 2:What am I doing wrong?

Your vet is the go to person to investigate health issues, and understanding cat behavior sheds light on why healthy cats do what they do where they do it.

So when your cat refuses to use the litter box, the first thing to do is to get the cat examined by your vet. Its important not to leap to the conclusion that the cat is just being difficult, and instead check out the real likelihood of them having a health problem.

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Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside Of The Litter Box

Is your cat having difficulty using the litter box these days? Find out why, and how to get your cat back to doing their business as usual.

If your cat suddenly starts peeing outside of the litter box and urinating all over the house, it might just put the bond between you and your adorable furball to the test as well as your patience! But whats causing this out-of-the-ordinary behavior? And what can you do about it? Read on to find out. Or read more cat-friendly articles on the Tractive blog.

Cat Not Using Litter Box: Causes And Solutions

Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside The Litter Box

Is your cat not using the litter box? Cats stop using their litter boxes for a variety of reasons, including issues with the box or litter, dissatisfaction with the placement or number of boxes, changes in the environment inside or outside the house, and undiagnosed medical conditions. You may have to investigate several possibilities before you understand what your cat is trying to tell you, but most issues are easy to remedy.

Try to keep in mind that cats don’t eliminate outside their litter box to purposefully annoy you. Punishment won’t stop or correct the behavior. Since most cases of litter box avoidance are stress-related, punishment only increases the stress and makes it harder to identify the real cause.

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How To Help Your Cat Use The Litter Box Properly

Contrary to what you might think, your cat is not trying to spite you by soiling outside of her litter box. Punishing her for the act will only make her fearful and exacerbate the problem. You should instead identify the reason shes doing it and address it.

First, make sure that you scoop and change her litter box every day. Rinse the box with baking soda or unscented soap once a week. Add litter boxes to different areas of the house, being sure to place them in a quiet but accessible location; they should not be placed in areas that are too remote or overly trafficked. Remove hoods and liners from the litter box. Keep food bowls and bedding away from her litter box. Close doors to certain parts of your house when your cat will be home alone. If she tends to favor a certain spot, try to make that spot less appealing to her by placing a litter box, food bowl, bed, or treats there.

Also, make sure to effectively clean areas of your house where your cat has urinated outside of the litter box. This is not only for your benefit of eliminating urination odors and preserving your carpet and furniture, but it also helps reduce confusion for your cat. If she continues to smell areas where she has eliminated outside of the litter box, she might not understand that this isnt acceptable behavior. Read our article about cat spraying for more information about cleaning up cat urine.

Thoroughly Clean Up The Mess

Whether your vet determines that the problem is medical or behavioral, be sure to thoroughly clean all areas where your cat has peed outside the box. You want to be sure youve eliminated the odor, not just for your own sake, but also so the smell doesnt draw your cat back to that same spot.

You can use a black light and your nose to identify all the problem areas.

If you are dealing with fresh urine, first blot up as much as possible with paper or cloth towels. Next , pick the best cleaning method based on what has been soiled:

  • Bedding, clothing, towels, etc.: You can clean these in the washing machine using a cold cycle, and then hang them outside to dry.

  • Floors and other hard surfaces: Thoroughly clean with your favorite household cleaning solution or a pet stain and odor remover solution.

  • Rugs, carpets, mattresses and upholstery: These are best cleaned with an enzymatic or bacterial cleaner like Nature’s Miracle Just For Cats Stain and Odor Remover, but make sure to follow the manufacturers instructions to maximize the effectiveness.

Image:Olesya Kuznetsova/Shutterstock

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When Kitty Eliminates Outside The Litter Box

If your veterinarian has ruled out a health problem, you can make a few changes to see if you can steer your cat back to the litter box:

  • Scoop and change your cats litter at least once a day.
  • Thoroughly rinse out the box with baking soda or unscented soap once a week.
  • Use less litter. Cats like a shallow bed of litter — no more than two inches deep.
  • Use a larger litter box.
  • Use clumping, unscented litter of a medium to fine texture or the litter they;used as a kitten. You could try putting a few clean boxes side by side, each with a different type of litter, to see which one your cat prefers.
  • Dont use box liners or lids.
  • Try a self-cleaning box, which is generally cleaner than a traditional litter box.
  • Move the litter box to a quiet, low-light location where your cat is able to see anyone approaching and can escape quickly. The litter box should be out of sight of their food and water dishes.
  • Add a few litter boxes in different locations, all of which have multiple escape routes. Make sure that children or other animals dont have access to the boxes.
  • If your cat is old or arthritic, use a litter box with low sides so they can climb in easily.
  • Provide a litter box for each of your cats, plus one extra. If you live in a multi-storey residence, place a box on each level.

Litter Box Cleaning Steps:

WHY Is My Cat PEEING/POOING Outside Litter Box?! PART 1: Litter Tray Issues
  • Dump out all old litter. Use a scoop to scrape any thats stuck to the sides or bottom.
  • Wash the entire box with a mild dish detergent and warm water. Dont use bleach, ammonia, or any other harsh chemicals that are harmful to cats.
  • Rinse the box completely.
  • If there are still odors after a thorough washing, swish a 50/50 white vinegar and water mixture inside the box to help neutralize the smell. Be sure to rinse until theres no vinegar scent in the box. If there are still cat odors in the box after this process, its time for a replacement.
  • Dry the box completely before adding fresh litter.
  • A list of common reasons why a cat might not be using the litter box.


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    How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing On The Bed

    The first thing youll need to stop your cat from peeing on your bed or other areas outside of their litter box? Patience. This will take time, but as long as you follow these steps, your cat will be using his litter box like a pro.

    1) Make sure you have the right litter box and litter. Youll want your cat to see his litter box as the most beautiful place in your home. Make sure its filled with litter he likes and is located in a quiet area.

    2) Thoroughly clean your bedding. Unsurprisingly, your cat will pee where he smells pee.

    3) Make the places hes having accidents unattractive. Until he gets accustomed to using his litter box, make the bed an uncomfortable place to urinate. You can put something non-absorbent on it when you arent sleeping, like a shower curtain.

    4) Change the meaning of your bed. If your cat is confusing your bed with his bathroom, start to make him see your bed differently. You can begin by playing with him on it and giving him treats there so that he begins to associate it with food.

    5) Be patient. Some cats take up to a month to consistently use their litter box.

    While your cat peeing on your bed is definitely a nuisance, with just a little patience and the above steps, youll soon have a dry bed and happy cat once again!

    He Doesnt Like The Type Of Litter

    Some cats are extra picky when it comes to their cat litter, and if it isnt soft enough for them, theyll find another place to go. Especially if your cat has previously been declawed, rough litter is going to be painful on their paws.

    To help find the perfect litter, you can put two litter boxes next to each other, each with a different brand, to see which one he goes for.

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    Older Cat Or Sick Cat

    Your cat not covering its urine might be an indication of age and health issues. First, your kitty might not be able to cover up their urine due to arthritis.

    If this is the case look at the litter box that you use and see if you can trade it out for another one that makes movement easier for them.

    The litter box needs to have easy access for them so that they dont have to make a painful step inside. A box with either low sides or an entryway will work fine. In this article, we show you a couple of litter boxes that are great for this purpose.

    Consideration needs to pay to the litter that you are using and the box itself. The litter needs to be smoother and not so jagged.

    Then look to clean the litter more frequently throughout the day, if this is not an option then covering up their uncovered urine when you notice it will do the trick.

    Other issues besides arthritis that would cause your kitty not to cover their urine are Urinary tract infections and tender paws.

    Unfortunately for you, to understand what the problem is you will have to observe them during their private time.

    Do they seem to winch when they put their feet in the litter box? Or when they are doing their business do they seem to take a long time to just pee?

    Either way, it is time to take them to the vet. If you have any suspicion that your kitty is having urinary tract infections take them to the vet right away.

    Your Cat Doesn’t Like Its Litter Box

    Why Won

    Yes, cats can get spooked by things. That means if the litter box is placed somewhere that brings them fear or if an object once fell from a bookshelf while they were in there scooping and pooping around , they may have developed a fear of the litter box. Similarly, not all cats like the shape or style of a particular litter box either. It may be:

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    Why Is My Cats Urine Not Clumping In The Litter

    Clumping litter should form clumps that dont fall apart when you scoop them out of the litter box. When pieces of the clump are left behind or fall through the scoop, it not only leaves the litter box smellier than it needs to be, it also makes it less sanitary for you and your cat.

    Here are 5 potential reasons your litter may not be fully clumping and ways to fix the issue.

    Is It Poop Or A Hairballwhat’s The Difference

    Some cat parents might think they are finding poop around the house and in their bed or on the floor, but it might actually be a hairball. Hairballs come out of the digestive tract like a cylindrical tube and can be shaped very similarly to cat poop and even similar in color. They are not all that uncommon and are generally part of the normal grooming process for cats. You might find these hairballs on the carpet, in blankets, behind furniture, under furniture, and so on and so forth. If you are wondering if it’s truly a hairball, read on about how many hairballs are considered normal in cats and how they are treated.

    This article is accurate and true to the best of the authorâs knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

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    Medical Causes For Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box

    When your cat is peeing outside of the litter box, its often because of an underlying medical issue. These issues arent always serious or life-threatening, but identifying them sooner is always best for your cats overall health. Some potential medical issues that can cause a cat to pee outside of the litter box are:

    • Urinary tract infection
    • Digestive problems
    • Age-related issues

    Some of these medical causes are more urgent or threatening than others, but regardless of what the medical cause may be for your cats inappropriate urination, a veterinarian should be able to provide some answers or solutions for you. A veterinarian can conduct a urinalysis to help understand what medical issue could cause your cat to pee outside of the litter box. A urinalysis is an affordable and easy way to potentially diagnose what could be causing your cats issues. Depending on what is found in your cats urinalysis, your veterinarian may suggest further bloodwork to rule out or confirm other medical issues.

    Why Clumping Cat Litter Wont Clump

    how do i get my cat to stop peeing outside of the litter box – Trevor the Pet Guy knows!

    This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

    Clumping cat litter is supposed to clump when it comes in contact with liquid, but many cat owners have found their once clumping litter is no longer effective.

    Others have found that their clumping cat litter will clump for one cats urine, but not anothers.

    This article outlines the most common reasons a clumping cat litter doesnt clump and solutions.

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    How Will I Know If The Problem Is Improving

    “If frequency of elimination in the litter box is not increasing, changes to the treatment plan or an alternate diagnosis may need to be considered.”

    Good record keeping is essential to gauge treatment success. In many cases there will initially be an increase in litter box use and a concurrent decrease of elimination in other locations, which will eventually be followed by a total and complete return to litter box usage. Therefore, keeping track of where elimination takes place on a daily basis should help track improvement or the lack of change. If frequency of elimination in the litter box is not increasing, changes to the treatment plan or an alternate diagnosis may need to be considered.

    Why Do Cats Poop On Rugs

    Out of all the places in a home, it seems that rugs are popular targets for inappropriate elimination. There’s something about the fabric that attracts cats. Perhaps it’s the fact that rugs are easy to knead and paw at like litter, or maybe it’s the scent. The absorbancy is likely a factor as well. You may never know for sure why your cat seems to prefer the rug, but many cat owners report this same issue.

    Cats are often mysterious, so getting to the bottom of the problem will take careful observation. You’ll need to eliminate the potential causes one at a time.

    No matter where your cat is pooping, if it’s outside the litter box, there are a few possible explanations for it.

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