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Cat With Runny Nose And Sneezing

Why Is My Cat Coughing

Kitty got runny nose, sneezing or water eyes. Try this!

Cats can cough just like people do, but less frequently. When irritants, dust, mucus or other particles enter the cats airways, a protective reflex is triggered to get rid of them in the form of a cough. Coughing on rare occasions could be normal, but most cats do not cough unless something is wrong.

Nasal And Sinus Issues

Cats can also suffer from inflammatory conditions like rhinitis and sinusitis. Rhinitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, which we all know as a stuffy nose, and sinusitis is inflammation in the lining of the sinuses.

These two conditions often occur together in cats, termed rhinosinusitis, and are common complications of upper respiratory infections.


In addition to frequent sneezing, signs of rhinitis and sinusitis in cats include:

  • Clear nasal discharge in mild cases OR yellow, green or bloody in severe cases
  • Labored breathing, snoring and/or breathing through the mouth
  • Pawing at the face
  • Tearing and discharge from the eyes
  • Reverse sneezing
  • A lump on the bridge of the nose


Diagnosing rhinitis and sinusitis involves an evaluation of your cats medical history, along with a thorough physical examination. A rhinoscopy, which involves inserting a small endoscope into the nose or mouth for better visualization of the nasal structure, may also be needed along with a nasal wash to collect samples.

Treatment may include a nasal flush and broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat or prevent bacterial infections, along with a dose of steroids to open up the nasal and sinus cavities. Intravenous fluids and nutritional support may also be needed in severe cases.

Cat Sneezing: Causes And When Its A Concern

Have you noticed your cat sneezing often? If so, you might be concerned that theres a serious underlying problem causing this symptom. The good news is that most cat sneezing causes are not fatal ones, and that they can mostly be treated or managed with proper vet care.

Read through the article below to find out more about some of the most common causes of sneezing in cats and when these causes might require a visit to the vet.

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Keep Your Cat Comfortable

When your cat is under the weather, its more important than ever to make sure theyre comfortable. You can do this by keeping the temperature in your home at a warm but not hot level. Dont let your cat outdoors until theyre feeling better.

Its also important to ensure that your cats feeding area and litter box remain clean. The presence of bacteria can cause your cats symptoms to worsen. Utilizing a self-cleaning litter box can help you ensure that your cat always has a clean place to go to the bathroom.

Love Is Fleeting But Herpes Is Forever The Chronic Recurring Sneezing Cat

Sneezing In Cats: When Is It Time To See A Vet?

Cats get Herpes, just like humans do. Not the exact SAME Herpes, mind you you cant get Herpes from your cat. Nevertheless, cat Herpes behaves in many ways similar to human Herpes. For instance:

  • A cat exposed to Herpes once, has Herpes forever.
  • Vaccines protecting against Herpes do exist, but are often administered too late since Herpes can be transmitted in the womb.
  • Herpes may also be transmitted between sneezing cats.
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    How Do You Treat A Sneezing Cat

    Treatment for cat sneezing is typically targeted at the underlying cause where possible.

    While a wide variety of treatments are available, owners should be aware that the goal in most cases, especially chronic cases, is to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms, not to cure them.

    More research is needed to fully understand the role that infections play in cat sneezing, but repeated or prolonged courses of antibiotics have proved to be effective in controlling clinical signs.

    Cat Keeps Sneezing But Seems Fine

    Sneezing in a cat is not unusual, and there is no cause for concern. As in humans, sneezing in cats releases an explosion of air through the nose and mouth, often due to an allergic reaction to irritants in the nasal passages. Sneezing can occasionally be triggered by excitement or movement in cats.

    When a cat sneezes, it expels air through both of its mouths and nose. Sneezing is just a part of life in humans, and it is not a cause for concern. It is possible that your cat is suffering from chronic sneezing and other symptoms, such as fatigue or fever, and should be evaluated by a veterinarian. It is also possible for cats to develop secondary bacterial infections that can be treated with antibiotics. A cats immune system is the focus of treatment for these infections. If your cat sneezes, it could be due to a viral infection or an allergic reaction. The symptoms of this type of disease include persistent and severe sneezing accompanied by blood in cats. Chemotherapy and surgery may be used in addition to chemotherapy and removal of polyps. Cats may sneeze to remove a nasal obstruction as well as to clear their nasal openings.

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    How To Help Your Cat With A Runny Nose

    If your cats nose is stuffy as a result of environmental factors , you may need to bathe her in a warm bath to help her settle. You can also take a saline nasal rinse or use a humidifier to help with congestion. If your cat has a food allergy, you may need to try another food to see if that alleviates the symptoms. Some cats may also notice a reduction in their symptoms if they eat a specific type of food. If you do not feel your cat is well, you may need to consult a veterinarian.

    What Is Cat Sneezing

    Simple at home TLC for a Cat with a Cold | Runny nose

    Sneezing is an explosive expulsion of air from the mouth and nose. Sometimes a shower of discharge is also sprayed out. This can be clear, or it may be bloodstained or even yellow or green if an infection is present.

    Cat sneezing is usually a minor occurrence it should expel the irritant in their nose. However, sometimes repeated sneezing may be accompanied by other symptoms which could mean a bigger health issue.

    Excessive discharge from the nose or eyes, coughing or wheezing, reduced appetite and fatigue all may be seen in a sneezing cat.

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    What Causes Feline Upper Airway Infections

    Approximately 90% of all upper airway infections are caused by two common viruses: feline herpesvirus-1 and feline calicivirus. Feline herpesvirus is related to the virus that causes cold sores and chicken pox in people: however people cannot get sick from the feline virus. Upper airway infections in cats can also be causes by fungi or bacteria. It is common for cats to be co-infected infected with more than one agent at the same time which can make treatment and recovery longer and more difficult.

    My Cat Keeps Sneezing But Seems Fine

    So your cat is sneezing a lot but is eating well, drinking and playing like any other day? It may be time for an elimination game.

    Cats can be sensitive to strong smells, cleaners, smoke and dust, and many other things. These irritants can cause damage to a kittys lungs as well as different allergic responses like:

    Eye-watering and sneezing can be a result of:

    • irritants & allergens
    • Upper respiratory infection

    The use of home remedies and elimination of possible irritation can clear these symptoms within a week. Consult a veterinarian if symptoms dont improve in a day or two.

    Cat reverse sneezing

    When animals sneeze, they forcefully expel air from their noses to blow out mucus or other irritants.

    A reverse sneeze is a forceful inhalation when a cat or dog sucks air into its pharynx and windpipe. The pharynx houses the tonsils, soft palate, and tongue.

    How can I reduce cat sneezing and cat cough in the home?

    • Keep cat at a healthy weight
    • Dont smoke near your pets
    • Avoid grains and encourage an anti-inflammatory diet
    • Dont use harsh cleaners
    • Stop using your fireplace.
    • Eliminate anything with a strong aroma

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    Why Your Cat’s Nose Is Running


    Should you be worried if your cat’s nose is running? It really depends on the situation. The truth is that while some runny noses can be easily treated, it is sometimes indicative of a larger health issue. Read on to learn what causes runny noses in cats and to find out when you should take your cat to the veterinarian for treatment.

    Persian Cat Cant Breathe Through Nose

    What To Do For A Sneezing Cat

    At times, cats will have their noses congested so bad that the stuffiness causes breathing problems. This can happen to any cat breeds. However, the Persian and Himalayan cats have nose conformations that make them more prone to it. This is because of the flat face in the former and the nasal bone structure being stunted in the later making them predisposed to respiratory problems.

    They are known to sneeze without producing any discharge and normally get breathing problems due to the deformity. Where this is the case in any of the breeds, you can ease the breathing by adding some menthol vapor into the air.

    You can get plug in vapor emitters or add some menthol into a bowl of water placed close to the cat. When this is done, the cat breathes better and will be relieved of breathing problems. Mint oil can also be added to the water to achieve the same effect.

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    How Can I Soothe My Cats Sneezing

    If you dont have a vaporizer or nebulizer, you can simply take a hot shower and shut your cat in the bathroom with you while the room gets nice and steamy. Allow your cat to sit in the steamy bathroom for up to 15 minutes. The steam might help clear up your cats sinuses and reduce his constant sneezing.

    What Do I Do If My Cat Is Already Sick

    Diagnosing the exact cause of an upper airway infection can be difficult because many cats are co-infected. When you bring your cat to the veterinary office, it helps if you can remember what vaccinations your cat has had, when your cat may have been exposed to an infected cat, and when you cat began to show signs of being sick. Some laboratory tests may be necessary to help with the diagnosis.

    As in people, very few drugs can control viral infections, so treatment typically consists of keeping your cat warm, comfortable, and eating and drinking properly. Many sick cats lose their appetite because nasal congestion affects their sense of smell, so these cats may need to be tempted with baby food or another delicious treat. Discharge from the nose and eyes should be gently cleared away if the cat will allow it, and lesions in the mouth or eyes should be treated. You may be given a prescription for a broad-spectrum antibiotic to help combat any secondary bacterial infections. Dehydration can be a problem in seriously ill cats, so fluid therapy may be called for in some cases.

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    When Should My Cat See A Vet About Their Cold

    In most cases, cat colds are harmless and will go away within 1-2 weeks. That said, be sure to monitor your kitty’s health, and if there is no sign of improvement by the fourth day, you should make an appointment with your vet. A persisting cold that does not get treated properly could develop into pneumonia.

    It’s important to be extra careful with older cats, kittens, and cats with other conditions that may make them more susceptible to the effects of a cold. This is especially true of cats that are nursing, or that haven’t been vaccinated. If your cat falls into one of these categories, make an appointment immediately.

    In any case, if your cat begins coughing, has difficulty breathing, or stops eating, they need to see a vet as soon as possible.

    Note:The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

    What If My Cat Keeps Sneezing

    Sneezing Cat with snot

    It depends on the cause. If it is an isolated episode of cat sneezing, the issue is likely to go away and not return.

    If your cat starts sneezing suddenly and it lasts several days, there is a possibility that the issue will resolve, but treatment will likely be needed.

    If your cat suffers from chronic sneezing, however, they will likely be sneezing intermittently for the rest of their life. Persistence of sneezing to a chronic state substantially raises the odds that an underlying disease process is at play.

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    My Cat Has A Runny Nose What Should I Do

    If youve noticed that your cat has a runny nose, ideally a visit to the vet is the best course of action to determine what the cause is.

    There are a few things you can do at home to help alleviate signs of rhinitis and control your cats runny nose while waiting to take your pet to a veterinarian. Sometimes, this will help resolve the animals runny nose and a veterinary visit may not be needed!

    Keeping the area where your cat stays clean and free from dust, molds, and other possible irritants or objects that can be inhaled will help control a cats runny nose, especially if its been triggered by environmental factors.

    Humidifiers and nebulizers can help treat and control profuse nasal discharge in cats. Sterile water or saline solution can be used to help control mild inflammation of the nasal passages and decrease congestion to help the cat breathe easier.

    Cats depend on their sense of smell for their appetite. If they have a runny nose and their olfactory senses are compromised, they may lose their appetite. You can offer an alternative diet with a strong aroma to help stimulate their appetite. Warming up their food before offering can release more aroma to make it more attractive to cats with runny noses.

    What About Other Causes

    Some fungal infections can cause chronic upper respiratory tract disease these infections are more likely in certain geographic areas. Cancer affecting the upper respiratory tract is rare, but may need to be ruled out in certain cases . In a few cats, non-cancerous nasal polyps may cause chronic sneezing and discharge. There may be occasions when your veterinarian will need to rule out other causes such as trauma, foreign bodies trapped in the nose, or even dental disease.

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    Cat Sneezing And Not Eating

    A cat cold can be mild, as long as you do not sneeze . There could also be more serious illnesses, such as diabetes or obesity, and they could be more severe and show symptoms such as decreased appetite . Although the viruses that cause feline URIs differ from those that cause human ones , there are similarities.

    My cat is sneezing and not eating much. What should I do? Paws and Effect. If your cat has a cold, it is critical that you consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. You could also give your cat extra fluids by injecting it with a needle, which is free. The use of a needle or syringe can be used. If your cat refuses to eat or is losing weight, it is critical that you consult a veterinarian. Are feline leukemia and immunodeficiency tests the same?

    How Is The Cause Diagnosed

    My Cat Is Sneezing And Has Eye Discharge

    In order to determine the extent and nature of the disease it is important to get an accurate history. Any past respiratory or eye infections, previous trauma such as an accident or fight, or dental disease should be reported. Details such as the onset and progression of the problem and the color and consistency of the discharges are important. A thorough physical examination may also require blood work, swab samples for laboratory microscope examination and culture, radiographs, and tissue biopsy. Culture of the discharge may reveal a variety of bacteria, but these are often secondary invaders. Anesthesia may be necessary for a thorough nasal examination or to acquire certain diagnostic samples.

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    Treatment Of Runny Nose In Cats

    Treatment will vary depending on what is causing the runny nose. If a foreign object is lodged into your cats nasal cavity or polyps are present, the vet may need to perform emergency surgery to safely remove the object or polyps.

    A vet will prescribe medication to treat runny noses caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Its the cat owners responsibility to orally administer this medication at home and bring the cat in for a follow-up visit to ensure the infection has healed. Medication can include antifungals, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories if the nasal lining is irritated.

    Upper respiratory infections are often caused by viruses, and there are no medications to specifically treat these. However, cats are often prescribed antibiotics for these infections to treat secondary bacterial infections. Cat owners may be told to make sure the cat is drinking plenty of fluids while he recovers. Keeping the eyes and nose free of discharge while the cat recovers from cat flu is also important.

    One of the common causes of a runny nose in cats is exposure to allergens. If the vet thinks this is what is causing your cats runny nose, testing may be suggested. This will help you figure out what your cat is allergic to so you can reduce or eliminate the cats exposure to the allergen.

    Worried about the cost of Runny Nose treatment?


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