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Cat Tooth Infection Home Remedy

Here Is A Brief Overview Of The Top Natural Antibiotics

tooth abscess in cats

Aloe Vera serves as a topical disinfectant and natural remedy for treating skin infections. Since it should not be taken internally, consider using a cone to prevent your cat from licking it off after being applied.

Bee Propolis has been used historically to kill germs, but it also heals wounds, tumors, and abscesses.

The combination of bee saliva and tree resin makes propolis an effective seal for any gaps or cracks in the hive.

It just happens that bee propolis is full of amino acids, polyphenols and natural steroids in addition to containing powerful anti-microbial, antibiotic properties.

Calendula has powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is effective in healing wounds and skin infections. You can also give a bowl of calendula tea to your cat.

Chamomile, known for its calming effect when taken as a tea, is an effective antispasmodic and pain-relieving herb that helps fight infections and reduce symptoms.

Cranberry is very effective in treating urinary tract infections. It contains D-mannose, a simple sugar that binds with bacteria allowing it to pass from the body through urination.

Dandelion is useful for digestive issues. It is a natural laxative as it stimulates the production of bile and does not cause any adverse reactions when used with other medications or supplements.

Goldenseal has berberine, the natural plant-derived substance that has anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and antibiotic properties.

Brush Your Pets Teeth Regularly

The best way of removing plaque and preventing dental disease at home is brushing the teeth. Ideally, you should brush your pet’s teeth daily. Brushing removes plaque outside the crown of the tooth, stimulating the gums to keep them healthy. However, plaque can still accumulate below the gum line so an annual check-up is still essential to your pet’s dental health. Even if you don’t see any problems, it is best to have your pet’s teeth professionally cleaned prior to beginning a home-care program, to make sure there are no painful areas in the mouth that might jeopardize your success.

Your veterinarian can show you how to brush your pet’s teeth, but it may still turn into a battle at home, which is the last thing you want! Here are a few tips to get you going:

It’s best to brush every day if you miss a day, it’s not a crisis. However, if you plan to brush every other day, and then miss a session, you’ve lost several days that cannot be reclaimed, and plaque will have a good head start.

How Do I Know If My Cat Has A Bacterial Infection

The signs of a bacterial infection in cats vary hugely. It depends on the type of bacteria and where the infection is. However, cats with infections will often show vague symptoms such as a fever, being lethargic or off-color, and reduced appetite, and may lose weight.

If you think your cat is showing signs of an infection it is important that you take them to see your veterinarian as soon as possible, as untreated infections can become very serious.

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What Is A Slab Fracture

A slab fracture develops when a tooth breaks in such a way as to result in a loss of a slab of tooth structure. It occurs when the cat bites down on a hard object at just the right angle and with just the right force to break off a flake or slab of the tooth. This exposes the underlying sensitive dentin and sometimes even deeper, exposing the pulp cavity of the tooth where the nerve resides. The slab that breaks off may be a small chip or a large piece of the tooth.

Change Your Cats Diet

Stomatitis in Cats Natural Treatment

Oral health is related to diet in more ways than one. That is why dentists are always telling us to stay away from sugar-filled foods and junk and eat more veggies and fruits.

The same rings true for your kitty. Certain pet foods attract bacteria and cause gum disease.

These often include foods high in preservatives, bad fat sources, low-grade meats, and cheap fillers such as sugar, melamine, and crushed nutshells.

To reduce the progression of gingivitis, the first thing would be to change your cats diet to include more raw meat and bones.

These give her a wholesome nutrition regimen, keep their teeth clean, and their little gums healthy.

Try to stay away from starches and carbohydrates. Things like apples, celery, and carrots also help remove bacteria and clean the teeth.

If your kitty is a fruit lover, feed her citrus fruits, berries, and melons.

Also, supplement her diet with vitamin C to inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Fresh mint, spearmint, peppermint, and cilantro also discourage microbial activity in the mouth.

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Gingivitis And Teeth Decay

Some of the substances secreted by mouth bacteria cause inflammation of the gums , resulting in gingivitis. Untreated, inflammation can progress and even break down tissues in the mouth, leading to periodontal disease. Eventually, infection and erosion cause the teeth to decay, abscess or fracture. Decayed, broken, and abscessed teeth are very painful, and may hinder the animal from taking in enough nourishment. They also deteriorate the pet’s quality of life.

There are other serious health risks associated with tooth decay. Bacteria living in these “slums” can enter the bloodstream and seed infection in critical organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys, causing inflammation in joints and other areas. In my personal experience, many cranky critters have become happy and playful again after correcting hidden dental problems.

Home Remedies For Cat Toothache

There are a few different Home Remedies For Cat Toothache that you can try on your feline friend. These include coconut oil, Aloe vera gel, Calendula, and Turmeric. If you use any of these methods, your cat should soon feel better. But if you arent sure how to use these products on your feline friend, here are a few things you can try.

Toothache is a common problem for cats. It can be caused by dental disease, gum disease, trauma, or abscesses. Some cats will not show any clinical signs of pain, while others will be in obvious pain. Cats with tooth problems may have difficulty eating and chewing their food properly. They may also drool excessively and lose weight due to a lack of appetite.

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Cat Teeth: 7 Natural Tips To Healing Cat Dental Problems

Your cats teeth, and their care are vital in terms of keeping your cat healthy and preventing disease. Periodontal disease is the number one diagnosed problem in cats by the age of three, 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease. Lack of healthy teeth and gums can lead to heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, stroke and even diabetes. In this article I will cover the cat teeth anatomy, the causes of dental disease, and the most important natural solutions to keeping your cats teeth and gums healthy at home.

Cats start with deciduous teeth- similar to people. The teeth first erupt between the second to third weeks- at four months kittens start to lose these baby teeth, and gain the full number of 30 adult teeth by the ages of 6-7 months. Cat teeth are uniquely different from dogs none of the teeth of cats have grinding surfaces. Cats have evolved to eat meat, and not chew or grind plant material.

The big question then is what can you do? Fortunately there are many things, and I want to give you my most effective natural remedies.

Dental Diet. If your cat is to eat kibble, ensure that it is a dry kibble with larger pieces that have to be chewed. Some food companies now produce specific dental diets which will lower tartar buildup. They are more abrasive on the teeth and some contain an enzyme which lowers tartar formation. These foods are available at your local veterinarian.

Dr Andrew Jones

What Are The Symptoms Of Bacterial Infections In Cats

Feline Tooth Abscess

Bacterial infections can affect any part of your cats body, and the symptoms they cause depend on the type of bacteria and the area of your cats body that is affected.

Common clinical signs of a bacterial infection include:

Other signs tend to be more specific to the area of the body that is affected. Common bacterial infections in cats include:

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Cats With Dental Problems May Be Suffering In Silence

It wasnt that long ago that we failed to understand pain in our companion animals. You may recall veterinarians in the past saying things like, Animals dont feel pain like we do.

In fact, when I went to veterinary school in the late-1980s, we werent taught to provide pain relievers for animals after common procedures such as spay/neuter or dental work, including extraction of teeth. Typically, our patients received short-acting pain medicine in the hospital, and then were sent home to rest and recover.

A few years later, as a young veterinarian, I attended the American Veterinary Medical Associations annual continuing education convention. That year, a small group of veterinarians convened to discuss pain in animals. It was there that I heard veterinary anesthesiologist Charles Short say something profoundly important. He stood up, shook his fist in the air and emphatically told the group, Darn it, if it looks like it hurts, it hurts!

This moment comes back to me when I think about the issue of toothache. Most of us have had one, possibly accompanied by sensitivity to hot and cold, or a stabbing pain when you tried to eat. Now imagine that multiple teeth in your mouth are hurting and you have no way to tell someone. How would that affect you? How would others know you were in pain if you couldnt tell them?

What Causes A Tooth Infection

The primary cause of a tooth infection is dental caries, or tooth decay. Your mouth is full of bacteria all the time, but usually that bacteria doesnt get inside your teeth where it can cause an infection. When decay causes cavities and cracks or holes in your teeth, bacteria can seep into your teeth and cause a tooth infection. An infection can also happen if you have an injury to your tooth that causes a crack or a chip in the tooth. Keeping your teeth strong and healthy through regular brushing and flossing can help prevent decay and infections.

Infection can happen in different parts of the tooth. Sometimes the infection occurs on the side of the tooth if there is an opening there and that can cause the infection to spread to the gums. Pockets of pus called abscesses can form around the infection that will need to be drained by the dentist for the infection to go away.

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Add Supplements To Their Meals

Supplements can help your cat to stay strong and reduce possible inflammation in their body. These supplements usually contain vitamins, such as C and D, which are known to help common painful ailments like arthritis.

You can find supplements in a chewy tablet or you can get it in a liquid form to mix into their food. The liquid option often contains fish oil which is high in Omega-3s which help to naturally reduce inflammation throughout the body, including the heart, skin, and kidneys.

Its important to be careful though when giving your cat supplements as giving them too much could cause some health problems. For instance, if the supplements contain high levels of certain vitamins, especially D3, it could end up being toxic to your cat. Because of this, its important to read the directions of the supplements to find the right amount to give them. You also should talk your plans over with your vet to ensure that the supplements you plan to use are safe and if they have other supplement recommendations for you to use.

How Dental Insurance Can Help

Home Remedies for Ringworm in Cats

Dental emergencies happen. Even if you are practicing good dental hygiene and you take care of your teeth, you can still end up with an infected tooth that needs to be dealt with right away. Dental insurance can help cover the costs of things like X-rays, exams, and other treatments, as well as more expensive care like root canals.

This is not dental care advice and should not be substituted for regular consultation with your dentist. If you have any concerns about your dental health, please contact your dentist’s office.

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Aloe Vera And Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Heres another home remedy that can help fight bacteria in your cats teeth and gums.

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial. It is effective in inhibiting all forms of microorganisms including stubborn bacterial that have made your cats teeth their home.

On the other hand, the aloe vera gel soothes sore gums and gives your cat relief from the pain and discomfort.

Mix equal parts of aloe vera and 3% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and shake it well.

Use this solution on the cat before she goes to bed for the best results.

You can apply it directly on the teeth and gums or dip a cotton swab into it and run it on the teeth.

After dinner, the solution is likely to work better because there is no more interference from eating and drinking.

Is Cat Stomatitis Fatal

Several cases of feline stomatitis are resistant to treatment. Although an improvement can be observed, as in the case of the Siamese cat that presented at the clinic where I worked, this improvement is often temporary and the symptoms return when the treatment is stopped. Fortunately, in many cases only moderate gingivitis persists.

Untreated cases can quickly deteriorate while the cat is in pain, it may stop feeding. Cats who also have feline AIDS or feline leukemia have a much poorer prognosis.

FIV-positive cats generally respond less to treatment for feline stomatitis, and more than 70% of them die within 12 months of diagnosis.

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Evidence Points To Stomatitis Being An Immune

Originally published in the October 2014 issue of Veterinary Practice News

In a previous article, we discussed extractions as the gold standard treatment of feline stomatitis. Even after undergoing extractions, approximately 20 percent of patients will continue to experience clinically relevant signs of oral inflammation.

We call these refractory cases. The goal of treatment is to reduce or eliminate oral discomfort to a degree where appetite is consistently good and patient body weight is maintained.

Will Amoxicillin Hurt A Cat

Feline abscess treatment Pet Stop Vet

Our vet has said its safe for the cat to receive amoxicillin indefinitely, that the kidneys handle the drug well and the worst side effect would be mild diarrhea. A-I think its generally safe to give a cat amoxicillin long-term. Its an excellent antibiotic. However, there is another possible treatment.

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Brush Your Cats Teeth

Oral hygiene begins with brushing your felines teeth with good toothpaste and mouthwash regularly.

Out of all strategies for keeping clean teeth, this is perhaps the most effective.

The unfortunate thing is that most kitties dont enjoy brushing very much. To be successful, you would need to brush your kittys teeth at a tender age.

These feisty beings dont like having their mouths touched leave alone allowing you to brush their teeth.

They kick up a mammoth fuss the minute they see a toothbrush headed their way.

However, with a little patience and commitment, you can teach your kitty to get comfortable with brushing her teeth.

Start by dipping a cotton ear swab into a tuna can and run it through her teeth.

The tuna juice leaves a pleasant taste in her mouth and may get her to cooperate.

Do that for a few days until she adapts after which you can introduce a feline toothbrush dipped in tuna juice.

Proceed to cat toothpastewhen your friend gets comfortable with a toothbrush inside her teeth and gums.

If your feline friend still doesnt cooperate or if the cause of the red gums is stomatitis , we recommend using dental water additives instead.

These are excellent no-brush solutions that go straight into your cats water bowl to fight plaque buildup.

Here are the best options to consider: 10 Best Cat Dental Water Additives.

How To Help A Stray Or Outdoor Cat

With an outdoor or stray cat, it isnt always possible to bring the cat indoors for a few days to start the healing process. An outdoor cat might yowl to get outside, he might spray your home, and he might claw up anything within his reach. So how can you help a poor animal even if you cannot afford a trip to the vet? You cannot just ignore the problem and hope the wound heals on its own. The odds of that happening are minimal.

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How To Prevent Bad Breath In Cats

Take your cat to the vet regularly. Your vet should be able to alert you about any upsetting-looking ailments involving the mouth.

The best way to prevent bad breath in cats is to brush their teeth periodically. It does not need to be done every day, but once or twice a week is perfect. Make sure to get both the front and back of the teeth. Finger glove application appears to be the easiest method for both owners and cats.

Chew toys are also a great preventative measure for bad breath in cats. The constant chewing and gnawing will help stop bacteria from building up on the teeth. Many chew toys come with breath-freshening options as well, to make things easier for owners. Try to incorporate as many dental-friendly treats into their weekly routine as recommended.

Final Thoughts on Preventing Bad Breath in Cats

Bad breath is gross. You just want to cuddle your furry little friend, but you are met with a putrid smell that ruins the mood. Bad breath can be more than just an annoyance, it could hint at a much more serious medical ailment.

If you have tried home remedies for cat bad breath and you still find yourself dealing with this issue, take your cat to the vet immediately. Bad breath can be caused by different diseases such as liver disease and diabetes.


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