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HomeHow To Take Care Of Cats Teeth

How To Take Care Of Cats Teeth

Selecting A Tooth Brush And Tooth Paste

Cat Dental Health & Tooth Care : How to Brush Cat Teeth

Each cat should have his or her own toothbrush. Proper toothbrushes are soft and angled in order to adequately reach the back teeth. Some cats prefer small finger brushes.

Human toothpastes contain abrasives and detergents and should not be used in cats as they will swallow the paste. There are many toothpaste flavors available and most cats seem to prefer the seafood or poultry-flavored types.

Why Your Cat Needs Regular Dental Checkups

Your cat will benefit from regular dental checkups which will be performed by your veterinarian. These visits are important opportunities for your cat’s mouth to be thoroughly examined for any signs of dental problems. Depending on the results of the examination, your veterinarian may find it necessary to carry out professional dental cleaning. Since the procedure requires that the cat has to be placed under general anesthesia for dental cleaning, blood work is done first to determine if the cat is healthy enough to be given an anesthetic drug. Once the cat is under anesthesia, it is now possible for the vet to perform a comprehensive cleaning procedure that will include the following:

  • Complete oral exam and x-rays – this can help identify problems that are occurring under the gum line
  • Thorough cleaning under the gum line – this is important in preventing periodontal disease
  • Remove any buildup of plaque and tartar with dental scaling
  • Polishing of teeth to prevent plaque buildup and bacteria.

Start Your Cats Daily Dental Care Routine

Its not too tricky to get cats used to getting their teeth cleaned. Adult cats are often more resistant, though, so its a good idea to get them started young.

The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends getting cats used to the process while theyre kittens by using gauze along with toothpaste made specifically for cats.

You can also try dipping your finger into canned tuna or chicken before rubbing it on your kitty’s gums to make the experience more pleasant.

Once your cat understands the process, slowly transition to a bristled finger brush or other cat-specific toothbrush.

Daily brushing is the absolute BEST way to prevent dental disease.

Toothpaste specially designed for cats is readily available in flavors theyll enjoy. Do NOT try to brush your cat’s teeth with “people” toothpaste; if fluoride toothpaste is ingested, it can make your cat severely ill.

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Why Clean Your Cats Teeth

Cats in the wild dont need to worry about dental hygiene because their diet does the job for them. The bones and skin that they chew on scrape the plaque off of their teeth before it has a chance to cause any problems. However, this is not the case for our kitties.;Even though they;are getting the nutrients they need from their;kibble or canned cat food, these foods just dont clean their teeth like a diet of raw mouse might. This allows plaque and tartar to build up.

Will a little tartar really hurt a cat? It can. Our kitties are at risk for many of the dental issues that we ourselves try to avoid . And, as it can in humans, bacteria from periodontal disease can affect other organs in our cats and cause illness. Not to mention the discomfort they could experience from diseased gums or tooth decay.

The benefits of cleaning your cats teeth are clear. The next thing you might wonder is, Will I really be able to clean my cats teeth without requiring stitches? You will if you approach it the right way.

Brush Your Cats Teeth

Interesting Facts About Cat Teeth

Tooth brushing is the single most effective way to decrease plaque and tartar. We brush our own teeth on a regular basis to keep them healthy and regular brushing also improves the health of your cats teeth. Please make sure to introduce a tooth brushing routine slowly and use lots of patience, positive reinforcement, praise, and treats as needed. You should use a toothbrush that is comfortable for the small areas of your cats mouth and use toothpaste specifically for cats. When you brush your cats teeth, you may catch the early signs of oral problems. You may also notice fractured teeth or teeth with tooth resorption, a painful dental disease that results in the loss of the tooth structure.

Cause for ConcernIf your cat seems to have painful teeth, tartar, gingivitis , or if you notice a foul odor coming from your cats mouth, call your veterinarian. This indicates that your cats teeth should be professionally cleaned before you begin at home-care routine. Discuss your cats teeth and oral health care with your veterinarian at every visit.

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How To Take Care Of Cat Teeth

So that they can stay healthy and strong longer there are several things we must do. The first and most important is to give a cat food of excellent quality which has no by-products or cereals. This type of food has a higher price than the feed we find for sale in supermarkets but they take better care of their health.

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Also from time to time we can also give you raw bones which are large enough so that the hairy cannot get them in the mouth without first chewing them well.

Every day from the first day you arrive at home we can brush your teeth with a brush and a specific toothpaste for cats. Never use the toothpaste that we use because it is very toxic to him. Also once a year we have to take it to the veterinarian for a full review. In this way you can detect any possible disease and start treatment as soon as possible.

The Problem With Plaque On Your Cats Teeth

Plaque is the film you feel on your teeth when you wake up each morning, formed by saliva, bacteria and food particles. Plaque can quickly turn into tartar, a hard yellowish deposit on the teeth. It can also cause gum infection , which is the first stage of periodontal disease. Some 70 percent of cats have periodontal disease by the time they turn two, but other types of gum disease can occur earlier. Bacteria from plaque accumulation can cause infection in the lungs, liver, kidney and heart.

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A Home Dental Care Routine

A good dental care routine you can do at home includes brushing your cats teeth regularly, providing dental care supplements or chews, and a healthy diet.Many cats dont take kindly to messing with their mouths, but its possible to ease them into the process with patience and treats. The earlier you can start your cat on dental care, the easier it will be.

Brushing your cats teeth

Brushing your cats teeth is considered the gold standard of preventative oral care and should happen at least three times per week.

Start young! Training a kitten to allow you to brush their teeth is going to be your best bet for long-term success. Just like getting them used to touching their paws at a young age will make nail trims easier, getting them used to you touching the outside of their mouth, opening their mouth, and touching the outside of their teeth, will make trying to get in there with a toothbrush much easier.

Dr. Meghan Dail, Mid-Atlantic Cat Hospital

  • Proper tools: Youll need a cat toothbrush, toothpaste , and dental gauze or a finger brush.
  • Start slow: Get your cat used to you messing with its face and mouth. Gently rub around the mouth to start and gradually, when your cat is comfortable with it, try slipping your finger in between its lips and massaging or at least touching their gums.Once your cat accepts touching their gums, you can try rubbing your finger over their teeth as well.
  • Cat Dentist In Colorado Springs

    How to Clean Your Cat’s Teeth : How to Take Care of Your Cat

    It is important to understand that cats without teeth do very well. Although a diet change is often recommended, in some cases, no change is needed. Cats will often thrive with an improved body condition, improved systemic health, and likely exhibit a more loving behavior with a pain-free and comfortable oral cavity. If your feline is struggling with dental pain, schedule an exam with our Certified Veterinary Dentists at Animal Dental Care and Oral Surgery in Colorado Springs, CO, and well help return her to her happy, purrfect self.;

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    Why You Should Brush Your Cats Teeth

    Imagine not brushing your teeth for a year and youll have some idea of what its like being a cat. Plaque builds up and hardens after a few days into tartar, which is harder to remove. And thats not even counting what can happen under the gum line. Here are a few medical terms that will convince you the importance of brushing.

    • Plaque. The sticky, filmy stuff on your teeth .
    • Tartar. The brown crusty stuff that forms on cats teeth over time.
    • Periodontal disease. A serious gum infection that damages gums and can destroy the jawbone.

    We get ityou barely have enough time to brush your own teeth. The good news is that brushing your cats teeth shouldnt take more than 30 seconds per day. The more you do it, the easier dental care will be in the long run.

    Dentalife Dental Cat Treats

    Our Dentalife dental cat treats can be given daily as part of your cats tooth care routine. With delicious flavours like salmon and chicken, these treats have been scientifically designed for a thorough clean, thanks to the crunchy and porous texture.

    As an added benefit, our dental cat treats can even prevent plaque and tartar build up as they can clean even the hard to reach back teeth which are most prone to developing these problems.

    Start your cat on a daily oral care routine with Dentalife® cat treats the crunch that cleans!

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    What Can Go Wrong

    A lot can go wrong if you dont pay attention to your cats teeth. A cats teeth are strong, capable of tearing through flesh and crack bones. But since they are generally meat eaters it also makes them sensitive.

    And this is just scratching the surface. Just like humans can suffer cavities and rotten teeth, a cat can have those same consequences if its owner doesnt keep up with its dental health.

    • Plaque buildup is common in cats if their teeth are not brushed regularly. This plaque can harden in the future and become tartar which can hurt their gums and can lead to gingivitis or even a loss of the tooth.
    • Any dental pain or inflammation will make it difficult for your cat to drink or eat food.
    • The mouth is one of the easiest entryways for bacteria. If you dont keep your cats mouth clean, bacteria can enter your cats bloodstream and cause serious diseases.
    • The biggest consequence of long-term dental neglect is the eventual damage to the cats gums which hold the teeth in place. This condition is called periodontal disease and it can cause your cats teeth to fall off.

    Stimulate Their Gums While Brushing

    Take care of your cat

    Tooth decay usually starts with irritated or inflamed gums, so however youre able to maintain your cat’s oral health, dont forget to massage their gums when you can.

    Gums should normally be pink and healthy, not red in appearance or irritated. If your cats gums are inflamed and red, then it can be a sign of dental disease.

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    How To Take Care Of Your Cats Teeth

    We, humans, know how important dental care is. It is advised that we brush our teeth two times a day to keep them healthy. And this piece of health advice is not just for humans. Veterinarians all around emphasize that your pet cats dental health matters as well. Heres How to take care of your Cats Teeth.

    What Should I Feed My Cat To Avoid Dental Issues

    Similarly to humans, providing cats with a healthy and balanced diet will limit the chance of dental problems. Although diet alone will not control plaque, specially formulated dental diets may help to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

    Avoid feeding them sugary treats. Although sugar isnt poisonous to cats, it has no nutritional value and can erode enamel, leading to tooth decay and even dental disease. Instead, take a look at what to feed your cat in our guide.

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    Cat Teeth: 7 Natural Tips To Healing Cat Dental Problems

    Your cats teeth, and their care are vital in terms of keeping your cat healthy and preventing disease. Periodontal disease is the number one diagnosed problem in cats; by the age of three, 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease. Lack of healthy teeth and gums can lead to heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, stroke and even diabetes. In this article I will cover the cat teeth anatomy, the causes of dental disease, and the most important natural solutions to keeping your cats teeth and gums healthy at home.

    Cats start with deciduous teeth- similar to people. The teeth first erupt between the second to third weeks- at four months kittens start to lose these baby teeth, and gain the full number of 30 adult teeth by the ages of 6-7 months. Cat teeth are uniquely different from dogs; none of the teeth of cats have grinding surfaces. Cats have evolved to eat meat, and not chew or grind plant material.

    The big question then is what can you do? Fortunately there are many things, and I want to give you my most effective natural remedies.

    Dental Diet. If your cat is to eat kibble, ensure that it is a dry kibble with larger pieces that have to be chewed. Some food companies now produce specific dental diets which will lower tartar buildup. They are more abrasive on the teeth and some contain an enzyme which lowers tartar formation. These foods are available at your local veterinarian.

    Dr Andrew Jones

    Alternative Or Supplementary Home Care Techniques

    How Many Teeth Do Kittens Have? : Cats as Pets

    Some cats will not tolerate brushing no matter how much you persevere. In these cases, there are still ways in which you can help prevent plaque and tartar formation:

    • If your cat is on soft food then changing to or adding dry food to your cats diet may help to reduce plaque and tartar accumulation. However, ask your vet first to ensure a change of diet is suitable for your cat.
    • Cat dental chews are usually available from your vet and perhaps also from a pet shop. They come in different flavours and can be helpful in reducing plaque and tartar formation ask your vet what the most effective dental chews are.
    • If your cat likes the toothpaste you can try applying some toothpaste to dry food or dental chews to allow the toothpaste to rub against the teeth
    • Chlorhexidine mouthwashes or gels are available. These help reduce bacterial growth in the mouth, although prolonged use can discolour the tooth enamel.
    • Your vet may also suggest a special dental diet for your cat some diets have been specially formulated to help control plaque and tartar, and these may be particularly helpful in cats with dental disease where home brushing is very difficult.

    While it is likely that your cat will need dental treatment at some stage of their life, regular dental home care can dramatically improve oral health and reduce the necessity for dental procedures, which can be of benefit to you and your cat.

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    What Happens If You Don’t Brush Your Cat’s Teeth

    Without regular tooth brushing, plaque slowly accumulates and forms a film on the surface of the catâs teeth. Plaque is composed of food particles, saliva, and bacteria. If you don’t brush your cat’s teeth, plaque can eventually harden into tartar, the hard yellowish deposit on the surface of the teeth. Tartar is an important predisposing factor of gingivitis or the inflammation of the gums, which is the initial stage of periodontal disease. About 70% of cats have developed periodontal disease by the time they are 2 years old, but other dental issues can occur earlier. Bacteria that thrive on plaque build-up can get into the blood circulation and cause damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and other major organs of the body.

    Brush Your Cat’s Teeth To Prevent A Build Up Of Plaque

    We know, you’re probably reading this thinking How on earth am I going to brush my cats teeth? Have you met her?! Truth is, you might only be successful if you start when they’re a kitten, but give it a go anyway. Here’s what to do:

  • Sit down with your cat on your lap.
  • Pop some seafood-flavoured cat toothpaste on your finger for them to lick.
  • Let your cat see and play with the toothbrush this might be as far as you get the first time, but persist!
  • Repeat the first three steps, then gently open their mouth and brush their teeth from front to back in an oval pattern, getting the bristles in between and under the teeth.
  • Brush for under a minute it doesn’t take long.
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    Why Is Your Cats Dental Health So Important

    As we know, the function of your cats teeth is crucial, and your feline friend may feel vulnerable and frightened if her dental health is in any way compromised. However, in addition to the more obvious reasons for keeping your pets teeth in good condition, you might be surprised to learn that her dental hygiene also plays a significant part in her overall health and wellbeing.;;;Dental disease is a condition that will affect 70% of cats by the time they reach three years of age. It is the equivalent of periodontal disease in that it is characterized by the accumulation of plaque and tartar on your cats teeth along the gum line. The bacteria in them then progresses into the soft tissue of the gum, causing swelling, bleeding, tenderness and bad breath. Left untreated, the inflammation that is associated with dental disease has been shown to cause damage to other organs in the body including the kidneys, liver, and heart.;


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