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HomeEatMy New Cat Is Hiding And Not Eating

My New Cat Is Hiding And Not Eating

Will My Cat Come Out Of Hiding To Eat When Its Time To Eat

My CAT is HIDING and Won’t COME OUT ð?± (Why and What to Do)

It is only when your feline feels secure and comfy that she will start coming out of her hideout to eat. Most pet parents say that when they purchase a new cat, the anxious cat only appears to feed or use the litter box once there is nobody present, most often in the dark of night or whenever nobody is home.

Once your newfound cat companion becomes used to your house and your company, she will stop trying to hide in places where you are not expecting her to appear. Endurance should be your strength till that time comes!

How Do I Get My Cat Out Of Hiding

Generally, the harder you work to get your cat out of hiding, the more they will resist you. Patience is a must. In most cases, itâs best to walk away and let the cat come out on its own terms if you arenât in a hurry.

If you absolutely must get your cat out of hiding because youâre going to a veterinary appointment or heading out of town, here are a few ideas:

  • Keep the surroundings calm: Have your kids and other pets leave the room. Thereâs no need for every member of the family to call Fluffyâs name at top volume.
  • Use food to lure kitty out of hiding: Leave a trail of your catâs favorite treats, or pull out all the stops and open a can of tuna. Condition your cat to receiving treats by shaking the bag before offering the goodies. This way, your cat associates the sound of the shaking bag with getting treats, and may come out of hiding when you simply shake the treat bag.
  • Employ a favorite toy: Pull a string or drag a wand-style toy across the entrance to the hiding spot. Only the most reticent cat can resist.
  • Catnip for the win: Catnip, especially fresh catnip, is irresistible to cats. Rub some on a favorite toy and place it just outside kittyâs hiding place. Theyâll be out of hiding in no time!

Why Is My Cat Suddenly Not Eating

Your cat may have: Cat kidney disease . As the disease progresses, cats become more noisy and less willing to eat. Liver disease. Your cat may be nauseous and unwilling to eat. As with gastrointestinal disorders, your cat may be nauseated and unwilling to eat. Idswater.comwww.thesprucepets.com/cat-is-not-eating-4579814 Search: Why did a cat suddenly stop eating?

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Your Kitten May Have An Upper Respiratory Infection

Upper respiratory infections are not unusual in kittens and can cause decreased appetite due to nasal congestion, fever, or fatigue.

If your kitten has a stuffy nose, it will be harder for them to smell their food, and they may not eat as a result. If this happens, you may need to rely more heavily on wet foods, especially those that have strong aromas. If your kitten wont eat their usual wet food, try switching the flavor or texture to see if that helps.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, call your veterinarian:

  • Lots of sneezing

While some infections are viral and may not need medication, antibiotics are sometimes needed to resolve an infection and help your kitten feel better.

What Is Your Cat Saying When He Hisses

When we adopted Hunter he had an infection in his throat and wouldnt ...

Hissing is simply an expression of emotion Im upset, I feel threatened, Im uncomfortable, or Im scared. Whether your cat is hissing at veterinary staff or a newcomer to the household, your cat is feeling vulnerable, threatened, or insecure. If you try to correct or punish your cat for hissing, you will only make a bad or scary situation worse, and make your cat more upset.

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Could Your Cat Be Getting Food From Elsewhere

Some cats are better at self-regulating their intake than others. While some will continue to eat any and all food offered to them, others will stop when they are full.

If you have an outdoor cat that isnt eating, and you and your vet cant find any other cause, it might be worth considering whether they are eating elsewhere. This is most likely if your cat is maintaining their weight despite their apparent reduced diet. You can try attaching a note to their collar asking people not to feed them or shutting them in for a few days and seeing if they regain their appetite.

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Loss Of Appetite & Hiding Behavior In Cats

Some cats are very shy, and hiding may be normal for them if there is even the slightest change in their environment or there is a visitor in your home. On the other hand, some cats dont usually hide, and hiding may be considered unusual behavior for them.

Hiding is not normal behavior for cats unless your cat is very shy or there have been changes to its environment. Dr. Iulia Mihai, DVM

When your cat is not eating but hides more than usual, it is a sign that something is going on.

If you have a healthy cat, the typical reasons why it no longer eats and hides are stress, fear, and anxiety.

Think about whether there is a factor in its environment that could cause these changes. Did you bring a new pet into the house? Or maybe your cat has some unfinished business with your neighbors cat? Does your kitty panic every time you turn on the vacuum cleaner or when you want to clip its nails?

These are just some of the reasons that can cause stress to your cat.

Normally, this behavior fades with the disappearance of the stressor when the cat feels safe again. But what do you do when your cat doesnt eat for a while and starts hiding without any apparent reason?

It is normal that cats lack an appetite for a while, and they may also be hiding if they are stressed or anxious at the same time. However, if this behavior continues for more than 1-2 days, you need to see a vet.

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Scent First And Only Scent

Even once they have their established zones, cat and kitten will need to learn to share space. It is a good idea to have plenty of litter trays, food, and water bowls available . This is so that they are not competing for precious needs but they will need to learn to tolerate each others presence. Cats can be very stubborn. So just letting the kitten roam and hoping they eventually get used to it is unlikely to work often a more subtle approach is necessary. Mixing scents is an excellent way to slowly introduce the concept of a new kitten without the inevitable clashes that come with a sudden physical introduction.

Scent swapping can be done by:

  • Exchanging bedding from one cat to another.
  • Physical contact from you such as stroking first one cat and then immediately the other.
  • Allowing each cat to explore the others zone when the other cat is taken out of the way
  • Wiping a cloth around one cat and then wiping the cloth around furnishings in the other cats zone.

Scent is a really important sense to cats, so although it may feel like nothing is happening, these tactics will exert a huge influence on both cat and kitten. It is wise to repeat these actions frequently whilst still keeping the kitten and cat apart, and continue for a week or so. This allows the older cat plenty of time to become familiar with the new kittens scent, in a much more relaxed context than their initial meetings.

How Many Days Can A Cat Survive Without Eating Anything

Why is My Kitten Not Eating? – How to Stimulate Appetite

You may anticipate your cat to conceal for a total of one or two days if she is disappearing for causes other than severe sickness. Your cat will inevitably emerge from concealment to consume or drink water since she will get both hungry as well as thirsty.

A cat is able to survive without eating or drinking water for one or two days, according to typical data, thus that is why they will come out eventually.

Theoretically, many kittens may go up to 2 weeks without ingesting any nourishment as long as they drink plenty of water. Although if they do have access to clean drinking water, kitties typically could only live without a decent dietary peptide for three to five days.

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How Long Will It Take

All cats are individuals, and some tolerate new feline presences better than others. This process can vary from a few days to several months. It is best to follow your cat: check their body language and try and interpret if they feel comfortable or not. Only progress to the next stage when both seem relaxed and ready. Taking it slowly will pay off in the long run! If your older cat seems to be finding it difficult to accept the new kitten, pheromones or nutritional calming supplements can be of use in the initial period to help them overcome any anxiety. If you are really struggling, think about speaking to your vet, or a qualified behaviourist.

What You Can You Do At Home If Your Cat Is Hiding And Not Eating

The most important thing in such situations is to talk to your veterinarian.

Here are some simple short-term steps that may help you until you talk to the vet:

  • Feed your cat something that promotes its appetite you can also add tuna juice or broth to their food
  • Warm up your cats food if its cold
  • Give your cat some alone time a cat that hides wants to be left alone
  • Buy devices that can help your cat relax if you suspect stress

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Step Three: Letting The Kitty Explore

  • Fluffy will show her trust by coming to you voluntarily. Its now time to let her explore.
  • For Shy Kitties or Baby Kittens: Allow her to explore a little at a time. You want her to be able to find her safe room quickly if necessary.
  • Before you let Fluffy explore more rooms, scan them for hazards such as breakables, electrical cords, string or yarn, open windows, screens or doors, plants, etc. See the Danger List on our website for more information.
  • Open the safe room door, and let her move walk around where she wants. Dont carry her into other rooms she wont know how to find her way back.
  • She may be easily startled and run back to the safe room time and again. Thats a common reaction. Let her explore as slowly as she wants.
  • Its best to put Fluffy back in her safe room at night until shes confident in the whole house and youre confident she cant harm herself.
  • When Fluffy knows her way around, you can place the litter box and food in the places youve planned for them. Be sure to take her to them and show them to her.
  • If you have other pets, refer to the specific information for Introducing to a Other Pets. Slow and careful introduction to other pets is crucial. A bad first impression will take time to overcome.

I Just Got A New Kitten And My Old Cat Hates It What Do I Do

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Uh oh, disaster! Youve introduced an adorable new bundle of fluff into your home, but your older cat has taken offence and is refusing to tolerate the new addition. This may seem like a good time to panic, but the situation is usually manageable. Cats have very different social needs to us humans. Learning to live with another feline can take time and effort. If the initial introductions havent exactly gone to plan, read on to help salvage the situation!

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Where Might My Cat Be Hiding

For a cat to choose a hiding place it must feel both private and secure. Some cats will choose an elevated position to hide, such as on top of a wardrobe. This has the added benefit that they can still observe what is going on without being seen. Other cats prefer to retreat to a ground level hiding place, somewhere as far away as possible from any activity, or other cats, usually in a dark, enclosed space.

Often not being able to see the threat is enough to reassure your cat, so you may see your cat thinking they cant be seen when they simply have their head under a towel. You might see this behaviour when you take them to the vet, for example!

Your cat might also use their hiding places as sleeping or resting areas when they are relaxed and not feeling in any danger. Its a good idea to follow some basic cat etiquette and not to disturb your cat while they are using one of their hiding places and to avoid disrupting or cleaning the areas too frequently.

What Does The Process Look Like After Putting Your Cat To Sleep

After your pet has passed, you should feel free to take all the time you need in saying goodbye. Following the euthanasia procedure and when you are ready, your cats body will be prepared according to your wishes for either home burial, pet cemetery burial, or cremation. Decisions and arrangements for after-life care should be decided upon and arranged prior to euthanasia to avoid having to make decisions following your pets passing.

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What To Do If Your Cats Not Eating

Since cats as a species are quite good at hiding when they are in pain or not feeling well, its important to pay attention to any changes in your cats habits, especially when it comes to eating.

Contact your veterinarian if your kitten has not eaten for one to two days or if your adult cat has not eaten in two days.

Adult cats, especially those that are overweight, can develop a serious disease called hepatic lipidosis if they stop eating, so prompt action is important.

If your cat stops eating and also has these symptoms, take them to the vet immediately:

  • Hospitalization and fluid therapy

  • Medication to treat nausea or to stimulate the appetite

If your vet determines that your cat is healthy, but is just a picky eater, follow these tips:

  • Try feeding your cat foods with different textures, flavors, or shapes, and make sure to warm up wet foods if they have been refrigerated.

  • Buy only as much dry food as your cat will eat in a month, as some foods will go stale or become rancid if the package has been open for more than a month.

Its always best to know what is normal for your cat and to watch for signs that your cat is not eating so you know when to seek help.


  • Case LP, Daristotle L, Hayek MG, et al.Canine and Feline Nutrition: A Resource for Companion Animal Professionals. 3rd edition. Mosby Elsevier. Maryland Heights, Mo. 2011
  • Has Your Cat Travelled Or Had A Change In Environment

    Help! My New Cat is Scared of Me!!

    If your kitty has travelled or experienced a change in environment recently, such as a visit to the vet or a cattery stay? The journey itself could have provoked a lack of appetite and a need to hide. Car travel can also cause nausea for your cat. So if your pet has been in an unfamiliar situation, consider that they may be reacting due to fear or anxiety.

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    Your Cat Is Frightened

    Cats might get afraid for a variety of causes. Your cat will be more than sufficiently alarmed by the noise of a new washing machine motor or a straightforward furniture repair.

    A frightened cat would attempt to ignore these sounds or the origin of her fear and would eventually hide. It has an effect on her hunger as well, and a terrified cat would not consume until it has relaxed a bit.

    Your cat can also get scared when you have loud music on or have a social gathering with speakers on full blast. You should avoid creating a noisy atmosphere for your cat, or else she could develop anxiety issues. These anxiety issues can then become a problem if not addressed immediately.

    What You Should Do When Your Cat Hisses Or Hides

    • Give him space. Do not try to hold your cat or comfort him.
    • Let your cat feel secure. Do not stare at him. Let him hide.
    • Give your cat time. Cats may take hours to calm down, not minutes.
    • When he is calm, coax your cat out with food and/or catnip. Remember: do not look him directly in the eyes and approach from the side. You are less threatening this way.

    Obviously, there are many things that your cat may be upset by or dislike. By being aware that when your kitty hisses, he is feeling afraid, threatened, or uncomfortable, you can change or modify the way you interpret your cats behavior or inter-feline dynamics.

    Contributed by Dr. Evelyn Richer, DVM and Alana Stevenson, MS

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    What Changes Would I See In Coat Appearance And Amount Of Shedding

    Cats that are not feeling well do not tend to groom themselves very well. Therefore, you will usually see a messy or greasy coat, mats of fur, or clumps of loose hair. In some cases, you will see a difference in the coats shine or an increased amount of dandruff.

    Cats that are grooming themselves excessively may also have a problem. Excessive grooming may be a reaction to a skin problem such as allergies, a parasite such as fleas, mites or ringworm, pain such as that from arthritis or a bladder problem, or a response to stress. These cats might over-groom on all parts of their body, or they may lick themselves in one area so much that they develop bald spots and the skin beneath may be red and raw or may have a rash.


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