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Can You Give A Kitten Allergy Medicine

How To Prevent Allergies In Cats

How to Give Oral Medication to Your Cat at Home

There is no way to prevent a cat from developing allergies but you can often help to limit its exposure to allergens. Keeping a clean home, using dust-free and unscented cat litter, not using excessive perfumes or deodorizers, not smoking in the house, using regular flea preventatives, and using metal or ceramic food and water dishes can help prevent your cat from having an allergic reaction. If you notice signs of allergies in your cat, it is best to consult with a veterinarian.

Are There Medications For Allergic Cats

Just like people, cats can suffer from allergies. And like humans, felines may benefit from medications as part of an allergy treatment plan. Remember, however, that allergy medicine for cats isnt complete treatment for your cats allergies. Real relief comes from a multifaceted approach thats customized for your cats unique situation.

Before you start giving your cat any medication, bring them to the veterinarian. Your vet can confirm that your cats symptoms are indeed an allergic reaction and help you learn more about the appropriate treatment protocol.

If your cat has been grooming excessively, losing patches of fur, mutilating their own skin, or pulling out tufts of their own hair, theyre probably exhibiting an allergic response to something in their diet or environment. Several types of allergens affect cats, and identifying those allergens is key to helping your cat feel better.

Dont: Use Milk Or Cheese To Get Your Cat To Ingest Medication

Some cats adore the taste of milk and/or cheese, and while cats are lactose intolerant, some cats can have quite a bit of it before they feel any of the effects.

Still, you shouldnt ever give cats milk or cheese to mask medicine, because, as Dr. Tawnia Shaw, DVM pointed out in an interview with PetMD: some medicines do not do well if taken with high calcium foods. Doxycycline, an antibiotic, for example, gets bound to the calcium and then does not get absorbed.

Is it possible your particular medication is fine if its taken with milk or cheese? Yes but I dont think its ever worth the risk.

There are other snacks that are a lot better options if you really need to try something besides your cats main meal.

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Additional Treatments To Consider For Cat Allergies

  • Allergy shots Cat lovers who suffer from allergies can benefit from weekly injections that increase in potency for six months, followed by 3-5 years of monthly maintenance injections. This method is very effective, but may cause skin reactions.
  • Use an air purifier In rooms you share with your cat, clean the air with an air purifier that has a HEPA-certified filter. HEPA filters reduce airborne pet allergens by forcing air through a special filter that traps pet dander, as well as pollen, dust mites, and other allergens.
  • Bathe your cat While bathing your cat in the tub sounds terrifying, wiping your furry friend down with a wet towel daily can help lower his allergens.
  • Cat-free room Chose a room, preferably your bedroom to keep your cat out of. Dust and vacuum that room thoroughly and make an effort to keep your door closed.
  • Try medication For those looking to make medicine a part of their daily routine, oral antihistamines can help keep cat allergies under control. Intranasal corticosteroid spray and antihistamine eye drops are also options that can help.

Causes Of Allergies In Cats

Can You Give A Cat Benadryl For Pain

There are many things that cats can be allergic to and most are readily found in and around our homes. In some situations, this can make it difficult to eliminate the cause of a cat’s allergies.

  • Pollens: Tree, dust, grass, weed, mold, and mildew pollens can all cause allergies in cats. These environmental allergens are difficult to control.
  • Food: Food allergies are the third most common type of allergies in cats. There are many types of food that a cat can be allergic to but animal proteins such as chicken, beef, dairy, fish, and eggs are the most common culprits.
  • Fleas: A common cause of allergy in cats, flea bites cause cats to have irritating allergic reactions including hair loss, redness, and itching. Even indoor only cats can have fleas.
  • Medications: Cats can be allergic to flea medication, shampoos, and other medications.
  • Cleaning products: Detergents, floor cleaners, and disinfecting sprays can all cause allergies in cats.
  • Perfume: Strong perfumes and colognes can be irritating in their own right but some cats actually have allergies to them. Inhaled allergens are common causes of allergies in cats.
  • Smoke: Just like other inhalants, some cats are allergic to cigarette and other types of smoke.
  • Various surfaces: Fabrics, rubbers, and plastics are all types of surfaces that a cat can be allergic to. Some beds, food dishes, and floor mats may be problems for cats that have allergies to these specific surfaces.

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Benadryl For Cats: Final Thoughts

Here at Innovet, we want you to be as knowledgeable as you can when giving your pet anything. After all, cats, dogs, and other pets are a part of the family.

If your veterinarian has recommended Benadryl for your cat, then it is likely to be helpful. To avoid an overdose, follow the recommended dosage and instructions that your veterinarian gives you. Remember, Benadryl is safe for cats but only use to treat symptoms.

Make sure to consult your vet with any concerns or changes that your cat is experiencing. The bottom line is that giving your cat Benadryl is a decision you will have to make for yourself.

Dr. Ivana Vukasinovic

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade

Ivana Vukasinovic grew up in Serbia and attended the University of Belgrade where she received a degree in Veterinary medicine in 2012 and later completed surgical residency working mostly with livestock. Her first year of practice was split between busy small animal practice and emergency clinic, and after two more years of treating many different species of animals, she opened her own veterinary pharmacy where an interest in canine and feline nutrition emerged with an accent on fighting animal obesity. In her free time, she acts as a foster parent for stray animals before their adoption, likes to read SF books, and making salted caramel cookies.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sincerely,The Innovet Team

Cat Allergies In Infants

There is ongoing debate among scientists whether infants who are exposed to animals at a very young age are destined to develop allergies, or if the opposite is true. Recent studies have come to conflicting conclusions. A 2015 study found that exposing infants to cats and dogs at home is associated with a higher risk of developing allergies during the first four years of the childs life.

On the other hand, a 2011 study found that babies who live with cats, especially during the first year of life, develop antibodies to the pet and were less likely to acquire an allergy later.

A 2017 study found that cats and dogs may provide a benefit by exposing babies to certain healthy bacteria early in life. The study concluded that babies exposed to a cat or dog in the home during pregnancy may have fewer problems with allergies in the future than babies who werent exposed.

Your doctor will be able to answer questions you may have about your baby and your cat. For children who are allergic, removing fabric toys and stuffed animals and replacing them with plastic or washable ones may help relieve symptoms.

Avoidance is best to prevent the allergies in the first place. But if you discover youre allergic to your cat, there are other options than getting rid of your pet. Consider these strategies for reducing your symptoms.

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Can You Give A Cat Benadryl

When you have an allergic reaction, its easy to just pop a Benadryl to ease your symptoms. Many dogs are given Benadryl to help them fend off allergic reactions. But is this drug safe for cats too?

It is safe, says John Faught, a DVM and medical director of the Firehouse Animal Health Center in Austin, Texas. Benadryl is just an antihistamine, and it’s relatively safe for both dogs and cats.

Benadryl is the brand name for the drug. The active ingredient is diphenhydramine, which you also can buy if youre looking for a generic form of the medication. The Benadryl youd get at the vets office is the same drug youd buy off the shelf at your local grocery store.

Can Cats Have Benadryl We Explore The Uses Side Effects Dosage And Natural Alternatives

How to Control Allergies & Asthma Caused by Cats

Christopher Kjolseth – August 14th 2020

Accuracy Review& Edit: Nicole Wanner, DVM – July 9th 2021

When you have symptoms of allergies, you probably reach for a Benadryl to ease the itch. Likewise, it is also common for dogs to take Benadryl to fend off any allergic reactions, but what about Benadryl for cats?Though Benadryl is readily available and considered safe for people, drugs don’t always react the same way for our cats as they do for us. Read on to learn more about Benadryl for cats as we explore the usage, side effects, and natural alternatives.

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Pill Pockets For Getting Cats To Eat Medicine

Ah, pill pockets. Those tasty, kibble-lookalike products you can open up, pop a pill into, seal up, then hand over to your pet and watch as both you and your kitty get a treat at the same time.

If youve got quite a lot of medicine to be delving over, and dont want any fuss or hassle, you just want to see that medication go down, pill pockets are where its at.

I cant imagine a more convenient thing to have on hand for cats who take medication regularly.

What Is Benadryl Used For In Cats

Benadryl is most commonly used for itchy or allergic skin reactions, vaccine reactions or bug bites. Occasionally, the drug can work as a mild sedative that you can use during long car trips. Benadryl can be used as an anti-nausea or motion sickness medication, but Faught cautions that its best to use a different medication if thats the symptom youre trying to treat.

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Allergy Symptoms In Pets

The most common symptoms of allergies in cats and dogs are:

  • Skin itching, indicated by redness of the skin, paw licking, scratching, or head shaking
  • Respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, or sneezing
  • Digestive problems such as vomiting or diarrhea

Dr. Sypniewski says pet owners may also notice symptoms such as a pets hair loss or skin color changes and crusting. In rare cases, severe allergy can trigger anaphylaxis. If your pet has trouble breathing, seek emergency medical care immediately. This can be life-threatening.

Cat Allergy And Itch Relief Treatments

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Cat allergiescan turn even the sweetest feline into a cranky kitty.AtPetco, we havea great selection ofallergy medication for catsour variety of sprays, chews and tablets canhelp provide relief for thearray of symptoms caused byallergens. Shop online to getyour pets prescription allergy medicationconveniently delivered to your door. Visit any one of ourneighborhood Petco Pet Care Centersor shop onlineto check out all of ourover-the-countercat wellness supplies, fromto.

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Can You Take Pet Allergy Medications Every Day

Because corticosteroid nasal sprays may take up to a couple of weeks before they reach maximum effect, its recommended to use them daily. These medications may be a good option if you have symptoms such as a bothersome stuffy nose and encounter pet allergens often.

Antihistamines are recommended to be used regularly to treat mild symptoms like itching, sneezing, and runny nose.

If youre taking an antihistamine regularly, its recommended to select a newer generation antihistamine to help avoid drowsiness. Although there are no major safety risks associated with using corticosteroids and antihistamines together, studies have found that combining them doesnt provide a greater benefit.

Decongestants should only be used as needed. Nasal decongestants should only be used for up to 3 days at a time, and oral decongestants should only be used for up to 7 days at a time.

Natural Remedies For Cats With Seasonal Allergies

If your cat suffers from seasonal allergies and you want to use natural remedies instead of steroids or drugs, there are several options that might help your kitty.

Seasonal allergies can cause sinus inflammation, sneezing, coughing, excess mucous, runny eyes, yeast infections, and skin irritations like rashes and hot spots.

These natural remedies can fight those symptoms while avoiding the harmful side effects of many medications. However, you MUST discuss them with your vet before making any changes.

Here are ten natural remedies for cats that can help provide relief from seasonal allergies.

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Are There Any Potential Side Effects

Cetirizine does not typically cause any side effects. Vomiting and increased salivation has been observed in some dogs. At high doses, sleepiness has been reported in small dogs and cats. Any side effects that are severe or worsen should be reported to your veterinarian.

This short-acting medication should stop working within 24 hours, although effects can be longer in pets with liver or kidney disease.

My Cat Is Allergic To Fleas: What Do I Do

How to give oral medication to a cat
  • Fact Checked

You might not have guessed it, but cats can get fleas just as frequently as dogs do. In fact, flea bite hypersensitivity, or flea allergy dermatitis in cats, is the most common skin disease. There is even a specific species of flea called the cat flea, which is actually the flea that is most often responsible for the allergies found in dogs as well.

If a cat is allergic to fleas, he will scratch, bite, and lick at the bites that may be all over his body, which can be quite a bothersome condition, making life very uncomfortable for your furry feline friend. When cats are allergic, this incessant scratching and licking can lead to skin inflammation in cats, hair loss, and sores that make your pet more susceptible to developing secondary infections.

In order to provide your cat with some relief, you will have to take steps to remove the fleas from your cats environment, which may be easier said than done. This post is going to look into how to relieve the symptoms of a cat allergic to fleas and arm you with the right information you need to fight your cats flea infestation. Youll know what signs to look for as well as how to properly treat a flea allergy so you and your cat can go back to enjoying your lives together.

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Precautions To Take When Giving Benadryl To Cats

Just like in people, Benadryl can cause a wide range of symptoms. Your cat may act drowsy. The drug, sometimes, may also cause a cat to get amped up or hyper. Overdoses can lead to seizures, coma, difficulties breathing, and even death.

As with giving any new medication, its best to talk it over with your vet to see if Benadryl might be right for your cat and ensure that the dosage wont interfere with any other medications your cat may be taking.

Its also best to ensure that the medication is not masking a larger issue, says Faught.

Oftentimes, you can have mites or infection or something else that’s going on that might be the underlying component, he says. Benadryl treats a symptom it doesn’t necessarily take away an underlying problem.

If your cat is having a severe allergic reactionwith problems such as trouble breathingits best to contact your vet to discuss the issue instead of just giving Benadryl to see if the symptom disappears.

Image: iamreal-kobzeva via Shutterstock

Prescription Allergy Medicine For Cats

Help your kitty beat itches and sniffles with allergy medicine from the Chewy Pharmacy. Chewy carries lots of prescription allergy medicine for cats, including daily allergy pills, antihistamines and anti-inflammatories. You can also order prescription creams and tablets for treating skin allergies.

Your vet can advise you on the best allergy medicine for the types of allergies from which your kitty is suffering. She may recommend a short-term allergy medication for seasonal issues or a long-term allergy treatment regimen for more persistent issues. Your vet can also advise you on whether a lower-dose kitten allergy medicine might help a younger cat with allergies feel better.

Allergy relief can sometimes be achieved by avoiding outdoor allergens or through a limited ingredient or hypoallergenic diet. Your vet may suggest these or other interventions before trying a prescription allergy medication. Allergies in felines can appear as skin troubles, digestive issues, respiratory problems or ear or eye complaints. There are special allergy eye drops with eye irritations due to allergies and oral and topical therapies for other allergic symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions About Prescription Allergy Medicine for Cats

How do I get cat allergy medicine prescriptions online at Chewy Pharmacy?
What prescription cat allergy medicine is best?
What is the difference between over-the-counter and prescription allergy medicine?
How can I help treat my cat for allergies?

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Benadryl Dose For Cats: How Much Can You Give To Your Cat

Its vitally important to know the Benadryl dose for cats as it is actually the medications you can easily find over the counter and usually used to treat your skin rash, allergies, motion sickness, or runny nose. You may have heard that some cat owners also give this medication to their felines. Therefore, its reasonable to ask if its safe for cats. While the veterinarians approved the use of Benadryl, only they are allowed to administer this medication.

Its obvious that a cats anatomy is entirely different from the human body. As such, its not advisable to use the exact dosage of Benadryl on your furry little friend as you usually take for yourself. Diphenhydramine is the main active ingredient of this drug, which is obviously safe for pets. It also comes in many different forms, such as solid pills, crushed, or liquid, and it is always administered orally. According to the recommendations of some veterinarians, the Benadryl dose for cats is approximately one milligram for each pound of the cats body weight.

Here is the breakdown of the appropriate Benadryl dosage for cats by weight:

  • For a cat with 10 pounds of body weight, give approximately half of 25 mg in pill form.
  • If its a liquid form with a concentration of 12.5 mg/5 ml, its recommended to give your cat 4 ml of Benadryl liquid.


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