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What Times Should I Feed My Cat

Consider Your Cat’s Age

What should I feed my cat and how much? | Bondi Vet

A cat’s age impacts how often you should be feeding them.

  • Kittens:Kittens should be fed more often throughout the day. They require more food per pound of body weight than adult cats because they are in a vital growing stage. If they don’t get enough nutrients and calories, it can inhibit their growth and cause problems later on. You should feed kittens younger than six months of age four or five times a day, while kittens older than six months of age require about three feedings per day for the healthiest growth rate.
  • Adult cats: Once kittens reach one year of age, you can switch their feedings to once or twice a day. You should feed your adult cat at the exact same time each day. If you’re feeding your cat twice per day, offering food once in the morning and once in the evening is recommended to help maintain a healthy digestive system. With a consistent feeding schedule, it’s also easier to notice any discrepancies which could indicate an underlying medical issue. You should always contact your veterinarian with any concerns you may have.

Overall, it’s necessary to consider your cat’s age when determining how often to feed them because different stages of life have unique requirements. Whether you feed your cat once a day or your kitten four times a day, keep the timing consistent for optimal health.

In Conclusion What Time Should I Feed My Cat

So we know now that cats love routine especially with their food, so its up to you to decide the ideal time to feed them. It just works for me to feed twice a day and leave a little dry food out for them too.

Are you going to be working in the daytime? Then feed your cat before you leave and in the evening. I like to feed my cats just before I eat so they are not begging for food while I am eating my dinner.

I hope this short post has helped you think more about your cats feeding schedule and what to consider.

As always take care of yourself and your little fur babies

Be Aware That Health Issues May Impact Feeding Requirements

There are many health issues that affect cats. In this case, their diet and feeding frequency needs to be specifically designed to meet their needs.

  • Diabetes: If your cat is suffering from diabetes, you may need to feed them at the same time you give them their insulin. Youll need to center your cats feeding schedule around their insulin injections.
  • Hyperthyroidism: This disease will typically make your cat want to eat constantly. An overactive thyroid gland can cause a cat to feel extra hungry and consume more than they need. You can keep your cat comfortable with frequent, small meals, but its important not to overfeed them. Make sure to seek veterinary care if your cat is showing signs of hyperthyroidism.
  • Dental issues: As cats age, their teeth and gums become more delicate and tender. One way to combat this issue is with wet cat food. Consistency is key when feeding older cats because their digestive systems are sensitive, and any slight change could cause stomach upset.

Recommended Reading: Calico Bay Cat Food Amazon

How Many Times A Day Should A Cat Eat

Developing an appropriate feeding plan for your cat does not have to be challenging. By understanding a few key concepts and attributes of cats, we can construct a very reasonable feeding plan. First, it is essential to determine how often to feed your kitten based on her nutritional needs as she grows. There are two main factors to consider: size and activity level. Specifically, what kind of nutrition your cat needs given the stage she is in, as well as what approach you choose when providing food. Thats why a consistent cat feeding schedule is essential for your pet.

Scheduled Or Meal Feeding A Cat

How Often Should You Feed a Cat?

You could go with scheduled feedings, sometimes called meal feeding, starting when your cat is young. Serving your kitten wet or dry food at a certain time of the day is the best way to closely monitor how much your pet is eating. This is particularly helpful in multi-cat households. You may find your feline begging for food in between meals, however. Many experts say that a kitten should be fed up to three times a day, but once a cat turns one, feeding them twice a day is acceptable.

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Is My Cat Obese

Making sure your cat eats healthily and exercises regularly is important to keep them in good health. While you can help a cat lose weight, prevention is better than cure. If youre concerned about your cat, take a look at our guide on obesity, where youll find a chart to determine if your cat is overweight.

Choosing Between Dry Food Canned Food Or Both

In general, you need not offer multiple flavors and textures to cats. They get very good at training their owners to add something else to the mix if the cat shows any hesitation to eat what is given. If the cat is otherwise acting fine, a choice to not eat what is offered can be normal, or a test by the cat to see if something better will show up. Very, very few cats need any encouragement to eat. The opposite is usually a goal.

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How Much Should You Feed Your Cat

How much you should feed your cat is dependent on several factors. In reality, there is no one-size-fits-all for feeding. Each cat is an individual with their own unique needs. Therefore, feeding amounts could vary as much as 50% above or below average. This is one reason consulting with your veterinarian about meal portion size is recommended.

How Much Do I Need To Feed A Senior Cat

How Often Should a CAT EAT? ? (Newborns, Kittens and Adults)

Use an online calculator to find out how much to feed a senior cat. Energy needs increase at the age of 13 years. An older cat has a higher protein and fat requirement to make sure they stay strong and healthy.

After the age of 12, old cats have a reduced ability to digest fat and protein.

This can result in a loss of muscle and reduce mobility. If you notice your older cat is losing weight, make sure to adjust the body condition score. This will make sure your senior cat is getting enough food for strength.

Learn more:Best Wet Cat Foods For Senior Cats

Also Check: How Long Do Kittens Need Kitten Food

How To Control Your Cats Weight On A Dry Food Diet

Splitting the dry food into multiple small controlled volumes over the course of the day is most useful. That way, the cat is never full and never quite starving. With most cats, dropping below 1/3 to ½ cup of dry food per 24 hour day will make them too hungry even if adequate calories are being taken in. The actual amount needed by any given kitty is going to be unique to that cat and will likely change as the cat ages.

Using canned green beans can add bulk to the diet to make cats feel more full. This should not be done with cats that have a history of urinary tract crystals since the veggies raise the urinary pH, which predisposes to crystal formation.

Should You Feed Your Cat Both Wet And Dry Food

First, determine if you will be feeding your cat a 100 percent wet food diet or including some dry food. While the gold standard is to feed all wet food to cats, some cats love dry food and will undereat if they are only given wet food. In addition, dry food is more affordable, so feeding part dry will be easier on your budget.

Feeding a mix of wet and dry may require a bit of math to make sure your cat is getting the appropriate number of calories. One easy starting point is to look at the recommended daily feeding amounts on each type of food and half them.

Once you have settled on the ratio of wet-to-dry, its time to determine the calorie count of the food. Make sure you are feeding a quality diet thats listed as complete and balanced by AAFCO. Then, determine the number of calories per portion.

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What’s A Healthy Rate Of Weight Loss For A Cat

Just like for people, cats need to either burn more calories or take in fewer calories to lose weight. You do not want your cat to lose more than a 1/2 pound per month. Therefore, even if your cat has a significant amount of weight to lose, such as 10 lbs., do not rush the process. Weight loss takes time. No one likes a diet, which includes cats, so if you attempt to make the process go too quickly you will end up with a grumpy cat.

As a final word, I want you to know I understand how hard it can be to get cats to lose weight. I struggled with one of my cats, so I know the suffering you are enduring. But I want you to know it is possible to get your cat to lose weight and in the long run, it is the best thing for both of you!

At What Times Should I Feed My Cat

How Much Should I Feed My Cat?
Nebraska, USA

di and bob said:There really are no set rules, just what is convenient. a kitten really can’t be fed too much or too often, so just pick times and stick with it. i do suggest one feeding later in the night/evening to help them sleep. You could try 6AM, 2PM, and 8PM and see how that works, the main thing is keeping the same times. Cats live for routine.

cattoyaya said:Hi everyone! Im having a bit of trouble timing when I should feed my 7/8 month old kitten. So in his current schedule he eats at about 6 am, 11 am/12 pm, 3 pm and 8 pm, but Im worried Im feeding him too many times a day and that his meal times are too close together. Should I only be feeding him 3 times per day? I know kittens at around this age usually only eat 3 meals a day but I dont know how to evenly space out his meal times so he wont get hungry during the night or morning. Can anyone help? Also attached a silly picture of him! ^_^

di and bob said:There really are no set rules, just what is convenient. a kitten really can’t be fed too much or too often, so just pick times and stick with it. i do suggest one feeding later in the night/evening to help them sleep. You could try 6AM, 2PM, and 8PM and see how that works, the main thing is keeping the same times. Cats live for routine.

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Your Cat May Have Trained You To Feed It

The act of feeding is a training exercise between the cat and the feeder. Cats often key on the behaviors and acts that are a preview to feeding them and try to get the feeder to engage in these. A good example is feeding the cats as soon as you get out of bed in the morning. The cats will very often try to get the person up in the morning so that they get fed earlier and earlier and earlier

Another example is the cat running into the kitchen every time the fridge is opened since that is where they know you store the canned food.

Measure Your Cat’s Food

It is very important to measure your cat’s food with a proper measuring cup. Why should this matter to you as a cat owner? It matters because when it comes to your cats weight and their overall health, the myriad of empty containers people frequently use to scoop their cat’s kibble aren’t the cups we veterinarians are talking about. This especially becomes a problem when a cat owner feeds the number of cups the pet food bag suggests and they are using an extra-large coffee cup variety.

Using a Digital Scale to Measure Cat Food

As doctors always say, The scale dont lie! That is why measuring your cats food by weight rather than volume is more accurate. While a measuring cup is great, we can always be off a little when we eyeball how much is in the measuring cup. And the size of dry kibble can affect how much food actually fits in a measuring cup. But when you know the weight of what you should feed your cat, you can be exact every time you feed with a digital scale.

A kitchen scale can work, or consider using a handheld digital pet food scale like the portable and handheld one from Petfusion, featured below, which makes it easier to measure weight quickly or while on the go.

Your cat’s food should have the calories per kg listed on the packaging, which can help you determine the correct weight to feed based on your cat’s daily caloric needs.

Available at:

Why Measuring Your Cat’s Food Matters

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Is It Ok To Give Cats Wet Food Everyday

There is no definitive answer as to whether it is appropriate to give cats wet food everyday. Some pet experts feel that it is not necessary and may even be harmful, while others maintain that it is a good way to provide moisture and nutrients to a felines diet.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual pet owner to decide what is best for their pet.

Why Do Cats Need To Be At An Ideal Weight

How Much Should You Feed Your Cat?

Keeping your cat at an ideal weight is the best way to keep your cat healthy.Overweight cats have a higher risk of diabetes and mobility problems. Being overweight reduces your cats chance of living out a long and healthy life.

In 2017, 60% of cats in the US were analyzed as being overweight or obese. Being too thin can also create health problems for your cat such as loss of muscle mass and increased risk of illness.

Use the Body and Muscle Condition score chart to assess your cats condition. The Muscle Condition score chart will help you find out if your cat is losing muscle.

Learn more:

Read Also: Homemade Maine Coon Cat Food

How Much Should You Feed Your Adult Cat

As your kittens metabolism starts to slow down and he reaches adulthood, you might notice him start to put on excess weight. Obesity is a common issue among adult cats and, when not corrected early on, may lead to complications later in life. Regular exercise and a well-controlled diet will help to prevent obesity and keep your cat in good shape.

Whether you feed your cat homemade cat food or the best commercial cat foods, its critical to feed him the right amount per day. But theres no single amount of food that every cat should eat each day.

Calorie needs vary from cat to cat, with many factors coming into play. When deciding how much to feed your cat, youll have to consider his breed, age, reproductive status, underlying health conditions, and more. In general, however, the recommended daily caloric intake is about 20 calories per pound of bodyweight.

that helps you identify how many calories your cat needs per day.

How Many Meals Should My Cat Eat Each Day

The number of meals a cat eats per day depends completely on the family schedule. Cats should eat at least two meals each day, about 12 hours apart. But a breakfast, lunch, afternoon, dinner, and right before bed schedule is an equally great option. If more than 12 hours elapses between meals, the stomach can become hyperacidic causing nausea.

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Is Chocolate Poisonous To Cats

While most human treats should be avoided, chocolate is a complete no-no for cats. Just 2g of chocolate not even as big as a square is enough to do serious damage to your cat due to its levels of theobromine. Theobromine acts as a stimulant, increasing the heart rate and acting as a diuretic to increase the loss of bodily fluids. As cats struggle to metabolise theobromine, the chemical stays in the bloodstream and quickly reaches dangerous levels.

Keep chocolate out of reach of your cat, and if you suspect they have eaten any chocolate, head to the vet straight away.

Cat Feeding Guide Wet And Dry What To Feed A Kitten

Wet Cat Feeding Chart By Age

As a pet parent you should know when can kittens eat dry food? and how much wet food to feed a kitten? Veterinary experts say dry food given for convenience will meet the felines nutritional needs as long as it is balanced and complete. As a pet parent, you need to observe what your pet likes the best. If you leave wet food out too long because your cat didnt finish his meal, you must throw it away. Canned cat foods are good for your pet. Some cats may prefer canned food over dry cat food. However, if they are allowed free access to food, they may consume excessive amounts of it. Of course, this can occur with both canned food and dry food.

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