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Why Is My Kittens Eye Swollen

Eye Care Tips From Your Cat Hospital Staten Island

Swollen Eyes in Cat

If your cat is suffering from eye problems, the first thing that you should do is contact your cat hospital Staten Island. They will be able to help you determine what is wrong with your cats eye and the best way to treat it.

For example, if the cats eyes are red and swollen it might be a sign of conjunctivitis. However, if the eye looks watery and cloudy this might be a sign of keratitis.

Eye Treatments

Many of the most common cat eye disorders that result in swelling can be treated with drops that can be prescribed by your vet. Go to your cat hospital Staten Island and they will give you the right treatment for your cats ailment. They will also show you how to apply the drops yourself at home in order to treat your cat correctly.

Preventing Eye Problems in the Future

Once your cat goes through the pain of an eye infection once, you will want to prevent them from getting another one in the future. Make sure that your cat has received all of its vaccinations and has had thorough check-ups. Take a close look at her eyes regularly and call your cat hospital Staten Island if you find any abnormalities.

You can also wipe away any tears and crusty gunk that has collected on your cats eyes with a damp cloth or a cotton ball. Wipe away from the corner of the eye and use a fresh cloth or cotton ball for each eye.

Corneal Ulcers In Cats

Corneal ulcers are injuries to the clear surface of a cats eye, more commonly known as scratches on the cornea. Cats with ulcers will often squint, seem uncomfortable when the lighting is too bright, and have a red/inflamed eye, and they will sometimes have drainage from their eye.

Corneal ulcers can become severe quickly if they become infected, so have your cat examined quickly if you suspect they have a corneal ulcer.

Is The Swollen Belly Due To Weight

If the large belly has appeared over time, it may be due to your cat being overweight. If your cat is older, if it likes to eat a lot, and if it does not exercise, it may end up becoming overweight.

In order to decide if your cat is overweight, the vet will look at the overall signs of health in your cat. Is the weight evenly distributed all over the body? Is it obvious that it is fat and not swelling?

An overweight cat can face many health issues that can lead to a shortened life. Overweight cats are more at risk of developing diabetes. They may also face joint issues or bone fractures due to the excess weight. They will have trouble jumping up on beds or chairs and generally feel more lethargic.

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Signs Of Eye Problems In Cats

Watery & Glassy Looking Eyes

Allergies are common in cats and can certainly lead your kitty’s eyes to become irritated and watery. Common allergies that could affect your cat’s eyes include pollen, mold and mildew dust, household cleaning products, perfumes, and some medications. Keeping your cat away from the allergen could help to clear up the issue. However, if you are unable to pinpoint what is causing your cat’s watery eyes a trip to the vet is in order. Your vet will be able to rule out more serious causes for your cat’s watery eyes and be able to recommend ways to help make your cat’s eyes feel more comfortable.

Blinking, Squinting & Pawing at Eyes

If your cat has watery eyes and is blinking excessively, squinting or pawing at their eyes it’s time for a trip to the vet. Your cat could have a foreign body trapped and irritating the eye, or a blocked nasolacrimal duct . Although nasolacrimal obstructions aren’t as common in cats as they are in dogs they can result in tears overflowing and running out of the eye.

Red & Inflamed Eyes

Yellow or Green Sticky Discharge

Pain & Swelling

Sneezing & Runny Nose

Cold symptoms such as watery eyes, sneezing and a runny nose mean that your cat is likely suffering from a cat cold or feline upper respiratory infection. Many cat colds will clear up within a week without the need for veterinary care, however, if your cat’s symptoms become worse or fail to improve within a couple of days make an appointment to see your vet.

My Cats Eyes Are Swollen And Teary


What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the thin semi-transparent mucous membrane lining the inside of the eyelids, covering the third eyelid. This membrane attaches to the globe of the eye at the level of the sclera . The back end of the word conjunctivitis refers to inflammation which is a defense mechanism of the body and means swelling, redness, increased heat to the local area because of an increase in blood flow to the affected area, and pain or discomfort. Conjunctivitis is a very common condition affecting our household cats.

What causes conjunctivitis?

Cancer of the conjunctiva more commonly affect older cats, typically cats with no pigment in their eyelid margins. Their eyelids are effectively sunburnt and the process starts off with inflammation of the eyelids causing conjunctivitis, and eventually progresses to full blown cancer. If sun exposure can be restricted or contained, this condition can be prevented.

What are the clinical symptoms of conjunctivitis?

How is conjunctivitis diagnosed?

How is conjunctivitis treated?

What is the prognosis if my cat has conjunctivitis?

Is there a way to prevent conjunctivitis in my cat?

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Treatment Of Facial Swelling In Cats

The treatment plan will depend on the cause of facial swelling. Allergic reactions will often be treated with corticosteroids and antihistamines. If the swelling is caused by an infection, the bacteria may need to be cultured to determine which antibiotic will be the most effective. Muscle or salivary gland inflammation is usually treated with anti-inflammatory medication and steroids.

Veterinarians may recommend letting hematomas clear up on their own, but in some cases, they may think it is best to drain the hematoma before sending your cat home.

If your cat has been diagnosed with cancer, the treatment will depend on the severity of the disease. Your cat may require surgery to remove the tumor, along with radiation and chemotherapy.

If your cat has ingested acetaminophen, the veterinarian will administer acetylcysteine, which will protect the liver from serious damage. Cats suffering from acetaminophen poisoning will need to stay with the veterinarian for several days for intensive therapy.

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Recovery Of Facial Swelling In Cats

Most cats will fully recover from facial swelling, especially if the cause was an allergic reaction or infection. However, if the swelling was caused by cancer or acetaminophen toxicity, your cats recovery will depend on the severity of his condition.

Be sure to administer medications to your cat as advised by the veterinarian. If the swelling was caused by an allergy, try to remove any potential allergens from your cats environment. Its recommended that you keep your cat indoors to limit his exposure to potential allergens, insects, and snakes.

The veterinarian may ask that you bring your cat in shortly after your initial visit to ensure the swelling has gone down and the underlying cause is being properly treated.

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When Bacteria Get To The Root Of Your Cats Teeth

Many a cat is brought to the veterinary office because of a sudden swelling under one of their eyes, possibly accompanied by a decrease in their energy level and appetite.

Though its not always the case, these swellings are often the result of a tooth root abscess an infection that occurs at the base of the tooth, under the gumline.A tooth root abscess is easily confirmed on dental x-rays. An abscess happens when bacteria gain access to the deeper structures of the tooth, where the local environment can be ideal for bacterial growth. The infection causes inflammation and starts to erode the tooth structures.As they would be for you, tooth root abscesses are painful for cats. They require treatment from your veterinarian and ideally sooner rather than later.

Safe pain medications and antibiotics can initially help to control the infection and pain, but ultimately anesthesia to evaluate and remove the offending tooth is necessary to truly help your cat.

Some of the most common medical treatments include:

1. Antibiotics for secondary bacterial infection

If the rhinitis is accompanied by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed to clear the infection and prevent symptoms from worsening.

2. Intravenous fluids & nutritional support

Cats who are resistant to eating and/or drinking water need fluids and nutritional support so their bodies have the strength to fight off infections and recover.

3. Nasal flush

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Why Does My Cat Have A Soft Lump On His Neck

Cat’s Eyes swollen and watery: Cat Conjunctivitis Treatment

Soft lump on a cats neck. On the other hand, a lump which is soft and malleable to the touch might be an abscess. An abscess is an accumulation of pus and other fluid under the cats skin. These lumps occur due to the bodys reaction to an infection. Bacteria may enter the skin either through a pore or a wound which has appeared.

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Why Does My Cat Sleep With One Eye Open

As naturally cautious animals, cats feel vulnerable while they sleep. Your cat may appear to sleep with one eye open. This is not the case. Cats have a transparent third eyelid, known as the nictating membrane. This is located in the corner of your cats eye, resting below the conjunctiva.

This eyelid closes while your cat is sleeping. This helps your cat doze while remaining alert to potential danger. If your cat catches sight of movement, it can quickly react.

Your cat may not be sleeping. Experimental Neurology explains that the eyelids of a sleeping cat will twitch, implying that it has entered REM sleep.

Cat Swollen Lip Causes And Remedies

Unusual injuries and changes on your cats face can be worrying. Like me, you may be wondering whats causing your cats lips to start swelling. So, I went digging for information and I found out common possible causes of this condition.

Swollen lips in cats are usually caused by a condition called eosinophilic granuloma complex. You cant rule out other reasons such as allergic reactions, feline acne, injuries or even dental problems. Remedies and treatment options will depend on the root cause.

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Diagnosis Of Kitten Eye Infections

Your vet will start by thoroughly examining your kitten to assess their overall health and to look for signs of viral or bacterial infections. During the appointment, the vet will ask for any information you may have regarding the mother’s health and the kitten’s living conditions.

If your kitten’s eye infection may have been caused during birth, your vet may examine a sample of the kitten’s eye discharge and the mother’s vaginal discharge in order to more accurately identify the type of infection.

To check your kitten’s eye for signs of trauma your vet may use eye drops containing a yellow dye to help make any scratches, or foreign objects easier to spot.

If your vet suspects that your kitten may have a systemic disease, blood tests and urinalysis may be recommended to pinpoint any serious health conditions that your kitty may be suffering from.

Treatment Of Red Eye In Cats

Why Is My Cats Eye Swollen And Red

The treatment of red eye in cats depends on the condition that is causing your cats eye to turn a reddish color. If allergies or irritants are to blame for your cats red eye, the doctor may advise a few simple changes at home and prescribe an antihistamine. However, if the cause of your cats red eye is caused by a structural abnormality, foreign obstruction, trauma or growth, a surgical procedure may need to be completed to restore your felines eyes to their original state. Chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy could also be a part of your cats treatment plan if cancer is the source of your cats red eyes.

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What Are The Clinical Signs Of Conjunctivitis

If you see excessive tearing or watering from one or both eyes, abnormal discharge , or reddened conjunctival membranes, your cat may have conjunctivitis. Your cat may also squint or keep her eyes closed because of either discomfort or photophobia . In severe cases, the conjunctival tissue or the third eyelid may be so swollen that it may partially or fully cover the eye. If your cat exhibits any of these signs, she should be examined by your veterinarian immediately.

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Dangers Of An Untreated Swollen Eye

A swollen eye in a cat that goes untreated may easily develop into a more serious problem. When there is swelling, there is a good chance that the eye is already infected, and medical attention should be sought. Failure to do so may result in permanent vision problems or even blindness in the afflicted eye. Some cats have even gotten quite ill after being exposed to a bacteria or virus while having an open wound.

For a cat, a swollen eye can be a painful and unpleasant ordeal. Even after a vet visit and a possible prescription, other treatment may sometimes be an option to help reduce your cat’s suffering and aid in the healing process.

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Lymphatic Skin Or Oral Cavity Cancer

Oral masses affect all animals, of any age, breed, species. Sometimes the development of an abscess is completely benign, and other times, its an early sign of cancer.

Causes of feline oral masses are not predictable or known, which is why its important to gain the professional opinion of your cats veterinarian if you find suspicious swelling. You wont know if the swollen lip is a tumor or not until you visit your vets office where theyll likely perform a biopsy .

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Disorders Of The Conjunctiva In Cats

A cat has a swollen conjunctiva in the left eye. Why?

, VMD, DACVO, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida

The conjunctiva is a thin membrane that lines the inside of the eyelids and extends over the white of the eye in the front portion of the eyeball. It plays a role in creating tears, providing protection for the eye from foreign invaders, eye movement, and healing of the cornea after injury. It is important to identify and treat problems of the conjunctiva, because some can indicate generalized disease, while others can lead to blindness if not treated.

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Tears Or Discharge From The Eye

When a cat has an eye infection, youre likely to notice that they seem to be crying or that they have some sticky discharge coming from their eyes. The discharge can be a variety of colors, including clear and green. One of the most common causes of discharge from the eyes is conjunctivitis, which can develop as a result of feline herpesvirus or because of a bacterial or viral infection.

Some cats will blink or wink more to clear the discharge away from their eyes. If you notice anything coming from their eyes or seem them blinking or winking, bring them in for a vet check-up right away.

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Reasons For Cat Eye Watering

If your cat’s eyes are watering it likely means that the eye is attempting to fight off some form of health threat such as a virus or a foreign body. In many cases, the cause is minor and will clear up without veterinary care. Nonetheless, there are a host of more serious reasons that your cat’s eyes could be watering. To find the cause of your cat’s eye issue it’s necessary to look for other symptoms.

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Identifying The Bulging Eyes Cause

  • 1Look closely at your cats eye. Take a moment to inspect your cats eye closely and then get your cat to the veterinarian right away. As you do this, compare one eye with the other to see if one or both eyes are bulging. Be sure to tell your cats veterinarian anything you noticed about the bulging, but dont worry if you cannot identify what exactly is bulging. Your veterinarian will examine your cat closely and use tests to help them determine the cause of the problem. Some of the potential causes of bulging may include:
  • Something pushing on the back of the eyeball causing it to bulge out, such as an abscess or a tumor.
  • Swelling in the eyeball itself, such as with glaucoma.
  • Swelling in the tissues surrounding the eyeball, such as in the eyelid.
  • 2Determine if the cat suffered an injury. Being hit by a car, getting into a fight with another animal, and other traumatic injuries are common causes of a bulging eye in cats. Traumatic injury is the most likely cause if the bulging eye developed suddenly with no prior symptoms of infection, like squinting, discharges, or gradual swelling.XResearch source
  • Bring a cat with a traumatic injury to the vet as soon as possible to reduce the risk of vision loss and other complications.
  • Do not attempt to remove larger objects that penetrate the eye or socket.
  • The cats medical history, if known.
  • Whether the cat suffered a traumatic injury and if any foreign bodies are present.
  • Foods its recently eaten.

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