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How To Keep Stray Cats Off My Porch

Natural Ways To Keep Cats Away From Your House With Active Repellents

How To Deter Cats From your House

Passive repellents are fantastic and useful, but they dont work all the time. At some point, youre bound to run across an especially determined cat who doesnt let bad smells or uncomfortable footing prevent them from getting to your garden. When that happens, its time to dig into the active repellents.

This section covers repellents that activate when stray cats or the neighbors cats come near. Youll learn about how to repel feral cats using sprays, mild shocks, and sound devices. We also show you how to set up humane traps to take care of the most stubborn kitties.

Remove Potential Food Sources

Are stray cats coming to your porch for food? Is your porch a food source? If you have a trash can on your porch this may need repositioning down the yard. Even if your trash can is secure the odor it emits could have inquisitive cats coming to investigate. Get anything that might be deemed a food source or engage a cats curiosity off your porch.

Using A Cat Repellent Spray

There are a variety of ways to deter stray cats from coming near your property, but one of the most effective is to use a cat repellent spray. These sprays can be attached to your garden hose and emit a burst of water when a cat enters the fence. These sprays are usually powered by batteries and work by luring cats away with their shocking sound. Cats dont like the sudden water burst, but they quickly learn to stay away from your property.

If you dont have the money to buy a cat deterrent, you can try a simple solution: install a cat-proof fence. Cats cannot enter a fence that is more than 6 feet high. Alternatively, you can install mesh screens in vents, sheds, and porches. Make sure to install the mesh screen perpendicular to the roof and to prevent the cats from climbing over it. You may also consider installing cat spikes to prevent cats from using your porch as a latrine.

If you cant get a cat to stay off your porch, try using scents as a deterrent. Some scents cats dont like are citrus-based. You can sprinkle lemon or orange juice on the porch, or spread citrus rinds around. You can also use a cat repellent solution to use on your porch furniture, such as apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts of water. Another effective deterrent is mint mouthwash.

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Lay Down Chicken Wire To Keep Feral Cats Outside

As any cat owner can attest, cats dont like uneven and difficult footing and will avoid it at all costs. Thats what makes this first cat repellent trick so useful. You can lay down chicken wire in your garden or flower beds to prevent cats from walking through it.

Cats find walking through the chicken wire unpleasant, which you can use to keep them out of your yard. After you till your garden but before you plant, roll out chicken wire and lay it out across your garden. Cover it lightly with dirt and mulch to keep it in place.

Plant your garden as you usually would, cutting holes in the chicken wire to accommodate growing plants. This method will also stop squirrels from invading your yard.

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Keep Cats Away From Porch

If you dont have a cat fence, try an ultrasonic animal repeller. Similar to ultrasonic pest control devices which deter mice and insects, these devices work by sending out both high-frequency sound waves and flashing strobe lights that cats hate. These devices repel cats within a 40-foot radius.

We all know cats hate water, so try a motion-activated sprinkler. This device detects movement and ejects a strong burst of water up to 70 feet in diameter to scare pesky cats away. A continuous spray setting allows it to do double-duty as a regular lawn sprinkler.

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Inhibit Access To Shelter

It could be that the cats in your yard are attracted to a shelter. You, therefore, need to make sure that you prevent this by blocking the entry points.

Ensure you block all the entry points, such as below the porch. Also, inhibit the cats entry to the house by filling any spaces, especially in the roof where they can pass through.

Getting Rid Of The Smell

  • 1Do not use ammonia-based cleaners. The majority of household cleaners contain ammonia, which is also a constituent of urine. By cleaning away cat urine with a household cleaner, you are merely replacing that cat’s scent with another urine-based smell. This actually increases the culprit’s instinct to spray, because he feels his scent has been overwritten by another.XResearch sourceCat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  • 2Make a deodorizing solution to get rid of the smell. To thoroughly deodorize urine smells without leaving a smell behind, create a deodorizing solution. Use enzymatic or biological laundry detergent mixed with water.
  • Mix 9 parts water with 1 part laundry detergent. Spray on the surface that you want to clean. Scrub with a brush or rag to wash the contaminated area. Choose a nontoxic detergent.
  • Some surfaces such as carpet, soft furnishings, and painted walls may not be color fast. Test an inconspicuous spot before embarking on a major clean.
  • If carpet or fabric has been sodden with urine over a period of time, it is impossible to get the smell out. In this case, throw the item away.XResearch sourceCat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  • 3Rinse and dry the area. Using clean water, thoroughly rinse the area where youve applied the deodorizing solution. Dry thoroughly with a clean towel.
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    Why Do I See Community Cats In My Neighborhood

    Community cats live outdoors. Like all animals, community cats settle where food and shelter are available, and they are naturally skilled at finding these on their own.

    Because they are unsocialized, community cats cant live indoors with people, and are therefore unadoptable. Community cats should not be taken to animal sheltersnationwide, too many shelters still kill most cats who enter their doors. Trap-Neuter-Return is the humane, effective, and mainstream approach to addressing community cat populations.

    Can Vinegar Keep Cats Away

    Homeowners upset that neighbors feed feral cats

    You can spray diluted or full-strength vinegar outdoor on places like garden edges, fences, garden decor, posts, and even plants as a deterrent for cats. You can apply the spray every couple of days to repel your cats. Apply the spray again to areas that have been washed up by rain or areas just watered.

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    Repel Cats With Different Smells

    As we mentioned earlier that cats like certain smells and dislike others. When the disliked smells are around, cats wont be hanging there. So, you can deter stray cats from entering your porch to scratch the furniture and make it a litter box with different smells. You can use the following ones to control the misbehaving furry balls:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar can be mixed in equal parts with the water and sprayed around the porch. Chances are very high that cats wont be hanging in as they hate the smell.
  • Mint is another no-no for the cats. You can use mint-flavored mouthwash by mixing it with water and spray.
  • Citrus juice will also keep the cats away from your porch. Simply pour some juice and spread fruit rinds around the porch. Cats wont be coming back until the smells remain.
  • Once you stop spotting cats trying to invade, you can discontinue the use of these repellents. In all cases, the smells fade after a while. Therefore, you would have to continue the practice for some days until the cats know that your porch will no longer be their partying floor.

    Place A Pvc Pipe On Your Fence

    A PVC pipe will serve the same purpose as the oscillating barrier mentioned above. It has a slippery surface that makes it hard for the cat to grip. As a result, scaling the wall will be impossible.

    Nonetheless, after installing the PVC pipe, you must ensure that you cut all the trees in the vicinity of your yard. Otherwise, keeping the cats off will be futile as they will jump from the fence into the compound.

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    What Smell Do Cats Hate

    Citrus: Just like their canine counterparts, cats hate oranges, lemons, limes and the like. Some cat repellents even use these smells to help keep cats away. Banana: We know the peels can be pungent and cats find this to be especially true. Leaving one out is a sure way to keep a cat out of the room.

    Drive Off Cats With Sound Devices

    How To Keep Cats Off Front Porch

    Along with their sense of smell, cats have a finely tuned sense of hearing that they use to target prey or identify potential dangers. Cats cant stand discordant or sudden sounds and try to stay far away from unpleasant noises.

    You can use that to keep your yard feline-free and unmolested. There are many suitable motion-triggered sound devices you can buy to protect your garden. SsssCat! is a good example of this type of device.

    Place the sound device next to a spot you wish to protect. When a cat approaches the area, the device will trigger and release a burst of compressed air. The noise will terrify strays and send them running.

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    How To Keep Cats Away From My Front Door

    You can keep your cat out of the door by using Motion-Activated Pet Deterrents, which work best with orange and lemon sprays because most cats dislike citrus. If you want, you can wrap some aluminum foil around the doorway. Walking on it is unpleasant for cats, and many will steer clear of it.

    Cat door barriers can be made of several materials. To keep your cat from entering the house, a pet gate is a simple way to install and use. Your cats motivation and athletic ability will determine the gate you select. Most cats are less likely to jump over if they are taller than 2 feet. Pressure-mounted installations can also be used to install pet gates without doors. The pet gate may be required if you have a storm or screen door that is tight between the gate and the solid door. PetSmart and PetCo, among other pet supply stores, allow you to shop online.

    A pet gate will have no effect on cats if it is placed in a door frame without the door closed at least one side. A barrier less than three feet high with clear visible clearance on both sides will almost certainly allow most cats to jump over it. It is possible to keep your mischievous feline out of danger and out of trouble by having two to four heavy wood or composite panels placed around it. Despite your best efforts, your indoor cat may eventually adapt to going outside all the time.

    Do Cats Like The Smell Of Apple Cider Vinegar

    While the scent of vinegar is not a problem for them physically, they just donât like it. Because of that, vinegar can serve as a natural deterrent if thereâs an area youâd like your cats to avoid. When diluted, the smell is much fainter, and vinegar can be a great tool for cleaning without chemicals.

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    Cats Are Lounging In My Yard Or On My Porch

    Cats are territorial and will remain close to their food source. Ensuring that cats are neutered will dramatically reduce their tendency to roam and keep them from unwanted areas.


    • Apply cat repellent liberally around the edges of the yard, on the tops of fences, and on any favorite digging areas or plants. This can be bought at most animal supply companies.
    • Install and a motion-activated water sprinklers, this will not only keep cats from hanging out in your yard but it will also help to maintain your lawn.
    • Make sure your not unintentionally providing a food source or shelter for the cats. Keep your yard clean, make sure there is a tight lid on your garbage, and do not feed household pets outdoors.

    How To Keep A Stray Cat Away From Your Cat

    Guy Tries To Befriend A Stray Cat For Over A Year | The Dodo

    This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 128,765 times.

    A stray cat can be problematic, especially when he comes into your yard. You can have even bigger problems if the stray provokes, or gets into a tussle with, your cat. To protect your cat, your yard, and maybe even your sanity, it will be good for you to learn about how to keep a stray cat away from your property.

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    Make Your Own Deterrent Spray

    You can buy a spray but you can also make a homemade cat deterrent spray. Cats dont like citrus smells so creating a spray from lemon juice with a bit of water might be all you need to get rid of the local cats. You can use it liberally all over your property but you will need to spray every day to keep the odor levels up. You can mix in mustard, black pepper, and cinnamon to ramp up the power if you need to go the extra mile.

    Easy Steps For Humanely Deterring Cats

    1. Talk to your neighbors. Determine whether the cats are pets, stray, or feral, and if they have been spayed or neutered. If not, make an appointment with a feral-friendly veterinarian and find tips for TNR at

    2. Apply nontoxic deterrents around your yard.

    3. Put a tight lid on your trash can.

    4. Block gaps in the foundation of sheds and porches.

    5. Use a cover to keep paw prints off your car.

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    What Can I Spray On My Porch To Keep Cats Away

    There are a few things you can spray on your porch to keep cats away. One is a mixture of water and lemon juice. Another is a mixture of water and vinegar. You can also buy commercial cat repellents at your local pet store.

    Stray cats may appear cute and cuddly, but they can be difficult to care for. Because they do not have the same level of domestication as housecats, they can have wild and unpredictable temperaments. If you walk on your porch, you may notice that the odor is similar to cat urine. How do I stop my cat from spraying urine all over my house? To persuade a cat to move on, here are a few tricks. UV torches are relatively inexpensive nowadays, and they can provide a visible trace of cat pee when shone in the dark. Its a good idea to use a water pistol or a motion detector water sprayer.

    Use A Commercial Deterrent Spray

    Keep Cats Away From Porch / How To Keep Cats Off Your Patio Furniture ...

    You could buy a deterrent spray online and spray down your porch if you want to keep cats off that area. These sprays are full of natural ingredients that cats dislike. Cats sense of smell is far superior to ours so when they smell garlic, cinnamon, or citrus it comes across as an offensively powerful odor to them and they like to get out of the area and away from the powerful smell at the earliest opportunity.

    Not so great at keeping cats out of your yard or away from large zones like the water and sound deterrents are but if you have an enclosed or small area you want to deter cats from entering or hanging around in then a deterrent spray is a decent option. Coming in at around the $20 mark, you need to spray regularly and probably wont see a reaction until you have laid down a good layer of odor. The smells are usually pretty mild and unexceptional to humans and the sprays are safe for children and the environment.

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    How To Keep Stray Cats Away From Your Porch

    Have you got a problem with the local cats? Do you need to know how to keep stray cats away from your porch? Are these furry invaders scratching up your woodwork, winding up your own cat or dog, or leaving a mess on your porch? Do you need to find a way to keep these cats away from your house?

    Check out our tips for humanely keeping these stray cats away from your home and off your porch:

    How To Get Rid Of Stray Cats

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    It is no secret to birders that cats killing birds is one of the greatest bird conservation threats, and feral cats, cat colonies, neighborhood cats, outdoor pets, and strays kill almost two and a half billion birds per year. Fortunately, birders have many easy, effective techniques to discourage feral, stray, and lost cats from invading the landscape they’ve made friendly for birds. With care and thoughtfulness, it is possible to protect birds without being cruel to cats.

    Feral cats not only kill birds and other wildlife but also cause other problems when they become accustomed to visiting the same yards. Carefully cultivated flower beds can become open litter boxes. Garden sheds can become breeding grounds for litters of unwanted kittens. Trees, fences, or other structures can be territorial markers for spraying males. Aggressive cats can attack pets or fight for territory, causing neighborhood disturbances. Wandering cats may even transmit diseases, fleas, or other pests to your pets. Small children have even been bitten or scratched by aggressive, wandering cats.

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