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How To Care For Kittens Without Mom

How To Feed A Newborn Kitten

How to Care for Kittens without Mom ?| How to Feed a Newborn Kitten?

This article was co-authored by Natalie Punt, DVM. Dr. Natalie Punt is a Veterinarian and the Founder and CEO of mPet. She specializes in small animal emergency and general medicine and veterinary practice economics. Dr. Punt holds a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from The University of California, Davis, an MS in Biochemistry from The University at Buffalo, and a DVM from Western University of Health Sciences.There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 14 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 888,988 times.

Ideally, kittens should stay near and nurse from their mother cat for up to eight weeks prior to being separated and/or adopted. In the case of a rescue, death of the natural mother, or when circumstances cause cat mothers to reject one or more of her litter, human intervention is necessary. There are many things to consider if you find yourself needing to feed a newborn kitten. Careful consideration and preparation will make bottle feeding a kitten a soothing and comfortable experience, and help result in a happy, healthy pet.

What Do Kittens Eat Besides Milk

Once your kitten is about 3.5 to 4 weeks old, you can start weaning them off of the bottle. This is a gradual process that takes time and practice. The process usually looks something like this:

  • Begin by offering your kitten formula on a spoon.
  • Later, start offering your kitten formula in a saucer.
  • Gradually add canned food to the kitten formula in the saucer.
  • Increase the canned food in the saucer, adding less and less kitten formula.

If your kitten doesnât take to the spoon or the saucer right away, you can continue to offer the bottle.

As you progress through the weaning process, monitor your kitten and their stool to ensure that they digest everything well. If your kitten is doing well and isnât experiencing digestive issues , then you can gradually introduce more and more food.

At this stage, itâs also important to offer your kitten a bowl of fresh water to make sure that theyâre staying hydrated.

Stimulation And Litter Box Training

Kittens should and almost always will urinate during each stimulation. They should defecate at least once a day. One trick is to slowly count to 60 while youre stimulating a kitten. At that point, youll know if theyre done or if somethings on its way out!

When kittens get to be about four weeks old, they are usually ready to experience the wonderful world of litterboxes and youll be liberated from stimulation duty! Youll want to make sure you initially use good old-fashioned clay litter , as small kittens can end up ingesting the clumping kind of litter and it can cause problems internally. After each meal, put the kitten in the box and see what transpires. If they dont get it right away, try taking its paw and showing it how to scratch in the litter. Theyll catch on before you know it!

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How Do I Keep A Newborn Kitten Warm

Kittens should be kept in a cat carrier wrapped in a few layers of towels. Using a heating pad or heat disc for pets alongside a soft fleece blanket can also help keep them warm. Ensure that the carrier is large enough for your kitten to move away from the heater when they want to.

It is very important to keep your cat carrier in a safe, warm room away from other pets. Itâs helpful to go and check on your kitten throughout the day. If your kitten feels cold, you need to warm them up as soon as possible.

What To Avoid Feeding Baby Rabbits Without A Mother

How to Take Care of a Newborn Kitten Without a Mother

Rabbits are very sensitive to diet changes. Before you introduce them to any food, ensure that its something you can keep feeding them for months to come.

There are also some types of foods that can be dangerous when given in excessive quantity.

Always be careful of the ingredients youre feeding your baby rabbit as it can affect its growth.

Recommended Reading: Best Food For Senior Cats

My Cat Gave Birth: How Do I Take Care Of Kittens 1

If the mom is still present, your job will be a lot easier! Ensure the mum has a safe space to raise her kittens that is away from other animals in the house. A box with high sides is important as it will prevent the kittens from falling out. If you are raising orphaned kittens, a large carrier or specially made queening box will do the trick. After the mother has given birth, she should instinctively clean and dry the kittens herself. If she doesnt, a quick rub with a dry towel may help the process along. Keeping the room temperature warm helps, too.

You will need to keep a close eye on the kittens for the first few weeks to make sure they are all feeding properly. You can do this by weighing them regularly to ensure they are gaining weight. Within the first week, kittens should double their birth weight, then continue to gain weight steadily. If you suspect a problem with feeding, speak to a veterinarian as they will be able to identify any underlying problems such as mastitis or the development of a cleft palate. You may simply just need to top-up the kittens with a little milk replacer if the queen is struggling.

When Should I Bring My Kittens To The Vet

Overall, keeping in touch with your veterinarian throughout the first four weeks of the kittens life is a good idea so they can help you track their growth and answer any concerns you may have.

Your veterinarian will most likely just see them once, but depending on the progress you report along the way, they may want further visits.

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Healthy Kittens Give Mom Time

Mother cats may leave their kittens for several hours at a time. If the kittens are warm and dont appear sick or in distress, their mom is likely nearby, getting food or hiding from you.

The kittens best chances for survival are with their mom. Her milk is much better quality than kitten milk replacement. Shes able to keep them warm and stimulate them to pee and poop, as well as help them learn to be cats.

Keep in mind that your presence may keep her away, so monitor the nest from a distance. Or you may sprinkle a ring of flour around the nest or place some light twigs atop the kittens. If these are disturbed when you return or the kittens have full, rounded bellies, the mother cat is caring for her babies.

Your immediate role

Supplies You Will Need For Newborns And Young Kittens:

Orphaned Kitten Care: How to Videos – How to Bathe an Orphaned Kitten
  • Kitten formula such as Just Born or KMR . The liquid formula is best to use if you are not sure what to do.
  • Feeding bottles and several nipples .
  • Eye dropper or syringe in case the kitten will not eat from the bottle.
  • Several bath towels for bedding and cleaning kittens.
  • Kitchen food scale for weighing kittens .
  • Digital rectal thermometer
  • Have Emergency Veterinarian or Veterinary Clinic number on-hand.

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How Do I Care For Newborn Kittens

By Leslie Ingraham

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So your Mama cat has just given birth to a litter of kittens. If you dont have experience with kittens, especially tiny newborns, you might have questions. We hope to answer some of them for you.

Newborn kittens can be fragile for the first couple weeks of life. They have few needs, which their mom mostly provides, but she and they are fortunate to have a human watching over them to be sure they thrive and grow. Read on to find out what you can do to ensure your new felines stay safe and healthy.

What If Mama Cat Comes Back

If the mama cat comes back, great. Leave the kittens with the mama cat as she is better equipped to take care of them. Her milk is more nutritious than any meal you can offer. Unless you are able to care for the whole family and only if the mama cat will allow it. You do not want to take in a feral wild cat.

You may provide shelter for mama and her kittens and give them food. Place the food and shelter far apart as mama cat will not approach the shelter if food is too close. She would not want to attract other feral cats or animals near her nest.

When the kittens are 6 weeks old you may take them in for socialization and adoption if you can find good homes for them.

Note that cats are highly prolific animals. The mama cat may be mated even when she is nursing. This means that in a few months you may end up with another litter of kittens. It is advisable to organize for a TNR for her to be fixed and vaccinated.

If you cannot find good homes for the kittens, I would recommend having them spayed or neutered when they are about 6 months old through TNR.

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I Found Kittens Outside What Do I Do

Did you know kittens are one of the most vulnerable populations in animal shelters and that many end up there because of well-meaning animal lovers?

The ASPCA wants to assist you in identifying the best approach for helping kittens in your community. Removing kittens from their current environment may not always be the right answer as the mom cat could be nearby getting food and no one can care for a kitten like their mom can! To help choose the right path for kittens you found, please answer the following questions.

Do the kittens appear ill or injured?

What Should You Expect When Caring For Newborn Kittens

Without Their Mom They Were Struggling To Survive. One Kitten, However ...

Caring for orphaned neonatal kittens takes round the clock effort, but it can be done if you are willing to put in the time and dedication. You have to be prepared to get up throughout the night for the feedings. Its very much like caring for a human baby in that regard. However, they grow up much faster, so you are not doing it for months at a time. But it still takes a similar dedication. You definitely have sleepless nights and periods of worry. Are they getting enough to eat? Are they growing the way they are supposed to?

It can also be really sad sometimes, because they dont all make it. Some studies say that the mortality rate for kittens can be up to 40 percent. But you definitely create a real bond caring for them through that period.

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Tips For Safely Bottle

  • The kitten should lay on its belly with its legs comfortably splayed out. Avoid placing the kitten on its side or back during feeding as this puts your kitten at risk. By laying on their belly, your kitten is automatically placed in a natural nursing position that is safe for them.
  • Keep the kitten warm before feeding so that they can digest the milk replacement at a natural rate. You do not want to overheat them, but rather provide a heating source that replicates their mothers body heat.
  • Keep a journal or digital copy of the feeding schedule so that you can monitor how much formula you are feeding the kitten. It may also be a good idea to set alarms so that you can determine when the next feeding should be.
  • Prepare the formula in advance so that you do not accidentally rush and miss a step during the process. Your kitten relies on this formula for its health and vitality, so care should be taken when preparing the formula.
  • Care for the kitten after feeding. They will feel tired and sleep, so keep them warm and protected. If you only have one kitten, use a rolled-up blanket or plush toy to provide them with some social companionship. Kittens feel better when they are huddled together, and this also keeps them comfortable.

Playing With A Variety Of Toys

For a newborn kitten, physical and emotional closeness are essential for its development and wellbeing. Cats love to be smothered, and cuddling is a fundamental instinct. Hand-raised kittens tend to have a stronger bond with their human caregivers than a commercially-produced kitten. These animals are intelligent and affectionate. As they grow, kittens develop their motor skills and bond with their humans. Taking care of a newborn kitten is an excellent way to bond with your cat, and playing with various toys will encourage your kitten to develop the same bonds with you.

While youre playing with a variety of toys, remember that a newborn kittens instinct to nurse may not be apparent right away. The first few times you feed your kitten, try to hold it close to your hands. You should try to avoid letting it suckle on your finger. It will make it irritable for others. If you cant do this, keep your hands and your fingers clean.

You should choose a shallow litter box for the new arrival. Make sure theres an inch of litter on the bottom. You can buy a litter box lined with plastic. You can also buy natural litter from a pet store. Alternatively, you can use newspaper, soil, and sand. Once the kitten is a few weeks old, its ready to be socialized. You can also teach it to scratch in the litter if it doesnt like it.

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Is The Mother Present

The first question you need to consider when caring for a newborn kitten is whether the mother is present. If she is, then there is less that you will need to do. Most cats know instinctively how to raise their young and will do all the necessary actions at all the right stages in the kittens life. It is your job to simply make sure they are warm, safe and protected.

But if you have found a newborn kitten that doesnt seem to have a mother, you will need to take on all her duties. If this is a stray kitten, do make sure the mother is not coming back before taking the kitten in. If you are not careful, you could separate the mother from her young.

When Should I Take Kittens To The Veterinarian

Baby monkey Susie takes care of foster kittens without a mom cat

Overall, its a good idea to keep in touch with your veterinarian during the first four weeks of the kittens life so they can help you monitor their progress and answer any questions that may arise. Your veterinarian will most likely see them once, but they may request more check-ups depending on the progress you report along the way.

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What Health Issues Should I Look For When Caring For Abandoned Kittens

In the first few weeks, healthy kittens should eat or sleep for 90% of the time, and generally appear relaxed. If you are concerned at all, it is important to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible because kittens can deteriorate very quickly. After birth, the umbilical cord should dry up and fall off after a few days and kittens will usually open their eyes at around 1-2 weeks of age.

Provide Food Shelter And Monitor

It is likely mom is taking good care of her kittens. Provide mom and her kittens with food, a dry and clean shelter, and continue to monitor their well-being. Once the kittens are able to eat wet food on their own, around 4-5 weeks old, you can bring them into your home to provide foster care and prepare them for adoption*. Visit this site for information on how to care for the kittens.

Prepare a Trap-Neuter-Return-Monitor plan for mom that will help keep them out of an animal shelter and set them up for long, healthy lives outdoors as community cats.

If you cannot provide foster care for these kittens or if you need additional support providing a TNRM plan for mom and her kittens, contact your local shelter or rescue to see if they can help.

*Please ensure these kittens dont have an owner already by checking for an ID tag and asking the shelter/rescue or a veterinary clinic to scan for a microchip. You can post signs in the neighborhood where they were found with a photo and details about the kittens. We encourage you to check your local laws to see if a found animal report needs to be filed or if notice needs to be given to either animal control or your local shelter

Has mom returned to her kittens within a few hours?


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How To Clean A Newborn Kitten

If you have rescued the little one and found fleas on it, Dont try any chemical/medicines at all. You can remove all the fleas manually. Or dip a towel in hot water and clean the baby with a towel.

Furthermore, kittens under three weeks, cant clean themselves. Such as they can potty or pee anytime, anywhere. A big box, with a towel layer, is recommended, so you can change the sheet 3-4 times a day . Usually, mother cat takes care of kittens in this period and clean them by licking the potty area after each time they make dirt. Human simulation of this action can be using wet tissues, baby wipes or moistened towel to clean them softly.

You can start kittens training for using the litter box by fourth or fifth week.


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